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April 5, 2007 |
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Gravel mine can grow
Bayshore Sand and Gravel has
gained authorization to rezone
property in order to continue
gravel mine operations in a new
After a public hearing held in
March, the Mason County Com-
mission authorized rezoning three
parcels totaling 149.94 acres from
Rural Residential 5 and 20 zones
to Rural Natural Resources.
A mining geologist and a
groundwater specialist spoke at
a public hearing on March 20,
saying the proposal was within
acceptable standards and would
not bring any significant chang-
John Konovsky, speaking on
behalf of Squaxin Island Tribe,
said the tribe has a good relation-
ship with the family that owns
the mining company. He said
Johns Creek, which runs through
part of the property in question,
is very important to the salmon
resources of Puget Sound.
Konovsky said one of the criti-
cal areas where salmon return to
PROBATE NO. 07 4 00049 7
In the Matter of the Estate of ELIZABETH
The personal representative named be-
low has been appointed and has qualified
as personal representative of this estate.
Persons having claims against the deceased
must, prior to the time such claims would be
barred by any otherwise applicable statute of
limitations, present the claim in the manner
provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or
mailing to the personal representative or the
personal representative's attorney at the ad-
dress stated below a copy of the claim and fil-
ing the original of the claim with the court. The
claim must be presented within the later of:
(1) Thirty days after the personal representa-
tive served or mailed the notice to the creditor
as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2)
four months after the date of first publication
of the notice. If the claim is not presented
within this time frame, the claim is forever
barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW
11.40.051, and 11.40.060. This bar is effec-
tive as to claims against beth the decedent's
probate and nonprobate assets.
29, 2007.
Personal Representative: SANDRA
SHOEMAKER, 210 E. Benson Lk. Rd.,
Grapeview, Wa. 98546
Counsel for the Personal Representative,
G. Charles Schmidt 620 W. Cotd St., Shel-
ton, Wa. 98584, (360) 427-12'66 Shelton,
Washington 98584 (360) 427-1266
This case is filed in the Mason County
Superior Court under the above caption and
3/29-4/5-12 3t
Mason County Department of Public
Works will begin the spring application of
herbicides for vegetation control along coun-
ty roads on or after April 30, 2007 weather
permitting. You may obtain a detailed list of
the roads involved in the Spray Program by
contacting the Mason County Department of
Public Works office (address and telephone
number shown below). The list of roads is
also available on the Mason County Web
page; http://www.co.mason.wa.usldefault.
Those property owners that are adjacent
to the areas to be sprayed, and do not want
the spraying to take place, may enroll in our
"Owner Will Maintain" program. Those prop-
erty owners who have already enrolled in
the program and designated their property
as "No Spray," will not need to contact the
Public Works office - their property will not
be sprayed.
Please feel free to contact the Mason
County Department of Public Works office
with any questions you may have. Phone:
(360) 427-9670, Ext. 450• [Belfair residents
toll free number: 275-4467; and Elma resi-
dents toll free number: 482-5269.] The mail-
ingaddress for Mason County Department of
Public Works is P O Box 1850, Shelton, WA
98584, and the office is located at 415 North
Sixth Street in She/ton.
4/5-12 2t
PROBATE NO. 07-400045-4
In the Matter of the Estate of: CHARLES
R. LHOTKA, Deceased.
The Personal Representative named be-
low has been appointed and has qualified
as Personal Representative of this estate.
Persons having claims against the deceased
must, prior to the time such claims would be
barred by any otherwise applicable statute
of limitations, serve their claims on the Per-
sonal Representative or the attorney of re-
cord at the address stated below and file an
executed copy of the claim with the Clerk of
this Court within four months after the date
of first publication of this notice or within four
months after the date of the filing of the copy
of this notice with the Clerk of the Court,
whichever is later or, except under those pro-
visions included in RCW 11.40.011 or RCW
11 A0.013, the claim will be forever barred•
Date of Filing Notice to Creditors with
Clerk of Court: March 26, 2007
Date of First Publication: March 29, 2007
Personal Representative: Cheryl A. Prat-
Address: c/o P.O. Box 1821, Belfair, WA
Attorney for Estate: Daniel L. Goodell of
Goodell Law, Inc. P.S.
Address: P.O. Box 1821, Belfair, WA
Telephone: (360) 275-9505
DATED this 23 day of March, 2007.
/s/Daniel L. Goodell
Attorney for the Estate of Charles R.
3/29-4/5-12 3t
spawn in August and September
is a tributary on the property.
