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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 7, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 7, 1949
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III I II I I KELVINATOR t €, FIRST and the FINEST REFRIGERATOR + i LL-&apos; % ;+, ....I-- L,a ++ ! t tl + +I I |1 a! _ REFRIGERATED from TOP t0 B00OM I J O'5().POUND GIANT FROZEN FOOD CHEST O SPACIOUS GENERAL FOOD STORAGE COMPARTMENT • MAGIC SHELF ADJUSTABLE FOR BULKY FOOD STOR- AGE • LARGE REFRIGERATED FOOD FRESHENER • KELVINATOR'S FAMOUS SEALED POLARSPHERE MECHANISM . . PERMANENTLY LUBRICATED . . , ASSURES YEARS OF CAREFREE PERFORMANCE Available in 6-Cu. ft., 8-Cu. ft. and 10-Cu. ft. Priced from s209.95 TO $399.95 BEFORE YOU BUY A REFRIGERATOR BE SURE TO SEE KELVINATOR WE i"INANCE ALL OUR CONTItACTS " Olsen Furniture 328 COTA PHONE 102 "Fiqe Furniturc+for the Home" MEMBERS OF Appearing in SheiLon for" the first time in their new robe' are the 62 members of tim Irene S. Reed High School ehoir who will appear before M'tson county rest- Card Party Benefit Planting Project The public will be invited to the card party to be held at St. David's Episcopal ohm'oh at 8 p.m. April 22 in the l)ari:h hall• A nUlllbCr ('f prizes will be awarded during the evening, to the players, who will nmke up their own tables. Tieket.s for the party will 1)e available from any ,'4aihl n]ember or Mrs. Glenn CoiTea, who has been named t iekeL comnlittee chairman. Proceeds will be used for the shrub and planting pro- ject of the church gromlds. Comnlittee C]lailnien and lTieIll- bers nallled are: piizes, Mr:< ,Iohll Roberts; tables, Mrs. Willia,n Mc- Kenzie and Mrs. Charles Alli.';oll; ldt('hen, Miss Clara l,,astwood, Miss Beth Oyer and Mrs. (]er- tude }]ayes; decorations, Mrs. Pearl Duteher, Mrs. Lelllt Buiv.e and Mrs. A. W. Callow; refresh- ments, Mrs, George Grisdale; pub- lieity, Mrs. Wilford Jessup, and serving, Mrs. John Eager, St'., Mrs. Bill (Mary) Smith, Mrs. Vir- ginia Wivell and Mrs. Phil Mm'- phy. Open Installation For VFW Auxiliary Officers An open installation of V.FA¥. Anxiliary officers will be held at 8 p.m. on April 11. This will be a joint installation with officers of the post. Mrs. Wally Taylor of Aberdeen, who is the departmental vice president will be tile installing' officer. r party +Held Honol00 21st Birthday" The 21st, birthday of an English war bride, Mrs. George Snyder was celebrated with a party at tile home of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Sm'ratt last Tuesday evening. A restdent of Hillcrest, Mrs. Sny- der came to Shelton from l+:ngla.nd in April of 1946. Her l)arcnts, Mr. and Mrs. Wynn, live in London. During tile evening games were played with prizes won by Ted Kendall, Mrs. Bill Snyder and Wiley Surratt. Booby prizes were wou by George Snyder, Evehmc Farrell and Mrs. Benjamin Wright. Guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kendall, Mrs. Ben.iamirL Wright Mrs. Evclcne Farrell. Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder and the host and hostess. SHELTON-MASON C(')tTN'I'Y ,IOIHtNAL SCHOOL CHOIR TO WEAR NEW ROBES ....... :} HIGH dents nexL Tuesday night iq tile Betty Yuehanan, Mary Carnes, annual Spring Concert. [),:mK Cole, (]erah:line Ca'risen, 'ir- (?heir members al'C Lorl'aine All- ginia Cooper, Ernestine CI'ane, Hel- drews. Shirley Bailey, Je:m Berry,, en Cultee, Ted D:)Ae, ,lack 1)avid- Estlmr Hot]s, Vernabelle l]ott& s(n. Joseplline BreeRel, Charles Brown, ,Sherwood To Lead Groups In Spring Concert Tuesday U'r(tcr the bat(;n €)t! ly.,tl M. Shorw('od the annual SpvinE Coil- cert will he pre.,-lenlcd by IIe lUll- ;sic department ('f [l'CllC :;. [{t't!d l'Iigh Seho,)! at 8 p.m. Alu'il ig in the junior high audit()rium. ON TIID4 ()(;( !