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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 7, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 7, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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] pril 7, lj49. , ......... SHELTON-MAS0N COUNTY JOURNAL ," ....... , ...................... P age_7 )i    "It A'D[V IAV DDg! AIATI/'hJ lICE FOLLS IN pageantry aid hllarlous comedy crs, such as Roy Shipstad, Frick] BRED INGREDIENTS b..'111111N ---- " | ] --'lkllbl¥1l JLPZlkl J[ II q.JI.J-t-lk.¥1flllC#i, SE/rmulnl 1 ,a,r ,, ,lo that have made the Iee Follies the and Frack, Harris Legg, Mac Ros, : The cost of ingredients sucll as 1W U[ A 1]r  ]11 A L|l I |Jl||| |1 WHEREAS the President of the United States of rxl" lv|I JLJL-O entertainment o a nation. Betty Schalow, the Scotvold Twins, flonr, sugar, milk and shortening  n  4. ] 1| II||IM ]l America has proclaimed April 6, 1949, as Army Day That famous skating extrava- _ Th? new Ice Follies features a Men|ca Moran and a host of oth- make up ro,ghly ,tOq: the retail :'--""- aatay l iJrl[llU 11UII l, and has called upon all citizens everywhere in anappro- g;ethleI¢ivYc°lci:Srme#:esaint iag? neTut:;e,2unaZ:lm:e." ers are featured, the newcomers priee of an average loaf of bakery tLelll At Green House Prices TUBEROUS BEGONIAS "PERENNIALS VEGETABLES BEDDING POTTED PLANTS i and Berries Shrubbery 0 l$1owers For All Occasions OK PLANT FARH '2 Miles Off Olympia Highway on Cole Road 1' R. R• 3, Box 265, Shelton, Wash. r ROOAf$ pROt//00 rlehest-q#¢litF I best--it's REAL OIL point--full- bodied, 100 Go-together tints and Decorator Colors to choose from ! SOFT.UTE superior fiat finish from J 9 CU. FEn Furniture 01Jn P0R COM Phone 94 } ' " • every mornmcJ, Monday through Friday . ABC Network priate tribute to our Nation's defenders, and WHEREAS the Army of the United States has for its mission the protection of the right of the people ef the United States to live in a free democracy and has preserved the liberty of our beloved country against all aggressors, and WHEREAS the soldiers of our Army are engaged in the task of building a firm, lasting security for all people who have suffered the tragedy of aggression and stand today as a powerful bulwark against aggressor notions around the globe, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Hrry Carlos, Mayor of the City of Shelton, do hereby proclaim April 9, 1949, to be Army Day. And I call upon all citizens of the City of Shelton to be mindful of the fact that our Army can accomplish its mission, both at home and abroad, only with the con- stant awareness and general support of our people. Army Day is also dedicated to those heroic soldiers who gave their lives to establish a peaceful America that must remain strong if it is to preserve its heritage. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Shelton to be affixed this 10th day of March, 1949. [Seal| HARRY CARLON, Mayor By Alma K. Catto, Executive Secretary to the Mayor. Fort Lewis To Hold Gala Open House April 9 Featuring Mammoth Parade Army Day will be celebrated on Saturday, April 9 at Fort Lewis with open-house for the public throughout the day. One of the primary objectives of Army Day is to help bring about a closer relationship and better understanding between the people and their Army. BASIC MISSION of the U. S. Army, of course, is to defend our country in time of war. But its peacetime missions also are important and have contributed much to the nation's development. When disaster strikes the Army is ready to mobilize its full re- sources to aid citizens in distress. Operation Snowbound, by which the Army helped thousands of blizzard-harassed persons f r o m North Dakota }o Arizona, is a current example. The list of the U. S. Army's peacetime contributions to the welfare of this nation is a proud one. It is in keeping with our Army's valiant record of never having lost a war. FORT LEWIS IS holding open house all day Saturday. Featured will e a mammoth parade at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. From 10 a.m. and during the whole day there will be exhibited educational and training aids, weapons, gqns, tanks, fast war Several Persons In Grapevie.w District Fete 2 Birthdays By Lydia Wren Twenty-seven guests sat down to dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Florek in Shelton a week ago last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lombard and Clara Eddy were guests from Grape- view. Former Grapeviewites pres- ent were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lombard of Chehalis, Mr. and Mrs. Frances Okonek and daugh- ters of McCleary. TIlE OCCASION was the joint birthdays of Mr Florek and Charles Lombard. Robert McCue and Robert Flo- rek of Shelton we re luncheon guests at the Charles Lombard home last Friday. ' , Clara Eddy spent the week end with her aunt, Mrs. Bertha Mil- ton of Shelton. Clara and her brother Myron of Shelton motaeed to Hoquiam for a trip. Mr. and Mrs. Lee McGraw and daughter Leah moved into Shel- ton last Saturday• Following is a list of the ones who purchased the Onsrud place. It was written by Bill Seiners. P $ llOW WOULD YOU folks like to meet your new eighbors who have purchased the Fair Harbor Tracts located north of the school- house ? First, come Mr. and Mrs. Frank McIntyre who have built a nice home and are now having a well drilled on their property. Next are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rltzen of Bremerton who have a building site leveled off on their tract. