April 7, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Padre 10 " SHELTON-MA$ON COUNTY JOURNAL ,, , Tau:,,,,ty, =\\;pt,
...... ' - ' v , , ........................ CENTRAL LAB()i "
LI] FLE LEGISLATION PRODU(ED Vous Etes Tres ... - - ,,. - UNrr OPEN m00ET
• " " ' • 'T CH ! -
flR£ANI71:ll I ARN/ IN LONGEST SrATE SESSION Johe, Merc00 W. ,, ,, Notes SET FOR [ ESDA . wA'I[H,
ArlJll llqt]ll Fltufill//tJAI ' LJf/t/tsxTllt "The 70-da session of the StaLe In 1947 the legislature passed " . An q)en mee!n;' .; pn!uc! .lov L i
..... Leg,sl00t00,e n,,y an, ]be 00ovo,'no,' s,00,ned .. Beauco p, Ou ..................... . . :.. . I
'2( .... , , ", 9 ( • t U ] ..... next Taed'lv n ;I,I by lho ;>,t,,-
• " ' ' - - ' '" ' "l e lq Of these ' , ..... ion tt,illt;l! l;ll):)v t'qHIll'[l %Vtltl ..it "
snetton CentraJ Labor Council hav.mg an !,ave be(n the l?ngest .n ,'?,'!,]d, [),:ls w).! h [,., n .w.. D,.',ng U,'op..,'hood Xo(:i. 1.,t _ By M,.r,ior,, ?,,,, .,ll,. .- ,)e ,..,' ,,.t,.,r, ,....'. :,,,, --'- :[=' 1]
' met it p,'ocn (e,! less ]egis,ation 66 contameo emergency cla::s (]' Fehruary ti,e trent, S ]¢ee(I Girm' Mary lh ason, tu,gn tr oi ,vtr. ,:c hmt,t n the ,' ,,dt J'('b ( :
,-.,,T ,rnnru, than "my session in the last 10 22 l)(r cent. In the 19,t9 r s:o ('lnh laim(,hed a drive to hell) qnd ]vil', John Eli'tsm \\;v-tx tnp- .': ' "" , . . .... ,' .*_'|li'
['P'I:[ [VLI:4:'i'i[|; yeu.s." Se, rcta]'y Earl C,,e re- with only 242 bills becoming law, Marie Heudre, a 14-year-ohl ped for Omicron U'u at 'Flmrsd,y .,,,,!n. (',21:tir.,4;i;ia.tta,i'](:.;,(in(.:itt. s < l'
, xJ .... , ............ porte[ tits week a he isstcd 64 or 22(} per cent contained tm- F,'enth cirl Since ih'tt iime 12 din]er Ornic,'o] Nu i the hem, the- ''''' , . : ,.,, ',,n, -.¢" '?ir
the off( al list of Chtpter Laws ergencv el°uses (.oe ton(.lnded 1):tcklges conttining val'iol s ee(lomcs honara'y T( be t l)tetl " L ' *" ^€ :
O'U a. tVt" J.U¢,UJ, ,ap=== -..', .u=o V COE I'OINI'I]ll out ttlat a !'ec- r-,rrrrr'r,r food have been sent to her Each standing n schola]'H p e dc]'- ' !. ; . . i{ , , t l/ YY&i
................. el I numbe of bdls we, e ]nho- -|CB/].jI|[|]r package wewhed approxmmtely shq)and personahiy M ]'y. a lug- . ........ " .... "-,st ,in '.f ,)h)- t) -.-,_,_- - nt.^;
" . .... JL ....... " t , , * ' . ' . " " |tel|" (IQ. LI.O It" '" '" "'* * I " Y" ll
"l'l].J ].J/kq[a]J li/']klla dated at th s sessmn, 1,090 ]]] all ......... 'v.v---v-v,vv 20 )ounds (or at WSC majors text h': : t . , , _ . , 117 cota vno,
plus 94 resolutions and memorials ..... h-i"mlly Bp.b£,ck ],dr'a Downe,' club p,'esident oh,thing. She li.',.s at C(mamu ty eiliii'nP'°'3tt ,,,,,m(,.t, .\\;, ....... . _ _- jBI:
Second and Grove Streets Shelton ,., (.. ..... ( ol h,-, ,i -, h Y ' ; ' " '
- ..t ,,at ...(st " . e ............ - Mr. and Mrs: T. M. White of wrote to the young girl and re- hall. ' .... , / -'-,.
