April 7, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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......... r .....
l . _ U IUI III llll I I I
Like steak? Have our special steak
dinner. Thick juicy steak cooked
tO your order, crispy french fried
potatoes, brisk salad, luscious des=
sert, delicious coffee. Really good
to the last bite.
Your Shelton Journal Serves as
3700 Salesmen
* When you place an ad in the Classified
Section of The Journal, you have 3,700
salesmen working for YOU, for The Jour-
nal reaches that many families.
To buy or sell anything from furniture
to real estate al .. chances
are your phone steadily tonight,
tomorrow and over the week-end too, with
calls from prospective customers.
* I0.00BC certified brake
horsepower at ,1.000 r.p.m.
A welcome addition to the ranksj both Norm Buck and Wayne Clary
,,f sp,,rts sp.,nso, s i. this ...n.m-,of .,,, l ligh, l..h,,,s ,,,, t.ei, ,,,,-
ity is the Vt, t(,l'atlS of Foreign ) opponc it secoltl to:us after the
"yVal's post O{' Mtson (!otlnty. ' t'cct,nt high school baskotb:dl sea-
This org'mization, which has not son.
bean active ill the promotiol] of Bill Taylor, the ex-Higllolimber
athh,ties heretofore, has Illlth'l'tale, - basl¢otball ;tad base|);lll ace, is go-
en an ambitious sponsorsifip of ins to play for the (]rays ttarbor
road. the Highclimbers present
their t949 diamond machine to
home fans for two firsts tomor-
row and Monday.
Tomorrow Friday) Coach Norm
Hillyard sends iris Shelton baseball
aggregation against PorL Orchard
at 3:00 o'clock in thcir first ap-
pe,ql'/Ince oYl Lo(/p Field of the sea-
son. then next Monday thc High-
climb(.rs plqy their first night
game or th yea)' at I/lop Field
when they entertain Poulsbo at
7:30 o'clock.
Hillyard mny use two sopho-
more pitchexs against Port Orch-
ard tomorrow, figuring on opening
with Len "Sharkey" Hawk. the
rangy Indian athlete from Skoko-
mish ' Valley, and folloving with
Bob Eacrett. Both are righthand-
era and both looked promising on
last smnmer's junior legion team.
BOB TOBEY, the veteran left-
lxandcr, is tabled to pitch tile night
g'tme Monday.
Tobey pitched a fine nine-inning
victory over Bremerton. Monday
afternoon at Bremerton, 5 to 3,
runs by singlctous.
The Highclirnbers greeted ttleir
first tm'n at bat for the year with
a five-hit barrage which scored
three rnus and sent underhander
Kiefert to a first-inning shower.
Wayne Clary, Jack Griggs, and
Tobey hit successive singles as
the first three batters, Johnny
Miller and Toby Vasbinder each
drove home a run with infield outs,
and Don Cleveland singled home
the third. Gene Wells also singled
in the big outburst.
MILLER and Cleveland each
drove home a run in the fifth when
Shelter, scored its last pair after
Griggs opened the frame with a
walk. f,Wells again singled in the
same frame win'bout driving home
a run.
Don Cleveland took up the p!tch-
ing elmre8 Tuesday and set Ehna
down with four hits during a sev-
en-inning 7 to 3 Highcllmbcr vic-
tory at Elma. Clary weilded the
When only four teams were
represented at the org.'mization
meeting of the City Fasthall
l,eague Monday night, it wa,s
deehled by those present to hold
another meeting next Tuesday
evening at eight o'clock in the
senh)r high school.
This will be the final oppor-
tnnlty for teams to enter the
league, no all teams shouhl have
rel)resentatlves at the meet, lag.
American lgion, Rayonler,
Veterans HI Foreign Wars, and
Kitsap Dairy were represented
at Monday's meeting, when
plans for a 30-game schedule
for a six-team league were ten-
tatively discussed along with
entry fees and eligibility rules.
Final action on these details
will be htken at the session
next Tuesday night.
