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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 7, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 7, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IIIIIIlIl] I?lllll III I II I II II III I[ I I II I II I I IIII ..... I I AIRPORT CiffE NOW OPEN DAILY Short Orders Pies. Cakes ........ Soft Drinks Bertha Phillips, Proi. At Maaen County AirpeR __ ---7_ :- : -;. -- - ,_.. , ,,.t. r ... I KIMBEL LOGGING COMPANY Modern Eqdpnt .... Operated By Experienced Men FOR O LAND CLEARING • BULLDOZING • DITCHING • BASEMENT EXCAVAT - ING • BULKHEADING • PILEDRIVERS For Land oc Water • DUMP TRUCKS For Hire For Sala • PILING AND LOGS PHONE 601 Pantorium Ties Kimhel Cl.b For Commercial Lead COIWMERCIAL I)WI,INfi Kimbel Motors .................. 47 3 Pantorinm Cleaners .......... 47 31 Morgan-Eaerett Lbr. ........ 43 35 Grunert Service .................. 42 36 Olympic Plywood ............... 35 4:1 Simpson Electriclns .......... 34 44 Local :161 ........................... 33 45 American Legion ................ 31 47 HI series--Leo Pearce 522. Hi game--Ab Flsk 203. KIMBEL MOTORS downward phlnge and Pantorium Cleaners' vphilt pu II reached common ground on the top rung of the Commercial bowling leagtie' last week. The mecllanics blew the last of their once-fat lead, whict had ex- idled since the very beginning of the current season, when they lost a 3-ply verdict to Morgan- Eacrett Lumber while the clean-. ors were taking the odd game from Local 161. The combination eraed a two-game Kimbel lead and elevated the cleaners to a ltlf-share ia fLrst place. It wasn't Leo Pearce's faull Kimbels lost. He pitched the night's best series at 522. but tle combination o€" over-average t)]n punishing engaged in by Frank Gibler, Ab Fisk and Beannie Dan- lels was more than Pearce could overcome single-handed. Fik op- ened up with a 203. which wound up as tile evening's top single game. The lumber dealers iiiovcd up a notch into third place on their three victories. Pan[oritltn won its pair on scor- ing by (]cne Lindberg and John Dotson. MEANWHILE, in thel lower levels, Olympic Plywood once more gained sole possession of llfth place with a 2 to I victory over Grunert's Chevron Service whicll also knocked the gas-ped- dlers out of third place. All three [,'lnleS were el; (lose as tile next second, Plywood winning the open- cr by seven pins behind Harold Ahlskog and Chet Gill, the sec- ond by 20 behind Homer White anti Earl Lunlsden, Sr, anti Gi'u- Iert's the finale by 13 sticks on Loll Bare's cloing effort. Last place American Legion downed Simpson Electricians, 2 to 1, beliind Glen Miller all Po]y Gernhardt after eleetrlciatm won the opener on Bill Cohurn's pin- work. The Naval Air Reserve has 2,183 planes of all types. FREE FREE YES, 5 TIRES FOR THE PRICE OF 4 i ii li i ii iii PtltAddddi00d00 The Amazing New COLD RU ER 2. NOW i. every Passenger Car Tire This Is the amazing new rub- her you've been r e a d I n g about. Armstrong Polarub. be5 the new COLD RUBBER THAT OUTWEARS the fin- est rubber. This special of- fer does not mean we llave raised the prioe per tire. It is our standard prioe . . . Imerely an introductory offer of 5 FOR THE PRICE OF 4! against stone bruises, blow- outs, rim cuts, tread .epar- ation and any and all road hazards which might put it out of service when used in passenger car service. TERMS CASH ,Ray's Richfield Service Mt. View Phone 99 CONGRATULATIONS TO V.F.W. ON THEIR 50TH ANNIVER6ARY - [i iri] i l[Jrllhi d/=- ey lif ( II  I L MAHONIIY , JIMMY 1rig AMAZING r7.YFAR()LD TK .TAR rOM , j I THE LAST 0LYMPICS, WINNIN TNI I400-METEI 'SWIM AND PADDLING A LEG ON THE O0.MET9 RCLAY, A CO,%PTITIVC .'VIMMER POR OYI,Q 7 YEA!5, JIMMIY #N THE ...NIOlt  L" DSTAI'" CI4AMPION9 "lil' WHEN  WAS IS, AND THF 400. 00 AND If.O0 ME'rER$ .AT THP ).5.CHAiPONSHIID WHEN HE WAS 15. Research Almost Cinch Champion In Simpson Loop SIMP()N MEN'S LEAGUE W L Research ........................ 25 1:1 Office ................................. 