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April 5, 2012 |
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Arrests March 28 harrasment investigations, Zackary Ryan Williams, the 1700 block of Mason Lake
March 27 Micki Lee Collins, 42, obstructing law enforcement 34, of the 2500 block of La- Drive was booked at 10:44 a.m.
Talitha Gayle Gullett, 22, a Shelton transient, wasand resisting arrest, crosse Court was booked at for malicious mischief third
of the 1500 block of Island booked at 2:43 a.m. for crimi- Fernando Delacruz Agui- 7:14 p.m. for criminal con- and residential burglary.
Lake Drive was booked at nal trespass first, erre, 21, of the 900 block of spiracy and robbery first.
2:35 p.m. for unlawfifl pos- Adam Michael Laur, 34, Olympic Avenue was booked Michael Logan Brown, 30, March 31
session of a Legend drug, of the 200 block of Waterhill at 5:54 p.m. for two counts of of the 2500 block of Lacrosse Jamie Warren Workman,
three counts of possession Road was booked at 10:08violating the Uniform Con- Court was booked at 7:48 29, of the 100 block of White-
of a controlled substance, a.m. for DWI, possession of trolled Substance Act and p.m. for criminal conspiracy cap Way was booked at 2:40
possession of drug para- less than 40 grams of mari- four counts of possession of a and robbery first, a.m. for DWI.
phernalia, possession of juana and possession of drug controlled substance. Nancy Lou Barnett, 56, of Dakota Duane Lisk, 19, of
stolen property second and paraphernalia. Armando A. Delacruz, 23,the 200 block of Inspiration the 100 block of Sage Street
forgery. Robert Eugene Vander- of the 900 block of Olympic Way was booked at 9:57 p.m. was booked at 3:01 a.m. for
Stephen R.C. Churchill, vort, 26, a Shelton transient, Avenue was booked at 6:28 for theft of a motor vehicle harassment investigation.
29, of the 300 block of Old was booked at 5:02 p.m. for p.m. for for two counts of and possession of a stolen ve- Cory Kane, 42, of the 300
Lyme Road was booked at two counts of failure to regis- violating the Uniform Con- hicle, block of University Way was
7:05 p.m. for assault first and ter as a sex offender, trolled Substance Act and booked at 12:27 p.m. for
Robbery first, four counts of possession of a March 30 DWLS third.
Travis Carl Baze, 28, of March 29 controlled substance. Shawn Lee Allen, 32, ofRichard Lloyd Byrd, 72, of
the 500 block of Mason Lake Cipriano Ponce-Galvez, 37, Sisto Chavez Partida, 53, the 100 block of Blevins Road the 300 block of Leeds Drive
Road was booked at 7:08 p.m. ofthe 700 block of l0th Street ofthel00blockofPineStreet was booked at 1:26 a.m. for was booked at 9:11 p.m. for
for assault first and robbery was booked at 1:30 a.m. for was booked at 7:07 p.m. for assault fourth, assault fourth DV.
first, two counts of assault first, two criminal trespass first.Mitchell Edward Vieg, 54, of Richard Jens Ottack, 44,
of the 300 block of Blackwell
Street was booked at 10:13
p.m. for DWI.
April 1
Travis Lloyd Pursey, 21, of
the 200 block of Wyandotte
Ave. was booked at 5:37 p.m.
for possession of a controlled
substance and drug para-
pherualia possession.
April 2
Joseph Daniel Rivera, 20,
of the 100 block ofSe Sa Heh
Wamish Court was booked at
4:36 a.m. for hit-and-run un-
attended, felony eluding and
reckless driving.
Linda Joy Whobrey, 62,
of the 21700 block of Hobson
Road in Yelm was booked at
12:23 p.m. for thef~ first.
Murder Hansen confronted Morrow for her son will be held at a
at Morrow's mother's Barn- later date and a full obituary
Continued from page A-1 hard Avenueresidencewhich will appear in next week's
led to law enforcement being Shelton-Mason County Jour-
reported the burglary to her dispatched to handle a dis- nal. Those that would like
residence, located in the 300 turbance between Hansento make memorial dona-
block of East Olde Lyme and Morrow. tions may do so at Key Bank
Road on February 8. The According to Morrow's through the Shawn J. Mor-
next day, according to police, mother, Cathleen, services row Memorial Fund.
Continued from page A-1
The police department currently has
a budget of $2,363,394 and 18 commis-
sioned officers. Reserve officers, though,
logged an astounding 3,026 hours in
2011 compared to 905.75 hours in 2010,
269 hours in 2009 and 255 hours in
While the police department, in coop-
eration with the West Sound Narcotics
Enforcement Task Force, was involved
in 12 marijuana grow busts in 2010 and
seized 51.2 pounds of pot that year, the
department took down just one grow in
2011 and seized 1.5 pounds of pot.
tTnemnlo ment ty, and many job seekers credit her make it to my first paycheck," Ea- coming in," she said. "Funding is the job seeker define their "trans-
with their current employment, ton said. "It helped me get to work decreasing but we still have a great ferrable skills," or skills that apply
Continued from page A-I "Mason County has wonderful when I had no other way." need." to more than one job.
workers," she said. The WIA program will also help The Washington Employment '%Ve teach people how to look
ping unemployment numbers. Mickey Jones came to WorkSource Jones pay for welding certification Security Department announced for different kinds of jobs," he said.