However, the tribe and the com-
pany have been able to work to-
gether to take measures to pro-
tect the salmon in the creek. The
tribe does not oppose the rezone,
but hopes to moving forward in
crafting the best way to preserve
available resources while allow-
ing the family to continue bust-
ness operations, he added.
"I'm very happy, Jolan, that
you and the tribe stepped for-
ward and you seem to have a
great relationship with the own-
er," Commissioner Tim Sheldon
said. Commissioner Lynda Ring-
Erickson reminded those attend-
ing the hearing that the proposal
concerns zoning and not the per-
mitting of land uses.
I00est acts take center
fiddle, the gospel music of Gil
and Betty Palmer, Michael and
Matthew Bartness on fiddle, the
bluegrass of Runaway Train,
Sarah Comer on fiddle, Susan
Wilson on fiddle, Mama's Pride
and Katie Keller on fiddle. The
preshow will feature the old-
time music of Rosin in the Air.
Tickets are $10 for one show
and $25 for all three. They are
on sale at Sage Book Store, 116
West Railroad Avenue in down-
town Shelton, the North Ma-
son Chamber of Commerce in
Belfair, Music 6000 in Olympia
and Laurie's Gifts and Liquor in
Hoodsport. Proceeds will benefit
SOCK, Save Our County's Kids.
Fiddle Fest also features a
spaghetti feed from 5 to 6:30
p.m., between the shows on Sat-
urday. Admission is $5, with en-
tertainment provided by Mama's
Pride, Salty Sashayers, and Jeff
Anderson and Jane Johnson.
To round out the weekend of
music, there will be a Fiddle Jam
and Talent Search at 1 p.m. at
the Community & Transit Cen-
ter, 601 West Franklin, the old
armory across the street from
(Continued from page 36.)
piano, Michael and Matthew
Bartness on fiddle, Andy Ander-
son on piano, Floyd Engstrom
on fiddle and Stuart Williams on
fiddle. Preshow entertainers will
be Vern Morgus and Paul Bar-
ber on guitar, harmonica and
Acts scheduled for 7 p.m. on
April 7 are Educats, Phil and
Vivian Williams on fiddle, Ty-
ler Hagood on fiddle, the Har-
monicans, Stewart Williams on
Lilliwaup club
plans potluck
People living on the west side
of Hood Canal are invited to at-
tend a potluck meeting at 6:30
p.m. on Thursday, April 12, at
the Lilliwaup Community Club.
All those planning to attend
are encouraged to bring their
favorite breakfast and dessert
"comfort foods" to share with oth-
Non-perishable food items will
also be accepted to donate to a lo-
cal food bank.
Mt. Olive Lutheran Church .. ..,[ t"
Missouri Syllod ' ............ [
. UIIICe € *,
I 20,, East Wyandotte Avenue ....... €,.
I 4/5 MaundyThursday ............... 7pro. .......... OrJL;i;;;
I 416 (,ood Friday " Daycare ; = ...... ,-
I 4/8 Easter Service ..... 630 & 10:30 am. 421-]!65 ...... .X, I
[ Bn, akfastS-lOam Pastor j/ ::'!"
I www.mtoliveshelton.org Kris Kunkel I
C CrossPolnt Service Traditional Service i
A more contemporary servke A more traditional seFvit'e " "::
that begins at 9;00 AM that be,gins at ,
........... i.i. ......... . Praise Band • Praise Team 1 0145 AM
• Contemporary Message Choir
Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM • Childcare both services
_.=. E.LC•A. Pastor Steve Olson
426-8611 1212 Connection St.
Traditional Worship ...... 8:45 a.m.
A Sunday School ............ 10:00 a.m.
Cbrit-cttred Contemporary Worship I 1 a.m.
Church "'"
* Bible Stmty * Dayca M-F 462-5437 ° Youth Activities
dRm b
Sunday School 9:30 am
Morning Celebration 10:45 am
Eve. Celebration 6:00 prn
Wed. Family Night
J.A.M. for Kids 6:00 pm
Youth 6:00 pm
Adult Bible Study 6:30 pm
I "Where you wi//find love"
(360) 426-6402
1521 Monroe St..
Shelton, WA 98584
$helton Senior Center Building
826 W Railroad Ave - Downtown ShaRon
Sponsored by Rlvera of Grace Church - www.rlveraofgrace.org
405 S. Seventh St. • Shelton, WA 98584 4, 360.426.2758 @ www.gatewaycf.com
................. ! ......