20 16 Lumbermen's Merc ......... 19 17 Reed Mill l ....................... L9 17 Enginee'ing . .................... 19 17 Reed Mill 2 18 18 : Woodfiber ......................... 12 24 Olympic Plywood ......... 12 24 Hi game--Bah Stewart 205 Hi series -Bud Temple 553 WITII ONLY six games re- maining on the schedule, Re- search's five game lead looks as sure as a Scotchman's bet in the Simpson's men's bowling league. Research raised its margin to that comfortable figaro Thursday by stopping the Lumbermen's Mercantile. 2 to :1. while second place Office dropped the odd game to Reed Mill 1. After losing the opener to Bab Stewart's 205, the night's best single game, Research came back behind Bart Robbins and Tom Ni- chelsea to capture the last pair. Meanwhile, Office got off to the rigllt start but tcouldn't keep up against Ray Scott and Bud Tem- ple in the last tw0. Temple wound up with a 553 for the evening's tOp 'es. . . MILL, I won odd game verdict, over taflend Olympic Plywood. as AI DrunL mend produced a sizzling opener and Toad Sergeant a torrid closer. Woodfiber failed to put a team on the alleys so fen'teSted three games to Engineering. Des Koch, Hillman 0nlyTrack Victors Sophomore Tike Hillman joined Des Koch among the first place winner group on the Highclimber track team when he leaped %0 victory in the broad jump at Poulsbo Friday as Shelton was taking an,86 to 27 drubbing from North Kitsap high scrhoo1, Koch won two firsts, making five in two meets, by winning the discus and high hurdles. All three of the Selton first places were in excelle'ht marks considering the track conditions under which the meet took place. Koch hurled the discus 144 feet 7 inches for another remarkable figure, considering the fact he has been weakened by illness mot of the week. His 16.4 second time in the high sticks was all the more commendable in view of the soft track on which the ineet wJ rlln. Likewise, Hillman's 18-foOt broadjmnp from a soft take-off was cxmsidered an excellent per- formartcc. The remaining H ig h climber points were scored as follows: 2nd places John Marshall i,n the mile, AI Kimbel In th.440. 3rd places--Don Rutledge i the low hrdles, Jack Dvidson in the ]00-yard dash. Merle Lindgren in the 880, Paul Koch in the shot- ptt:. LaVoz'ne Peterson in the pole vault, and Ted Ellis in the 220. This Friday the Highclimbers go to Hoquiam to meet Monte- sane and Hoquiam in a triangu- lar competition. Sportsmanship Fete In Olympm April 6 Olympia high school will play the host role for the fourth an- nual northern division basketball sportsmanship banquet on April 26, it wa anngunced last week. The Shelton Chamber of Com- merce sponsored sportsmanship trophy winner for the 1948-49 Ims- ketball season will be announced at this banquet, as will the official :ll-star choices for the season. The three winners of the sports- manship trophy so far lave beam Raymond, Centralia and Shelton in that order since its founding three years ago by the Sbelton Chamber of Commerce, Who the annual winner Is is not known until the moment, of the announcement, The selection ie made by vote of each school in the conference, each school having :15 votes. TRAPSHOOT PRIZES REWARDS SUNDAY Merchandise prizes will reward the sharpest-eyed trap shooters who participate in the first public trap shooting competition of the spring next Sunday at the Mr. View range. Tides of the Week Computed for Oakland Bay (Hood Canal tides ire one hour and [15 minutes earlier) Thursday, March 31 Low . ............. 1:29 a.m. 3.8 ft. High .............. 7:12 a.m. 13.6 ft. Low .............. 1:53 p.m. 0.9 ft. High .............. 8:24 p.m. 13.3 ft. Friday, April i Low .............. 2:05 a.m. 4.7 ft. High .............. 7:32 a.m. 13.4 ft. Low .............. 2:25 p.m. 0.3 ft. High .............. 9:11 p.m. 13.:; ft. aturdy, April 2 Low .............. "2:42 a.m. 5.6 ft. High .............. 7:56 a.m. 13.2 ft. Low .............. 3:02 p.m. 0.0 ft. High .............. 10:05 p.m. 13.2 ft. mthty, Apdl 3 Low .............. 