cause of the intermittent feuding Seattle and Mr. anti M,'s. Arthur ceived an answer two weeks ago. I'ACIiY McMIIRItAY ,,'ill be in . NC, gV _
SPEAKERS -- ENTERTAINMENT -- REFRESHMENTS between the two houses of the Snydev of Mercer Island were The letter, m F]'cnci]. was ]tans- charge of the i]orse tl VISiOll l(ll'
: legislatnre, gue00tsofMrs.whlt°0000n`00t00`e'0000at°dbyMiss00=h00re00`sey0000000000`.00be00it00lc00°tc00n0000ti00na000000W00`00ch ,.,. 10r10100
-- Definitions -- War the first tinle in the his- Mrs. Alice Gray, the March 25 eign language instructor, wit be held on the camp,is late]' ampshi
tory of the state, we had the week end. Here is what Marie had to say: in the spring. The event attracts k . ";I
The$.C.L,C. Exlltl bY Authority of ,nd is the" two legislativebodiesofopposite Mr. ',nd Mrs. Carl Johnsonwere many stockmen from the lnland BABY
Affiliated Local Labor Unions in the City of political faiths." Secretary Coe de- suppe,' guests of M,'. and Mrs. My Deal' Friends: Empire. There will bc mo,'c news I kt_ 'i.,ldr"B' °du(
Shelton. elated. "This created an almost Frank Wylie last Saturday eve- I have re('eived with ple'surc [ °beat it in later columns, best in egg pr
,mworkable si,lation because each ning. -" --- ..11 II. /I.,,J entire U.S. in ':i:
body looked with sust)icion on leg- Leonard Dickey of Hoquiam, you!' letter of March l. telling Don Howard was at the Tub
me you have sent a package. I Friday night. He had been study-
PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To foster and pro- (slat(on passed by the other." who is a high school student and thank you very much, and I also ing in the library. Incid('ntally, i, .,/P' . ,TI
mote Employer - Employee Harmony. Legislators must have felt a real a nephew of Mrs. Ernest Ander- thank all the young girls of your the TUB is the Temporary Stu- /" "" 0 -- , :1
sens' °t" e:le]'g'en"Y In the sitt'[ s°n'ndFredNyma''has''tceived clt|b f]" tlinking °f me' and I'm de't Uni°n btilding wlich pr°b- LV,'( . d WAGEN
ation however, for Mr. Coe points an appointment to Amapolis by grateful to you for being so kind ably will be quite permanent now
P. O. Box 5, Shelton, Wash. out that in spite of fewer bills Congressman Russell Mack. to me. that tim legislature has cut. the
being passed tle number of bills The April meeting of Picker(n( I attend the school in my vii- appropriation for the college. , f" . ,!
with emergency chtuses was near-[Honlemakers Club will be Friday, lag'e, which consists of one class Dick Oltman went to the l,q- p,:X..r " FgEE D St
, ,, ly as great. April 15. The members will hold of 20 pupils, aged from 5 to 14 tionat Collegiate Basketball tonr-
........ EMERGEN(V CI,AUSE, when a little garden sale at this meet-years. My nmther works a small nament over-the week end. With o" '' / 21 1st St.-
attached to a piece of legislation ing, and will bring plants, roots, larm of one and a half hecatres, spring vacation coming upon us
Calling All Hill Billies p,,t it into t'or(.e either as soon .seeds. etc.. to be sold to each She has one cow. My small house he is almost a commuter. .
,. as it is signed by the Governor other at a small charge. A good is in the country on a road close
or at an earlier date than the attendance ix hoped for. There to a wood.