Sunday 9:00 a.m. Celebration Service
10:30 a.m. Celebration Service, Attended Nursery, Children's
1:30 p.m. Hispanic (Bilingual) Worship Service
4:00 p.m. Freedom in Recovery 12-Step (Childcare provided)
Tuesday 6:30 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Service
Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Mid-week Service, SoulFire Youth and Children's
Ii i'l I illlll I II I I I I II I I
"Helping people become whole in Iesus Christ"
Page 44 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 2007
You can count on them
The faculty at Hood Canal School recently presented
Garrett Bishop and Twana Machado with trophies in
recognition of their academic performance in math
studies. Awards also were presented for attendance,
spelling, reading, homework and citizenship.
['UD 1 ba,cks dams
The PUD 1 Commission has
gone on record as opposing re-
moval of the Snake River dams.
A resolution passed on March
27 finds that the Columbia and
Snake rivers "provide multiple
benefits to the Northwest's econ-
omy, including energy production,
irrigation, flood control, trade and
wildlife conservation and fishing."
The commission comprises Karl
Dennison, Jack Janda and Ron
Gold. The resolution found that
"any losses in the federal hydro-
system capacity and energy
necessarily result in developing
of more fossil-fueled generati0
accelerating global warming J
climate change concerns."
The resolution states tb
salmon survival rates have it
proved thanks to "fish-friend
ladders" and other improveme
and indicates the commission
poses "onerous changes in f.
eral hydrosystem operations
are not science-based or cost4
,5T. O00vld.00 C00lu00.c00l
Freedom Preached and Practiced
Easter Week
Good Friday Service ..... Noon
Easter Vigil ... Saturday, 7 p.m.
Easter Services
7:30 a.m. • 9a.m. • I0:30 a.m.
Worship at 324 West Cedar Street
Office phone: 426-8472.
Heavenly Gifts
Thurs.-Sat. 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Phone: 462-4438
AN K.ota CLUac
New Couuni00
Church of Umoa
j Sunday Gathermg
. (All are welcome/)
8:30 and 10:30
at the e
Union Fire Hall r
50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592 t
360-898-7855 ....
web site: www.nccu.info | c
She/ton Church of C00/st
740 : Dayton.Airport Road • 360-426-1169
Sund=y Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study
Worslfip & Communion 10:45 a.m. Christian Counseling
Worship 2 p.m. Agape Counselir2 Center
Nondenominational * Family Centered
Corner of Highway 101 and Railroad Ave..426-701
Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m.
Easter Sunrise Service 6 a.m. at Panhandle Lake
First IBapti,tt Church www. sheltonfbc.
428 W. Cota Street, Shelton, WA 98584 360.426.8461 entail fbc@hc: ,€6
Pastors: Gary S chwarz and Glen K eeffe I i fegi.v.
Sunday Worship Services: 9.0 & 10:30 am
Adult Bible Classes: 8, 9 & ! 0:30 am [ Latino Worship $er
Children's Ministry:. 9 & 10:30 am [Nursery--2nd grd.]
Tweeners Discovery ClaSes: 9 am [3rd--Tth grd.] I Sundays. 6 p
YOU m Truth Project: 9am |Bth--12th grd.} Pastor Esau Del Arl
m LatJno Youth proal
Wednesdays Nights: YOU Church 5SSpm [6-12th grd.l Thursdays 6:30
AWANA CLUB--Wednesday 6:15 - 8:00 pm [K-Sth, el--Ap#'il I
Small Groups av,ule mrougom the -.-. haring lift,giving hope, far everyday
Www Iel ton fl .or /, mdl KJRp
A place to experience God's presence...
A place to belong...
I Sunday School -- 9:30 AM 1331 E. Shelton Springs Rd
Worship Celebration -- 10:45 AM Shelton, WA 426.1298
Sunday Evening -- 6:00 PM http:llnazarene.hctc.com
Sabbath School (all ages) 9:30 a.m. Saturday
Worship Service I 0:S0 a.m. Saturday !
210W. Shelton Valley goad (360) 426-2776
Washington State Accredited -- Certified Teaching Staff
201 W. Shelton Valley Road (360) 426-4198
,elton United Methodist Church
* Holy Thursday Service
6 p.m.
* Good Friday Service
• Easter Bonfire & Children's Festival
,%turday, 4/7 at 7 p.m.