3:26 a.m. 6.5 ft. High .............. 8:19 a.m. 13.0 ft. Low .......... .'... 3:42 p.m, -0.1 ft. High .............. 11:08 p.m. :13.1 ft. Monday, April 4 LOW .............. 4:17 a.m. 7.4 ft. High .............. 8:48 a.m. 12.7 ft. Low .............. 4:30 p.m. -0.2 ft. Tuesday, April 5 High .............. 0:22 a.m. 13.] ft. Low .............. 5:25 a.m. 8.0 ft. High .............. 9:27 a.m. 12.6 ft. Low .............. 5:27 p.m. -0.1 ft. Wednesday, April 6 High .............. 1:39 a.m. 13.3 ft. Low .............. 6:48 a.m. 8.2 ft. High ............. 10:20 a.m, 12.0 ft. Low .............. 6:30 p.m. -0.1 ft. CiTY BOWLING LEAGUE W L Pastime ..................... 45 -33 W.H.S. Electric .......... 42 36 Simpson Loggers ..... 41 37 Beckwith Jewelry ...... 40 38 Freshen Oil .................. 40 38 Lumbermcn's Mere... 38 40 Lake Cushman ............ 34 ,I,I Active' Club ................ 32 46 Hi series Bab Stewart 660 HI game---Bab Stewart 280 Matehes Friday 7---.Cushman vs Electric Beckwith vs Pastime 9---Activlans vs Freshen Simpson VS L.M. F OR APPROXIMATELY 40 minutes Friday night Bab Stewart was pitching his bowling hall as if it had to go through a needle BAB STEWART HITS 280 AND 660 FOR NEW CITY LOOP PIN RELORDS ing on the schedule. Scoring w:ts mediocre on bottl sides, Ken Fred- son and Al ?errier pacing the wins witl 194 and 186 contributions. FRISKEN OIL posted its 17th vk, tory in its last 21 games and climbed into a fourth place tie by taking' Simpson Loggers for a 2 to 1 ride am Jess Daniels ham- mer¢,d out. a 610 series, founded around a 224 singleton. Beckwith Jewelry moved over to sbre its long-held fourth rung with the Oilers by losing the odd game to Lake Cushman. Hank Durand and Joe Fon'est engineered the Lakers win after George Mer- rick Won the opener for the jewel- es with a 206 score. With six games to go, Pastime is comfortably fixed in first place but there's a four-club dogfight eye. , on for second with just two games Consequently, today he holds the spanning the quartet. hxdividual scoring records for tile city league bowling season as the Lots of folks will be buying result: of a 280 game which an- trailers, especially for their "out- chored a 660 series, ings." If you have one not in Opening the second game as the use, sell it through a classified ad. LM. tangled with the Active Club, Phone 100. Stewart struck and spared, then from the third frame on hurled an uninterrupted succession of strikes which carried through the first frame of the third game, or ]] in a row. Add that to the three with which he closed the first game and he had the remarkable total of 15 strikes in 12 frames, rolled .on 17 pitches. WITH THAT kind of leadership, the L.M. crushed the Activlans by margins from 81 to 140 pins in all three games. G. A. Gustafson wasn't doing so badly himself, but Iris 2:10 opener and 246 finale were overshadowed by Stewart's record smashing performance. Gustaf- son had a wea} middle game, so missed a 600 series by a single pin. Stewart's two big scores sup- plant Ade Kopperman's 269 and John Dotson's 646, previous high marks of the season. Meanwhile, other critical actions were taking place. Pastime padded its league lead to three games I with a 2 to 1 verdict over second l place W.H.S. Electric, a nice cush- t ion with only six flames remain- t Planning A Trip? We save you all the incon- venience of routing and ticketing, on Plane, R.R. or Steamship. No Service Charge World-Wide Connections Call Olympia Travel Service Oly. 6226 OLYMPIAN HOTEL, Olympia, Wn. ." -..