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#51 Celebration of
Robert W. Belhir
Robert W. Beller, 68, died
Wednesday, March 28, from
He was born Dec. 2, 1943,
to Robert and Idris Beller.
He graduated from West
High School in Bremerton
in 1962 and from Pacific Lu-
theran University.
He was an athlete
throughout his high school
and college years. He was
into the
......... ~ Kitsap
I~:!:J tion Hall phen Garringer. great-grandchildren and
of Fame inA memorial service was numerous nieces, nephews
1996. held on March 30 at Shelton and cousins.
He was Methodist Church. She was preceded in
retired McComb Funeral Home death by her husband Bob,
Robert from the of Shelton handled the ar- . daughter Sandy Heilman,
Belier Puget rangements. Memorial two brothers and eight sis-
Sou-gd donations can be made toters.
Naval NAMI (National Alliance A memorial potluck will
Shipyard. Mental Illness) 3803 N. be held at 1 p.m. on April 14
He enjoyed fishing, golf- Fairfax Drive Ste. 100, Ar- at Shelton Eagles Club.
ing, gardening and playing lington, VA 22203. McComb Funeral Service
ball with his grandchildren, For your convenience of Shelton is handling the
He is survived by his online condolences may be arrangements.
sisters Connie (Dick), Di- sent to the family at www. For your convenience
ana (Bob), Bertie (Gene) mccombfh.com, online condolences may be
and Rose; daughters Beth sent to the family at www.
Hallmark (Jim), Lori Aerne Carrel Katherine Lacy mccombfh.com.
(Donn) and Kristyn Knight; Carrel Katherine Lacy,
son Robert; grandchildren 87, died Tuesday, March 27, Robin Leslie Lanhiy
Cody, Devin, Tyler, Kendall at home in Shelton. ' Robin Leslie Lantzy, 48,
and Kaeden. She was born Sept. 12, died Sunday, March 25, at
He was preceded in death 1924, in Jackson County,Providence St. Peter Hos-
by his parents and brothers Ky. to Frank and Stella pital in Olympia. She was
Loren and Larry. (Van Hoose) Williams. a resident of Shelton for 11
A celebration of life will She married Robert J. years.
be held at 2 p.m. on April 29 Lacy in Fairburn, Ohio on She was born Sept. 18,
in the Blue Ox room at the Oct. 25, 1947. 1963, at Northwest Hospital
40 et 8 in Shelton. She owned and operated . in Seattle to Bjarne "Lee"
a restaurant and 24-unitand Beth Tennefoss.
motel in Port Hueneme, She
Calif., until 1974 when they gradu-
moved to Shelton and she ated from
Nathan David Garringer
Nathan David Garringer,
28, died Friday, March 23,
at home in Shelton. He was became a Ingraham
a resident for eight years, full time High
He was born May 9, 1983, ~~i~!:J homemak- School in
in Wichita, Kan., to Gregory er.
L. and Beverly J. (Wilson)~i::!:i She was
Seattle in
~ ~ ~: Garringer ~ a member She
~/~ His ~ of the 40 married
~:~ family said ~s~ et 8 Le Robin William
he had ~j~ Femmes, T . A. Lantzy
~~ enjoyed ~ Shelton Lan~zy at Sal-
~~ comput- Carrel Eagles and ish Lodge
L:~! ers smce ~ the Mason in Snoqualmie on May 10,
he was 8; Lacy County 1997.
he was a Senior She was the proprietor
: garner and Center. Her hobbies includ- for an appliance repair corn-
Nathan also en- ..... ed cooking and entertaining, pany and a cleaning service;
Garringer joyed mu- gardening, canning, sewing was employed as a flatbed
sic, read- and crocheting. Her family dispatcher for Redball Inter-
ing, naturesaid she especially enjoyed national and was a mother
and going to the beach, the Fourth of July and going and homemaker.
