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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 7, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 7, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i lf)4Ct. L FAST, EFFICIENT, EXPERT 00OUSE WIRING SERVICE By Bonded, Licensed Eh,c|rieians IIILLMER ELECTRIC LOCAL DEA ILEy---. LERS FOR MONARCH RANGES, &apos;PLIANCES, APEX WASHERS & DRIERS ut CoLa Street '° Phone 664: NCAY ltional Twist Drill & Tool ('o. CUTTING TOOLS I)RILLS. TAPS-DIES l{ayonier Earnings For This Quarter I)ecline From 1948 I:;l\\;'oHi(q'. lll,'oI'll()]':){'(I, ])l')dllC- m' ,d" highly piirifi(,d wlt)(I eellu- i,>:c, will F,h(,v¢ firm (Ili/[l'I(l' t:ll'll- ill,k;; IH' :lh()lll $1.51 per }lalf, on [h() ('()?IIIII{H1 fllouli iffte]' l)l'oviding I ,l'(iF ]')'('I'cFI'i!d diiddend,<L (OI]Ii)',H'('(t wilh $2.11i per share for tile (!er- r ;p(md Fl" qll;il'liq' of 19.ig, and :t deurem.,,e in tonllDe YIDI(' ()t" ;il)Otli, I 1)el ' ('(11[, StC(!ol'diFig 10 i)rclh¢ihl:iry l'igure annollno0d by l'rc, Mdent Edward Barieb at. the :II'iTIll:[l,] meeting of stocl(hohlers ye:ierday. lie al.tributcd the firs; quarter (](,cFl!fl,%e in 1411les a,n(l net lnconle Io lerlll:)orary cllrtailnlent of pro- tuctj(m by vi::wose rayon and ace- late yarn t)ro(hl('er,% r{llyOllier's i)rincipitl tllSl onICI'L Mr. Ba.rlsch state(1 thai not; in- come for 1.4.) probably will not ha" as gTeat a 11;i,¢;1; year, bat that pr fill: shoilld he lucre th<l,n suffi- cient to justify ('0ntinuai.ion of lht} tiLl?sent C()lnnlon dividend rate (d' $2.il0 :mnu:llly and still provide i a. silbstanlial tFlll)llnt foF plant expcndittlrcs qnd debl. ]'eduction. The' i.eglllar q/llLrtorly divi(lend I)f 50 cents pet' share was (lechu'ed on lhe (N)nlnlon stock payahle May 13, 19,19 to stoclOlohfers of rec- m'd April 7,(3, All offi(,ers were re-elected. lliatl: Named hi (,harge Of Timber l)is|msai t-hirlln C. l lialL has been placed in (.b:ir!u of the timber disposal unit (if the, division of limber lnnaonient of liie L'aeific, North- we!i' Peg'ion, il. fg. Forest Service, with hc;L(lqliarLcl's ill l'ol'iland, ac- ,'(H'dJn o to H. ,l. Au(lrcv:s, regional forest(w, tle has Sl It'.cecil(It tO the position for'morly fiih:,d by \\;Valler II. frond, recently pro- nmte(l to chief of i, he (livision. A new anti-subnla.l'ine de.qtroyer will be named in honor (if Vice Adlnh'al .lohn Sidney McCain, \\;Vorhl ;Var I I hero. ]n 25 years the Na'val Air Re- sel'vc has g'rovqn fl'ODI one base with one seapl'ane t.o 27 air sta- .._HEADQUARTERS FOR , ,.,,,s and 34 sntellite .............. units, I qllle Navy snorkel slihlna.rine is IT[NG TOOLS & EOUIPMENT ............................................... S:','ea.ily miperior to lhc, Nazi pro- dill!lion of the Diilf.h oripinld. CONTRACTORS, MILL SUPPLIES I Struetion .... • .. _ Materials, Wire Ro )e, Tools,, NEED A ""inforcin iron i)i le Fittin Is ' i .. g , 1, g,, --eavy Hardware I1 ' PLUMBER ..ERMENS MERCANTILE Phone 48 CHOLESALE i)IVlSION , "L CATTO 'UthFirst St., Shelton- Phone 805 I HARDWARE MANY MOTHEIS ATI'END ALLYN W()MEN'S CLUB MEET THURSDAY I1,1' Es|.her f'4hellherd 1 Tile /,Vonlen'q C'.lllh llllq, Ill lhe I hOlle of Mrs; IL Shepherd la.;i.] Tlnu.,<4day c'¢enhll > with it record / • 1 { ( (!II(IH licc of llIoi.het',q, l:q+t/1.q / Wel'e laid for i-i. Kitcllen t'arty I wlich will he given ,ql Ihc s,.ho.l I Oil M:iy 6. t;'lltUre meetings will Im hehl on l lhe fir,qt Thursday of cacti inonth at 7:,qo b'oF thc present th( club will meet in the school h()ll,qe. :I: $ $ Mix and Mrs. Carl Izett of I'ortland, Oregx)n, visited her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cleve- land the first of the. week. The Harold Cleveland family en- joyed a visit from Mrs. Cleve- land's parents, :Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Cluy of Port Angeles last week. Mrs. Hrlrry Weckhorst retlu+ned from the Shelton hospital last Saturday and is recuperating at. .home. All her friends wi.h her a speedy recovery. Biid King is leaving for Alaska ihis week where he will work dur-, ing Lhe summer months. Harry Anstin visited his sister, Mrs. Larry King and family, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. William Carlson of Shelton and Harry Anker of Tempting Pioneer Life Attracts Two (Cimlinul,(l fl'(lirl page 1) He had been inNorth America for several weeks studying various phases of the big project assigned him by the Australian government l of creating this new .community, I part of which took him to Colum-I bus, Ohio, to study the industry of brick-making. I In the hours they spent with l him Mr. and Mrs. Latham listened l to Mr. Crosby's plan to populate,I this Australian area with a ma- chine for making bricks, at least in part. They became highly enthused with the plan, with the country in which it is to be carried out, with the wonderful opportunities it pre- sents those who will pioneer it. "We haven't made up our minds yet but we are definitely tempted to go," said Mrs. Latham. The plata which lures them is a 15- year Australian government sponsored scheme to create a new Canada with the climate of CaIN fornia by populating a strip of northeastern Australia 300 miles from north to south, 1,500 miles from east to west, possessed of fine soil, a perfect semi-tropical cli- mate with 30 inches of annual rain- fall. Only ,1,000 people now live in it, but the area could support 1,500,000 immediately, according to Mr. Crosby. The givernment is offering two pounds (Australian currency) a week bonus, on top of minimum pay and skill pay, plus camp he- Key Center visit((1 Mr. and Mrs, el( Anker llndny. Mrs. Clarence, Cihson returned Item Mississippi last Saturday where she visited with hei' pflr- t:nts. The Junior Eagles 4-H (llh which met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker', March 2g, elected the folh)wing offtcers to serve f(w one year: Larry Valley, president; Terry MeKean, vice president; Betty Coot(, secretary-treasurer, aml Donahl Corliss, reporter. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Baker. The next meeting will be held at the home of Dick Val- ley on April 11. Chris Schletty enjoyed a visit with his granddaughter and fam- ily from Bremerton Saturday. Russell Anderson is at home re- cnperating after a long stay in a Seattle hospital. Shirley and Dick Wierauch, of Shelton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil- son and family Sunday. Jack Sullivan, who is now work- ing in Seattle, Visited friends in Allyn Sunday. Sandra Asphmd celebrated her fifth birthday at a party given at her grandmother's, Mrs. P. T. Val- ley, Saturday. There were games and prizes. Refreshments. of cake, Jee cream and cocoa were served, Mrs. WiLt Collier of Centralia visited her daughter, Mrs. Purvis and family, recently. The Community Club will meet next Wednesday evening, April 13 an IlSllal, Everyone welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stock and family enjoyed Sunday dinner with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. G. Stock at Rocky Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stock of Pulhnan were there also. qr .v.f-v v.v v.w.w r .v v ..,q.v v.v v  v .q..v ..r  . Kamilche News  v v v v.v .v .r .qp .w v .q v.,qr .tw.qv v v..wv v v v .qv v, Mr. and Mrs. L. Iteaton, of Ev- erett, Mrs. L. Grant of Arling- ton, and Mrs. H. Picard of Sno- homish, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schiller recently. Mrs. E. E. Taylor was hostess to the bridge Chlb on Friday. Progress Grange will hold an- other dance on April 9 at their hall. The money will be used for a new floor. Donation for the dance will be taken. Door prize and waltz prizes will be given to the winners. Anyone having news please con- tact Mrs. F. Clark or Mrs. E. W. Taylor and we'll be glad to re- port it. There will be a bingo party at Progress Grange hall on April 15. Special table will be set tip for the youngsters. Mr. and Mrs. Wynant Rau, from Seattle, were visiting with Bert Rau over the week end. They recently moved to Seattle from California and Mr. Rau Dickenson Visits Relatives In Agate I, Murrel Dickenson ,;pent 1he I past week end visiting friorl(ls an, l I relatives hePe befol'e retlll'nillg ill Idilty at Brenierton Mond;iy Iliorn- [ , ing. t-If, will he stli.Lioned ;it