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April 5, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 2007
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LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES " NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Resolution summarizing the ¢lty'I ¢onoluIIon of the seven-year Comprehensive Plan Amendment A public hearing before the City of Shel- Commission is scheduled for April 16, : 6:00 p.m. in the Shelton Civic Center Chambers, located at 525 W. Street, to accept public comments on resolution summarizing the city's seven-year Comprehensive update required by RCW 36.70A. 130(4). the comprehensive plan update COmpleted in 2004 and amended develop- ment regulations, including: • Procedures for docketing suggestions the public for amending the City Corn- Plan and regulations in accor- RCW 36.70A.470(2); • a new Critical Areas Ordinance updated meet the "Best Available Science" stan- 36.70A.172; corrections to provisions related to fam- manufactured homes, and per- vlth handicaps consistent with RCW RCW 35.21.684, and RCW respectively; • establishing an ordinance for regulating as required by RCW and • ' numerous changes to subdivision regu- tions. public is invited to comment on the at the public hearing. A the proposed resolution is available from the City of Shelton Corn- Department, 525 W. Shelton WA 98584. Telephone: 4/5 1 t PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 3 OF MASON COUNTY OF INQUIRY by the COMMIS- UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 3 COUNTY FOR PUBLIC COM- INTERCONNECTION and NET STANDARDS PROPOSED UNDER THE PUB- REGULATORY POLICIES ACT !R 201, LAWS of 2006. !D PERSONS 1251 and 1254 of the Act of 2005 (EPAct), amend- 80.60 RCW, Chapter 201, (HB 2352), the Board of Corn- of the Mason County PUD No. 3 hereby gives notice that it will establishing standards to govern 1) nection of third-party generation electric utility delivery system; net metering service to electric con- Served by its electric utility delivery intends to hold a pub- to consider whether it is ap- adopt, in whole or in part, or not action and net-metering Per this notice, the Commission n COmments on the proposal set Utility Districts and Mason County PUD No. 3. standards and background in- be found at www.masonpud3. ) at the offices of Ma- No. 3 located at 307 West Shelton, WA or will be mailed (360) 426-8255. The invites written comments and be submitted between April 5, 24, 2007. After the close of ssion will have a work- pro- FROM THE PUBLIC and proposals in written or may be provided to Mason 3, Attention: Jay Himlie, Shelton, WA 98584, or via Proposals !JRPA purposes and long range benefits. Based and interventions received, the may establish an official service At a future date, the schedule a workshop or .Consider the comments and pro- f Act of 2005 2005, the President signed of 2005 (EPAct 2005). of EPAct emends section Utility Regulatory Poll- to require utilities on of standards for inter- and Whether it is appropriate to interconnection service that the electric util- "interconnection service" an electric consumer under on-site electrical generating facility may be con- (Sac- utilities must interconnection standards and, by August 8, 2007, as to whether it is ap- in whole or in SUch interconnection service of EPAct amends section by adding a new section for :n requires each elec- is appropriate upon request, net meter- consumer that the services. The term =net meter- means service to an electric con- which electric energy generated an eligible on- and delivered to the Io- may be used to offset provided by the electric utility Ig the applicable (Section 111(d)(11)). By law, must begin considering this 8, 2007 and make a final 8, 2008 whether to and offer such net meter- the relationship between net me- and interconnection stan- Commission has determined to jointly. State Requirements on State law requires all electric make net metering of electricity customer-generators, subject to qualifications (RCW 80.60) and limit- renewable and other resources. 