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In its continuing efforts
to become a place that meets
the community's needs as
well as a place of learning
for children, the Pioneer
School District will be hold-
ing classes for adults with
two offerings in April. Billed
as "Community Nights" the
two classes being offered are
called "Love and Logic" and
"Technology for All."
These classes will be held
for free at the Intermediate/
Middle School on April, 10,
17, 24 and May 1. In addi-
tion, free childcare will be
Love and Logic will be
held from 6 to 8 p.m. and
Technology for All will be
held from 6 to 7 p.m.
Love and Logic provides
techniques to help parents
and educators to have more
fun and less stress while
raising responsible chil-
dren of all ages, organiz-
ers said. Love and Logic is
taught through humor and
stories, but is grounded in
Adults s8 • 11 & under $5
• First of 3 Tagged Fish caught before 01/01/13 - s250
• Longest Fish. s200 • 2"d Place - s150 • 3rd Place Sl00
Courtesy photo
Pioneer Student Services Director Laura Van-
derhoof, left, goes over Love and Logic materi-
als with Linda Joslin, who will teach the Love
and Logic class.
practical theory with easy
to implement skills.
The instructor for this
class will be Linda Joslin, a
retired educator who lives
in the Pioneer community.
Joslin is a certified Love
and Logic instructor who
put this program to use as a
parent, grandparent, and as
a retired high school coun-
Those attending will re-
ceive a free workbook. The
technology class will be
taught by Pioneer teacher
Joel Williams who is well
versed in technology. This
will be the perfect class for
learning about online re-
sources. "We will try very
hard to meet the techno-
logical needs of all partici-
pants," stated Williams. Pi-
oneer Superintendent,
Marry Brewer, along with
the school board hopes to
have many more opportu-
nities for the community
classes in the very near fu-
ture. "Planning for the fall
session has already started,
and if you have an interest
that you would like to teach
to others, please contact me
at 426-9115," he said.
Interested individuals
who would like to sign up
for either of these classes,
please call Pioneer at 426-
8291 or 427-2737.
Light refreshments will
be provided.
The Pioneer Kiwanis Club Presents the 15th Annual
Opening Day Saturday, April 28, 2012
Daylight 'till 5:00 p.m.
Fishermens Meal & Drink Specials
Bonfire on the Beach!
Thousands of dollars in gifts donated by local
businesses. Cash prizes awarded at 5:15 p.m.
Derby drawings held at 5:30 p.m.
Must be present to win.
Derby Location & Ticket Sales: '
1180 E. Picketing Road
Bar & Grill
Proceeds benefit cheritable childres programs
of the Pioneer Kiwanis Club
Come See Our 1st-Run
24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000
Corner of 5th & Franklin
Shelton schools begin kindergarten registrations Hunger Games
~~ Daily 3:45, 6:35pm
Kindergarten registration will be- date immunizations is required, til 4:30 p.m. each day. Parents with ~L~/:~ AdditionalShows
gin on May 1 at all three Shelton El- Families may pick up registration questions may contact their neighbor- l~~ Fri-Sat 9:20pro
ementary Schools -- Bordeaux, Ever- packets beginning May1 from school hood school. ~~ Fri-Sun l:00pm
green, and Mountain View. offices and return the completed pack-
In order to register a child for kin- et, along with the required documen- • Bordeaux Elementary 426-3253[~ Mirror, Mirror
dergarten in Washington state, a birth tation, anytime before school offices • Evergreen Elementary 426-8281 [I ~S ~1 DRily 4:30, 7:00pm
certificate showing that the child will close for the summer on Friday, June • Mt. View Elementary 426-8564$ AdditionalShow$
be 5 by Aug. 31 and a record of up-to- 29. Offices at the schools are open un- M Fri-Sat 9:10pro
[ F.-Su.
l -- NOW OPEN --
Hood Canal i
scholarship * = = ....... ==:
applications due
Hood Canal Education
Association is encouraging
high school seniors, who
previously attended Hood
Canal School, to apply for a
$750 scholarship.
Eligibility for the schol-
arship requires enrollment
in a post secondary educa-
tion program by January
of 2013. Applications are
available at the Hood Canal
School office, the Shelton
High School counseling/ca-
reer office and the Skokom-
ish education building.
They must be delivered to
the Hood Canal Education
Association by May 18.
A committee will review
all submissions and invite
two selected winners to re-
ceive their awards at the
eighth grade Hood Canal
graduation ceremony.
Preference will be given
to students who graduated
from Hood Canal School and
who were in attendance for
three years or more. If you
have any questions about
this scholarship or the ap-
plication process, contact
Kris Bolender at 877-5463
ext. 113.
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Recent essay contest winners Melodic Snyder, left (third place), DeliveryAv ?,lable I
Sydney Crichton (second place) and Meghan Palmer (first place). RAILROAD TIES [
Students win Optimist Club essay contest ,I 6X8Askab0utg,.16, ,'8ftl
Meghan Palmer, a se- die Snyder, also 14, a stu- to their communities, Shelton's Best Kept Secret [ Switch Ties ]
dent at Mary M. Knight
School in Matlock.
All three were hon-
ored at a recent Optimist
meeting where they read
their essays and were
presented with certifi-
cates and cash awards.
"Meghan, Sydney and
Melodic all did a won-
derful job of articulating
this year's theme. We ap-
plaud their commitment
and hope they continue
to keep a positive outlook
in whatever the future
holds," Club President
Jeanne Kinney said.
The Optimist Club of
Mason County meets the
second and fourth Mon-
day evenings and is cur-
rently recruiting new
members. For more in-
formation, call Jeanne
Kinney at 427-5690.
nior at North Mason High
School, recently won first
place in the Optimist
Club of Mason County's
essay contest based on a
theme of "How my Posi-
tive Outlook Benefits my
Joining her were sec-
ond place winner Sydney
Crichton, a 14-year-old
home school student and
third place winner Melo-
Pomona Grange offers one-year scholarships for teenagers
next fall.
Preference will be given
to students affiliated with
a grange, either through
their own membership or
that of a parent or grand-
parent or to those who have
had 4-H or FFA experience.
It is not necessary to
man. Recipients will be
notified before graduation
and awards will be made
at the school's awards pro-
If there are questions
call Billie Howard, schol-
arship chairman, at 426-
April 5, 2012 * 7:00 - 10:00 p,m.
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Shelton, WA 98584
Pomona Grange of Ma-
son County is offering two
$500 one-year scholar-
ships to graduating seniors
from a Mason County high
Applicants must plan to
attend an accredited col-
lege or vocational school
have those affiliations to
apply, all applicants will be
considered fairly.
Scholarship applications
must be received by Friday,
May 4 and may be obtained
from the high school coun-
seling office or from the
Pomona Scholarship chair-
[ R ecyclzng I
is accepting wait
list applications for
seniors ages 62 and
better. HUD subsidized,
controlled access,
garden setting, minutes
from downtown
shopping. Non-Smoking
Property. 23 1-Br. and
one 2-Br. 303 S 7th St.,
(306) 426-3903
15634 ~
Call 426-4412
to subscribe
.... Shelton-Mason C~unty
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 2012 - Page B-3