• Easter Worship
9 a,m. & 11 a.m. Easter Sunday
)n t
I leen
( ant
t ight
I'or ]
t nd
t ion,
Gravel mine can grow
Bayshore Sand and Gravel has
gained authorization to rezone
property in order to continue
gravel mine operations in a new
After a public hearing held in
March, the Mason County Com-
mission authorized rezoning three
parcels totaling 149.94 acres from
Rural Residential 5 and 20 zones
to Rural Natural Resources.
A mining geologist and a
groundwater specialist spoke at
a public hearing on March 20,
saying the proposal was within
acceptable standards and would
not bring any significant chang-
John Konovsky, speaking on
behalf of Squaxin Island Tribe,
said the tribe has a good relation-
ship with the family that owns
the mining company. He said
Johns Creek, which runs through
part of the property in question,
is very important to the salmon
resources of Puget Sound.
Konovsky said one of the criti-
cal areas where salmon return to
PROBATE NO. 07 4 00049 7
In the Matter of the Estate of ELIZABETH
The personal representative named be-
low has been appointed and has qualified
as personal representative of this estate.
Persons having claims against the deceased
must, prior to the time such claims would be
barred by any otherwise applicable statute of
limitations, present the claim in the manner
provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or
mailing to the personal representative or the
personal representative's attorney at the ad-
dress stated below a copy of the claim and fil-
ing the original of the claim with the court. The
claim must be presented within the later of:
(1) Thirty days after the personal representa-
tive served or mailed the notice to the creditor
as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2)
four months after the date of first publication
of the notice. If the claim is not presented
within this time frame, the claim is forever
barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW
11.40.051, and 11.40.060. This bar is effec-
tive as to claims against beth the decedent's
probate and nonprobate assets.
29, 2007.
Personal Representative: SANDRA
SHOEMAKER, 210 E. Benson Lk. Rd.,
Grapeview, Wa. 98546
Counsel for the Personal Representative,
G. Charles Schmidt 620 W. Cotd St., Shel-
ton, Wa. 98584, (360) 427-12'66 Shelton,
Washington 98584 (360) 427-1266
This case is filed in the Mason County
Superior Court under the above caption and
3/29-4/5-12 3t
Mason County Department of Public
Works will begin the spring application of
herbicides for vegetation control along coun-
ty roads on or after April 30, 2007 weather
permitting. You may obtain a detailed list of
the roads involved in the Spray Program by
contacting the Mason County Department of
Public Works office (address and telephone
number shown below). The list of roads is
also available on the Mason County Web
page; http://www.co.mason.wa.usldefault.
Those property owners that are adjacent
to the areas to be sprayed, and do not want
the spraying to take place, may enroll in our
"Owner Will Maintain" program. Those prop-
erty owners who have already enrolled in
the program and designated their property
as "No Spray," will not need to contact the
Public Works office - their property will not
be sprayed.
Please feel free to contact the Mason
County Department of Public Works office
with any questions you may have. Phone:
(360) 427-9670, Ext. 450• [Belfair residents
toll free number: 275-4467; and Elma resi-
dents toll free number: 482-5269.] The mail-
ingaddress for Mason County Department of
Public Works is P O Box 1850, Shelton, WA
98584, and the office is located at 415 North
Sixth Street in She/ton.
4/5-12 2t
PROBATE NO. 07-400045-4
In the Matter of the Estate of: CHARLES
R. LHOTKA, Deceased.
The Personal Representative named be-
low has been appointed and has qualified
as Personal Representative of this estate.
Persons having claims against the deceased
must, prior to the time such claims would be
barred by any otherwise applicable statute
of limitations, serve their claims on the Per-
sonal Representative or the attorney of re-
cord at the address stated below and file an
executed copy of the claim with the Clerk of
this Court within four months after the date
of first publication of this notice or within four
months after the date of the filing of the copy
of this notice with the Clerk of the Court,
whichever is later or, except under those pro-
visions included in RCW 11.40.011 or RCW
11 A0.013, the claim will be forever barred•
Date of Filing Notice to Creditors with
Clerk of Court: March 26, 2007
Date of First Publication: March 29, 2007
Personal Representative: Cheryl A. Prat-
Address: c/o P.O. Box 1821, Belfair, WA
Attorney for Estate: Daniel L. Goodell of
Goodell Law, Inc. P.S.
Address: P.O. Box 1821, Belfair, WA
Telephone: (360) 275-9505
DATED this 23 day of March, 2007.
/s/Daniel L. Goodell
Attorney for the Estate of Charles R.