2006 session, the Washington amended the state net me- HB 2352, Chap- This law amended the state's net metering statute utilities to offer net metering re- net metering capacity resources. Specifically, RCW amended by 1) raising the eligible facility size from 25 kW to 100 kW; 2) add- ing to the list of eligible facilities to include small combined heat and power facilities and those fueled by biogas from animal waste; 3) increasing the total capacity of net metered systems on the distribution system from 0.1% of the systems 1996 peak to 0.25%, with an additional increase to 0.5% in 2014; and 4) allowing a public utility district to specifically limit Jnterconnection to any distribution feed- er, circuit, or network based on safety or reli- ability (Chapter 201, 2006 laws). While this comparable standard qualifies as prior state action under EPAct 2005 and thereby would not require consideration, this Commission intends to seek public input on amending its net metering standards (including relevant interconnection standards) required pursuant to RCW 80.60. PUBLIC UTILITY REGULATORY POLI- CIES ACT PURPA is intended to encourage 1) the conservation of energy supplied by electric utilities; 2) the optimization of the efficiency of use of facilities and resources by electric utilities; and 3) equitable rates to electric con- sumers (Section 101). The Commission will consider whether a proposed standard for in- terconnection and net metering meets these purposes of PURPA. Under PURPA, electric utilities with total annual retail sales of 500 million kilowatt- hours must consider the new standards (Section 102(a)). However, electric utilities can choose whether it is appropriate to adopt the new standards in whole or in part or not adopt the standards. In addition, nothing un- der PURPA prohibits this Commission from modifying or adopting, or not adopting, a dif- ferent standard or rule pursuant to State law (Section 117(b)). Some electric utilities and States have already taken action with re- gard to these standards prior to enactment of EPAct. Should the Commission adopt the proposed interconnection standards in whole or in part, they may repeal and replace cur- rent standards. 3/29-4/5 2t PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 3 OF MASON COUNTY NOTICE OF INQUIRY by the COMMIS- SION of PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.3 OF MASON COUNTY FOR PUBLIC COM- MENT ON STANDARDS FOR TIME-BASED METERING AND COMMUNICATION PRO- POSED FOR CONSIDERATION UNDER THE PUBLIC UTILITY REGULATORY POLI- CIES TO INTERESTED PERSONS Pursuant to section 1252 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct), the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 3 of Mason County (Commission) hereby gives notice that it will consider establishing a 'lime-based metering and communica- tions" standard to govern 1) the offering of a time-based rate schedule to each of this elec- tric utility's customer classes and individuals; and 2) the provision of time-based meters to customers. The Commission intends to hold a public proceeding to consider whether it is appropriate to adopt, in whole or in part, or not adopt such time-based metering and communications standard. Per this notice, the Commission initiates the proceeding and invites written comments and proposals. Background information can be picked up at the offices of Mason County PUD No. 3, lo- cated at 307 West Cota Street, Shelton, WA 98584 or will be mailed by calling Jay Himlie at (360) 426-8255. The Commission invites initial written public comments and proposals to be submitted between April 5, 2007 and April 24, 2007. After the close of comments, the Commission will publish notice of a work- shop or hearing to consider comments or proposals received. COMMENTS AND PROPOSALS The Commission initiates this consider- ation process by inviting written comments or proposals on this topic to be submitted be- tween April 5, 2007 and April 24, 2007. Com- ments and proposals in written or electronic form may be provided to Mason County PUD No. 3 by submitting comments in writing to Jay Himlie, power supply manager, P.O. Box 2148, Shelton, WA 98584, or small jayh@ Proposals must address the three PURPA purposes and cost--effective long range benefits. All comments and pro- posals will be included in the Mason County PUD No. 3 Time-based Metering and Com- munications PURPA Proceeding. Based on comments and interventions received, the Commission may establish an official service list for the proceeding. At a future date, the Commission will schedule a hearing to con- sider the comments and proposals received. BACKGROUND Energy Policy Act of 2005 On August 8, 2005, the President signed the Energy Policy ACt of 2005 (EPAct). Sec- tion 1252 of EPAct amends Section 111(d) of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) to require utilities to consider a new standard for time-based metering and communications. This section requires each electric utility to consider whether it is appro- priate to offer each of its customer classes, and provide individual customers, upon cus- tomer request, a time-based rate schedule under which the rate charged by the electric utility varies during different time periods and reflects the variance, if any, in the utility's costs of generating