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Thursday, April 6, 2023 — Shelton—Mason Journal — Page'39
New Hope Assembly
of God Church
Shelton presbyterian church
i Love God Love People Serve the World
Worship Service 10 AM
Nursery provided, Sunday School for children
Holy" Week
Good Friday Worship at noon.
Easter Sunday Worship at
8:00 am. and 10:00 am
1212 Connection Street, Shelton - 860.426.8611
Rev. Doug Peterson 0 Rev. Brenda Satrum
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
Sunday Worship 10:45 am.
if Check 0mg”, Streaming Sermon 11:15 am.
Sunday morning Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 p.111.
Service 0” Facebwkl Youth Group 6:30 p.111.
1521 Monroe Street 0 Shelton o 360.426.6402
Pastor Cooper Jensen
Sunday Service 10:00_a.m.
at Harvest Foursquare Church
910 E. Dearborn Avenue in Shelton
harvest4sq.org 360-426-3305
:9“ ‘33.! mom
New Hope
Youth Group, Wednesdays, 68 PM (grades 6-12)
Come as you are. Everyone is welcome here!
www. sheltonpres. org
Hi0 Shelton Springs Rd. (360) 431 86%
r «ma ix,» «. L...» z: u “in; Jan, w. my. ; w: K-xww. mu rue-um
Check our Website for Updates!
Live Contemporary Worship
Mount Olive
Lutheran Church
And visit
"The Rock",
our nonprofit
thrift store,
located at
1209 Olympic
Hwy. S.
meflfikfibnwsws, w»
. ., r 1;; new“
8:30-Contemporary Service—Eucharist lst and 3rd Sundays
10:00—Bible Study Time—Ali Ages
11:00——Traditional Service—Eucharist 2nd and 4th Sundays
Fifth Sunday—One Service at 10:00—No Communion
;: a‘ «fiery..-
Meets 7m Saturda s 0 6pm Sunda s
2320' Washington St Shelton
r; r52 :1
r zcztwmaztwre we; .4
. Rev. Bill Baker—Pastor Office Email MOLCShelton@comcast.net
206 E Wyandotte Ave. Shelton, WA 98584 - An LCMS Congregation
5 Office 360.426.6353 Daycare/Preschool 360.427.3165
loin us on Saturdays for live
Bible study and Worship Service!
9:45 u.m. Group Bible study
with discussion.
11:00 am. Worship Service
Potluck every first and third
Suturduy‘following service!
North Bay Lutheran Community Church
221 E lakeland Dr in Allyn
lnvites you to celebrate Holy Week with us
Visit our website or find us on Facebooh
210 W. Shelton Valley Rd. - 360.426.2776
April 2nd, 10:00 am
Palm Sunday
Maundy Thursday April 6th, 6:00 pm
Good Friday April 7th, 6:00 pm
Easter Sunday April 9th, 10:00 am
Please Check Our
for Updates
360—426—8461 “‘3
New Hope
by Theresa-“Murray " L "
We welcome Priistor loci
theresa@masoncounty com
Wurnock and hisfomily, whom
we have called to ti’t‘inistcr to
our church its well as the
greater Shelton urea.
“Early on Sunday morning, as the new day
was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other
Mary went out to visit the tomb. Suddenly
there was great earthquake! For an angel
of the Lord came down from heaven, rolled
aside the stone, and sat on it. His face shone
like lightning, and his clothing was as white
as snow. The guards shook with fear when
they saw him, and they fell into dcudfaint.
Then the angel spoke to the women. “Don’t be
afraid!” he said. “I know you are looking for
Jesus, who was crucified. He isn ’t here! He
is risen from the dead, just as he said would
happen. C ome, see where his body was lying.
And now, go quickly and tell his disciples that
he has risen from the dead, and he is going
ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there.
Remember what have told you.
—-Matthew 28:1-7
1)] e Tr'via
1. Is the book of Gethsemane (KJV) in the Old or
New Testament or neither?
2. What’s the only book of the Bible that mentions
Christ’s tomb being sealed? Matthew, Mark, Luke,
3. From Matthew 28:2, who rolled back the stone
from the door of Jesus’ tomb and sat upon it?
Simon, An angel, Villagers, Disciples
4. When Mary Magdalene and “the other Mary”
came upon the risen Jesus, who did He ask them to
inform? Priests, Disciples, No one, Villagers
5. From John 20, which disciple doubted that Jesus
had risen unless he could see the wounds? Peter,
Andrew, Thomas, Thaddeus
And He said to their: “Foilow me
our? 1 wit? make ytmfishers ofntcn.”
“whittlfflle’lt’ 4i»: i if}
6. How long did Jesus remain after His resurrection
before He ascended into heaven? Instantaneousiy,
1 hour, 7 days, 40-days
THIS is why we celebrate Easter!
May you all have a happy and blessed Easter!