%SI()N choil' nlel'[lbcl's will llltll(¢! t]lt'h' lhst Shet[.()ll tll)t)etll:tnce ill tilt'if' |let,,," l(fi)(':L The he;iit,ii'ttl wool 5;;IIHll'- (lille I'(}lJc:4 tl'e I;)hwl, wit ]! Fit it c;qnl.,;oii {rii]lining. The (:hoi I' will li);sP, e it:; first appeal'alice ill tilt, l'ol,es lit the Ho(1Llimll llUiSiC meet llexl. S;i I+ lll+(iay. A replica of a staine(I-Ehc,s v.qndow, t•nriished by the arl chLss will provide an effective tmel<- gl•otlnd foF the choil', l'.s it sings God So l,oved l.he World, P,;ahn 150, The Nighting'ale and several othcr selections. Displaying talent along' with the choir will be the or(.hestra, band, brass sextet, girls' sextette and the girls' g'lee ehlb. ALL ,E'i,EC'PIONS presented by the local nmsicimls at tile nm- sic eontest in +toquiam are schcd- uled with other numbers for the con('el't progl'anl. Tile girls' glee club will sing such selections as Anleri(wJs Ginger Deer, Virginia ])odgt;, Sit DENt M1 SICIANS TO ENTER CONTESTS IN HOQU1AM APRIL 9 Last big competitive event for high school musicians before the April 12 Spring Concert is the annual Southwest Washington larqe group contest in Hoquiam this Saturday. Taking part in the Hoquiam event will be 175 Shelton music students, music instructor Lynn Sherwood anaounees. La rge 9roups include the orchest*a with 36 members; choh', 62; band, 50, and girls' glee club, 40. Fine musicians from Hoquiam, Morltesano, Lima, Shelton, Cen- tralia. Chehalis, Kelso, Battle- ground and Camas will vie for top honors. ' il , Ahiska and Latin America Topics 'the Woman's Society of Chris- tian Service of I he Methodist church will meet on April 13. Beginning at 11 a,l+t, the n%orn- Jill'." scssion will l)c held in tile fircplace l'01)lll 0f tile church and tile topic of discussion will be "Alaska." At 1:30 p.m. the women will reassemble folhiwing a llOOll sack lunch..Mrs. 'V. M, l'liot will l)l'c- Ch'eed, Tile Weaver, '['he Blue t side over the business meeting Swan, I ileard a Forest Praying and lhc devotions will be led by anti Whispering. Mrs. h.lel Sacgev. Selections by the orcllestr:t in- An interesting program has chide Semper Fidelis March, Night in' Tripoli Overture and Carnmn Fantasy. TIlE S]KYrBITiqI[ a'VIareh, Er- oica Overture and Sanetuar7 o£ the He&rt al'P. sonic Of tile nlllll- hers to be played by the band. Stuart Laughman, Don St;aey, Kay Harthill, Paul Wren, Don Cleveland and T o m Buechel, members of tile brass sextet, will play several numbers. :Also "tppearing on the progl'ani is the gh'ls' scxtetle, composed of Shirley Bailey, Virgiria Cooper, Pat Gilmore, Geraldine Carlson, Betty Newman and Mar, y Carnes: IShower Honors Cahforma Girl An llnusual baby shower was held at' the tmme of Mrs, Glen Chase, honoring Mrs. Robert Chase who lives in Pah) Alto, Calif. The gifts were shown at tile shower, then wrapped anti senL LO Mrs. Chase ill C, alifornia. AMARANTH DANCE Guests present were Laui'a The Anmranth Soe, ial Club in- .Htlrst, Vernabelle KJJngel', Hazel rites all Aularanth, Eastern SLars, Chase, Florence Andersou. Janieo, Ellcn thu'rison, Mary Dil- Ion, Georgia ttilhnau. Mrs. Mar- garct McKay, Lavonne Cole. Ha- zel Cunllnings, Peggy l'ot.ish. Ann Monoguc of Tacoma and the ]lost- ess. Prizes were won by Florc:lce Anderson, Lavonno Cole and Vern- abclle, Klinger. Guests unable to attend wm'e Ethcl Scale. Dolly Fentinlcn. and Bessie Stcensen. RAINBOW +MOT! 1 ER+ The Rainbow Mothers' Chtb will l meet Monday, April 11 at 7:30] downstairs in the '¢lasonic Tern-[ ple. 