-- ..... _ - _, ,, Th ,y, Gardeners know... "It's a Case o "It's the Wa OLYMPIA SLEWING CO.., OLYMPIA, flail, Woodwork FIR DRUG STORE The event is sponsored by the Much County Sports and Skeet Club, tut ayone interested in par- Russ Hunter, Manager ttcip&ttng in welcomed to do so, EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER MPHtt Eella Geerge Valley , Phone 254 Power Line Construetlon Co. Jaok Ch|lUm, Mgr. Mt. View WHITE SPOT Jim Bleeeker ! .CLIFF WlVELL'$ TEXACO SEBVICE 100% Veterans AROWN BAKERY (Our Own) Loving Brothers Ira, Duane, William FLY WITH . . . Sil]2)N AIR SE]gViE, INC. Lea Tiffany, President PHONE 654 BIll Polrlma, DIKrict Agent , € , The Veterans" Corner SEE US FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING OLYMPIC FURNITURE Walt EIIiott, Owner From the makers of miracle Kern-Tone, this wonderful new lustre finish that looks and washes like baked enamel! Kem-Glo is easy to use. Covers in one coat. Requires no undercoater. Dries in 3 to 4 hours. Colors match or harmonize with Kern-Tone. Try Km-Glo today! $7.98 GALLON J.L. CATTO HARDW 317 Railroad Avenue Phone 48 AUTO TRUCK FIRE Farmers Insurance Group Complet Mln'e Apparel And Shoee MEN'S Vern Miller, Owner Simpson Employees Federal Credit Union SAVINGS & LOANS For Simpson Employees Bill Pearson, TPeae.-Mgr. SH ELTON'S FRIENDLY STATION BILL MILI.II SERVICE Richfield Products Bill Miller, Owner STOP-INN CAFE Jack Wallace, Owner Dewey Daniele PACIFIC RADIO CLINIC Mt. View - Phone 842 RAY'S SERVICE RICHFTLD PRODUCTS USED CkRS 100% Veterans BOATS - RENTALS - REPAIR SMITH'S MARINE Jim and Pat Smith UNION PHONE 242 BOB ERVIN MOTORS 100% Ex-Servitemen Groceries . General Merchandise LILLIWAUP. SHOPPING CENER Walt Hatch, Co.Owner PHONE 162 o R CITY CAB Mel Robertson VET'S DOIN'S World War II veterans plan- ning to attend school this sum- mer under the G. I. Bill should make immediate arrangements to obtain certificates of eligibility from the Veterans Administration. The certificates, the VA ex- plains, rrust be turned over to the school or college at time of enrollment. They serve as basis for payment of tultion, subsist- ence and other fees by the VA. Veterans already in school, but who #re planning to transfer to anottlr institution this summer, as well as those not now in training will need the certifi- cates. Also veterans holding un- used certificates issued by the VA before September 1, 1948, should exchange them fca" a new type. Ill II: lti The new type certificates con- ta the verification necessary for payment of VA tuition and sub- sistence. They are, therefore, ac- ceptable withont question by other, VA offices and schools. Old,typel certificates are not acceptable by either the VA or schools until verified. Since it takes about 30 days i VA urges veterans to apply fca' them well in advance of their en- trance into training to avoid last- minute rushes ca- delays. Veterans now in school who will interrupt their training during the summer months and return to the same courses and schools next fall do not need supplemental certificates, the VA pointed out. Application may be made for the new certificate in person at any VA office or by mail to ttle VA regional office or cehter in this state. For Home Dellvor:ca Call 26 BOB KOLAR Dletributor of Kitsap Dairy Products Milk - Cream - Butter UPHOLBTERING BULLBOZING - HAULING LITERAL TRIM SHOP L. L McInelly BELFAIR Audra Literal Logging Company Box 352 Phone 111-W Phone 145 Land Clearing ,, , Bill GORDON'S MEATS HOODSPORT Gordon Iayet Owner Hoodsport Mercantile Chuck Wlnne, Co,Owner ,,  !liar Disetory ...., .  :Of Veterans Doing Business In Mason County Complete Automotive Repair MT. VIEW AUTO REPAIR (Opposite Skating Rink) Mt. View Phone 838 BANNER &'BURNETT SHELL SERVICE 1st &. Cota - Phone 940 EATON FENDEI % Ind Vern and LES Chevron d HIIIcrest '- FOR FINE CAKES ,i AND PASTRY SHAFER'S BAKERY Walt Sherr, Owner HILLTOP Auto Repair- Ed Johnson " "Our Aim Is to Serve You" SERVICEMEN'S MERCANTILE 407 South 1st John Hunter, Manager SHOE ! 320 SoU ! Neal DWIGHT MORRIS MEN'S WEAR 123 Railrcad Ave. Phone 494 DON'S SPORT & CYCLE SHOP (Formerly Sleyster's) Don Woods, Owner / Groceries- Meats Cottages UNION MARKET " Roy Watson, Owner / UNION 242 Jack and WEE PAUSE CAFE BELFAIB ALLYN Gordon 1000 Ft. Diok Valley, Prop. Road FOR FUEL OIL PHONE 326 Union Oil Products Dick's Glenn Roeel ' Dtok EXPERT RkY'S Liberal Ry .! I PORTR Phone 'TI ........ * ; role 00,un, /O000,,WA, flI[,f LIKE BAKED