and purchasing electricity at the wholesale level (Section 111(d)(14)). PURPA, as amended by EPAct, describes four types of time-based rate schedules that may be offered, including i) time-of-use pric- ing; ii) critical peak pricing; iii) real-time pric- ing; iv) credits for consumers with large loads who enter into pre-established peak load re- duction agreements (Section 11 l(d)(14)(B)). The time-based rate and communications standard also includes a provision whereby electric utilities provide, upon a consumer's request, time-based meters capable of en- abling the utility and customer to offer and receive such rates (Section 111(d)(14)(C)). By law, electric utilities must begin consid- ering this standard by August 8, 2006 and determine by August 8, 2007 whether it is appropriate to adopt the standard in whole or in part and offer such time-based meter- ing and communications service, or not adopt the standard. PUBLIC UTLITY REGULATORY POLI- CIES ACT PURPA Purposes PURPA is intended to encourage 1) the conservation of energy supplied by electric utilities; 2) the optimization of the efficiency of use of facilities and resources by electric utilities; and 3) equitable rates to electric con- sumers (Section 101). The Commission will consider whether a proposed standard for time-based metering and communications meets these purposes of PURPA and con- sider other applicable law. Cost-Effsotivenese In undertaking the consideration and mak- ing the determination required under PURPA with respect to the standard for time-based metering and communications established by section 111 (d)(14), this Commission must also determine that a potential time-based metering and communications standard is cost-effective (Section 115(b)). The Commis- sion will determine that a rate is cost-effective if the long-run benefits of such rate to Mason County PUD No. 3 and its electric consumers in the consumer class concerned are likely to exceed the metering and communications costs and other costs associated with the use of such rates. TIMEFRAME Under PURPA, electric utilities with total annual retail sales exceeding 500 million kilo- watt-hours must consider the new standard (Section 102(a)). However, electric utilities can choose whether it is appropriate to adopt the new standard. In addition, nothing un- der PURPA prohibits this Commission from modifying or adopting, or not adopting, a dif- ferent standard or rule, pursuant to State law (Section 117(b)). While electric utilities have until August 8, 2007 to make a determination for all customer classes whether to adopt in whole, in part, or not adopt a time-based rate and communications standard, PURPA also includes a provision for implementation of the standard for individual customers upon request on or after February 8, 2007 (Section 111(d)(14)(A)). Should a customer request time based rates after February 8, 2007 and before the Commission issues its Final Order in this proceeding, the Commission will grant the customer's request if the customer can demonstrate to the Commission in this pro- ceeding that the requested time based rate meets the Cost-Effectiveness test, PURPA purposes, and other applicable law. 3/29-4/5 2t YOU'LL FIND IT - ," ALL -ii3]i ' JOURNAL 'JI  OLA$$1FIED$ 426-441 2 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENTOF Natural Resources Doug Sutherland - Commissioner of Public Lands WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CENTRAL CASCADES LAND EXCHANGE NO. 86-079379 The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) proposes to reposition land assets across Washington through this exchange with Western Pacific Timber, LLC to consolidate ownership, provide long-term trust revenue that helps build public schools, universities and other public institutions, increase land management efficiencies and create public ownership areas large enough for sustaining multiple values such as habitat, recreation and forest resources. The Department of Natural Resources will hold public workshops and public hearings for the Central Cascades Land Exchange at the following times and locations. DATES: April 18, 2007 FORMAT: April 24, 2007 April 25, 2007 April 26, 2007 5:30- 6:30 p.m. 7:00- 9:00 p.m. Department of Natural Resources, Natural Resource Building, 1111 Washington Street SE, Olympia, WA 98504, First Floor- Room 172 Wenatchee Community Center, Social Hall 504 So. Chelan, Wenatchee, WA 98801 Goldendale High School. 