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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 7, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 7, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:!..,K). &apos; are! that are built tqke it! only'are these es rug- long-wear. also designed to ]eet normal! Nr Lifff e Americans" 734  T-TT2,TON'-M A ,o ( ]%], WEE POTS SHOWMEN ITnn Hi00rh g,,hnol ]loose Card Party Held PLAY BEFORE FULL )[--r ;=--'----- At Wm. Griggs IIome IIOUSI00S 3 NIGtlTS 00cnolars l00ameo Host ,nd h+tess *or th,, Mo+e Playing before full houses on ((',mlinu**(I h',,m pap','. I) lodge card party held March 29 Thursday nnd Friday nights and :, ne:r-capncity audiellt!e ,alllrday, lhe .layeee's V,'ec Pots show ,)l'J 1949 WaS decl,qrod a Slleeess by i'()lllnlili(q? chiefs ill ch3l,gc ()l' l)r() - (hletion. Skillful oper:ltion of tho are lights is credited to WalTon MOP, Harold Wiseman nided in the stnga work, and Gay Taylor p)'o.-I vided the Sollnd equipment. Shelton Dance Club Party Set For April 16 Chairmen and .committee men have been named for the Shelton Dance Club party t*) be held Sat- urday night, April 16. Heading the arrangement earn- mittee will be Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Ahlskog, with members in- eluding Messrs. and Mesdames Bill Sommers, Howard Sommers, Walt Elliot and Ray Whiteside. %VliITMAN STITDr]NT GUEST Miss Carol Ann Greenweell, a student at Whitman College was the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis last week. Miss G'eenwell is the daughter of Col- onel and Mrs. Greenwell, who were well known in Shelton wMle at Fort Lewis. WOMEN OF MOOSE There will be a meeting of the Ways and Means committee of the Women of the Moose today, April 7 at the home of Mrs. Georgia Jack- son of Mt. View. Potluck lunch will be served at noon. WILBERT S. CATTO Representative of Equitable Life Assurance Society Life Insurance Retirements Annuities Long term, low interest rate Farm and Country Home Loans Aldercroft Nursery Phone 591-W OLD HERM ITA00C00! + lha f:tet lhnt she is quick to see lhe almlsing side of things, and her cheerfu! disposition en(te:trs her to both students and faculty. He)' ambition is to train ill surgi- cal nu)'sing, starting at Saa.ttle I'a(,ifi,' ('allege next Fall. ]d00tueh a, ll00aXeg Corp., N. Y. r.: 86 Proof. 5% Bob llerzo2, salutatorian, is the .,on of Mr. and Mrs. George Her- zog of the Isabella Lake district. :Lie is the third in a family of (our chihh'en. In high school he was most interested in intra= mural sports and sports writing. Fte served as manager of the traek team last year. Also he has baen active ill Honor Society. BOB llERZOG prefers scien- title subjects and mathematics for study. His plans for college are indefinite. Besides these two students the following were named as stand- ink at, the head of the (hiss with a grade point average of B or |,attar. The names are listed in alphabetical order and do not necessarily give the order of scholastic rank: Marlene Caine, Mary Carnes, Nancy Cox, Fred Cropper, Chloe Dickinson, Nedra Downer, Le Er- nm Dunbar, Elnore Earthnmn, Ronnie Johnson, Bill Leonard, Herb Loop, Marilyn Lovegren , Leah McGraw, Betty Mast, Lois Nosworth, Delores Reynolds, Gene Wells, Pat Williams and June (M('.Coy) Wright. :!: ) * AFTER THE valedictorian and salutatorian were named, the sen- ior (:lass elected Ken Kohrick as their class speaker for commence- men(. Ken is president of the As- sociated Students at the high school. Tim faculty choice for com- mencement speaker this year is Betty Mast. Betty has been active during; her student years in jour- nalism, working on both the Sag- halle anti the yearbook. She is co-editor of the yearbook this year. Festival Parade (Col'Ililltle(l fF*)nl 1)age 1) turing, (6) church and schools, 7) unclassified for novdlLy floats. Parade route was set to move east down llailroad avenue from abont 12th street, turn right at First and Railroad, and head west up Cots street. APPLICATION blanks for par- ode entries are being printed, and those wishing to