He is survived by his par- on drives and get-a-ways. She enjoyed photography,
ents Gregory and Beverly They said she took care of arts and crafts, boating,
Garringer of Shelton; her family'and was a giver dogs and helping others.
paternal grandparent Peggy to society. Her family shared that she
Garringer of Wichita, Kan.; She is survived by her was an avid dog lover and
maternal grandparents Don sons Jim Lacy (Kelly Stew- enjoyed telling stories about
and Anita Wilson of art) of Shelten and Charles her furry friends. They said
Topeka, Kan.; numerous Lacy (Cyndi) of Shelton;she had a witty sense of
aunts, uncles, nieces, neph- daughter Winnie Martin of humor and was fun to be
ews and cousins. Springfield, Ohio; sister Ge- around.
He was preceded in death neva Rice of Holland, Mich.; Her husband William
by his grandfather Jack 10 grandchildren, 18 great- Lantzy of Shelten; daughter
Garringer and cousin Ste- grandchildren, four great- Lauren E. Lantzy of Shelton
and parents Lee and Beth
Tennefoss of Anacortes sur-
vive her.
Her grandparents Olga
and Herman Tennefoss pre-
ceded her in death.
Lucille Antonia Murphy
Lucille Antonia Murphy,
90, died Tuesday March 22,
in Shelton.
She was born Nov. 9,
1921, in Flaxville, Mont. to
Leo and Antoinette (Saveg-
eau) Cossette.
She attended Flaxville
High School, Flaxville,
Mont. and
i~ attended
ried Paul
Murphy in
Seattle in
Lucille 1951.
Murphy She
worked for
the gov-
ernment as a clerk.
She was a member of St.
Edward's Catholic Church,
volunteered for Mason
County Food Bank and was
an active member of the
Harstine Island community.
Her hobbies included play-
ing the organ, bridge, golfing
and traveling the U.S. She
enjoyed trips both long and
short, where she could en-
gage in her favorite activity
of people watching. She was
possessed with a deep insight
and appreciation of human
behavior, her family shared.
She is survived by her
sons Joseph Richard
Murphy (Ann Garfield) of
East Sound and Paul Jay
Murphy (Laura Koerber) of
Harstine Island; grandsons
Miles Patrick of Tacoma
and Evan Joseph Murphy of
East Sound; sister Kathleen
Barnettof Mercer Island
and numerous nieces and
She was preceded in
death by her husband Paul,
son Thomas Edward Mur-
phy and three brothers and
two sisters.
A memorial Mass will
be held at noon on April 11
at St. Edward's Catholic
Church in Shelton.
Memorial donations can
be sent to the Saint's Pantry
Food Bank, 214 S. 2nd St.
Shelton, WA 98584, St. Ed-
wards Catholic Church 601
W. C St. Shelton, WA 98584
or Adopt-A-Pet of Mason
County 940 E. Jensen Road,
Shelton, WA 98584
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton handled the ar-
rangements. For your con-
venience online condolences
may be sent to the family at
Shelton Schools Foundation to hold document shredding event
A Celebration of Life
and potluck will be
held on April 14,
2012 from 11:00
to 2:00 for Harold
Schnitzer at his
home at 1100
Fogarty on Capitol
Hill. We've got
some great home
movies dating back
to as early as the late
1940% lots of pictures
~tarold $chnitzer
and stories.
Need directions? Call 426-8132
Wallace C. "Wally" Peterson
Wallace C. "Wally" Peterson, 83 of Belfair, WA passed
away on March 25, 2012.
Wally was born to Lawrence and Bertina (Elvick)
Peterson on May 5, 1928 in Michigan, ND.
He graduated from Lakota High School in Lakota, ND
and served honorably in the US Navy during WWll,
achieving the rank of First Class Petty Officer.
On June 29, 1952, Wally married Vivian Halvorson
at the Norway Lutheran Church in Devil's Lake, ND.
From 1966 to 1988, Wally worked at PSNS and at his
retirement was General Foreman in Shop 56. Wally was
member of the VFW.
He enjoyed working on machines, moving dirt with his
1955 Oliver CAT and was a jazz drummer earlier in his life.
Wally also loved spending time with his family.