SHELTON ab r h o a
Clary, ss .......... 5 1 2 2 1
Griggs, If ........ 3 2 1 1 '0
Tobey, p .......... 5 1 2 1 :
Miller, rf .......... 5 1 2 0 0
Vasbinder, 3b .. 5 0 1 1 2
Cleveland, lb .. 4 0 2 8 0
Wells, ef .......... d 0 2 2 0
Swift, 2b .......... 4 0 0 0 0
Tabor, c .......... 4 0 0 12 0
Petals ............ 39 5 12 27 6
BREMERTON ab r h o a
F.Brott, 2b ...... 5 0 0 3 2
Noon. If ............ d 0 1 1 0
Hayford, cf .... 4 1 0 1 0
Herd, rf ........... 4 1 1 0 0
Dotson, lb ....... 4 0 1 8 0
Crawford, 3b .. 3 0 2 1 1
T.Brott, c ........ 3 1 1 12 2
Alfred, c ......... 0 0 0 0 0
Ryen, ss 4 0 o 1 0
Kiefert, p ........ 1 O 0 o o
White, p .......... O 0 0 00
Wagner, p ...... 2 n o o 1
Bowman. p .... 0 0 0 0 l
a Klauth .......... -0 0 o 0 0
b Hashman ..... 1 o 1 o. 0
Tota)s ........... 35 3 7 27 7
a batted fox" Alfred in 9th
potent stick in this one, driving[ b batted for Bowman in 9th i
three runs home. Score by Innings ]
His single in the second with the Shelton ............ 300 020 000---5 I
bases full scored Toby Vasbinder Bremerton ...... 010 001 001--3
and Floyd Prlszner after Cleve- SUMMARY: 2-basc hits--T.
land's fly had registered Miller Brott. Crawford, Hashman. Runs
with the run which squared ac- batted in-.-Miller 2, cleveland 2,
counts "for an unearned first in- Vasbinder, Dotson, T. Brott, Hash-
ning tally scored by the Eagles, I man. Struck out---Tobey 1L Kief-
CLARY'S FLY punched Prjsz- I ert 2, White 2, Wagner 4, Bow-
her, who had singled and moved t man 4. Bases on balls---Tobey 2,
u on l)op's sin le, across in the I
P , g : ,- Wagner 1, Bowman 1. Runs re-
fourth, and Priszner singled Vas- sponslble for--Tobey 2, giefert 3,
binder home in the firth. Two un- ] White 2, Stolen basea--Crawford,
earned runs in the sixth and sv- Ryen. Passed baUa--T. Brott 2.
enth closed Shelton's scoring.
The box scores: . Double play--Crawford tb F. Brott
-, ........ : .................................................. to Dotson. • • •
No. 62
Meets Every Wednesday
Visiting Members will be
Cordially Welcomed
sports events under the leadership
of Floyd Fuller, who was elected
junior vice conAllallder recently
and also madc chairm'm of the
post's athletic committee.
Golf and fastball are the first
two fields into which thc V.F.W.
ventures under its new program.
A shortstop golf tournament
has been scheduled under V.F.W.
sponsorship on May 1 at the
Shelton - Bayshore links, with
Mm'chants senti-pro baseball team
again this summer He played
centorfield for the same club last
Raymond joins Shelton, Mon-
tesano and Chehalis in the Cen-
tral League with lights on its
football field, The last of the
poles were erected a few days
ago and the Seagulls will be
playing night football next fall.
Elms now is the only Central
U00p/) :.t .=w Jo..so. QD
I Ird rJ- s.,.
A new kiM of outboard lnotor-entirely different in
design, in performancc. Packs the wallop of ten full
horsepower!* And it trolls! 40 great features includ.
ing Gear'Shift Control. '%l've got to see it to believe
it. l)eliveries now being scheduled. See us at once.
,, , , , , t
Also Non-Gear Shift Control
2 ½-horsepower $134.50
5-horsepower $175.50
qualifying play to take place
during the previous week. The
tournament is open to any bona
fide resident of Mason om4nty.
The entry fee is 1.0
The post has also nndertaken to
back a team in the city fastball
league and 'uiler represented the
team at the league meeting held
Monday night.
Other athletic undertakings ar
in .the V.F.W. planning as the var-
ious sports seasons roll over the
1 Hoquiam high school athletic
0 teams received a big shot in the
0 arm last week when Ron Utqu-
0 hart, three-sport letter winner at
0 Centralia, transferred to the rizz-
0 ly prep institution. He became a
0 candidate f6r third base on the
1 Grizzly baseball team the first
day he arrived, but his big sport
is basketball, where he was rated
e an aI-conference guard post. He
1 was third among conference seer-
0 ere this past season. In football he
0 plays an end position.