Western Old Time & Scandinavian Music constitutional arrangement which will be eleetion of new officers. Gasne is a small community 1 I
makes laws effective 90 days at- Doll ltoward prolonged his with about 1.000 inhabitants, !/
ter the adjournment of the legis- ,pring wtcation to ten days I)y about half way between Rennes
DANCE u'rlving home from Washington
"The 90-day period was pnt into Stale College half a week early, and Fougeres. The region m not
effect in the seventh anaendmcnL on Wednesday of hast vteek, rich, but it ]s an agreeable place
to the Stat'e Constitution for two Local friends and old neighbors to live. especially in the spring
purposes: (1) to allow the citizens o! Mrs. L. C. Smith oft Shelton and st]tamer. We can walk in the
of the state to become familiar were SO]Ty to learn that she be- woods in which there is a small !
with the law before it ,vent into "came il March 27 and was taken lake-- here we can fish and swim. S E W I N G M A C H N E B U Y E
Every Saturday Night operate,,,, and (21 to allow spon- I tim Shelton hospital. Last week printY°UofhaVemy foot.askedyouthatIwill sendfind its The only plate you tan obt.ln a new
sors of referendum measures to .nd she was still in the hospital in this letter, Mother begs you to SINGER* Sewing Machine---or one
secuI'e signatnrcs." Coe stated but able LO be up.
9:30 P.M. to 2:00 A.M.. With Music By , . , send a size a little laxger than : ....
(.I,AS ICAL definition of an ............. by SINGER--is from your SINGER
emergency measure is that the this print, so tlmt I can wear
Oakie and His U.E. Chamberlain Cowboys law is "necessary for the inamecii- them longer, for I am growing CENTER!
,,,o p,o.o=,,,,,. ,,, = pub,,, Air Drift very fast. Any other stores or repair shops which
Eleven radio musloians and singers featuring Jeannie, peace, health or safety, support Mother and I m'e very happy "rebuilt," "factory-rebuilt," or "reconditioned"
,our champion cow-girl yodeler, Johnny Williams and hla of the state government and its because of the great generosity
Missus, Hill-Billy Harmonizers at the existing puhlic institutions." he SllELTON AIRPORT NEWS of you people, and we are now chines are not sponsored by SINGER.
added, by Kurt Mann calling you our sisters. Again, The SINGER SEWING CENTER serving this area is
TROPICS BALLROOM Meas,,res which contain emer- A fine bit of aviating was done our sincere thanks. Marie Heu- ONLY here can you obtain...
gency clauses cannot be the'sub- by Bob Pearce one day last week dre. i. Brand-new SINGER Sewing Mchlnes. ($forEng at
je('t of a referen(lnnl nnless the when the PT-26 he was flying .......................................... 2. $1NGIR Sewing Machines reconditioned by .i
$1.00 PER PERSON, TAX INCLUDED Su.pren]e Court determines that develbped engine trouble while The articles point out that the SINGER with war¢nled SINGER parts.
Sclmeiders Prairie the emergency clause was noL over Hood Canal. Rather than Eagles pioneered the Old Age 3. Guaranteed repairs bySINGER experts bamed
valid to the bill. , trying to rake the airport he Pension movement, having started on written estimates furnished in advance.
8 Miles from Olympia on Shelton Highway its crusade for Old Age Pensions .]w.tr.s.at. off. byrhsalOl
' { mtde an entergency landing in a SIN6[R
Lad'ms of Matlock field aL Nalley's raneh, proving in June 1921. at which time there
, [ once again tile safety in flying were no state or federal laws on 510 EAST 4TH
"" Grange Club Buy private plane. As long as the old age pensions. The Eagles
pilot has visibility and sufficient magazine article tells of the vari- ' OLYMPIA PHON I'
OUS reforms Rep. Mack-is seek- m,m:Mv,Vil,[lEiil:ll,lll:ll...
CHRYSLEI UTHS ceiling he is safer than the auto- ing to the present Old Age Pen-
'49 & PLYMO One Record Player mobile d].ive]. --
By Dora ltearing [ The Ensley's and the Conines sion laws. • ..........................