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baultg • af Aberdeen are improving the house on their place. Ralph Hatch, chief electrician for the Rayonier Co. in Aberdeen, has been fixing up the cabin and other buildings on his two tracts. Next come Mr. and Mrs, Claude Mason, Jr., of Aberdeen, and then Mr. John B. Arp of Seattle. Mr, an(l Mrs. Charles G. Chancy of Tacoma have erected a cabin on their tract. Mr. Cheney is a member of the Harmony Ven- dors Quartet which recently won the Oregon-Washington champion- ship. We are certainly looking forward to hearing this good old- fashioned barber shop quartette. How about it. folks? Mr. and Mrs. Fay C. Muller of Bremerton have built a home on their tract and you have proba- bly seen Mr. Muller's dad clear- ing up the back end of this property. Before he is through he will have theplace looking like a park. The next tract is owned by Mr.. end Mrs. Van Syckle of Aberdeen [ who "have been improving the l waterfront portion of the proper. [ tYTIIIS FAIR IIARBOR subdiv-[ is|on, a thousand-foot stretch of waterflont in a beautiful setting ] on [ial[ alDOt was •  ' ", originally the old unsrud Place. It was platted and sold by Charles Scm-, ere for Mr. and Mrs. Edvin Tingel- stad. Enlisted women recruit training consist of classes in navsd history, organization and administration, mtlitary courtesy, discipline, chain of command and ship and aircraft uidance, planes. Lunch will be served to all visi- tors in the Army mess halls at 35 cents. ADEQUATE BUS service from Olympia and Tacoma to Fort Lewis on Army Day was assured as officials of two lines promised stepped-up schedules and in- creased facilities to accommodate the tremendous crowds expected. Meantime. Army officials set aside a huge parking area adja- cent to the parade ground and dis- play area at Gray Field where all activities will take place. Officials of the North Coast Lines said that as many as a hundred extra busses will bc avail- able if needed during the day and that they will be used whenever the scheduled runs cannot accom- modate all persons. From Olympia, the first busses will leave at 6:30. 7:30 and 8:30 a.m., and then throughout the day will depart at 35 minutes after the hour. every hour. They will leave from the bus station at Seventh and Capitol Way. to reduce tractor wear this way with q A Product of Standard of California Longer life for your tractor is assured when you seal vital track bearings from mud and dust. And that's just what the special com- pounds in RPM Trac- tor Roller Lubricant do--cover all track hearing surfaces with a tough film that really stas bn! C. C. COLE 122 SOUTH THIRD ST., SHELTON - PHONE 87 b?ay 11 through May 23. ! saillee, All Aboard for Candy- Thiq 13th edition of the spec- land, "Arctic Fantasy, Aladdin's tacular Shipstads and Johnson ice Lamp, Potter's General Store, Con- revue is built around a cast of ey Island, Mardi Gras at New Or- 167 expert skaters, being pro-leans and the thrilling Ice Fol- dated in 27 acts and sequences liettes finale Acre Dynamics. and staged with all the spectacle, While many familiar headlin- Narena and Norris, expert adagio bread, with flour constituting team, and Marilyn Ruth Take, slightly under 25t. the total. Op- Canadian star, are in top roles, er:ting labor, insurance, equip- Mail orders are now being ac- ment maintenance, selling a n d cepted at the Seattle Civic Ice distributing costs, taxes, and Arena, Fourth North and Mercer, profit, go to make up the re- Seattle 9. maining portion of the price. I m I AT PENNEY ,S Easter Outfits made to fit the Family Budget[ PICTORIAL PREVIEW FASIIION SHOW Junior High Auditorium Friday, April 8th, 8 P.M. TOWNCRAFT* TIES ,JR. BOYS' DRESS SLACKS 3,98 You can buy the tie you want at Penney's for so Solid 77% rayon .... 23:/ wool gabardine at this little! Panel prints, flor- low price! Plenty of ais. figures, stripes. Ra- sturdy construction dc- yon satins, Jacquards, tails. Blue. brown, tan, foulards, green 3-10. 8.90 TOWNCRAFT* SPORT SHIRTS BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS 4.98 1.79 Two musts for a spring-into-summer wardrobe! Soft and pretty rayon Prints. Cool, good looking values Wlat. a tmy --- eolol, these talon front sport Westerr'ltternon toug elose-woveff tton broal- shirts! Pick stitch col- cloth. Sanforized'f, vat lar, flap pockets, swing dyed! Long slecveSizes back. Tropic totes. S.M.L. 6-18. , , iL PICTORIAL PREVIEW FASHION SHOW 8 P.M. -- FRIDAY, APRIL 8TH Sponsored By Lincoln P.T.A. Junior High Auditorium Easter Gift List,.. Dress Your Young Ladies In RAYON FROCKS On Easter Sunday 51 GAUGE-15 DENIER GAYMODES First (;}u¢ility 115 From Top to Toe! • Shopping around for sheer, flawless nylons? Gay. modes are Jar you! Leg-flattering beauties practical- as-you.please! Buy a boxful today-for that special someone on your Easter list[ They're typical cash.and.carry values! Caramel, Pebble, Sum. mcr Taupe, Bronzique, Shadow Gray, 8-10. 4S geuge I S end 30 denier Gaymodes ...... 98¢ 51 gauge 20 and 30 deniars .............. 1.1S PICTORIAL 2.98 Sizes 3-6x Sizes 7-14 Rayon crepes have the swish and the grown-up look big and little sisters love ! AT PENNEY'S PREVIEW FASHION SHOW JUNIOR HIGH AUDITOItIUM -- FRIDAY, APRIL 8TH, 8 P.M. SPONSORED BY LINCOLN P.T.A.