• Established 1895
SHELTON ab r h o
Ctary, ss .......... 5 1 2 1
Cole, If ............ 3 0 0 2
Wel], cf ........ 4 0 0 2
Miller, rf ........ 3 1 1 0
Vasbinder, 3b.. 4 2 0 1
Cleveland, p :... 4 0 1 0
Priszner, c ...... 3 3 2 7
Loop, 2b ......... 3 0 2 2
Brown, lb 4 0 0 6
Totals .......... 33 7 8 21
ELMA ab r h o
Clark, cf ........ 4 2 1 3
Gravatt, c ........ 4 0 1 6
Watktns, lb .... 3 0 1 6
Mm'phy, If ...... 3 1 1 3
Prante, rf ...... 4 0 0 2
RoDer, us .......... 2 0 0 0
Hamilton, 2b .. 3 0 0, 0
Men Jay, 3b ...... 3 0 0 1"
Michalak, p .... 0 0 0 0
Ripp, p ............ 1 0 0 0
Totals .......... 27 3 4 21
Score by Innings
Shelton ............ 030 111 1---7 I
Elma ................ 101 100 0--3 i
.SUMMARY: 3-base httWat- '
kins. 2-bae hitMiller. Runs
batted in -- Clary 3, Cleveland,
Priszner, Gravatt, Watkirm. Struck
out--Cleveland 6, Mlchalak 1, Ripp
6. Bases on balls--Cleveland 5,
Ripp 3. Runs responsible for---
Cleveland 2, Michalak 2, Ripp 1.
Hit batter--Miller by Ripp. Passed
ball --- Gravatt. Stolen bases
Clary 3, Clark 3, Gravatt, Wat-
kins, Murphy, Reset.
Strength in the singles was off-
set by weakness in the doubles
which cost the Htghclimber tennis
team a 4 to 3 defeat at the hands
of Batnbridge Tuesday afternoon.
Shelton won three of the four
singles matches but dropped all
three doubles engagements. The
Knudsen (S) beat Morrill (B),
5-q, 6-0. 6-2.
Waiters (B) beat Cole (S), 6-2,
Ashley (S) beat Shirley (B),
6-0, 6-1.
Deschamps (S) beat Schryock
(B I, 7-5, 8-6.
"Waiters-Morrill beat Knudsen-
Cole, 6-4, 6-4.
Shirley-McNulty beat Ashley-
Lemon, 6-3, 6-2.
Shryock-Wallaee beat Desch-
amps-Kinsey, 6-1, 6-2.
Sports Club Sess!on
Slated Thin Evening
The Mason County Sports and
Skeet Club will hold its semi-
monthly business meeting tonight
(Thursday, April 7) in the Odd
Fellows Hall at 8 o'clock. Sec-
retary Gwen Skelsey reminded
members today.
Three interlocutory decrees of
divorce and one final decree were
signed April 1 in the Superior
Court of Judge John M. Wilson.
The interlocutory decrees were
signed for the following: Willa
I, Mills from Joseph E. Mills;
Raymond L. Babcock from Jessie
G. Babcock: Maxine Levagood
from Hugh Levagood.
A final decree of divorce was
signed in the case of Joy Gustaf-
son vs Solomon F. Gustafson.
0 McCleary, March 29.--Opening
(I of the 1949 McCleary Softball
0 League season was tentatively set
0 for May 9 at a meeting of team
0 leaders in the Union Hall here
0 Monday night.
t Playing uader field lights in-
stalled last seas(m by the Sinlpson
Recreation Association, the local
loop will have at least eight teams
Walt Johannes. president of the
McCleary SRA division, is to serve
with Bert Herman of the McCleary
door department and Ike Taylor
of plyw(x)d as the league's super-
vising board.
Team leaders namcd tentatively
at Monday's meeting were Bert
Herman, cutting department: Fred
Rupe, graveyard veneer; Fred
Sellers, day veneer; Aubrey Cur-
ran, firemen; Ike Taylor, aupcr-
visors; Herb Bloomingdale, door
department; W. J Arnold high-
line; Bud Davidson, veterans, md
H, ed Charles. merchants.
0 0
4 O The odd match in five was cap-
2 0 tured by Aberdeen as the Bobcat
2 1 tennis team played host to the
0 2 Shelton Highclimbers last week-
9 4!
e,end! on the Grays Harbor courts.
Don Knudsen of Shelton won
0 0 lle No. 1 singles match and team-
0 2 ed with Don Colc to tae the No.
O 0 1 doubles match. In both cases
0 0 the results were settled after
0 0 hard-fought lnatt'rlleS which went
0 1" the full distance, with the final
0 0 doubles setto going six extra
3 3 games before the Highclimber duo
0 0 pulled it out of the fire,
3 0 The scores:
6 6 Knudsen (S) beat. Espedal (A),
6-4. 6-4.
Olsen (A) beat Cole (S), 6-3,
Solberg (AI beat Deschamps
(S),-6-1, 6-1.
Cole-Knudsen (S) beat Rasan-
en-Karslmer (A), 6-4, 9-7.