525 Simcoe Drive, Goldendale, WA 9862O Hal Holmes Community Center, 201 North Ruby Street, Ellensburg, WA 98926 A workshop will be offered to review the proposal and discuss the transaction with Department staff. Public hearing. The purpose of this hearing is to provide information and receive testimony on the proposed Central Cascades Land Exchange. A summary of the testimony will be presented to the Board of Natural Resources at a regularly scheduled meeting, when and if the proposal is determined to have significant benefits. All written testimony must be received on or before May 28, 2007, and addressed to the State of Washington, Department of Natural Resources, Asset Management and Protection Division, ATTN: Pamela Plancich, Central Cascades Exchange, No. 86-079379, PO Box 47014, Olympia, WA 98504-7014, or e-mail comments to For more information, call (360) 902-1600. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS STATE: Portions thereof of the following described lands in Chelan County: Sec 16,20,22,28, T21N, R20E, Sec 16, T27N, R21E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Douglas County: Sec36, T23N, R20E, Sec16, T25N, R21E, Sec36, T24N, R20E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Kittitas County: Sec16, T17N, R20E, Sec2,10,16,22,24,36, T19N, R17E, Sec2,12,22,26,36, T19N, R18E, Sec 18, T19N, R19E, Sec36, T20N, R17E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Yakima County: Sec36, T13N, R17E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Klickitat County: Sec5,8,16, T3N, R12E, Sec22,29, T3N, R15E, Sec16, T3N, R18E, Sec9,16,36, T4N, R11E, Sec 31, T4N, R12E, Sec29, T4N, R13E, Sec16,36, T4N, R15E, Sec6, T4N, R17E, Sec17,19, T5N, R11E, Sec14, T5N, R14E, Sec12,16,36, T5N, R15E, Sec16, T5N, R16E, Sec2,6,12,16,20,28,32,34, T5N, R17E, Sec2,4,6,10, T5N, R18E, Sec22,36, T6N, R14E, Sec14,16,18,22,36, T6N, R15E, Sec14,16,18,36, T6N, R16E, Sec18,20,30,36, T6N, R17E, Sec20,22,24,34,36, T6N, R18E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Grays Harbor County: Secl6, T18N, RllW, Sec10,14,15,16,36, T19N, R12W, Sec8,9,10,12,13, 15,16,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,33,34,36, T20N, R12W. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Lewis County: Secl6, T12N, 1E, Sec16,36, T13N, R1E, Secl6, T12N, R2W, Sec24, T13N, R2W, Sec16,36, T14N, R2W. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Cowlitz County: Sec4,9,16,36, T6N, RlW, Sec24,25, T8N, R2W, Sec36, T10N, R2W. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Clark County: Sec7, T4N, R1E, Sec16,21, T5N, R1E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Pacific County: Sec9, T9N, R10W, Secl6. T10N, R10W, Sec23,24, T10N, RllW. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Spokane County: Sec36, T25N, R40E, Sec36, T25N, R42E, Sec 36, T28N, R43E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Stevens County: Sec16,22, T29N, R41E, Secl6, T31N, R37E, Sec36, T33N, R41E, Sec36, T36N, R37E, Sec6, T32N, R42E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Thurston County: Secl,2, T15N, R2W, Secl6, T16N, R1E, Secl6, T16N, R2E, Sec36, T17N, R1E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Pierce County: Secl6, T17N, R2E, Sec36, T18N, R3E, Sec36, T19N, R5E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Mason County: Sec22, T21N, R4W. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Snohomish County: Sec6, T28N, R7E, Sec36, T29N, R6E, Secl6, T30N, R6E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Whatcom County: Sec36, T39N, R3E, Sec16,36, T40N, R1E, Sec36, T41N, R1E. WESTERN PACIFIC TIMBER: Portions thereof of the following described lands in Kittitas County: Secl, T19N, R18E, Sec 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,23,25, T19N, R19E, Sec 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,18, 19,22,23,25,26,27, T19N, R20E, Sec7,19, T19N, R21E, Sec3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,17,19,21,23 ,25,27,29,31,33,35, T20N, R19E, Sec 19,25,26,27,29,31,33,35, T20N, R20E, Sec30,31, T20N, R21E, Sec33, T21N, R19E, Sec8,13,14,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,25,26,27,34,35, T17N, R16E, Sec19,21,23,29,31,33, T17N, R17E, Sec30, T18N, R16E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Yakima County: Sec3,5, T15N, R15E, Sec8,9,16,17,20,21,28,29,32,33, T16N, R15E, Secl,3,7,9,11,17,19,34, T16N, R16E, Sec5,6, T16N, R17E, Secl, T12N, R14E, Sec3,5,9, 11,15,17,19,21,26,29,31, T12N, R15E, Sec 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,17,18,22,23,27,28,29,31,32, 33, T13N, R15E. PLEASE NOTE: The meeting facility is barrier-free. Persons with a disability who need assistance or information in a different format should call (360) 902-1758 at least 10 (ten) days prior to the meeting, for alternative arrangements. The phone number for the WA State Telecommunications Relay Service is 1-800-833-6388. Please check our website for the latest news and individual parcel maps on this exchange