April 7, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 7, 1949 |
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guarautced ....
yotir lirst box
Chart. Call t'or
In the one year since the 4-I[ camp since June ot" la.'t,yc: ' are 1
chtbs of Mason 'nd Ga s Harbor a caretaker's ('ottage ,'ulti a swim-
co,tortes acuire :0 ,c,'s o; lan(1 n],i, dock." The ,loatin (loct. I
,urfaced with even ced:u' plank-
on the banks of 400-acre Panhand-
le lake, an attractive youth camp
has been created through the ef-
forts of youngsters, grangers, civ-
ic and business leaders.
LATEST PIECE of equipment
brought to the camp grounds is a
jeep - motor - powered generator
capable of producing 10.000 watts
of electricity. This generator,
hauled in front Pullmm. Wash.,
last week, will be wired to serve
the camp's buildings with lights
and heat.
Among the projects built at the
at *
aQOse the home you want to buy
or build, then let us show you how
Y0u can become its proud owner
-'-on a home loan plan tailored to
YoUr income. Make payments
Onthly, like rent. No "lump
sum', payments.
County Federal
& Loan Association
Security Bldg., Olympia, Wash.
ing, is placed in the water in the
form of an obtlse triangle. It
separates a shallow wadin pool
irom the rest of the lake More
work on tile (lock is slated for
later in the Spring.
TIlE CAI{ETAKER' cottage,
overlooking the recreation hall.
softball field and the lake, was
completed sufficiently by I)ecem-
bet of 1948 that Mr. and Mrs.
Eric Alfordson. caretakers, were
able to move in The house, meas- ]
uring 20 by 26 feet, has three bed-
rooms, kitchen, (lining room and I
living room. The bath is equipped I
with shower and tub.
Another project of which the]
4-H youngsters 'ire proud is a I
camping area which they clea]'e(tl
from the woods a short distan(.e
from tile recreation hall. Com-
pletely surrounded i)y firs, salal
and loose brush, it is a clean-
smelling garden suited for sturdy
In the center of the cluster of
buildings is a water tank balanced
31 feet above the ground secured
on the top ,of a four-legged tow-
er. The tank insures a constant
flow of water in the kitchen's
,inks. caretaker's house, outdoor
faucets. The towel' wan built.
and the well was dug last Sum-
NEAR TilE SHORE of the lake
the 4-H groups are carving from
the brush an outdoor amp,thea-
ter. Benches will be placed
around a semi-circle of sheltering
trees, and in the center will be an
outdoor barbecue pit.
Most expensive piece of con-
struction, a new dining hall, will
begin growing in mid-April when
groups of youngsters and adults
resume work that was suspended
during the colder days in Winter.
Ah'eady staked out, the building
will measure 32 by 68 feet. The
lumber, donated last year by
SimpsOn Logging Company, is
neatly stacked on the softball field
ready for the carpenters' hands.
TIlE 4-It CLUBS of both coun-
ties have been shouldering separ-
ate camp projects during Winter.
Some have been contributing to
money-raising drives, some are
constructing signs, benches and
tables, and all are dreaming of
Summer's joys offered in the
camp that they own.
Just 12 miles from Shelton
Panhandle lake is easily access-
ible to all parts of Mason county.
Also it is nearer Grays Harbor
N •
otlce To Students
of this area interested in applying for Mark
larships for the 1.949-50 school term are advised
must be received by the Board of Scholar-
a - s by April 15, 1949. Awards will be announced
, PPlications lave been reviewed.
Mark E. Reed Scholarship Foundation was estab-
the Simpson Logging Company in 1947. Its purpose
scholarships to promote higher education of
residents in the areas in which the Simpson Log-
conducts major operations. Up to six schol-
each are to be awarded for the coming year.
eligible include Simpson employees and mem-
families and residents of the areas served by
high school of Matlock, Irene S. Red high
an, Montesano high school and Elms high
For information, write to Secretary, Board of Scholar-
Trustees, Box 358, Shelton, Washington.
son Logging
Sheiton and McCleary, Washington
St I"E,.,LTON-M ' 0€
Eleven }00]lelton|ahs
Attend District I
I.O.O.F. Conference
Eleven members of the Shelton
Odd Fellows Lodge attended the
65th semi - annual meeting of
I.O.O.F. District Four in Centralia
last Saturday.