enter are asked to contact Ed Faubert at Shelton hotel. Already ideas from several groups are coming in. One of the most interesting discussed at the Monday meeting at Ritner's Care was a robot tree planter be- ing built at Simpson shops. Mentbers of the Paul Bunyan Parade eommittee are Faubert, Harold Lakeburg, Laurie Carlson, S. B. Anderson, S. W. Price, Phil Bayley, Hal Ol:tead, Jack Ca(to Dwight Morris and Herb Rotter. TIlE CIIILDREN'S pet parade is being organized by Gus Graf. Next Monday members of the executive board of Mason County Forest Festival association will discuss the pageant, "The Magic I Tree," which will be presented for the. first time on t;o nights. $2.18 Pint $3.46 Quart Plus IO'A, War Liq th)l' Tax E MOST MO, DERN, OSTS $855 TO $2,302 LESS" The Onlg Fine C.r u,itk llillh. €ompr@ssion I'ah,e-in-l@, ad i,]ngine, with 100% eounSer-balan’.d , Crankskaft... )Veother Eye Syst@ns • .. Coil ,prinlling on all FoHr tYh@PIs ... IUni#eol)’' . • • Twin B@ds. AMBASSADOR ml of automobile fi)r those luxurious atotorirlg. with ntaximum -'.space. Its efficiency and r newin line ears. principle of g us(,less and safely. three finest American Ior will deliver as more miles on a gallon of and drive in greater than in any other [:e. it is the only car streamlined witl'unint(rrupted fen(h'r undivided curved wiml- is priced $855 to Wouhl have to pay for any automobiles. invite You to drive this most ,nod- New=, Match 14,A949 GREAT CARS SINCE :1902 Nash Motors, Oivillon Nash.golvinalor Corporation, Dafroite chloatl H MOTORS, INC. REITEN NASH MOTOR.S, INC.) t and Pine Street, Shelton, Washington were Mr. and Mrs. Will Griggs. During the evening tile group played cards with first priz(, won by Steve Rooney and sec(,n(I prize COT YNTV ,TOTTPNAL gain K to Mr. H. F, lliot. Players inchlded Mr. and Mrs, Walter Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Elliot, Mrs. Mac l’urg'ess, Les Bishop, Mrs. Marvin Leman, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Longan, Mr. "rod Mrs. Carl Dodge, Mrs. h'a Starts- bury, Marvin Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rooney, r. and Mrs. Berne Ewms and Mr. and Mrs. William Griggs. TRIP TO OREGON Dr. and Mrs. Fred B. Messing left their Mason Lake home for Portland nad Beaver(on, Oregon, on a (;ombined business and plea- sure trip recently. With them were their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy L. Stub- ben field who were on vacation from Oregon State College, also a granddughter, Susan Jean John- son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Johnson of Portland. Style Show Final Preparations Made (('()lllillll('d I'i'(,IH I):U',', * l) N()I)hL l)otlnli ,latin l'lllllson, Pellny I)ow(q');, Killy I)ri(,e, M)'s. t(ath- (!Fine laed. MrN. l-]owar(I SonleFS, Marriage Licenses Aplflications for marriage li-i cens(,s were lied during tire p:st weak in lhc office of Mrs. Snsiel 1)auley, emmty :mtlito|', by the fl)l- h)wing (',Oul)les : l<(,nneth W. Sm'rells, .12, :,n(l[ Thyra H. Vnn Vaelxr, 37, I)oth oft (larirlltle Thontassen. Mrs. Dh'llee Seattle. R()hert Shwe Be(lnarski, legal i Thorpe and Mrs. C., IL Will(mr. nge, and Mary E. Sutherhtnd, leg'al i 'l'ha "l)etti-teen" rnodels for the age, both of Shelton. ] :;how include Lorrainc Baylay, Boyce L. Lilly, 28, of Petalume,] ' Calif:, and Virginia Rhodes, 22, of Audrey Bailey, Annette BenicR, • Venice, Calif. ' I La(lon Lynch, Carol Somers, Sally, Sharl)e, Karen Sykes, t(aren . " ............... Webb, H.oberta Wilcox. i l)i{, LAN/)EltS TO UTAU CHII,DRIN IN the show are) An optometric conference will Susan and Sally Dorman, Bo take Dr. Glenn W. Landers frmn Fletcher, Judy FrisRen, Margaret'Shelton to Salt Lake City, LYtah, Fuller, Jane Grisdale, Tonmty I tomorrow, Friday. Dr. Landers Harrison, Marcia Itedman, VliRe)will be one of the many optomc- Smith, Janiee Tiffany, Dianl trists who will gather to hear Woods, J. Pierce. .Dr. Louis Jaques, Sr., of Los An- Sue Ellen Gilmont. Robin Mar-1 geles' Calif., speak on vision. Tbe shall, Mary Heuston, Catherine doctor plans to return on 'l'ues- Heuston, Karlee Hunter, Ginny day. Other guests at the Messing hor0e were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson, and Miss Lois Johnson Mrs. J. J. Kreps of Star Ronte of Portland; Larry West of Bend, 1, Box 94, was taken to the Medi- Oregon, and Hans Nielsen of To- eal Arts center in Tacoma last coma. Sunday for an operatim. 