April 5, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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The 2012 Relay For Life of Shelton with research, patient services, educa- team rally meetingis scheduled for 6 p.m.
is seeking teams for the June 22 and 23 tion and advocacy according to a press April 19, at the Shelton Civic Center.
event, release from event organizer Vickie For more information on how to form
Teams are comprised of 10 to 12 Gonzales. a team call Gonzales at 426-1601, ext.
people. Funds raised through Relay For To register a team visit 3142 or Dave and Toni Hauge at 490-
Life benefit cancer patients in the region www.relayforlifeofshelton.org. The next 9490.
, Shelton ..........
' i¸ :,,
~!~ ° ! ' ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ,.!~ :: • ~ ~ r~
..... i April 6th- Good Friday,
Stations of the Cross
iI 12 tO 5 p.m. on the church grounds
i April 8 - Easter Sunday
-~ ~ ~ ~! 7:00 a.m. Sunrise Service under the tent
..... ....on the church property and 8:30 a.rn.
~ & 10:30 a.m. Services at the Fire Hall
951 E Dalby Rd, Corner of Dalby & McReavy, Union • 360-898-7855
Shelton Arts Commission presents Empty Bowls event
On Wednesday, the Sev- the bowls are finished, par-
enth Annual Shelton Arts ticipants gather to choose a
Commission Empty Bowls bowl to keep for exchange of
event will culminate with a $10 donation.
a meal and the viewing of Participants will then be
bowls. From 5-7 p.m. every- treated to a bowl of soup
one is invited to attend at and bread served by one of
the Shelton Civic Center. the five participating res-
Residents can go to the taurants. All proceeds go
Shelton Civic Center, make to the Saint's Pantry Food
a donation of $10, choose a Bank.
bowl to keep and have soup New this year is an op-
and bread from one of the portunity to purchase
participating restaurants: unique bowls made by local
Steven's on Railroad, Xinh's artists.
Clam and Oyster House, A silent auction will fea-
The Strip Steak House, Gi- ture wood, ceramics, and
anni's Cucina and Olympic mixed media bowls made by
Bakery & Dell. professional local artists.
Organizers said the Emp- Questions about Empty
ty Bowls project is an effort Bowls may be directed to
to fight hunger. Partici- Shelton Arts Commission
pants create ceramic bowls, staff representative Mark
building one night and glaz- Ziegler at 432-5194 or
ing two weeks later. When mziegler@ci.shelton.wa.us.
shows off his
empty food
bowl during a
Shelton Arts
Empty Bowls
event• The
event is
scheduled to
take place from
5-7 p.m. on
April 11 at the
Shelton Civic
Courtesy photo
Friday-Sunday, The Shelton Old
Time Fiddlers Pest will be at the
Shelton High School Performing Arts
Center, 3737 Shelton Springs Road,
Shelton. The event benefits Save Our
County's Kids (SOCK). This commu-
nity festival features four concerts
and a spaghetti feed. Visit www.shel-
tonfiddlefest.com for more informa:
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Fiercely Inde-
pendent Elders meets in the Wash-
ington Room. Contact Ray at 898-
2316 for more information. The group
meets the first Friday of each m0nth.
Noon, Republican Women of Ma-
son County monthly meeting at Royal
Shanghai Restaurant. Meet at 11:30
a.m. If you want lunch, cost is $10.
3-4:30 p.m., Shelton Timberland
Library presents Teen Manga Sup-
port Group. Share your love of anime
and manga with other Otakus. Also
make buttons, practice your kanji
painting or origami and watch videos.
For more information call 426-1362.
6 p.m., Gateway Christian Fellow-
ship Good Friday service; located at
405 S. 7th SL
10 a.m.-2 p.m., Easter celebration
at Oakland Bay Jr. High School. It
is free to the public with indoor face
painting, free food, crafts, live music,
games bounce house and giveaways.
All ages welcome, something for ev-
eryone, brought to you by the Chris-
tian Community of Mason County. ernmental entities, and community
1-3 p.m., Cancer support group members.
meets at Mason General Hospital. 11:30 a.m., Mason County Multi-
For more information call 456-8266. ple Sclerosis Support Group monthly
This group meets on the first Satur- meeting at E1 Sarape, 318 W. Rail-
day of each month, road Ave., Shelton. The meeting is
open to those that are interested. To
Sunday obtain additional information please
10 a.m.-noon, Kidztown at Olym- call Debby Zillmer at 877-6959.
pic Middle School for children grades 12:30-3 p.m., A Parkinson's Dis-
K-6; crafts, games, breakfast, music, ease Support Group meeting will be
bible lessons, skits and small groups at the Timberland Library in Shelton.
will help your kids get the most out Caregivers, family and support people
of every weekend. For more informa~ welcome:. For additional information
tion contact Melody at 427-9092. This c0nLact Rebecc~ at:426-6197 ................ :..~
even takes place every Sunday. ....: ~ :. ,.: ~ ..... ~ ~:
Monday 6 p.m., Yesteryear Car Club meet-
9 a.m., TOPS #1402 meets every ing every second Wednesday at the
Monday at the Harstine Island Com- Shelt0n Elks Lodge, 741 S.E. Craig
munity Hall, 3371 E Harstine Is- Road.
land Road N. If you are looking for 7 p.m., The Mason County Demo~
a support group to Take Off Pounds crats are holding a county nominating
Sensibly, come and join us. More in- convention for Mason County Com-
formation please contact Marlene at missioner candidates at the Shelton
427-3873. Memorial Hall.
6 p.m., Mason County Optimist 7:30 p.m., non-denominational, no
Club meets the second and fourth collections, all welcome, teaching of
Monday of each month at Taylor Jesus at Evergreen Elementary Li-
Town Station Restaurant, 62 S.E. brary, North Ninth Street, Shelton.
Lynch Road.
Tuesday 10-11 a.m., TOPS meets at the
11:30 a.m., The Shelton Kiwanis Shelton Christian Church every
Club meets Tuesdays at Xinh's Clam Thursday. For more information call
& Oyster House. Lunch begins at Ruth at 432-0870.
11:30 a.m. and the program runs from 7-10 p.m. John Lucas and Randy
noon until 1 p.m. Programs cover a Linder perform at Taylor Station, Res-
variety of topics from non-profits, gov- taurant and Lounge on Thursdays.
• ~aHng the l(feg~v~ng love of Jesus
CrossPoint Service Traditional Service, :
A in(we ((m~empor,u'y servi( e AmoretrddifiOl~,llservke : &
H~a[ bcgins,~ 9:00 AM Iha~ he~ins,U ;
• Pr, lise I~aNll • Praise I'Gll13 1 0:4S AM
' Cm~temporary MessageChoir
Children and Adult Sunday School
~? 360 426-5089 "[/}
Sunday Services ~ : Wednesday Nieht Service
9:o0 ,\M [ Celebr.~tio~ Service 7:00 I,M I Mid ~A/eek Service
Nursery to 2 Yc'ars
10:30 ,XM ] Celebration Service Childr(~n's Classes
Att ended Nu i'scFy SOULFIR~ YOUTH, 6 ~ 1~ 12 ~ H Crade
ChildFela'S Classos i
4:oo PM I Gateway to [~C('0\(!r5 } ;h¢' I)Urp(~s~ ('f ~ ~1~ [~ t° hell'
Witness, Warfare,, ~uld VVork f¢,r Hi¢, I