Anthony Eaton is one of those in January 2011 after being unem- and a new welding helmet to help Tuesday that unemployment ben- '%Ve teach workshops on job seeking
success stories, ployed for two years. With the help of him advance in his new job. efits would be reduced, skills -- on how to sell oneself with
When he came to WorkSource at the organization, Jones now has a job Lawrence herself is a Work- After April 21, the maximum certain types of skills."
the beginning of November 2011, he at Fraser Metal Works in Shelton. Source success story, number of unemployment benefits WorkSource also has an online
had been unemployed since moving Both workers said they have ben- "I was actually a person who lost available to workers will go down job-seeking site, on which employ-
to Shelton in August 2010. efitedbytheWorkforce Investment ajobandhadtovisitWorkSourcein from 99 to 73 weeks for most eligi- erscanpostjobopenings.
"My first day here I met Miss Act (WIA), which helps support 2008," she said. ble workers. "A lot of employers really trust
Jeanie House," he said. "She told job seekers by providing on-the-job While the unemployment rate Dixon said many unemployed WorkSource at finding the right job
me to come in for an appointment -- training, gas vouchers and other is dropping, Lawrence said there is people who struggle to find a job seekers," Dixon said. '%Ve do some
I had a job by the end of November." support services, still a need for these services in Ma- long-term often come from an in- screening and show the people with
House is a reemployment special- "When I first started workingson County. dustry that isn't hiring, the skills and the right attitude for
ist at WorkSource in Mason Coun- I had no money. They helped me '%Ve still have a lot of people In that case, WorkSource helps the job."
Sch 1 a new building. School Board. principal, and hopes to fill consultants. Then the board
GO "We've been able to ac- "I have an outstanding the position by the begin- can choose an agency tohelp
Continued from page A-1 complish some nice projects school board I couldn't be ning of May, Churchill said. them find a new superinten-
and added to the faculty," happier," he said. "They are "One of the major respon- dent and principal.
great progress in standard- he said. "It's nice to be in a really committed." sibilities of the board is to "It's a tough act to follow,"
ized test scores and in other brand new facility." The school has made hire the superintendent," he she said. "Tom (Churchill)
arenas. Last year, voters ap- progress, but some things said. "It really comes down has been there for a little
"We've improved our stu- proved a technology levystill need to be addressed in to the board gets to make over four years ... and he's
dent achievement, I think that has allowed the school the future, Churchill said. that decision." done so much to turn our
we've increased our commu- to begin upgrading its serv- "What we want to do is School board President school around. So we want
nications with our patrons ers and classroom equip-upgrade our home track and Deb Petersen said she has to try to carry that on and
as well," he said. ment. fields," he said. "I think that contacted three search- not lose the footing that
The district's financial "We have new buses, we we still continue to struggle consulting organizations to we've got."
health has also improved, have a new school (and)we with attendance. On any help the small school dis- Petersen said she would
and the school has updated have new technology," hegiven day 10 (percent) to 12 trict find a new superinten- be interested in a new grad-
its facilities during his ten- said. "I think all of those percent of our kids are not dent quickly, uate of Washington State
ure, Churchill said. In that things are positive." here." By the board's April 10 University's superintendent
time, the small school dis- Churchill said all of these The school board is study session meeting, Pe- certification program.
trict purchased new busses, things have also been made launching a search for atersen hopes to have at least "I know that they've got a
an electronic sign and built possible by the Hood Canal new superintendent and two proposals from thoselot of young people out there
that are just out of that cer-
tification program.., and
have got a lot of energy," she
The board hopes to have.
a list of four or five candi-
dates for the position by its'
April 26 meeting.
Churchill's last day at
Hood Canal is June 30, and
before he leaves, he plans to
spend some time training
his successor.
COZY 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath
home in Shelton. Close to all
amenities in town like shop-
ping and schools. Washer and
Dryer included. $625 Richard
Park would only be designed to cater to
the community immediately sur-
Continued from page A-I rounding them, he said.
"These neighborhood parks are
the most cost effective." meant to serve a half-mile radius
The Shelton Parks and Rec- around them-they'rereallymeant
reation Advisory Committee has for those neighborhoods," Ziegler
drafted surveys that will be distrib- said. "We're not talking about plac-
uted to residents within one half ing ball fields or big covered fa-
mile of each park. cilities ... these are neighborhood
"(We) want to engage people ... parks meant for the kids and fami-
as well as encourage them to be lies to use On a daily basis."
involved throughout the planning The parks and recreation de-
process and throughout the design partment hopes to have the sur-
and construction phases," Ziegler veys back at the end of April. It has
said. scheduled two meetings to discuss
These parks are small, and the projects with community mem-
Beckman Realty Group 360-
432-9000 or www.Richard-
bers. plete the development of both park BeckmanGroup.com. B4/5-26
The first meeting is scheduled for projects in the near future.
5:30 p.m. onMay 14 at the North- "We certainly need to do some-GARAGE SALE Friday, 4/6 and
cliff Park site and at 5:30 p.m. on thing with both of them ... my plan Saturday, 4/7, 8am-lpm. Lots
May 21 at Johnson Park. is to do both," Ziegler said. "I think of baby items: crib, car seat/
"We want to bring back the sur- if one neighborhood showed signifi- stroller system, bassinette.
vey results to the neighborhood," cantly more interest, desire and ef- Plus much more including oth-
Ziegler said. fort ... I think that project might be er household items. 2242 King
The parks department plans to ramped up a little sooner than the Street, Shelton. 04/5
get the projects designed as soon as other one." AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN,
possible, with construction begin- The funding for the project ASE preferred. P/T-F/T. Salary
ning in 2013, he said. should come from within the met- dependent on experience. Min.
"We're hoping that with enoughropolitan park district's budget, 10 years experience in an auto
community support maybe we canwhich is funded by city sales tax repair shop or dealership req.
start some process this year, but if money. However, Ziegler said the Own tools req. Serious inqui-
not get the plans in place," he said. district may look for outside sources ries only. Please call & ask for
The department wants to com- of funding, such as grants, as well. Mark, 360-275-0405. A4/5
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 2012 - Page A-5