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April 5, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 2012
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Shelton,Mason County Journal By NATALIE JOHNSON The McReavy House in Union has taken on several identities over the past several years. First, it was a neglected but his- toric family home -- perhaps the oldest on the Hood Canal. Then it became the home of a non-profit; The McReavy House Museum of Hood Canal. Now, Howard Leggett, vice president of the McReavy House board and chairman of the capital improvement campaign, said the non-profit's new board wants it to be a hub for the community and a host for local artists. "Basically we've dropped the museum aspect - it's going to be a community center," Leggett said. The board still wants to restore the house to its historical height, and the finished house will still host historic artifacts and plays, but Howard Leggett dis- House restored house will not be a museum, he said. While the board wants to work with the Mason County Historical Soci- ety, Leggett said rumors that the histerical society will take over the manage- ment of the house have been exaggerated. "To clarify, we're not do- ing that," he said. Instead, Leggett and the rest of the McReavy board are working hard to the main focus of the raise money to restore the missing 1,200-square-foot fourth floor and sloped roof of the house, which was destroyed in a fire in the 1960s. After the fire, the fourth floor was removed and replaced with a flat roof. To raise the $50,000 needed to restore the roof, Leggett create Hood(s)troll, a summer-long music and art festival to raise money for the house. Hood(s)troll was inspired by Orre Nobles, who in the 1930's performed operas from boats on Hood Canal. On four weekends starting in May, local artists and musicians will do the same to gather funds for the McReavy House's restoration. The events will take place in multiple locations along Hood Ca- nal on May 28, June 24, July 29 and Aug. 26. Acts like High Ceil- ing, Hitch Kick, Runaway Train and Black Market Revue will headline from the Alderbrook Re- sort and Spa's "Lady Alderbrook." Acoustic acts will arrive on shore at various locations to enter- tain festival-goers and perform for See McReavy on page B-6 HARST[NEISLANDNEWS Anna's Bay Chorale Director Matthew Blegen said he is excited for the choir's next local students and the South Sound Orchestra -- Our Children's Voices. Courtesy photos performance with 150 • • • Local chorale director prepares for concerts, continuing his education By NATALIE JOHNSON John Rutter's "Mass of the Children." ing to understand just how good they natalie@rnasoncounty,com, The performances take place at 7:30 sound, he said. ............................................... p.m. on April 21 and 4 p.m. on April "The little ones in particular arejust 22 at St. Edwards Catholic Church getting it now. I see it from them- like Since founding the Anna's Bay in Shelton. Tickets cost $12 online at their eyes getting big like saucers," he Center for Music in 2006, Mat-, $15 at the door or $10 said. "The goal is to give them a sense thew Blegen has worked tire- each for a group over of achievement -- to lessly to teach voices in Mason County 10 people. "tt's t y, to sing and appreciate musical mas- The students have tea let them have an ex- perience they're really terworks, practiced two to three really fun to proudof." On April 21 and 22, the center will times a week in school This fall, Blegen present its most recent work to the and have attended public at the Our supplemental prac- see the kids plans to return to the • ~University of Wash- ~ Children's Voicestices for the past four ~ ~p a~'~d ington, where he re- concerts, months in prepara- i g ht ceived his master's "It's really fun to tion for the concerts, degree' in vocal per- see the kids getting Blegensaid. #e SO prou~ oT formance, to pursue a really excited," Ble- "It's really, really ~L~~:|~,~ doctorate in conduct- gen said. "Particu-fun to see the kids LJ|~:~WI[|~|V~Nt ing. larly a~ this point... light up and be so Blegen said Geof- when it'sgettingproud of themselves," he said. frey Boers, director of choral activi- real." Blegen said he is impressed with ties at the University of Washington Matthew At these concerts,how hard the students have worked and a long-time friend, came to Ma- the Anna's Bay on the project. In recent practices, the son County in November 2010 to see Blegen Chorale and South student and adult choirs have started the Anna's Bay Chorale and was im- Sound Chamber to practice together, pressed with the group. "This is a fairly advanced master- "He came and he was just like piece," he said. "What's really mind- 'Wow,' " Blegen said. "He was specifi- boggling for me is how quickly they cally working with us on our first full memorize. They blow me out of the 'Messiah.'" water." Even the youngest kids are start- Orchestra will be joined by 150 stu- dents from six local schools: Mountain View Elementary, Bordeaux Elemen- tary, Evergreen Elementary, Pioneer School District, Grapeview School and Olympic Middle School to perform See Music on page B-6 Thursday, April Easter celebration scheduled It was island life at its best this past weekend. The annual community club garage sale took place at the hall and all had a good time. There was a good turnout of shoppers and vendors, what makes this so "island- ish" is that people come to shop but to also mingle and talk and find out what is happening in peoples everyday lives. The doors opened at 9 a.m. and there was a line of people waiting to get in. For the ven- dors, Barbara and Mary made soup and dinner rolls and they had enough dessert treats to cure any sweet tooth. By MIKE Pastor Howard CALLAGHAN Spear would like to invite everyone to the Easter Sunrise Celebration at 6 a.m., Sunday, April 8, at Bridge Community Church. Along with joyful songs about our risen lord, the youth will present Christ in every book of the Bible. Bill Valley will speak about Jesus' resurrection. Weather permitting all will meet around a bon- fire. Breakfast will be served at 7 a.m; RSVP if you want to share in break- fast by emailing to whsS03@hctc or by calling 426-5221. There are several Harstine Pointe and Harstine Island residents inter- ested in starting an informal creative writing circle if enough writers or po- tential writers are interested. The ob- jective would be to gather on a regular basis with others of various skill levels to hear, encourage, discuss and learn about each other's work in progress. As James Michener once said, "I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emo- tions." So, if you are or might be in- terested in participating in a Creative Writers Circle here at the Pointe con- tact JoAnn Ray -- joannray@earthlink. net or call 432-3405. Jim Cary has taken issue with the tagging vandalism that occurred on the triangle as you come onto the island. He contacted Allan Eaton with Mason County Public Works. Allan sent out a sign crew to fix and repair the tagged signs. This type of activity costs us tax- payers a considerable amount of money every year. It's too bad those culpable can't be caught. And it is also too bad they can't find a more constructive way to spend their time. Let's all stay alert for this type activity and see if we can't get it stopped before it goes much fur- ther. The next senior lunch will be on April 18. They start serving at noon but you need to get there early as they have been serving close to 100 people. The menu will include taco lasagna, green salad and sherbet. If you are over 50 you are invited to attend. All you need to do is just bring a little change, say $3 and give it as a dona- tion so these great and creative cooks can keep buying food for us and cook- ing it up. The Harstine Pointe Travel Club See Harstine on page B-6 5, 2012 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-1