Fairbairn-Graves (A) beat La-
men-Ashley (S), 2-6, 6-3, 8-6.
Woodfiber . ................. 45 27
Lumber ........................ 42 30
Purchasing .................. 36 36
Olympic Plywood ...... 33 39
Accounting .................. 31 41
Engineering ................ 29 43
Hi game---Freda Fredson 170
Hi series--Freda Fredson 437
Three up and tree to go, Vood-
fiber needs only one victory this
Sunday night to clinch the first
Simpson women's bowling league
pennant. The circuib winds up its
schedule Sunday with Woodfiber
three games in front, a cinch £or
no worse than a tie.
The leaders gave up a game of
their lead last-Sunda)r dur]ng a
to 1 victory over Olympic Plywood
while second place Lumber was
shutting out Engineering behind
the scoring of Fred Fredson,
which brought her individual hon-
ors for the night with her 437
series and 170 single game.
Woodfiber won its pair behind
Jennie Carter and Violet Miller.
Purchasing earned the odd game
from Accounting with Chris Red-
man and Dorothy Schweitering
setting pace after Juanita Miller
had given Accounting a seven pin
opening game verdict.
Trophies and medals donated by
the Paper Mill .News through its
editor, Harry Elliott, will be the
goals sought by over a hundred
employees of Rayonier Incorpor-
ated when they compete in the
annual company four-game handi-
cap singles bowling tournament
in Shelton this 'week end.
Entries £rom Rayonier's Shel-
toll, Port Angeles, Grays Harbor
and Timber divisions will roll on
tim Shelton Recreation alleys
April 9 and 10 in this anmml
event, which is held here because
of its central location.
League team lacking a righted
Ors Koch is thc third outstand-
ing discus thrower the Highclimb-
ers have produced in the past doz-
en years Iave Qalby and Laurel I
lel!an having been considerably
b, ette'-than-average, platter heav- I
er in their days in Red and Black
track spangles.
Shelton pinfems cheered at the!
news that Mrs. Arm Sou$ie, well-'
known in local howling circles, had I
set a new record fox, Olympia wonx-
en ¢egelers recentty with a 617
seri#s. It broke the previous mark
of 604 which had stood since 1940.
Mrs. Sousie rolled games of 219,
15 and 183.
Perfect bowling games pop up
here and there every-so-often, but
Shelton has never had one in the
modern history of the pie sport
here, dating back to 1934 when the
4)resent lleys were installed. '
far, the closest anyone has
come to a perfect game in league
competition here is that 280 game
Bah Stewart rolled last Friday in
the City League. Bah hit all
strikes except for a spare in the
second frame of his second game
as his L.M. team bowled the Active
Club Friday evening.
His string included 11 consecu-
tive strikes, for he opened his last
game with a strike after rolling
ten straight in that bg 280 game.
He had 15 trikes in 12 £rames,
for he hadclosed out his first
game by striking out {3 strikes}.
On 17 pitches down tbe alleys he
filled the wood-box I5 times.
While this is the best league
mark, Ade Kopperman came with-
in a single pin of making a per-
fect game a couple or three years
ago in a mixed doubles competi-
tion, After gefting eleven straight
strikes, his ball left one'pin on the
twelfth pitch for a 299 score. Such
is the fickle fancy of Lady Luck
in sports.
Walter L. Marble
Representing the
Life and Personal Accident
and Health Insurance
1904 Stevens Phone 854
Shelton Lodge No. 1684
.].st and 3rd Tuesdays
of the Month
8 p.m.Eagles Hall
Marvin Leman, Governor
W. D. Coburn, Secretary
OBicycle Repairs OLawnmowers
OSporting Equipmcnt OKeys
223 Cota Street Phone 243
Morgan &
Lumber Co.
Phone 656
Back fra
the famous
Is Our Own HELEN
And she's bubbling over with tales to tcll
school! Shc has a treasurc-trovc of thc vcry
bcauty news and vicws.., destined to
thc most of" your charms! She has a wcalth
hints and hclps on hair-care; on
bright, fitshion-right DuBarry make-up;
thc DuBarry"Basic Beamy Ritual ...
1-2-3 way to cleanse, freshen and
your skin! She'll be happy to discuss
bcauty problems with you. to guide you on
lovcly way to titness and
Come in Today for }bw lleauty
Our Complete Stock of
Fishing Tackle
All our Salt and Fresh Water Fishing Gear
Ammunition, Mostly Rifle Shells and Shotgun Shells
First and '
SPORTIN6 6000S PhO#i! 2"
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