'All mothers wiLtl (hmghters I in I3.ambow arc urged to attend. [ I Masons and their invited guests to dance Saturday, April 23, at the Masonic Temple. A. B. GOVEY GUILD The A. B. Govey Orthopedic Guild will meet today, April 7, at thc home of Mrs. I%. E, Duck- htrm of 329 South 5th, TO CALIFOBNIA Mrs. Ray Bailey left Shcltoil yesterday to go by train to .qac- i'amento, Clif., where she will visit re.latives, On the rqturn trip, Mrs. Bailey plans to visit, her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrt+. Bill Coburn of Corvalis Ore. She will be gone two weeks. LATEST STYLES MODELED FOR MODELING A FEW of the fine gowns and dreases that will be displayed at the Pictorial Prc-Vicw Fashion Show tomorrow night, the IOUlCII ilb01t) ilr IookiiIU oi=P tim qualitie, been prepared by Mrs. %V. A. V¢iL- I sier. The subjeet of which will t be "Light in I,atin America." Tea will be served at+ the close :of lhe met'ling with M]'s. I¢.ob- err C. Johnson and Mrs. Mel I.)ob- son a,s hostesses. All nlenlbeFs and friends are invited to this meeting, _ ........ • Party Plans Made By Fem Golfers l'lans for a "South of the Bor- der" party were discussed when the Women's Division of thc Shel- ton Baystiore Golf Chlb met at the home of Mrs. Robert Flelcher ht,';t Monday evening. Assistalt ho:;tesses to the 19 membeis present were Mrs. Glenn Cortes, Mrs. Dinty Moore and Mrs. Paul Gilmont. The parly will be given for nlembers o1 Lhe golf c.lub and their fl'iends on May 21 aL tile Shelton l)ance ('.ltlb house. A lllenlbelshi l) cOnllllittee con- sL%ing of,of fleets of the golf club £1nd officel's oil, the wonlens' divi- ::;ion was formed. These officers are: golf club preidenl George Ashbaugh; vice president, Babs Stewart; secrcLary-trea:surer, Phil l-layley, and directors, S. "vV. (Buckl tq'icc. AI ltucrby, H.oy Kinlbel and Mrs. Winston Scott, Officers of the women' division are: president, Mrs. loy McCon- Roy; vic, e president Mrs. H.olla ]htlbert; secretary-treasurer, Mrs Harold AMskog, and team cap. lain. Mrs. George AshbauKh. Anyone iilLei'es{etl in joiilillg the Sllelt,(in Bayshorc (3elf Cltlb Is ltsked Io COlltli,ct O11C Of Lho abovo nmled officers. Let a classified ad Ltll'n that ()I.I) FI)'IINITUI¢.E inLo CASft. t'h(,ne 100. FASHION SHOW )n an especially fine dress. Pictured from left to right are Miss Shirley Dittman, Mrs. Bruce Thorpe, Mrs. Howard Sorners, Mrs. Pauline Hat- ris and+.