ll'enl- I ;erton for sometllne ::in(I We hop,! the will be able to have ]ihPrly i freqltent]y. , I Jack Brown in recovering from / an operaLio performed in Shel- I ton hospital. Fred Remmen has signed with a con.ruction company to g'o to Alaska for a year's work. :b $ ¢ Mrs. Pete York entertained Sunday night at a birthday party for her grandson, Pete Whetham. Mrs. Martin Remmen is eon- fined to the Shelton General Hos- pital following an operation. She is reported improving nicely. Saturday visitors at the Harry Hamiltons were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Linton and family from Hoodsport. Ed Atlseth has purchased a sec- ond hand dump truck. Seems he plans to build a road into his )lace. '.It $ :I The School Club reel lasL Fri- day night with a good attendance. It was decided to build fire es- capes for their next project. So far there has never been a fire escape for an emergency, so we are going to remedy the defici- ency. The Sewing Club meets with Mrs. Alice t=lovind this week. A prize will go to the most. comical dostume. LEGION POST HAS BLOOD TYPE TESTS Blood typings were taken Tues- day night for members of Fred B. Wivell AmePican Legion Post 31" for future medical emergency cases. "Any Legiommire not yet typed may call at the hospital during week days from 8 a.m. to 6 15.m., '' Vern Eaton, commander, said. Members of the post have slated a :smOker to be held April 29 at the Lincoln gym. Glenn Miller has been appointed athletic chairman in charge of junior legion baseball. A new first vice commander to replace Fleming Byafs will be elected at the next legion meeting, Commander Eaton announced. Mt. Moriah Lodge / F. & A. M. No. 11 STATED COMMUNICATION Saturday, April 9 8p.m. Leo Martin, W, M. W. . tlatchelor, eey. .... ,, ,, I1 J ,.:. Appliances -- Supplies -- Fixtures WESTINGHOUSE RANGE AND REFRIGERATOR FOR THE HOME BUILDERS who do thelr own electric wiring . . . I have everytt]ing I needed in supplies from the entrance cap to and including fixtures and appliances for the complete job. Information for proper sizes and type of material and correct method of installing to meet the National or State Electric Code. Some New-Look Lighting Fixtures at Attractive Prlces Keep Extra Lamps on Hand  6 Watts to 1000 Watts Complete Information on EleCtric Heating ELECTRICITY--Your Bet and Cheapest ServantI E A Carr "'"""'°""°°'"""'"0 • • PHONE 645 Shelton THE PLUS IS SERVICE! You'll find it right here in Shelton at the TAYLOR RADIO & ELECTRIC SERVICE. We carry a complete line of radios and Television sets  Admiral radios and consoles, Motorola car and home radios. And, we service and repair these and all makes. li'or Service On Any Home Appliance Call 128 nmio introit 5 SATURDAY, APRIL 9 ONLY 00GARB A G E C A N S F BARBED WIRE egUlar Size _ so Raturday Special '$10.50 =9.95 DWARE DEPARTMENT i ii i i llOYS JACKETS P°Dlin and Lined --- Size 3 to 6 legUlar $7, 0 Saturday Special 4,95 KIDDIES KORNER i i HI ii ii !NS DRESS S[I[RTS ark Twain by Elder 1gUlar Saturday Special $1.98 $2.79 MEN'S SHOP COTTON SHAD RUGS Plasticized backs stop slipping. Eight good colors. Size 24 x 36 Regular $3.% B0Y Regular $6.a0 Saturday Speeial $2.98 FURNITURE DEPARTMENT SCOUT Sizes 11 to 12 SHOES Sizes 13 to 6 Saturday Special $4,8S $6.95 $5.45 SHOE DEPARTMENT i BACON SOUARES Lean Streaked 25 I LB. MEAT DEPARTMENT FLOWER Regular 79¢ 98¢ POTS Saturda;¢pecial 79 SMALL CASSEROLES Regular Saturday Special $L65 98* GIFT WARE DEPARTMENT ..... o ...... ..... ill FAN Regular $1.68 $2.89 BELTS . Satllrd¢peelal $1.68 PUMPS . Saturday Speeml $2.69 FIRESTONE STORE i ii ii i i IIH HUNT'S FRUITS FOR SALAD Regular Saturday Special 50¢ 44* GROCERY DEPARTMENT LADIES HOSE Slightly Irregulars--beautiful 51 gauge, 15 Deniere 3 pair for $3 ,oo $1.05 a pair DAYTIME SHEERS 45 gauge, 30 Deniere 3 Pair $2.89 ACCESSORIES AND LINGERIE DEPARTMENT I i i LADIES HANKIES White IAnen Regular Saturday Special 59¢ 45' HAND TOWELS Regular . Saturday Special 29¢ " 23' DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT i i i i , i TENNIS RACOUETS Regular $14.50 $13.75 Saturday Special $11.50 $10.75 SPORTING GOODS DEPARTMENT