at: www, i Thursday, April 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 43 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES " NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Resolution summarizing the ¢lty'I ¢onoluIIon of the seven-year Comprehensive Plan Amendment A public hearing before the City of Shel- Commission is scheduled for April 16, : 6:00 p.m. in the Shelton Civic Center Chambers, located at 525 W. Street, to accept public comments on resolution summarizing the city's seven-year Comprehensive update required by RCW 36.70A. 130(4). the comprehensive plan update COmpleted in 2004 and amended develop- ment regulations, including: • Procedures for docketing suggestions the public for amending the City Corn- Plan and regulations in accor- RCW 36.70A.470(2); • a new Critical Areas Ordinance updated meet the "Best Available Science" stan- 36.70A.172; corrections to provisions related to fam- manufactured homes, and per- vlth handicaps consistent with RCW RCW 35.21.684, and RCW respectively; • establishing an ordinance for regulating as required by RCW and • ' numerous changes to subdivision regu- tions. public is invited to comment on the at the public hearing. A the proposed resolution is available from the City of Shelton Corn- Department, 525 W. Shelton WA 98584. Telephone: 4/5 1 t PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 3 OF MASON COUNTY OF INQUIRY by the COMMIS- UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 3 COUNTY FOR PUBLIC COM- INTERCONNECTION and NET STANDARDS PROPOSED UNDER THE PUB- REGULATORY POLICIES ACT !R 201, LAWS of 2006. !D PERSONS 1251 and 1254 of the Act of 2005 (EPAct), amend- 80.60 RCW, Chapter 201, (HB 2352), the Board of Corn- of the Mason County PUD No. 3 hereby gives notice that it will establishing standards to govern 1) nection of third-party generation electric utility delivery system; net metering service to electric con- Served by its electric utility delivery intends to hold a pub- to consider whether it is ap- adopt, in whole or in part, or not action and net-metering Per this notice, the Commission n COmments on the proposal set Utility Districts and Mason County PUD No. 3. standards and background in- be found at www.masonpud3. ) at the offices of Ma- No. 3 located at 307 West Shelton, WA or will be mailed (360) 426-8255. The invites written comments and be submitted between April 5, 24, 2007. After the close of ssion will have a work- pro- FROM THE PUBLIC and proposals in written or may be provided to Mason 3, Attention: Jay Himlie, Shelton, WA 98584, or via Proposals !JRPA purposes and long range benefits. Based and interventions received, the may establish an official service At a future date, the schedule a workshop or .Consider the comments and pro- f Act of 2005 2005, the President signed of 2005 (EPAct 2005). of EPAct emends section Utility Regulatory Poll- to require utilities on of standards for inter- and Whether it is appropriate to interconnection service that the electric util- "interconnection service" an electric consumer under on-site electrical generating facility may be con- (Sac- utilities must interconnection standards and, by August 8, 2007, as to whether it is ap- in whole or in SUch interconnection service of EPAct amends section by adding a new section for :n requires each elec- is appropriate upon request, net meter- consumer that the services. The term =net meter- means service to an electric con- which electric energy generated an eligible on- and delivered to the Io- may be used to offset provided by the electric utility Ig the applicable (Section 111(d)(11)). By law, must begin considering this 8, 2007 and make a final 8, 2008 whether to and offer such net meter- the relationship between net me- and interconnection stan- Commission has determined to jointly. State Requirements on State law requires all electric make net metering of electricity customer-generators, subject to qualifications (RCW 80.60) and limit- renewable and other resources. 