1+.0.6%:1'..%d + .6**..*-++* +;*** * ** +)9) 9+:+% * * * ** • + • **: += * ) * • +* *e +2 ,__.__+..._*;•..._+°%,, +* + , • , . % . "+ • % "4* • % o **% . . "4 % % 'o .'% % * % .'%* .'*,;'% % % % % ,". ";" o:. J. + • I r" . + 00oclal gvents ,,, .i00i ]! ; Barbara Nelson, Soc,ety Ed,tor , . Phone 100 . .=. Z •+. ;s,:.*..%+*+,*, .,... ., * • *`*-%°`%*?'°*-*°-*°*%*?*•=%°?°°%**%*-%*-%°?°°?°°?'*%°?°°%°%°?*?°+%°°*°°%•%°%**%*?'*%°*%° ;? -.--O--.-xO.'-e-•,'*+*•+**+°T o o . ..... * * .... o o • • • • • • * • • , * • • o • • • o • * +'o4 *+ Annual Conservation Luncheon And Garden Club Spring Doings Bright spring hats and floral of the tea and Mrs. Leonard Hale arrangements compeLed for atten- will be her co-chairman. tion at the Shelton Garden Club The state convention dates have annual spring Conservation been set for June 26, 27 and 28 Luncheon held April 4 at the Col- m Pullman. onial House. The arrangements of ........... spring flowers gracihg the tables SON BORN and the much admired fresh flow- Mr. anti Mrs. Stanley Smith of er place cards were done by Mes- Lilliwaup became parents of a son dames L. D. Hack, Phil Fredson born April 1 at the Shelton Gen- and Charles Lentz. eral Hospital. After hmch, honored guests, State Federation president, Mrs. H. D. Hayes, vice president, Mrs. Boyd Andreus and Mrs. J. C. Danford were introdueed. Each spoke a few words to the group, Mrs. Hayes outlining the SLate Federation coming schedule in- cluding the state convention at Pullman; Mrs. Andreus reminding of the state luncheon and Mrs. Danford announcing that she has new program material that the clubs may have if they will write for it. Mrs. Killian J. Wailer, of the Capitol district invited members of the Shelton Garden Club to at- tend the Capitol district meeting on May 3 at the New Yorker cafe in Tacoma. On behalf of tie Shelton club, Mrs. George Cropper invited tim out of town women to attend the Mason County Forest Festival in May. Stressing the growth of the National Federation (f Garden Clubs, Mrs. Hayes stated that in Washington state district alone there are now 350 clubs in nine districts. She als reported the success reached by Mrs. Andreus and the grohp working with her on the Blue Star highway resolu- tion that has been passed by the legislature, making Highway No. 99 a memorial .highway to the veterans of World War II. Completing the afternoon pro- gram, Jack Sechrist, representa- [ .:-, tive of the state game department tram Seattle, -showed fihns on work being done by the state game department to conserve the valuable wild life of the state. He also outlined the department's program and purpose. Out of town guests at the lunch- eon were the Mesdames Harry Hess, George Lytle and B. Sat'- kowitz of the Skokomish Valley Garden Club, Mesdames Paul Summers, Frank Vallmer, H. E. Ellis of the Tahuy'a Garden Club; Mesdames J. R. Brain, Bert Short, W. F. Evans of the Rho- Laymen, Judy McGinnes, Marilyn McKenney, BetLy Mitchell, Pamela Pratt, Mary I:bpert and Lon Ann Ieiter. TREATMENT IN TACOMA BAISY GIRL Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Allen of Union became parents of a daugh- ter born April 1 at the Shelton General Hospital. DAUGIITEI ABIIVES Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Johns of Star Route 1, Box 195, became parents of a 4aughter born March 31 at the Shelton General Hospi- tal. BABY BOY Mr. and Mrs. Preston Arm- strong' of Route 1, Box 275, be- cme parents of a son born April 5 aL Lhe Shelton General Hospi-ll tal. dodendron Garden Club; Mrs. Howard Knutsen of the Evergreen Club and Mesdames C. W. McIn- turf, Wallace Hater, A. B. Fit- scher, Leonard Hale and Miss Margaret McKinny of the Olym- pia club. This conservation lunch'eonwas the starter of a busy season