3/29-4/5-12 3t
spawn in August and September
is a tributary on the property.
However, the tribe and the com-
pany have been able to work to-
gether to take measures to pro-
tect the salmon in the creek. The
tribe does not oppose the rezone,
but hopes to moving forward in
crafting the best way to preserve
available resources while allow-
ing the family to continue bust-
ness operations, he added.
"I'm very happy, Jolan, that
you and the tribe stepped for-
ward and you seem to have a
great relationship with the own-
er," Commissioner Tim Sheldon
said. Commissioner Lynda Ring-
Erickson reminded those attend-
ing the hearing that the proposal
concerns zoning and not the per-
mitting of land uses.
I00est acts take center
fiddle, the gospel music of Gil
and Betty Palmer, Michael and
Matthew Bartness on fiddle, the
bluegrass of Runaway Train,
Sarah Comer on fiddle, Susan
Wilson on fiddle, Mama's Pride
and Katie Keller on fiddle. The
preshow will feature the old-
time music of Rosin in the Air.
Tickets are $10 for one show
and $25 for all three. They are
on sale at Sage Book Store, 116
West Railroad Avenue in down-
town Shelton, the North Ma-
son Chamber of Commerce in
Belfair, Music 6000 in Olympia
and Laurie's Gifts and Liquor in
Hoodsport. Proceeds will benefit
SOCK, Save Our County's Kids.
Fiddle Fest also features a
spaghetti feed from 5 to 6:30
p.m., between the shows on Sat-
urday. Admission is $5, with en-
tertainment provided by Mama's
Pride, Salty Sashayers, and Jeff
Anderson and Jane Johnson.
To round out the weekend of
music, there will be a Fiddle Jam
and Talent Search at 1 p.m. at
the Community & Transit Cen-
ter, 601 West Franklin, the old
armory across the street from
(Continued from page 36.)
piano, Michael and Matthew
Bartness on fiddle, Andy Ander-
son on piano, Floyd Engstrom
on fiddle and Stuart Williams on
fiddle. Preshow entertainers will
be Vern Morgus and Paul Bar-
ber on guitar, harmonica and
Acts scheduled for 7 p.m. on
April 7 are Educats, Phil and
Vivian Williams on fiddle, Ty-
ler Hagood on fiddle, the Har-
monicans, Stewart Williams on
Lilliwaup club
plans potluck
People living on the west side
of Hood Canal are invited to at-
tend a potluck meeting at 6:30
p.m. on Thursday, April 12, at
the Lilliwaup Community Club.
All those planning to attend
are encouraged to bring their
favorite breakfast and dessert
"comfort foods" to share with oth-
Non-perishable food items will
also be accepted to donate to a lo-
cal food bank.
Mt. Olive Lutheran Church .. ..,[ t"
Missouri Syllod ' ............ [
. UIIICe € *,
I 20,, East Wyandotte Avenue ....... €,.
I 4/5 MaundyThursday ............... 7pro. .......... OrJL;i;;;
I 416 (,ood Friday " Daycare ; = ...... ,-
I 4/8 Easter Service ..... 630 & 10:30 am. 421-]!65 ...... .X, I
[ Bn, akfastS-lOam Pastor j/ ::'!"
I www.mtoliveshelton.org Kris Kunkel I
C CrossPolnt Service Traditional Service i
A more contemporary servke A more traditional seFvit'e " "::
that begins at 9;00 AM that be,gins at ,
........... i.i. ......... . Praise Band • Praise Team 1 0145 AM
• Contemporary Message Choir
Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM • Childcare both services
_.=. E.LC•A. Pastor Steve Olson
426-8611 1212 Connection St.
Traditional Worship ...... 8:45 a.m.
A Sunday School ............ 10:00 a.m.
Cbrit-cttred Contemporary Worship I 1 a.m.
Church "'"
* Bible Stmty * Dayca M-F 462-5437 ° Youth Activities
dRm b
Sunday School 9:30 am
Morning Celebration 10:45 am
Eve. Celebration 6:00 prn
Wed. Family Night
J.A.M. for Kids 6:00 pm
Youth 6:00 pm
Adult Bible Study 6:30 pm
I "Where you wi//find love"
(360) 426-6402
1521 Monroe St..
Shelton, WA 98584
$helton Senior Center Building
826 W Railroad Ave - Downtown ShaRon
Sponsored by Rlvera of Grace Church - www.rlveraofgrace.org
405 S. Seventh St. • Shelton, WA 98584 4, 360.426.2758 @ www.gatewaycf.com
................. ! ......
