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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 5, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Rib Eye Roast Lb. !ii 'i Rib Eye Steak Bone In 1/2 Hams Lb. Boneless Pork Loin Roast 1729 OLYMPIC HWY. N. SHELTON • (360) 426-165(` Every day 9 a.m.- 6 p.m Dragon Steps, a fire dancing group, performed at the Mason Area Fair last year. They will perform at Dragonfest from April 20-22 at the fairgrounds. Courtesy photo also Event will be first help encourage people to support a ii iii iiii i!i !ii iiiiiii i i i!ii!!i7i ii i i i iiiii!iiiii!i i i i ii iii i ii! i! ii ii!i i!!ii ! iii !7iiiii i!i i!ii !j iii !iiii i i i iiiiii i i ne irgrounds location ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .... no one does anything ... there for new fairground won't ben fairgrounds in two years," she said. management By NATALIE JOHNSON ~!~ ~ ~ 0nAp~i)~ ~ While volunteers were sometimes scarce at previous fairs, local resi: 3 ~ onAp~i~22 : dents are coming in droves to Mason Area Fair Board meetings now, Han- i~!iiiii~iw~ii~i~iP~iiii~i~i~iii~iiii!iiiiii!iiii~!~i~!~iii~!iiii~i~!~ii!ii!iii!i!~!~i!i~!iii!i!iiii!i~ii~i!ii!~iiii!~ii sen said. The meetings used to draw ii!i~iiifai~rgr~iiii~ii!~ii~iii~ii~iiiiii~}!ii~i~i~i~!~iii~i~ii~i~!iii!~i~!i~i!ii~ii~iiiiiiii~!ii~iiiii!!iiii!i~i!~iii!ii~ii~!~ii~iiiii~iii~!ii~iii~iii~i~iiiiiii~i~i~i!iiiii~i! only aboutfive people, but at the last Dragonfest 2012, scheduled for Na~i~iAd~!~$~ ch~!~6~ she said. , April 20-22, will be the first event at fr~ What we re hoping to do is get the fairgrounds since the port leased ,! people involved in the fair earlier," it to Northwest Event Organizers in she said. February. and they need a lot of work, Rachel Some people have offered to help John and Rachel Hanson of North-Hanson said. "It's also exhilarating spruce up the fairgrounds in creative west Event Organizers took over in away." ways. Community groups and local the lease of the Port of Shelton's In particular, volunteers have citizens have offered to sponsor flow- fairgrounds in February, and have worked to repaint the interi6~of ~erbedsa{ the facility in 2012. scheduled the event to kick off spring Building 17 and revamp bat~oms "The rodeo was going to do a carrot at the fairgrounds, all over the fairgrounds, garden for the horses," Hanson said. The Dragonfest 2012 event is a Northwest Event Organizers also "The fairgrounds need somebody to festival drawing inspiration from a plans on re-roofing the building as care." number of avenues, most prominent- soon as the weather clears up. Also, alpacas belonging to fair ly Earth Day, St. George's Day and "A lot of people have donated board members are currently mow- the year of the Dragon. time," she said. ing lawns and clearing out weeds at Fire dancing group Dragon Steps Performers with the Dragon Stepsthe facility, Hanson said. will also perform at the event, along group have made a point to help with Northwest Event Organizers is do- with several local bands including the projects, Hanson said. ing everything they can to encourage High Ceiling. "Every weekend they've had four people to use the land and the build- The event will include spring fair or five people come out," she said. ings, she said. and rodeo events, wine and beer "It's one of those things that really Now rather than renting the on- from the Grove Street Brewery, lan- energizes you." tire facility, groups can rent individ- tern making workshops and vendorWhile a Federal Aviation Admin- ual buildings at the fair. " space, istration (FAA) ruling has declared "I want to have things happen- Since the Hansens took over the that the port needs to revert the fair- ing here all the time," she said. "It's lease, they've been working hardgrounds property back to airport use about having a place for the commu- along with volunteers from all over by 2014, many people involved with nity." the community to get the fairgrounds the Mason Area Fair still want to im- The Mason Area Fair Board is also ready for 2012 events, prove the buildings for the next two preparing for its annual A Fair Af- "We've kind of bitten off a lot ... years. If the fair becomes a success fair fundraiser