2006 session, the Washington amended the state net me- HB 2352, Chap- This law amended the state's net metering statute utilities to offer net metering re- net metering capacity resources. Specifically, RCW amended by 1) raising the eligible facility size from 25 kW to 100 kW; 2) add- ing to the list of eligible facilities to include small combined heat and power facilities and those fueled by biogas from animal waste; 3) increasing the total capacity of net metered systems on the distribution system from 0.1% of the systems 1996 peak to 0.25%, with an additional increase to 0.5% in 2014; and 4) allowing a public utility district to specifically limit Jnterconnection to any distribution feed- er, circuit, or network based on safety or reli- ability (Chapter 201, 2006 laws). While this comparable standard qualifies as prior state action under EPAct 2005 and thereby would not require consideration, this Commission intends to seek public input on amending its net metering standards (including relevant interconnection standards) required pursuant to RCW 80.60. PUBLIC UTILITY REGULATORY POLI- CIES ACT PURPA is intended to encourage 1) the conservation of energy supplied by electric utilities; 2) the optimization of the efficiency of use of facilities and resources by electric utilities; and 3) equitable rates to electric con- sumers (Section 101). The Commission will consider whether a proposed standard for in- terconnection and net metering meets these purposes of PURPA. Under PURPA, electric utilities with total annual retail sales of 500 million kilowatt- hours must consider the new standards (Section 102(a)). However, electric utilities can choose whether it is appropriate to adopt the new standards in whole or in part or not adopt the standards. In addition, nothing un- der PURPA prohibits this Commission from modifying or adopting, or not adopting, a dif- ferent standard or rule pursuant to State law (Section 117(b)). Some electric utilities and States have already taken action with re- gard to these standards prior to enactment of EPAct. Should the Commission adopt the proposed interconnection standards in whole or in part, they may repeal and replace cur- rent standards. 3/29-4/5 2t PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 3 OF MASON COUNTY NOTICE OF INQUIRY by the COMMIS- SION of PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.3 OF MASON COUNTY FOR PUBLIC COM- MENT ON STANDARDS FOR TIME-BASED METERING AND COMMUNICATION PRO- POSED FOR CONSIDERATION UNDER THE PUBLIC UTILITY REGULATORY POLI- CIES TO INTERESTED PERSONS Pursuant to section 1252 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct), the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 3 of Mason County (Commission) hereby gives notice that it will consider establishing a 'lime-based metering and communica- tions" standard to govern 1) the offering of a time-based rate schedule to each of this elec- tric utility's customer classes and individuals; and 2) the provision of time-based meters to customers. The Commission intends to hold a public proceeding to consider whether it is appropriate to adopt, in whole or in part, or not adopt such time-based metering and communications standard. Per this notice, the Commission initiates the proceeding and invites written comments and proposals. Background information can be picked up at the offices of Mason County PUD No. 3, lo- cated at 307 West Cota Street, Shelton, WA 98584 or will be mailed by calling Jay Himlie at (360) 426-8255. The Commission invites initial written public comments and proposals to be submitted between April 5, 2007 and April 24, 2007. After the close of comments, the Commission will publish notice of a work- shop or hearing to consider comments or proposals received. COMMENTS AND PROPOSALS The Commission initiates this consider- ation process by inviting written comments or proposals on this topic to be submitted be- tween April 5, 2007 and April 24, 2007. Com- ments and proposals in written or electronic form may be provided to Mason County PUD No. 3 by submitting comments in writing to Jay Himlie, power supply manager, P.O. Box 2148, Shelton, WA 98584, or small jayh@ Proposals must address the three PURPA purposes and cost--effective long range benefits. All comments and pro- posals will be included in the Mason County PUD No. 3 Time-based Metering and Com- munications PURPA Proceeding. Based on comments and interventions received, the Commission may establish an official service list for the proceeding. At a future date, the Commission will schedule a hearing to con- sider the comments and proposals received. BACKGROUND Energy Policy Act of 2005 On August 8, 2005, the President signed the Energy Policy ACt of 2005 (EPAct). Sec- tion 1252 of EPAct amends Section 111(d) of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) to require utilities to consider a new standard for time-based metering and communications. This section requires each electric utility to consider whether it is appro- priate to offer each of its customer classes, and provide individual customers, upon cus- tomer request, a time-based rate schedule under which the rate charged by the electric utility varies during different time periods and reflects the variance, if any, in the utility's costs of generating and purchasing electricity at the wholesale level (Section 111(d)(14)). PURPA, as