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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 7, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 7, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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7, 1949. m Anderson Kubel ;i; Soc,al Events ii:i Troth Announced &apos;" " :: Of interest to Sheltml friends will be the recent announcement  Barbara Nelson, Society Editor . . Phone 100 iii of the engagement of Phyllis An- • .:. derson of Pulhnan to Ray Rubel ;.*°`..`.°``:°..*`;*`.``;°`*.``°;``°`.°°;```;°°°°;°;``;`:``"°;;°`°:°` . 1";'°}';'•;'.', of Peabody, Kansas.  • Ray, who is the WSC room- ownsend Club Meet ournrise Party mate of Guy Beckwith has made Held At Willis Home TT r n..; J many friends in Shelton as the The 'rownsond Ch,b No. 3 met honors mrm(lav I house guest of the Ueckwlth., on :it the hm)m of MJ!. and Mrs. E(i The birthday party behl*'Mon-! school and summer holiday .via- Willis Saturfmy, Apru z, 1or a . . ' . . (lay evening at the home ot Mr its. During summers he worked r)otluek droner and bumness meet- • ........ S "" " ] at Simpson Woodfiber plant, ins s Tho p/e?:enn t ¢IereaM('. lnd nelaVUsSm.l/:/. C; tltllrattlleWL S o Following a tradition establish-  .......  " " .. ".' .' :U C ' ' " '') ==" honor John Swe,.t. He recovered ed last year, Mrs. Anderson, house luloert,. vn's. . ...... :h'ace Let age, mr.;. qu,c,,y..,,.L. ,,u- sv-en* a. ...... unjuyetoje: ..... I mother at South house made the and Mrs lennaru ullanue JaCK ,, • ,r .... :---. o ..... es a-' --. • u • -" "'" " = A'e Ro .enm o playm 8a,t . .-u ",.]-i announcement of the engagement Smith mrs tara ety w - ' ..... a ...... ' • '  _  ' .... e(l Ills Dlrl:nO y cake WlLn tile* as she does for all engaged South man. , Jonn .JacKs°n. . , •J' l)emrtty other'" guests." honse men. Special interest was and the host an(t hostess. Prizes for thc games played added when Mrs. Anderson could The next meeting will be held wcre won by Mrs. Wiley Surratt, ,mm"malsfllghtto' include her daughter in this an- at the home of Mrs. Clara Getty :Mrs. Bill Nolk, Mrs. Evelcne Far- = N,e,lta. 192.8: </  nouncement. |1. famPter=u-en' I Phyllis is a teaeler in the on April 16 preceded by a potluck rcll and Don Eagle. r% 1861 - ' " |--Pl .... ". _,)[Franklin elementary school of dinner at 6 p.m. All members are Guests attending were Mr. and • =....-.v.-alr.est°.re.a'l Pulman and Ray is a senior in asked to be present and guests Mrs. Willimn Porter Surratt, Mrs. - r ar,d ' " '  .... - .......... Donald Eagle, Mr. and Mrs. Bill .. P'192 l}eleetr,cal engineering. A late sum- are invited. Evelene Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. ..braham Lincoln 3 ] met wedding has been planned. ]:)4-:..,A -,,!,,, qP,,a,],, Nolk and son Larry, Mr. and Mrs. '" L CU l.en£1all, • . ."swe.Lt - "*ICH 8UNOAY n  Mrs. Ed Perdue and three chil- TO Make Shelton Home and Ofildren and the honored 1 ,,,,ALL I dren, of Spokane, arrived in Shcl- A welcome is extended to new guest and host and hostess. i'l  , '}, [J ton Tuesday for a visit at the residents of Shelton, Nh'. and Mrs. '_ ------ ern L ClarK, formerly of Taco- **| ]/l[amao a4- lrA II " I,_A I/home of Mrs. Perdue's parents, ma JIUllU .,lknutLu,L, li k.L Jl . 11 V  ' [/ Mr. ,and Mrs. J. W. Gralmm. Mr. . v ]] Perdue, former Shelton newspaper Mr. Clark has just retired fol-|]r¢olrl-- T,.i ]l-iql '*01dR =--- |[publisher and now associated with lowing 39 years of tehing at llU.,.ltL .t 1JtK::; .,,RVICE ]the Cowles' Spokane newspapers Stadium high school in Tacoma, Tim guild members of St. Dav- --t,L)- PIVEILS I] is expected to join his family part of this time was spent am id's church will hold the Episco- [here on Friday. head of the Stadium science de- pal Diocesan tea April 20 in the pertinent, guild hall. All members of the ,v.- Clarks have ,)urchaseda church and tlaeir friends are in- ---" '  helton nl ex--ect to vited to attend this silver tea.  ,  , , some m  ' e • "emain here ermanentl" Proceeds of the tea will furn- y z. ish the women's room in Diocesan SON VISITS HEnri I House in Seattle.  ---- There will be no regular week FROM ,IAra Robe * Faria son of Jose Faria, ly lenten meeting .°f the guild " ' e next Monday as tt ts Holy Week xisited his father for th. first " time in 10 years last week while he was on leave from Japan. Robert served with the 3rd Div- ision during the war in Tunisia Africa and Sicily, Italy and has recently been stationed in Japan with the 304th, 'Army Signal Corps. He left Monday for Fort ScStt, San Francisco where he will be reassigned. SON BORN IN SPOKANE Major and Mrs. J. A. Viger of Spokane becante parents of a son Andrew Steres, born on April 1. The new arrival weighed 8 pounds and 15 ounces. Proud grandpa¢- ents are Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Vige" of Shelton and Mrs. Aln Gibson of Sioux City, Nebraska. A graduate of Irene S. Reed high ;chool, Major Viger is now an Army meteorologist at Spo- kane. $2.18 lJ Whiskey ""'* $3.46 Quart : , A Blend ""*'°';" War Liquor ' Tax PRO0. CORP.. {t. Y.. 86 PROOF . 65% GRAIN HEUTRAL SPIRITS 0000FOOD Bremerton Rebekahs Expected As Guests Of Shelton Lodge Guests from Bremerton Aurilla Rebekah Lodge No. 133 will be entertained by Shelton Ruby Re- bekah lodge at a regular meeting at 8 p.m. April 8 at the I.O.O.F. hall. An entertainment program has been planned in which the Odd Fellows will participate. Enter- tainment committee members are Ruth Yule and Elizabeth Sinai)- son. Grace Bartlett is the lunch committee chairman. Those wishing may wear for- mals to this meeting. Rebekah drill team practice will be held at 8 p.m. April 7 in the I.O.O.F. hall. High School Scoops MAGAZINES Post. Life. Colliers and Holiday take the lead as the four most popular magazines checked out to study hall students day by day in the library reserve'room. If one of these interesting time- killers is not available at the mo- ment, the girls Witl 'ettle "'for SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Bingo Party For 4-H Open House Honors : S H 0 L Lumber anhandle Lake Camp  n eave Site Benefit Fund on ome Shelton The Oakhtnd l),ay 4-I1 C, lul) i: Seventy gue,;ts were entertained holding a, bingo t)arty at  p.m. from 3 to 5 last Sunday .tfternoon April 8 at the Oakland Bay school at an open house given by Mr. house• and F ,,, ,,o,,. P Y "om-- an- Features of the evening will in- or t)f 12eir son Bill, who is honm ('.lude door prizes, a 4-tt progr:un, on leave after successfully cost- refreshments and prizes tot all. pleting boot training at Sau Everyone is invited to come and Diego Naval Training Center. bring tlteir friends. Proceetb of i Spring flowers wcre used as at: the evening will benefit the 4-It tractive decorations Un'oughout Panhandle Lake camp site. Oak-I tlae hOUSe. land Bay 4-H leaders are Mrs. C. i Out of town guests ntcmded M. Mercer and Mrs. I,eb Quinn. i Mr. and Mrs. Don Harmou of ............ Madrona Beach, Olympia. Tolly Simpson Guild I ........... Holds Regular Meeting T. B. EXECUTIVES The Tolly Simpson Orthopedic TO HOLD MEETING Guild met at the honte of Mrs. All. members arc urged to at- i IIIIII I i I I ii I II FLOOR SANDERS FOR RENT Ed Lovell on llarch 31. Serving tend the executive hoard meet- "s co-hostess was Mrs. Guy Nor- Ins of the Maon (:ounty Tuber- - ............ , ..................................................................................................................... ris. (UIosis Association to I)e held ,u, ,,,,, , ,,,,,  I at 12'0 }m A)rll 11 in the h'ene Blanchard a former mere-, .. 1. • I . ' her was welcomed back into the tu,rcnlosls offh'c at Hm Court guild. Mrs. 'B()ck was a guest at] House, In OIlr Location on the guild meeting.  -- ........... .... of the Peru Die I SON BORN IN II)AIlO . ,.narman . ,y '=',. I Mr and Mrs Clmrles Dosske.y ,'41.1.41A,B.II=== View VtI'S: lorris., was also appolllLeU of 51"1 Colorado St., Pullman, ar'e atone m.eeung. , . . IDarents of It 7 pound 10 oum;e P OllOwlng rue DtsIness nqeeLlng - . ........ bi" a " fteshments we, c cn son, ruce na,',os, .o'n :areu ON THE OLYMPIC IIIGHWAY • • ag.e nd 'e .... I ]0 at Moscow, hla.ho. joyea.. ....... ] t " Mr. Dosskey is a post Kraduatc MAILING ADDRESS  P.O. Box 598, Shelton rtostess tor tne aay z6  eel- I ,. • ,,. .... : ..... student of en 'meerm ot Wash- In writ oe Mrs. uaura Wilcox as- I ' g o- '  Charles Welrauoh PHONE 657 i -gn-. b, Mrs Edno Ou'rnstro mgton State College at I ullnasn. °' z .....  ..... " Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. • ..  . A E Klasell of Shelton anti Mr StzFLT()NIANS BE()()MF ' . " ...=...k-D,N, " land Mrs. Ernest Dosskey of thch- uau. n., ,,-, . . t land I1 I lll l 1 / • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Henury ot, ..................................... Tacoma became parents ol: an II II .......... - "--- ............ 8 pound 10 ounce daughter born NOW! .... at the Tacoma Gcneral Hospital "" "'^"'" BE L on March 15. Mrs. ttendry is the m | |iu [ | Ill ] n daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry | 1 [ '| | m 1-Iurst of Shelton and the paternal & & II V L 1 & grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Hendry of Tacoma. ALTAR SOCIETY MEETING The St. Mary's Altar Society will meet Thursday, April 7 at 8 p.nt. in the SL. l£dward's Church parlors. This will be a regul.r meeting. SUAN JOINS VALLEY FAMILY Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgc L. Vallcy of Shelton are the parents of t daughter. Susan Colleen. born Marcl 30 at St. Peter's Hospital in "Olympia. Susan weighed 5 pounds and 14b. ounces accord- ing to her father who also re- ported that mother, father and daughter are all doing well. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs. Carl Helenius of Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley of Shel- ton. The Easter Parade Isn't Far Off- Don't Be a "Too-Later." Send your "t , • l" Pressing and Dry (,leaning Now To .... PANTORIU00 CLEANERS & 215 S. 2nd St. II I II I I TAILORS Phone 86 I AIM T##EEP PRICES00 Seventeen or American Girl. The boys usually prefer, its second DA - FRIDAY - SATURDAY {APRIL 7 - 8 - 9) choice, Sport Field and Stream • or Popular Mechanics. .... FREE TO EACH CUSTOMER So when you happen to ask for , ..... a magazine that isn't in, don't ' ' : ' , t give up. There are 'the latest NO APRIL FOOL J()KE!! PRI'CES ARE LOW- IN • • newspapers to choose from and ., WAR SURPLUS -- SEE \\; Get i . Ready I For... I THE OUTDOORS!! I LIFE JACKETS-- ' 4 Anl Kapok Filled .......................................................... .t .hIpl SLEEPING BAGS-- Waterproof Cover, 4 a| All Wool ................................................................ Jl. .| TENT--, 9 x 12, " 4'])A 1| Officers Wall ...................................................... I--l*.ll | PUP TENTS-- J 1 For Boy Soouts ................................................. : ...... L-.¢r I HUNTING KNIVES-- "T¢I With Scabbard .................................................... ,. J[--I PACK BOARDS--- Army - New , | Light and Durable .: .................................................. 11| AIR MATTRESS 4 1 I| Fabricated ............................................................  L .l WATERPROOF MATCHES 4 P.¢I TWO FOR ................................................................. Jk  | HAMMOCKS--Navy, J ==1 Complete with Clews .............................................  n   I LIFE RAFTS " I FISHERMEN  BE READY FOR OPENING I • DAY -- APRIL 17TH ] Four Man ............. :. 49.S0/ Two Man ............... 37,$0] COMPLETE WITH OARS ANO PUMP [ |u M,. Ch,,poo 14.95 CALK SHOES o,, Tanned Leather WOBK SHOES ....................................... $3.95 Dress Oxfords, Army & Navy ............ $7.95 i • i ! SPECIAL ! FOR YOURSELI .. , , . _ _ J _J i i Pamt IIigh . up!!  q.a,ty Be  At , 00,o.d tl,ll/[=l',lll of [l Grcat Your  Saving Home [  - im J ': ,. Ease On o,, .2°-'Washbile " ?AL 3.05 In 5-Gallon Lots ..... JGal. 3.25 Enam-I Porchand Ill 1 ,ill " ' i Deck QT JL . GAL. lq'e'a:) Ep,nl, A Interior ' t 9( a4[ € s,; "* Hi,Grade QT. " ,=/--t' GAL. m AluminumPaint ...... qt. 1,25 " FLASH! Af ' '* SUNGLASSES // 100-Year Guarantee €,  . , Absorbs 96% infra-red & ' /"' Ultra-violet Rays \\; f;:' o 4 ase "e.,es <' .... .=; Naviex Glass t " " '- I : ;:?,;, wja,bond - y S PE(3AI ....... -per pair 1.9S WRIST WATCH WHILE'THEY LAST / * LUMIP, OUS DIAL 5.95 SWEEP HAND O 1 YR. WRITTEN GUARANTEe. "N ' :  E. GINEERS COMPASS PRISMATIC WITH LINING D ' V ' C E ............................................................ 12.95 i u n _ . t ]t . WHIPCORD PANTS ....... " ................ 2.98 Sanforized - Tough - Washable  Only $2.98 wmPCORD PANS ........................ 6.95 Part Will - Leather Trim Pookets n SERVICEMEN'S MERCANTILE Phone 748 there is always a dictionary left ONE COFFEE MEASURE on thesholf, ........ AND THE SAVINGS ON MANY LOW PRICED ITEMS (()I,LE(}E ('()NFEIENCES Sixty-five college minded sen- iors from h'ene S. Reed and Ray- TALL mond High Schools attended var- ['1 A'T ]rl[ .] [ SILVER BAR ious college confcrenccs here last AM. inCO Friday. These confe,'ences are "'"" '"'*" I CRE RN brought into the vocational pro- T" various colleges, to answer ques- ''  D¢ tions about costs, courses, .etc.. [ t CarnaUon II, I} I Silver Bar TOMATOES of the college situation. After the introduction of the No. 2 Tins roprcsentatives froln 12 schools ings with representatives of the college of their first choice. Two more 25-minute conferences fol" r:  ' DEL MONTE At the close of the scheduled meeting's students were able to ACHES C 0 R speak personally to the rep,'esen- " I NO ns M tatives for added information. NO. 2= TINS | . 2 Ca When asked her opinion of the conferences, Gloria Oslerho]na, lo- 1 2 OR 3 ,  " cal senior, replied, "I thought they were very good and very worth while." This was also the view expressed by other enior ., __ . ! A? -MLA 152"oz'DOg'TINS , interviewed. * * ",' u U.R .I Cat FOOD ,mA,N'r,WST" ,,ANC'E  ,_,_.,_ . Using an April Fool's theme, the Honor Society presented their an- V'I 1 P __ _O_R- ,_" _ ram1 dance last Friday night. To carry out the theme, color- ful masks decorated the gym. S  Three large masks were placed [.)[ { SOAP POWDER on the back boards of the bas- kets in a lavender and violet eol- |/=,1 ! TIDE-DUZ-OXYDOL  or scheme. Smaller masks of a variety cf colors decorated the L" ) .r I  LARGE 4)€ 2 walls, * At one point in the evening, . y'_"'. ** 1 __ _ PK6,  someone climbed up and took one " of the large masks from the bas- kets. Soon a mad scramble was - Lb.,k----_----] I: " BAR SIERRA PINE, LUX /¢lm underway for all the masks. SOV To, Soap, / LO,_ A highlight of the evening was v,]aen Bill Baxr took what he thought to be one, 'of the candy bat's tlmt also dccorated the walls. He soon discovered, much to his 407 South First St. 12-INCH FISHING BASKETS '1.75 3 /z. H.P. SCOTT-ATWATER OUTBOARD OTORS '95.00 disgust, that inside the wrapper was a piece of plywood? i|OWIJNG The prep bowling teams will go Lo Olympia April 10 for a rc- hu'n bowling match with Lincoln High of Tacoma,• They will be bowling in the Capitol Alleys. Saturday, March 26 the teams bowled in the National Tom'na- ment. The girls were competing against 800 teams in tle United States attd the boys against 1,000. Their scores we,'e sent. to Chi- cago. In about two weeks they will know what rating they have received. YF, AR-BOUND (]HOW Although most grain is har- vested in this country within a spaec of four months, it is con- suntcd in its finished form dur- ing the entire year. In rials con- nection, the centralized grain ex- changes make it possible to ac- complish an orderly distribution of thc gram throughout the en- tire year with a minimum of price fluctuation. &LLYN GROCERY ' and SERVICE C0aL,ss I ALLYN, WASHINGTON "Where Prices Are Low"