Sunday 9:00 a.m. Celebration Service
10:30 a.m. Celebration Service, Attended Nursery, Children's
1:30 p.m. Hispanic (Bilingual) Worship Service
4:00 p.m. Freedom in Recovery 12-Step (Childcare provided)
Tuesday 6:30 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Service
Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Mid-week Service, SoulFire Youth and Children's
Ii i'l I illlll I II I I I I II I I
"Helping people become whole in Iesus Christ"
Page 44 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 2007
You can count on them
The faculty at Hood Canal School recently presented
Garrett Bishop and Twana Machado with trophies in
recognition of their academic performance in math
studies. Awards also were presented for attendance,
spelling, reading, homework and citizenship.
['UD 1 ba,cks dams
The PUD 1 Commission has
gone on record as opposing re-
moval of the Snake River dams.
A resolution passed on March
27 finds that the Columbia and
Snake rivers "provide multiple
benefits to the Northwest's econ-
omy, including energy production,
irrigation, flood control, trade and
wildlife conservation and fishing."
The commission comprises Karl
Dennison, Jack Janda and Ron
Gold. The resolution found that
"any losses in the federal hydro-
system capacity and energy
necessarily result in developing
of more fossil-fueled generati0
accelerating global warming J
climate change concerns."
The resolution states tb
salmon survival rates have it
proved thanks to "fish-friend
ladders" and other improveme
and indicates the commission
poses "onerous changes in f.
eral hydrosystem operations
are not science-based or cost4
,5T. O00vld.00 C00lu00.c00l
Freedom Preached and Practiced
Easter Week
Good Friday Service ..... Noon
Easter Vigil ... Saturday, 7 p.m.
Easter Services
7:30 a.m. • 9a.m. • I0:30 a.m.
Worship at 324 West Cedar Street
Office phone: 426-8472.
Heavenly Gifts
Thurs.-Sat. 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Phone: 462-4438
AN K.ota CLUac
New Couuni00
Church of Umoa
j Sunday Gathermg
. (All are welcome/)
8:30 and 10:30
at the e
Union Fire Hall r
50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592 t
360-898-7855 ....
web site: www.nccu.info | c
She/ton Church of C00/st
740 : Dayton.Airport Road • 360-426-1169
Sund=y Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study
Worslfip & Communion 10:45 a.m. Christian Counseling
Worship 2 p.m. Agape Counselir2 Center
Nondenominational * Family Centered
Corner of Highway 101 and Railroad Ave..426-701
Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m.
Easter Sunrise Service 6 a.m. at Panhandle Lake
First IBapti,tt Church www. sheltonfbc.
428 W. Cota Street, Shelton, WA 98584 360.426.8461 entail fbc@hc: ,€6
Pastors: Gary S chwarz and Glen K eeffe I i fegi.v.
Sunday Worship Services: 9.0 & 10:30 am
Adult Bible Classes: 8, 9 & ! 0:30 am [ Latino Worship $er
Children's Ministry:. 9 & 10:30 am [Nursery--2nd grd.]
Tweeners Discovery ClaSes: 9 am [3rd--Tth grd.] I Sundays. 6 p
YOU m Truth Project: 9am |Bth--12th grd.} Pastor Esau Del Arl
m LatJno Youth proal
Wednesdays Nights: YOU Church 5SSpm [6-12th grd.l Thursdays 6:30
AWANA CLUB--Wednesday 6:15 - 8:00 pm [K-Sth, el--Ap#'il I
Small Groups av,ule mrougom the -.-. haring lift,giving hope, far everyday
Www Iel ton fl .or /, mdl KJRp
A place to experience God's presence...
A place to belong...
I Sunday School -- 9:30 AM 1331 E. Shelton Springs Rd
Worship Celebration -- 10:45 AM Shelton, WA 426.1298
Sunday Evening -- 6:00 PM http:llnazarene.hctc.com
Sabbath School (all ages) 9:30 a.m. Saturday
Worship Service I 0:S0 a.m. Saturday !
210W. Shelton Valley goad (360) 426-2776
Washington State Accredited -- Certified Teaching Staff
201 W. Shelton Valley Road (360) 426-4198
,elton United Methodist Church
* Holy Thursday Service
6 p.m.
* Good Friday Service
• Easter Bonfire & Children's Festival
,%turday, 4/7 at 7 p.m.
• Easter Worship
9 a,m. & 11 a.m. Easter Sunday
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