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FIRST: all who came to: enjoy our crab, clams, spaghetti, and auction!
SECOND: Pioneer School and staff for use of their facility and their help
THIRD: our hard working members, their partners, SHS Girls Basketball Team and other younger
helpers, and especially our kitchen crew-Larry and Kim Lawrence, Heather Myrick, Kevin Evetsz.
FOURTH: Seattle Shellfish and Taylor Shellfish for all the clams donted.
FIFTH: Pioneer Kiwanis Members
I #
2 Margaritas Restaurant Hackney Family Dentistry Penny Orth
Annie's Quitt Shop Heath & Heather Nursery Pert & Pretty Grooming
Anytime Fitness Center Hiawatha, Inc Picketing Marine
Arcadia Chevron Espresso Hoodsport Winery PIKE PLACE MARKET
Arts & Flowers Nursery ~(aleidoscope Message ProBuild
Bayside Ready Mix ~(ennedy Creek Quarry PAC Rent A Center
Rob & Jann Bonnett K:lutz Press Shelton Chiropractic Center
8ookworm Books ~(neeland Plaza Cleaners Shelton Cinema
Claws and Paws Les Schwab Shelton Veterinary Hospital
Curves Lily's Nails & Tanning Spencer Lake Bar & Grill
Denny's Auto Service Lynch Creek Floral Souaxin Island Museum
Domino's Pizza McDonald's Verle's Sport Center & Marine
El Sarape Restaurant Vlichetle Mott Walter Dacon Winery
Ernie Harrell Olympic Bakery & Deli Washington Tractor
George Kenny Chainsaw Carving School Ornamental Stone, Atlyn Windermere Real Estate
Giilis Auto Center - Our Community Credit Unio~Xinh's,Clam and Oyster House
Grove Street Brewhouse Pa pa Murphy's
Next match scheduled for 3:15 p.m.
Tuesday at Bayshore Golf Course
By EMILY HANSON On March 28, the Lady Highclimbers
emily@masoncounty.com defeated Olympic 77-27 at Alderbrook Golf
Course in Union.
"This was a miserable match from a
The Shelton girls' golf team earned a tie weather standpoint as we had several down-
and a victory last week. pours during the round," Martinson said.
On March 27, the Lady Highclimbers "The girls played well despite the weather
tied at 88 against Yelm at Tahoma Valley and despite the fact that two of the girls had
Golf Course. never played Alderbrook before."
"This was our highest point total of the Ernst, the team captain, again led the
season and a few girls stepped up and had squad in points with 25 while Villanueva
good outings," Shelton head girls' golf coach had another 21-point round.
Lorna Martinson said. Ernst was the match medalist with a
She said that Lindsey Norton with 15 score of 47 on nine holes.
points, Rilee Villanueva with 21 points, Due to spring break this past week, the
Kerry Johnson with 15 points and Audra team had no scheduled matches.
Cation with 15 points all had good outings. The Lady Highclimbers are scheduled to
Caitlyn Ernst led the Lady Highclimbers golf next at 3:15 p.m. on Tuesday at Bay-
with 22 points, shore Golf Course against South Kitsap.
At Tahoma Yalley Goif:~o~e vs.:: : A~ ~yshore Golf Co~e vs. O~piC:: ~i:
Yelm: :~:, ::ii ::i i:: :: March 28, : : : : : :i :il i~::i:
~::~i~:' ~.~%~ ..................
Steph's Espresso's
5t" Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday April 7, 2012
Times: Walking- 3 years 11:00 a.m. at high school track"
~ ~i~ ~ ~i~ 4-5 years. 11:20 a.m. soccer fields
6-7 years. 11:40 a.m. soccer fields
~ii~ 8-9years 12:00 p.m. soccer fields
i~kE 10-11 years, 12:20 p.m. soccer fields
:i:! i:~::i!Waii~:K~i~a :i: ~! ~ Disabled 12:40 p.m. at high school tack (any age)
50,000 Easter Eggs
ii t:$ iii 990/0 of eggs are filled with candy/prizes
:::~:::i: :i :i : ::: [ef~ i[a~i : :~:: Sponsored by Steph's Espresso, Steph's Helping Hands
~i~ ~ ~!~ Special Thanks to all our friends and helpers
Brought to you by Steph's Espresso and friends
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
The sideline of the Shelton football field is so muddy that boots squelch
along with every step.
To turf or not to .turf? That is the question
"r n the last two weeks, thought I'd dug up, a drainage system
| the field at Highclimber try to get would have to be installed,
J. Stadium has been caus- the ball then asphalt would need
ing some problems, rolling forto be put down and finally,
Near-constant rain early sup- the turf carpet itself would
has caused the field to port. need to be placed. None of
become so muddy that it's At SHS, this is cheap, but it would
not safe to play on. That's the foot- bring benefits to SHS.
been making it difficult ball team Not only would teams
for teams to keep to their and the be able to play on a safer,
schedules, boys' and better-quality field, but
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'Journal - Thursday, April 5, 2012
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Specifically, the Shelton girls' soc-Shelton could play host
boys' soccer team had one cer teams to state sports tourna-
game rescheduled and one use Highclimber Field ments. Hosting a state
game relocated, both due to to play their games. Thetournament game brings
the condition of the field, track and field team uses in additional money to the
This brings to my mind it for the field events such host school and right now,
the question of whether or as javelin and discus. None Shelton cannot even hope
not putting in an artificial of these teams can prac-to host a state game on
turf field could work for tice on the field because it that field. The WIAA would
Shelton. wouldn't hold up under the never approve it as a loca-
The project is costly, constant use. This meanstion because of how poor
I know, with one rough that for the first game of the field is.
guess from athletic direc- the season, new athletesAlthough a turf field
tor Jim Judson placing the are literally playing on a has issues of its own --
project near $1.5 million, field they have no experi- mainly the maintenance
Facilities director Bob ence on, taking away theof the base, which must be
Woods said a project of home field advantage, groomed and cleaned -- I
that magnitude could only If Shelton could get say the benefits outweigh
be funded through a bond. a turf field, it would be the negatives.
I know the economy is a easier to conduct practices So, although there is not
problem for everyone right on it because the condition a plan from the district to
now, so this isn't some- would be so much better,run a bond for this anytime
thing I expect to be done in The Highclimber ath- soon, I'm officially asking
the next year or two, but letes are not the only ones the community to start
wouldn't it be nice to see who use the field. The supporting the idea of this
local teams performing on Shelton Kings also play project. With enough sup-
a turf field five or 10 years their games there but port for the idea (and hope-
from now? cannot practice there for fully a turn in the economy
Obviously, a bond the same reason the highsooner rather than later)
would need the support of school athletes can't: the maybe SHS can have a
the community and even field simply cannot handle higher-quality playing
though there are no plans that kind of use. field, which could mean a
to run a bond for this To install turf at SHS, bigger home-field advan-
any time in the future, I the dirt would have to be Cage.