amended by EPAct, describes four types of time-based rate schedules that may be offered, including i) time-of-use pric- ing; ii) critical peak pricing; iii) real-time pric- ing; iv) credits for consumers with large loads who enter into pre-established peak load re- duction agreements (Section 11 l(d)(14)(B)). The time-based rate and communications standard also includes a provision whereby electric utilities provide, upon a consumer's request, time-based meters capable of en- abling the utility and customer to offer and receive such rates (Section 111(d)(14)(C)). By law, electric utilities must begin consid- ering this standard by August 8, 2006 and determine by August 8, 2007 whether it is appropriate to adopt the standard in whole or in part and offer such time-based meter- ing and communications service, or not adopt the standard. PUBLIC UTLITY REGULATORY POLI- CIES ACT PURPA Purposes PURPA is intended to encourage 1) the conservation of energy supplied by electric utilities; 2) the optimization of the efficiency of use of facilities and resources by electric utilities; and 3) equitable rates to electric con- sumers (Section 101). The Commission will consider whether a proposed standard for time-based metering and communications meets these purposes of PURPA and con- sider other applicable law. Cost-Effsotivenese In undertaking the consideration and mak- ing the determination required under PURPA with respect to the standard for time-based metering and communications established by section 111 (d)(14), this Commission must also determine that a potential time-based metering and communications standard is cost-effective (Section 115(b)). The Commis- sion will determine that a rate is cost-effective if the long-run benefits of such rate to Mason County PUD No. 3 and its electric consumers in the consumer class concerned are likely to exceed the metering and communications costs and other costs associated with the use of such rates. TIMEFRAME Under PURPA, electric utilities with total annual retail sales exceeding 500 million kilo- watt-hours must consider the new standard (Section 102(a)). However, electric utilities can choose whether it is appropriate to adopt the new standard. In addition, nothing un- der PURPA prohibits this Commission from modifying or adopting, or not adopting, a dif- ferent standard or rule, pursuant to State law (Section 117(b)). While electric utilities have until August 8, 2007 to make a determination for all customer classes whether to adopt in whole, in part, or not adopt a time-based rate and communications standard, PURPA also includes a provision for implementation of the standard for individual customers upon request on or after February 8, 2007 (Section 111(d)(14)(A)). Should a customer request time based rates after February 8, 2007 and before the Commission issues its Final Order in this proceeding, the Commission will grant the customer's request if the customer can demonstrate to the Commission in this pro- ceeding that the requested time based rate meets the Cost-Effectiveness test, PURPA purposes, and other applicable law. 3/29-4/5 2t YOU'LL FIND IT - ," ALL -ii3]i ' JOURNAL 'JI  OLA$$1FIED$ 426-441 2 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENTOF Natural Resources Doug Sutherland - Commissioner of Public Lands WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CENTRAL CASCADES LAND EXCHANGE NO. 86-079379 The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) proposes to reposition land assets across Washington through this exchange with Western Pacific Timber, LLC to consolidate ownership, provide long-term trust revenue that helps build public schools, universities and other public institutions, increase land management efficiencies and create public ownership areas large enough for sustaining multiple values such as habitat, recreation and forest resources. The Department of Natural Resources will hold public workshops and public hearings for the Central Cascades Land Exchange at the following times and locations. DATES: April 18, 2007 FORMAT: April 24, 2007 April 25, 2007 April 26, 2007 5:30- 6:30 p.m. 7:00- 9:00 p.m. Department of Natural Resources, Natural Resource Building, 1111 Washington Street SE, Olympia, WA 98504, First Floor- Room 172 Wenatchee Community Center, Social Hall 504 So. Chelan, Wenatchee, WA 98801 Goldendale High School. 