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Shelton-Mason County Journal
SHS baseball
scheduled to
play at home
The Shelton baseball
team continued to struggle
this week.
On Monday, South Kit-
sap defeated the High-
climbers 15-1 at South Kit-
Senior Forrest Puter-
baugh scored Shelton's
lone run when senior
Colton Twiddy hit a single.
"Forrest got to third
base on a passed ball at
first and Colton hit him in,"
said Shelton head baseball
coach Erik
and senior
the three
Curtis S h e 1 t o n
Wuestner hits.
"We put
the ball
into play but South Kit-
sap caught most of them,"
Wuestner said. "There's
not very much you can do
when they're putting the
ball into play in the gaps
o/a .....
Poor weather continued
to affect the Highclimb-
ors (0-8) again this week.
The team's game at Cen-
tral Kitsap scheduled for
March 28 was canceled due
to rain and rescheduled to
On March 29, the High-
climbers' game at Yelm
was canceled due to rain.
This game has been re-
scheduled to April 26.
Finally, this Tuesday's
home game against South
Kitsap was rained out and
has not yet been resched-
"The tail end of the sea-
son will be a lot better,"
Engstrom said.
The Highclimbers are
scheduled to play next at
4 p.m. on Monday at home
against Gig Harbor.
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Shelton sophomore Carisa Kunkle clears the bar at 4'4" during the high jump at the Shelton Relays on Saturday.
Kunkle took third place in the event.
By EMILY HANSON "The first Shelton Relays were a success," points and Mt. Rainier Lutheran in third
emilyC~nasoncounty.com Sells said. "This was the first time the Shel- with 81.94 points.
ton track program has run a meet like this. The Shelton boys' team finished in sixth
There were eight other teams that attended, place with 49.94 points. The Highclimb-
• The Shelton boys' and girls' track teams It was really nice to see an almost full sta- ors finished behind Gig Harbor in first with
competed well last week. dium and to hear the roaring of the crowd 126.94 points, Timberline in second with
On Friday, the Lady Highclimbers de- when an exciting relay race was going." 101.95 points, North Mason in third with
feated Central Kitsap 83-39 while Central For this meet, the top scores for events 98.93 points, Steilacoom in fourth with 63
Kitsap won over the boys' team 83-62. for each team were added together to form a points and North Thurston in fifth with
"Friday's meet against Central Kitsap team score. Using this system, the Shelton 53.96 points.
went very well," said Shelton head track and boys' pole vault team won first place with For its next meet the SHS track and field
field coach Doug Sells. "The guys team came senior Bryton Rogers taking first at 13'3", team is scheduled to host Olympia and Capi-
in a close second and the girls' team won. As senior Indi Endicott taking second at 12' tal at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday.
usual, the weather was a battle with a heavy and junior Jantzen Rodgers taking third at "I am very excited for our next meet on
wind and a lot of rain." 10'6". April 11," Sells said. "We will be back from
Senior Nathan Morgan ran a personal re- "I think everyone had a fun time scoring spring break with a full team. The weather
cord in the 800-meter with a time of 2:05.30. the meet like this," Sells said. "The Shelton will be better and I think a lot of kids are
"This time ranks him as third in the Nar- team was a little bit limited due to spring ready to compete at a higher level."
rows League right now," Sells said. break and family vacations." He said the team will do very well in this
He said that some of the team members The Shelton girls' team took fourth with upcoming meet.
took it easy at the meet on Friday to pro- 75.93 points. The Lady Highclimbers fin- "This would be a great meet for any com-
pare for the relay meet at Shelton on Sat- ished behind Timberline in first with 105.97 munity members to come and watch." Sells
urday, points, Gig Harbor in second with 90.98 said.
fo son, especially since there
Next match scheduledr are four or five golfers who
are consistently earning
Tuesday at Alderbrook scores
in the low 40s when
par is 36.
"I think they feel pretty
By EMILY HANSON is two points and a bogey is good about where we're at,"
emily@masoncounty.com one point. Eagles are worth Jensen said. "They're not
five points, content because they want
On March 28, the High- to play better even though
The Shelton boys' golf climbers outscored Olym- they're winning."
;earn won two matches last pic 51-7 at Alderbrook Golf With spring break end-
reek. Course in Union. ing tomorrow, the golf team
On March 27, the High- %Ve didn't chip and putt has not had any matches
flimberS defeated Yelm 67- as well as I would've liked this week.
~3 at Tahoma Valley Golf but it wasn't a very nice The team is scheduled
3ourse. day," Jonson said. "Nice to golf next at 2:45 p.m. on
"We played pretty well," days have been few and far Tuesday at Alderbrook Golf
]helton head boys' golf between." Course against South Kitsap.
',oach Mark Jonson said. Lund medaled in this "I think we'll be real
;Most ofthekidsweren'tfa- match as well, this time competitive,'! Jonson said.
niliar with the course." with a score of 40 and 16 "It'll be our first challeng-
Junior Zach Lund was points, ing match. South Kitsap is
.he medalist for the match "Lurid shot an eagle on historically one of the top
vith a score of 36 and 18 the eighth hole," Jonson four teams in the Narrows
mints. Lund also shot on said. "You don't see a lot of League."
)ar during this match, eagles and the eighth hole is Jonson said the team
Players are awarded a very unique hole at Alder- needs to win at Alderbrook
mints based on individual brook." because the golf courses
roles. For example, a birdie Jonson said he thinks the they travel to are less famil-
s worth three points, par team is doing well this sea- Jar and therefore harder.
Suicide prevention
run coming up
Help raise suicide
prevention funds April 15
emiiy@ma,~oaeou~/~ .corn
On Oct. 19. 2010, Heidi Brown lost her son Eh-
ron Erickson to suicide.
On April 15. nearly two years
later, Brown is orgamzing a fund-
raising walk and run to help raise
awareness for suicide prevention
in Mason County.
"I did some research and real-
ized there are no resources for sui-
cide prevention and Mason Coun-
ty has the highest suicide rate in
Washington state," Brown said.
Ehron With the help of Shelton High
Erickson School track coach John Johnson.
Brown is organizing the even~ to
rinse funds for Youth Suicide Pre-
vention Program (YSPP) and for a scholarship for
Evergreen State University in her son's name.
See Prevention on page C-6
SheltomMason County Journal - Thursday, April 5.2012 - Page C-1