Now On Display at Mn, bo,.s of tide Matlock Grange are back ]n Shelton after two
Ladies Club have purchased a fine weeks of zmc-spraying east of o
record phtyer with pffoceeds re- the mountains. They expect to go
eeived fr'om a bazaar sale last .baek the latter part of this week.
fall. ThernachineillbeusedfO]grange ...... [ Gi00e ]ePsom
KIMBEL .===e. in the hall., Ed Parred of Holuiam, who)
The Grange Ladies Ch|b held hangars his Cessna 120 here,
their regular meeting last Thurs- made an extensive cross-country
MOTORS day with Mrs. Rachel Valley and trip. Sunday, flying from Shelton I,
Mrs Irene ]311ingson as hostessestS"Pi:lllman to Spokane to Lewis-]
They organized plans to entertain1 I ton, Idaho, and returned via the " ....
the Riverside eluh on April 28. I Coluntbia Rivet' gorge. "!"
• * ::: ] INCREASED ACTIVITY at the
Mr. and ,Mrs. Don Baker and lairport isnt all due to the step-
sons spent Saturday in Seattle. [ped-up amount of ]'lying being
Complete Riehfield Oil Products ,. and Mrs. i-ierbert He(in ] done. Montgomery tectric Co.,
GAS 01 k LURE SJRVICE were dinner guests of Mr. and which was awarded the highline
Mrs. Harold Ellingson Sunday. contract between Shelton and
Y . Mr. and Mrs. Alex Donaldson Port Angeles, is making its head-
Complete Automotive and Beanie Jean Gardener. of quarters in the administration
Shelton, spent last Stmday after-
building and stres most of its
Body t,, Fender ,-:v,°"-a:r noon witi, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. equipment on :he grounds. A
Portman. number of the employees however
, - . .__ Mrs. I. Cook, Mrs. Holmer Ad- are enrolled as students and of-
and Car ralntmg ares. M,,s. L. Rossmaiea' and ten fly before and after the day's
daughter Margaret, Mrs. C. W. work.
Augmenting Our Former Services of Lt|ndquist and Mxs. A. Portman " ' *
were luncheon guests of Mrs. L. if'he beautiful weather over the
Repairing and Rebuilding
F). r or]man last Wednesday. week end brought an unsual num-
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams an(/ ber of visiting planes to the loca/
son of Eatonville spent the week airport, with the day's tally reach-
-- Trucks -- Tractors end w,,h Adams' folks, Mr. ing
and Mrs. Sam Nye. Any G.I. still interested in tak-
- -v -"u ;'me"t Mr. and Mrs. Roy Palmer and ing up flying? Check with Tiff-
' irjeVj___ | .'.; t,jt.trl]snl family of Taco]na, visited their any or Norris Rau; we understand
folks, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Palmer, it's been made easier to enroll.
" ..... ' . DOWNDRAFT . . . Elsewhere
Pick-up and Delivery Service Mrs. Viola Fitchett and twin it may be a bowl of pretzels, a 0 ii
sons spent the week end in dish of salad, a coal scuttle or a
HOME AND REFRIGERATION Olympia with relatives, bird's nest, but if it's on a we- Wh/lesidewolllireLosi//ustroted, ovol/oble
COMMERCIAL Miss Marjorie Evans spent the man's head you can bet it's a
hat. :!
week end with her folks in Ever-[
I nternationaI.Harveeter
J'ACTORY APPROVED ula.r meeting Saturday night, and I •
two new mem be rs we re taken in,,BY EAGL]S' PAPER itN •
Plymouth - Interlmtional M,.. and Mrs. [)on Baker. Congressman Russel V. Mack'
SALES - PARTS - SERVICE P' J" Nordwell was voted as al-1 ideas for reforming the present
ternate delegate for the State Social Security Law are features
, in a front page story in the April
South 1st at Mill St, Phone 601 June.Grange convention at. Pullman in issue of "The Eagles Leader,"
,t ...... , - ..................................... , , ...................... '-- .......... national publication for the 2,000
---- " .RudYEdueationO]ancon,erenceAttends. theaerieSFraternaland 1.500.000Order of=nberSEagle,.°f WHEN this sight greets you in B?I ::; :tt:etwChhS a I gth:tg::cUh As a matter of fact, actlo, ;:
V your rear-view mirror-mis, t fe invited by the price tag.