at 6 p.m. on April 19 [the buildings are] very neglected or breaks even, Hanson said it might at the fairgrounds. Tickets cost $10. Port looks for more input on forest plan By NATALIE JOHNSON nat, a[ie~,masoncounty~com After a public hearing on the subject Tuesday after- noon, the Port of Shelton commission agreed to take public comment on an updat- ed draft of its forest manage- ment plan until April 11. Port staff presented the first version of the updated plan at the last port meet- ing on March 20, but the port commissioners had some questions about the plan. In particular, commission chair Dick Taylor wanted areas of the draft clarified, particularly related to defini- tions of the site class of the land. The port's land is classified as High Site V. Forest land is organized into five different site classes based on the pos- sible productivity of the site. Site V means the trees on the port's land will grow be- tween one and 75 feet every 50 years. The forest management plan was last updated in 2002. Journal photos by Natalie Johnson Port of Shelton Commissioner Dick Taylor reviews a draft of the port's forest management plan on Tuesday during a port commission meeting. The port is updating the plan before it considers a timber sale. The port commission is naturally. The trees on the considering harvesting 100 property are approximately acres of its forestland on 60 years old, port Executive Johns Prairie. The land in Director John Dobson said. question was logged in the "This is nature doing it's 1850s and reestablished itself own work," he said. Commissioner Tom Wal- litner said the port is consid- ering selling the timber to raise money for the port to connect to a city water line on Johns Prairie. "Timber... is at an all time high," he said. "It's about put- ting a sizeable amount of money into our coffers that we're going to need to build a pipeline." Commissioner Jay Hupp wanted to allow for public comment until the end of the business day on April 11. The commission agreed to extend the comment period. Taylor reminded citizens in attendance that the public comment period pertained to the updated forest manage- ment plan, not the possible timber sale. "Once again we're talking about a forest management plan. We're not talking about cutting and selling timber today," he said. "It has to be done correctly and we want to make sure it's done cor- rectly." After the update is complete, the port can consider making plans to sell the timber. A smart way to sa'~'~for future healthcare needs. Our HSA, works similar to an interest bearing checking account--you can pay for qualified medical expenses via check, debit card or online banking. This flexible account, combined with a high deductible health plan (HDHP), is the perfect way to save and pay for medical expenses. Ask us how you can benefit today! HSAs are a tax-free savings account available to individuals who have a qualified HDHP, where funds are used to pay for current and future medical expenses. Shelton Branch 1 360.426.4431 301 EWallace Kneeland Blvd., Suite 115 Member FDIC the quality bank Serving the Pacific Northwest since 1927 www, Hangar Recychng Program ~i~$~! At the end of March we have re-used or recycled over 1,000 hangars in the ~i~i!~ii first 3 months of 2012. ~~ Bring us old wire hangars. your Russ Denney, There's Magic In Looking Your Best owner CLEANERS & TAILORS ......... :, Mon-Fn 6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. ' Sa 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. i ................... 215 South Second 426-3371:~~ Serving She~ton and Mason County for 86 years The Shelton-Mason County Journal is accepting applications for positions on our reader advisory board, We need representatives from all walks of life and communities in our county. The board meets every other month for question and answer sessions with the publisher and editorial staff of the Journal. Please mail or email letters of interest and contact information to: Shelton-Mason County Journal Attn: Jesse Mullen RO. Box 430 o Shelton, WA 98584 or email jesse@masoncounty, com lj~~~~!,SheltoniMason County Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, April 5, 2012 - Page A-3 I i !1