of spring and summer activities planned for the state garden clubs. Next in line on Shelton club mem- bers will be the food sale on April 16 which will be held at the Lum- berman's Mercantile. April 18 is the date of the reg- ular Sbelton Garden Club meeting which will be held at tbe home of Mrs. Orle Gonter. Plans for the chtb forest festival booth will be the business at this meet. Asist- ant hostesses will be Mrs. Frank Willard and Mrs. Alfred Michael- son. Members of the Oiympie Pen- insula District may look forward to the district spring meeting which will be held at Alderbrook "Inn on April 25. Activities wiil be- gin at 10 a.m. An interesting pro- gram has been planned. The Olympia Garden Club has invited Shelton club member to attend the annual spring lunch- eon on April 29 at the Olympian Hotel. Reservations must be made with Mrs. J. C. Danford, 533 East ' 14th Street, in Olympia or phone Olympia 4138. Of special interest will be the guest speaker, Dr. W. Other Hillery, an authority on tu- berous begonias and the like. The Capitol District and Olym- pic Peninsula District clubs will be hostesses at a Washington State Federation luncheon to be given in honor of national conven- tion delegates returning from a meeting in Portland. The lunch- eon will be held in Seattle on May 27. The delegates have voiced the desire to see the state capitol grounds at Olympia and arrange- ments have been made to go by bus from Seattle to Olympia whre g tour of the capitol will be made. Permission to use the executive mansion for a tea in the delegates' honor has been granted by Mrs. Langlie. Mrs. Boyd An- dreus has been named (bah'man ZONTA MEETING The Zonta Club will hoht a din- net meeting and election of offi- cers at 6:30 p.m. tonight, April 7, at the home of Mrs. Ralph Crabill. Members planing to aL- tend are asked to notify the host- ess. Assisting hostesses will be Mrs. Ithel Wilson, Mrs. Robert Watson and Mrs. Elmer Smith. RAINBOW MEET A regular business meeting of the Rainbow Girls will be held April 11 at the Masonic Temple The meeting will begin promptly at 7:30 .......... I Ai]XiI,IARY "(ET TOGETUI,iC' The Eagles Auxili'try annual "get together" will be held at 8 p.m. on April 11, in the Eagle's Hall. Everyone is urged to attend. Pag'e 5 ]It,Ll I I I I I I IJlIUI JLL ___ -+,, . +, WHAT IS EASTER SUNDAY WITHOUT FLOWERS? • Select her favorites. .'o'II fi.L!e :1 .{()l'e()llS COl'S:tge. l=lly h(!r ;I IOV()- ly i)lant of fresh, I)ounti4hll l{]asl:el; ."7 .... lilies, qzaleas, hydr;mg(,ns. ()r hya- (:inths. We'll deliver it .n tint(,[ FORRESI I LOWERS & GIFTS 313 RAILROAD PHONE 432 ............................... !. +._..,____,=. \\; \\; HAND CROCHETED SACQUES <  BEACON BABY :""q BLANKETS ii:iiJ ' • QUILTED BABY BLANKETS . / • / ( .. RESSES-TOWEL SETS  ..... :: % • pANTY & SLIP SETS ::+' " % • CREEPERS 31!, CHILDREN'S WONDERLAND "222 NORTH FIRST STREET We Have Mny Other Good Gift Iterrfs. Come in and See The(if! ! • L PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FLOUR F° 9 mher s Blend or Drifted Snow 25-LB. SACK =1.89 Standby STEEL CUTTER EDGE W AX PAPER 19, RINS0 Soap Powder LGE. PKG. 29= 125-FO0 T ROLL i • "12 € Fidelity CORNED BEEF 12-oz. tin43 KITSAP BUTTER . lb. 67' { i ( EMPRESS COFFEE lb, 53' : Regular or Drip PURE PORK SAUSAGE ........ lb. 39 ’ LUNCHEON MEATS .............. lb. 49' GROUND BEEF lb. )€ Best In Town BACON SQUARES ..................... lb. 29* COLORED HENS r FRYING RABBITS [ I Be Assured of Getting What" You Want Order Your EASTER HAMS Early ,, ,, AGED GOOD GRADm BEEF FOR DELICIOUS ROASTS AND STEAKS t RABBITS r COLORED FRYERS .Bulk Kraut- Bulk Picklea ORDER MEAT BY PHONE- CALL FOR UNTIL 7 P.J. Buen0a Brand - Large RIpE OLIVES 1-LB. 2-QZ. TIN 25€ ') I Holly Brand ..... SUGAR ,5 lbs.145* Wonder food - 8.Oz. Pkg " : 21 FOR " Marshmallows i 25 .... i q a t  ., FL lh ORIDA ORANGES ...... . 9 ’ FLORIDA NEW POTATOFS 2 lbs. 17 ’ FLORIDA B R'Q/7.., GRAPEFRI 1I lb. 81A € GO TO CItURCH SUNI)AY Needh,am Food Center BIGGEST FREE PARKING LOT IN MASON COUNTY .+ ; MT. VIEW James K. Needham, Prop. PHONE 199