Rudy W. Oltman. superintend-
ent of city schools, was in Ellens- ter, better give over! size means in comfort and inside pound, by the inch, by a
burg in late March attending a stretch-out space, stick you want to lay aga
conference of the state committee Overtaking you is just about the
on education. T RE ablest performer on the road today the buy of the fine-car field, {i ""
H E A T The committee, appointed by But part and parcel of every one of
llholton, Wash. Pearl Wanamaker, met to iron --and wise drivers long ago learned f#f|
out problems facing colleges that Fri-Sat. April 8-9 its 4,400-odd pounds is the fastest For proof, just gather a
THE HOME OF THE FINEST ENTERTAINMENT--DIRECT are preparing teachers for new ,Detnna Durbin the only thing to do with ROAD- footwork on the highway. Action livered prices on other ' i
FROM SEATTLE' LEADING THEATRES. fields. By state statute of 1949
the normal schools m,ay certify "FOR THE IADVE MASTER is give it road room and a is the key of every part, from its bring them around. We'U
..... elementary teachers, salute as it passes. 11=
Meeting in advisory ,session, OF MARY" 150-hp Fireball power plant to the so much more foryour do u ,,
(ONE WEEK) tionsthe groUPto submitf°rmulatedto the recommeda-state board Edmond O'Brlen, Don Taylor Reason is -- ROADMASTER JS some- swift, silken, unbroken surge you waste no time getting an OJ
Note: Adults 50¢ This Show of education in setting up stand- Jeffrey Lynn thing excitingly new in fine cars. get from Dynaflow DL'ive.
ards on curricula The commit- Mirth, Song, Romance
tee consists of three members of and Music
Thur,lay - Wednesday, April 7 - 13 education, the deans of state in- Adults 50¢ Children 15(:
stitutions of higher learning, and ........... o ............... $UC o# oil t$ #or$
Clark Gable six public school representatives. 8nn-Mon-TuesAprll10-11-12
Oltman has been a member for Silk-smooth DYIIOW DRIVE* • ItU.-VIEW VISION from enlarged g/a
Walter Pidgeon three years. "DOWN TO THE are • SWING.EASY DOORS and e*,r acce. • "LIVING SPACE*"
Van Johnson SEA IN SHIPS" ImERIOS with De.p-Cradle ions • Buora.t-rid/n00tADRUtEX
Brian Donlevy Barrymore, Dean Stockwell. Line VENTIPORTi • Low.preuure tires on SAFETY.RIDE RIMS • DUREX
THEATRE Cecil Kellaway.
And a Brilliant Cast In Men as bold ts the sea SIARINO$, moit and connecting rods ,, BODY BY FISHER
they fought , . riding full *Standard on RoADMAST£R, olonal o exro c, oa SUPER mod.
saii into muttny and htg00-
ILUJ.VI 1¥1,2-JLIN l.,.P
masted adventure..
Friday, April 8 Adults 50¢ Clal(iren 15¢ 'hon hotter automobiles ar built IIII/ICK will build them
DECISION ............ o .......
9, "Moss Rose" ed-Thurs. April 13-14 Tune in H.NRY.I. TAYLOR, ABC Netv,rk, evy Moeday evening
The Show Every Woman Ethel Barrymore OF CHRISTOPHER
Should See Sunday, Arl 0 BLAKE"
How daring a Decision
can one Boy make?
................................................... Alexis Smith, Robert Doug-
"Three Little Girls ]as, Cecil Kelhtw=y
Comi.g Thursday, April 14 In Blue" __ -- :!ii*, ;i
"THE, ..... ANGEL ON THE AMAZON" JuneGeorgtHaverM0ntgomery- Vtvian Dlaine Also u Sort ; Shelton, Washington Phone 673 South First and Mill Streets,