525 Simcoe Drive, Goldendale, WA 9862O Hal Holmes Community Center, 201 North Ruby Street, Ellensburg, WA 98926 A workshop will be offered to review the proposal and discuss the transaction with Department staff. Public hearing. The purpose of this hearing is to provide information and receive testimony on the proposed Central Cascades Land Exchange. A summary of the testimony will be presented to the Board of Natural Resources at a regularly scheduled meeting, when and if the proposal is determined to have significant benefits. All written testimony must be received on or before May 28, 2007, and addressed to the State of Washington, Department of Natural Resources, Asset Management and Protection Division, ATTN: Pamela Plancich, Central Cascades Exchange, No. 86-079379, PO Box 47014, Olympia, WA 98504-7014, or e-mail comments to For more information, call (360) 902-1600. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS STATE: Portions thereof of the following described lands in Chelan County: Sec 16,20,22,28, T21N, R20E, Sec 16, T27N, R21E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Douglas County: Sec36, T23N, R20E, Sec16, T25N, R21E, Sec36, T24N, R20E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Kittitas County: Sec16, T17N, R20E, Sec2,10,16,22,24,36, T19N, R17E, Sec2,12,22,26,36, T19N, R18E, Sec 18, T19N, R19E, Sec36, T20N, R17E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Yakima County: Sec36, T13N, R17E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Klickitat County: Sec5,8,16, T3N, R12E, Sec22,29, T3N, R15E, Sec16, T3N, R18E, Sec9,16,36, T4N, R11E, Sec 31, T4N, R12E, Sec29, T4N, R13E, Sec16,36, T4N, R15E, Sec6, T4N, R17E, Sec17,19, T5N, R11E, Sec14, T5N, R14E, Sec12,16,36, T5N, R15E, Sec16, T5N, R16E, Sec2,6,12,16,20,28,32,34, T5N, R17E, Sec2,4,6,10, T5N, R18E, Sec22,36, T6N, R14E, Sec14,16,18,22,36, T6N, R15E, Sec14,16,18,36, T6N, R16E, Sec18,20,30,36, T6N, R17E, Sec20,22,24,34,36, T6N, R18E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Grays Harbor County: Secl6, T18N, RllW, Sec10,14,15,16,36, T19N, R12W, Sec8,9,10,12,13, 15,16,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,33,34,36, T20N, R12W. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Lewis County: Secl6, T12N, 1E, Sec16,36, T13N, R1E, Secl6, T12N, R2W, Sec24, T13N, R2W, Sec16,36, T14N, R2W. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Cowlitz County: Sec4,9,16,36, T6N, RlW, Sec24,25, T8N, R2W, Sec36, T10N, R2W. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Clark County: Sec7, T4N, R1E, Sec16,21, T5N, R1E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Pacific County: Sec9, T9N, R10W, Secl6. T10N, R10W, Sec23,24, T10N, RllW. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Spokane County: Sec36, T25N, R40E, Sec36, T25N, R42E, Sec 36, T28N, R43E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Stevens County: Sec16,22, T29N, R41E, Secl6, T31N, R37E, Sec36, T33N, R41E, Sec36, T36N, R37E, Sec6, T32N, R42E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Thurston County: Secl,2, T15N, R2W, Secl6, T16N, R1E, Secl6, T16N, R2E, Sec36, T17N, R1E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Pierce County: Secl6, T17N, R2E, Sec36, T18N, R3E, Sec36, T19N, R5E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Mason County: Sec22, T21N, R4W. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Snohomish County: Sec6, T28N, R7E, Sec36, T29N, R6E, Secl6, T30N, R6E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Whatcom County: Sec36, T39N, R3E, Sec16,36, T40N, R1E, Sec36, T41N, R1E. WESTERN PACIFIC TIMBER: Portions thereof of the following described lands in Kittitas County: Secl, T19N, R18E, Sec 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,23,25, T19N, R19E, Sec 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,18, 19,22,23,25,26,27, T19N, R20E, Sec7,19, T19N, R21E, Sec3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,17,19,21,23 ,25,27,29,31,33,35, T20N, R19E, Sec 19,25,26,27,29,31,33,35, T20N, R20E, Sec30,31, T20N, R21E, Sec33, T21N, R19E, Sec8,13,14,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,25,26,27,34,35, T17N, R16E, Sec19,21,23,29,31,33, T17N, R17E, Sec30, T18N, R16E. Portions thereof of the following described lands in Yakima County: Sec3,5, T15N, R15E, Sec8,9,16,17,20,21,28,29,32,33, T16N, R15E, Secl,3,7,9,11,17,19,34, T16N, R16E, Sec5,6, T16N, R17E, Secl, T12N, R14E, Sec3,5,9, 11,15,17,19,21,26,29,31, T12N, R15E, Sec 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,17,18,22,23,27,28,29,31,32, 33, T13N, R15E. PLEASE NOTE: The meeting facility is barrier-free. Persons with a disability who need assistance or information in a different format should call (360) 902-1758 at least 10 (ten) days prior to the meeting, for alternative arrangements. The phone number for the WA State Telecommunications Relay Service is 1-800-833-6388. Please check our website for the latest news and individual parcel maps on this exchange at: www, i Thursday, April 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 43