+liflis. Gertru¢l Thomaacn. (Photo by Dean P',llm:r:) AT CONCERT TUESDAY Donna Eagle, Warren Edgeley, Winifred Eells, Kenneth Evans, Norman Eveleth, l.)rraine Frew, I)cb Getty, Robcrta Gillum, Pat (;ihnore, Charles Griggs, Leonard Hawk, Joyce Holt, Eugene Horst, Band Selections Prepared For Tuesday Program To insllre well-balanced enter- tainment for the large audience ex- pected at the Spring Concert nexl Tuesday night, band leader Lynn I Shetwood has organized a corn- plete program of special hand numbers to be presented by "an excellently-trained group. Members of the band arc Del!a Adams, Marion Ashford, Dan Aus- tin, Jim Bariekman, Janice Ba,'k- Icy, ()live Beeker, Jack Bradley, Terry Brehmeycr, Elinor Brum- baugh, Tom Buechel. Allen Carter, Lois Clark, Don Clewfland, Jim Durand, Ceorgienne Durkee, Bob Eacrett, Ralph Etch, Dick Endicott, Norman Eveleth, Don Ferwerda. Joan Fuller, EIton French, Larry Giddings, C'Dale Harthill. Kay Harthill, Bob Hunter, Miek- ey Johnson, Start Johnson, Suan Kennedy, Stuart Laughnan, Ethel Libby, Ed Lindsey, Jay Look, Chris Loop, Wally Lund, Jim Nutt, Mary Petty, Roland. Quinn, Janet Ros- quist, Gene Sawyer, Don Stacy. Jim G. Simmons, Barbara SLone, Geraldine Stutcville, Marcia Weir- auch, Doug Wetter, Dave White- ner, Bob Whitener, Joycella Wil- lianas and Paul W'ren. TltltEE 1FEET OF SNOW Edward Brooks, of Ioslyn, Wash., visited ths week at the home of his sister, Mrs. Blanch B. Bell. Mr. Brooks reported that lhcrc is still three feet o£ snow in his yard. Doyle Howard, Marie Howard Bernard Heucr, George Hunter, Miekey Johnson, Marian Kendall. Des Koch, Nadine LaChance, Marilyn Imkeburg, Dave Damon, Merle Lindgrcn, John Marshall, Beverly Mead, Leroy Moore, Bet- ty Newman, Marlene Page, Bob Russell, Fritz Priszner, Gone Saw- yer, Feryl Shafer, Barbara Shut- ler, Jim L. Simmons, Kenny Smith, Janet Swanson. Jack Valley, Violet Whinery, Sally Widrig, Paul Wren, Juno Wright and Pat Young. ( UNION 2nd and 4th • Eagll 8 Hall Y:30 A.M. Monday Hall Bus. Agent Res. H LO • ' NO ,! Mason & Loan title St,dents! Writers! H EASY PAYMENTS .. \\; I / ROYAL PORTABLE! .onvenienl payment plan! LoLs of time to pay! Get the new /oyai Portable mw... pay for it as you use it! I,oads of exclusive feaLures: FINGER-FLOW KEYS, "MAGIC" MARGIN. SI "TOUCtl L{IBHON others! Sturdy! No. dents! See it! MASON COUNTY Stationery, Office Supplies and 118 N. 2nd Street Across from "agi¢" and "touch Control" are regi)terea trada-marks of Re / / BANKING BASED ON CONFIDEN The Man from Mars and his guide entered a large building several lines of Earth people were standing before wflldows set long partition. "What are they doing?" he asked his guide. "They are handing their money over to the man behind window," answered the guide. <'Why do they do that?" ' "This is a bank, and they are leaving the money with the bank keep it safe for them. When they want to use some of it to pay or to buy something, they write an order on the bank, ibr the amount they want. Then the bank pays the money to person to whom th check is given." "Why don't they jusL carry the money with them and pay it themselves'.' "Because they would have to carry large sums, which they lose or have stolen--and this method of paying by check many steps and much time." "But how do they know the bank will kccp their money safe pay their checks promptly?" inquired the Man from Mars. ""This is an office of the Seattle-First National Bank, one the twenty-five largcst banks in the United States. It ha banMng offices in Washington State and its services are used 340,000 customers each year. It could not have been in for 79 years and grown to this size unless " I its customers were satistied and had faith in its strength and dependability." 81IELTON BRAN(311 Shclton, Waohington Lawrence A. Carlson, Manager ChcsLer I'. Williams, Azst, Manager IUtmbvr I"¢dral ,c,