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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 5, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 2012
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City commissioners review chamber committee request By NATALIE JOHNSON nataZie@nlc~soncoun( Small or LARGE Catering, marketing, organizing services available! Celebrate over lOO years of community involvement by participating in ~be 2012 Mason Fair eye, Is.t ~~ pril 14 112 Supplies & [nstructio bamboo~tissue star ad~ a free ticket to DragonFest! $10/person Ca11427-5599 ]br information,r A ]Fair Affair! April 19 16:00 pm Olympic HallI Mason Fairgrounds Live music, dinner & auction dessert by OlymlOic A4tn. Ice Cream! Proceeds support departments at the 2012 Fair! Tickets: $10 (Kids uuder 5 FREE) Available at the Pine Tree & 7bziet:~ Call 427-SS99 to reserve. /luction iten~ welcome/ fundraising Event to st~port the Buihting Superintemtents and Fair Departments! April 20 ] 3-10 pm April 21 ] 10 am -!0 pm April 22 ] 10 am- 3 pm at the h4ason Fairground~ W aat' , Dra$omFe$t? A community celebration including: • Lantern Festival FRI & SAT • Earth Day activities • Live music & entertainment • Dragon Stepsfire breathers & dancers • Food, vendors & exhibits • Fair activities in barns & buildings • FRE.~ trees from Pdanke! • Paul Bunyan & Babe! Cash PrizesJbr the best lanterns! Tickets: Adults $5/ Kids FREE available at." Tozier Bros• l-lice Hard, rare Pine Tree Restaurant Call 42 7-ES99 for details,t Save the Date: :2012 Mason Area Fair Rodeo JULY 27-29 Mason County FaiQ[rounds ~o Sbelton, WA Mason County NPRA Rodeo F~day 7:00pm I Sat'urday 6:00pro The City of Shelton commission reviewed a set of requests by the Shelton Mason County Chamber of Commerce's Shelton Alliance for Viable Economic Revitalization (SAVER) committee for the third time Monday. The committee decided to for- mally request that the city consid- er implementing some or all of its requests, which it argues will sup- port new business growth in down- town Shelton, said Steve Goins, the city's community and economic development director. "We've had this dialogue be- tween SAVER and the city for some time," Goins said. "There had been some requests for clarity on what these requests were and quite a bit of time had transpired." The SAVER committee used to report to the chamber's govern- ment affairs committee, but now reports directly to the chamber board. In November 2011, SAVER first made five recommendations to the City of Shelton, that chamber di- rector Heidi McCutcheon then said would help new businesses flourish in downtown Shelton. The city commission asked that the committee clarify some of the requests. Then in Feburary, Goins pre- sented to the city commissioners what he called a refined version of the five suggestions, and again the board had questions about each of the requests and asked for more clarification. The first of the five suggestions is a temporary moratorium on sig- nage requirements; allowing busi- nesses 180 days to install a perma- nent sign, rather than the current deadline of 30 days. The second suggestion involves Journal file photo Steve Goins, City of Shelton community and economic development director, said the city commission has received a formal request from a Shelton Mason County Chamber of Commerce committee to ease restrictions and taxes to promote small business growth in downtown Shelton. waiving business and occupation (B&O) taxes for new businesses in Shelton's downtown core for the first year of operation. Third, SAVER would like the city to waive transportation im- pact fees (TIF) for new businesses in existing buildings in the down- town core. McCutcheon said this is intended to draw business owners to downtown Shelton. A fourth recommendation is to im Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, April 5, 2012 shown to help small businesses Last SAVER asked that the city work with the Economic Develop- ment Council of Mason County to create marketing materials to draw new businesses to vacant spaces in Shelton. At Monday evening's city com- mission meeting, the committee again presented the list of re- quests to the commission. "[The committee decided that] create "low-rent incubator space" Instead of continuing to refine in downtown. According to SAV- what these requests are, that ER, these spaces are statistically they would make these requests known," Goins said. The committee asked the com- mission to look at each request separately, rather than as one package. "The committee asked the city to look at the individual requests on their own merit," he said. "The commission seemed amenable to that." In the short term, Goins said the city plans on updating it's Transportation Impact Fees soon, which could affect SAVER's third recommendation.