He was preceded in death by his brothers: Roy, Pat, Orville and Manville; and sister, Madelyn
Wally's memory will live on with his wife ~wian of Belfair; son, Robert Wallace Peterson
of Belfair; daughters, Soni Davis (Stanley) of Belfair and Cindy Marshall (Kevin) of Allyn;
brothers, Roland (Mary Ann) of Carrington, ND, Lyle of Hope, ND and Lowell (Mary) of
Valley City, ND; sister Irene Yoney of Lakota, ND; 7 grandchildren, Shawna, Shane, Shannon,
Haley, Hannah, Abbey and Hollie; and 7 great-grandchildren, Spencer, Carson, Greyson,
Aliceyn, Jocelyn, Keegan and Molly•
Public visitation for Wally will be held on Thursday, March 29th from 1:00-2:00pm at Christ
Lutheran Church in Belfidr, with a funeral service to begin at 2:00pm. Interment will be held
at Twin Firs Cemetery.
Memorial donations can be made to Hawkins Middle School Music Department 300 E.
Campus Drive, Belfair, WA 98528. An online memorial can be seen at www.lewischapel.com
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
D--aaniel R. Kelley
Our good friend,
you will be
i:iii! missedby all who
knew you. We
We can help you when you call
(360) 426-4412 to advertise
will honor your
memory and miss
your presence.
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Shelton - (360) 427-8044
The Shelton Schools Foundation is Shelton Schools Foundation Board This will be a fundraising event for
providing an opportunity for commu- member and organizer of the event, the non-profit organization whose pri-
nity members to destroy old documents Community members may bring up tomary goal is to enrich the educational
and/or papers with personal identifica- two boxes (banker/paper box size) to be opportunities of the students in the
tion. shredded by the Allwest Moving and Shelton School District.
Crime Stoppers reports that over Storage Company shredding truck. The group recently donated $4,887
80 percent of identity theft is still ac- The event will be from 10 a.m. to 2 to classroom teachers across the district
complished by dumpster diving and go- p.m. on April 28, at the Oakland Bay in response to their grant requests.
ing through trash receptacles to gain Junior High staffparking lot offofWal- A donation for shredding two boxes
personal data, reports Kris Lawrence, lace-Kneeland Boulevard. of documents is suggested to be $10.
Hospice program offers volunteer training opportunity
The Hospice Program of tients at the end of their life sionate listener, reading to a rice in Olympia. Volunteers
Providence Sound Home to maintain their indepen- patient, sharing artistic skills, from in Mason County would
Care and Hospice is offering a dence and quality of life. etc. be placed in Mason County
hospice volunteer training for Volunteers may provide This training will take after fmishing the training.
community members. Volun- support to families/caregivers place over the course of three A year's commitment to
teers will have an opportuni- 'and those who are dying by of- days and two evenings: 9:30 the program is asked. Regis-
ty to enhance a terminally ill feting respite for a caregiver, a.m.-4 p.m. on April 27, May tration is necessary.
patient's quality of life while companionship and support4 and 11; 6:30-9 p.m. on May To receive an application
enriching their own. for a patient who is alone, as- 2 and 9. All sessions will be and to register for the train-
Volunteers are a part of a sisting with errands, being a held at the Providence Sound ing, call Debe Edden at 493-
hospice team that helps pa- loving presence and a compas- Home Care and Hospice of- 4689 or 1-800-869-7062.
Worthy of
Your Trust
Competitive Pricing * Pre-Arranged Planning I
Harstine Island Threatre Club offers drama scholarship
The Harstine Island The-well as Olympic College Shel- be mailed to the Scholarship funds after successfully com-
atre club will award a $500 ton. They are also available committee, Harstine Island pleting the fall quarter of col-
scholarship this year. at the Shelton, Hoodsport Theatre club, 220 E. Wilson lege work.
Scholarship application and North Mason branchesRoad, Shelton, WA 98584.The scholarship com-
packets are available at Shel- of the public library. Notification of the scholar- mittee will review previous
ton, North Mason and Mary Completed applications ship is usually made by Aug. training of applicants, as well
M. Knight high schools as are due August 1 and may15. The recipient receives as experience hi theater arts.
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, April 5, 2012
- Page B-7