Sheltonites present were Thomas
C. Myers. vice president: Charles
L. Collins, treasurer, and James
Vrazer, Robert Hyde, Milton Schu-
macher, Delmar Cole, T. J. Watts,
Lionel IJeman, Jordan Clapper, Mel
Dobson and Newell Ell,son.
William Buckmaster, past grand
master, told of plans being started
in the Grand Lodge of the state to
help conscientious young I.O.O.F.
persons in college with scholar-
Ed Mitchell of Centralia Lodge
67. gave the addres$ of welcome,
and John Briggs, Olympia Lodge
No. 1. "rendered the response. After
the business program, entertain-
ment was provided.
Member lodges of district four
are from the cities of Shelton,
Olympia, Centralla and Bucoda.
The next district meeting will he
held in Bucoda in October.
For tile ecomi time In two
weeks, members of the Shelton
Kiwanis club had ,pportunlty of
resting on their haunches and
letting a goup of visitors en-
tertain them. The occasion, the
regular weekly meeting of the
clnb at Memorial BLll on Tues-
day was the second inter-club
gatherLng in two weeks with
Elms Kiwanians as guests.
Tile visitors Included Bob
Lamott, Arthur Callow, How-
ard Shank, Martin Dawson and
John Miller, with Dawson serv-
ing as program chairman and
Mr. Shank am speaker of the
Helen Mouncler pleased the
large group of listeners with a
pair of humorous readings. She
was accompanied on the piano
by Mary Men jay, both of them
from Elms.
communities than is the previous
4-H camp site at Millersylvania
state park in western Thurston
A larg.e undea'taking for small
youngsters, the new Panhandle
4-H camp is owned jointly by all
4-H groupz and su@ervised by the
Panhandle Association.
Much of the financing of the
project is made possible through
the intense efforts of the young-
sters themselves, Andrew Kruis-
wyk, Jr., treasurer of the associa-
tion, explained. About 600 en-
rolled in the clubs in Mason and
Grays Harbor counties will enjoy
the recreational opportunities at
the camp.
Deal" Eritor:
In behalf of the Mason County
Ministerial Association," I wish to
express our sincere thanks to the
advertisers of the Mason County
Journal for their splendid cooper-
ation in getting the "Go to Church
Sunday" campaign off to a good
start. The business firms "and in-
dividuals in the county are to be
commended for their willingness
to promote a non-sectarian plan
for the engaging of the people in
Shelton and the surrounding areas
of our county in church worship
somewhere each Sunday.
The ministers are equally ap-
nreeiative of all that the Journal
has done to promote this neces-
sary factor in our home and com-
munity life. It is good to see the
newspaper, advertisers and
churehes working together for the
enrichment of the spiritual life of
all individuals throughout this
area. We believe God is pleased
with such cooperation, and will
honor our combined efforts in this
direction. We further believe that
"Oo to Church Sunday" will be-
come a reality for hundreds of
our citizens who have been ne-
glecting this all important social
and spiritual obligation.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Sweeney, Pator
Hood Canal Community
Church, Hoodsport, Wn.
Bookmobile Travels
Over Six Routes
All six routes of the Bookmo-
',fie in Mason county have been
,overed once, and while the times
,re not yet completely adjusted,
ll efforts are made to meet J
:ehedules, Miss Lillian Collins, re-|
.ional public librarian, announces.
"The Bookmobile will not leave I
any of its stops early, and all J
may meet it who care to" Miss[
Collins said. "Your indulgence[
is asked if it arrives late at a I
scheduled stop."
Approximately all roads in the
county are travelled, and a special
effort is made to have service
within a mile whenever possible.
Tn many places stops could be
ohanged to answer a direct re-
quest, Miss Collins said.
"A post card to Mrs. Arts
Richardson. Bookmobile librarian
at Regional Public Library, Olym-
nia will receive attention," Miss
Collins r¢minded. "If you feel
that scheduled stops do not reach
you or your neighborhood, please
send a letter or card with your
name and address, bY road or
community name as well as post
office route."
Spring reading lists on garden-
ing, sewing, Easter and other
subjects are carried, and a wide
variety of fiction is offered. If
you do not find what you wish,
you.may request your baal,s, and
all efforts will be made t5 pro-
vide them.
Fellows, after school lawn mow-
ing will turn spare time into
money f0r you. Advrti6e in the
IRssifieds, Phor/e i00.
.ose Beers on April 00EXAC0 SE0000|CE
Axrangements are being made Mrs. Nell McQueen and Mrs.
to hold an Easter egg hunt for Thelma Loert.cher attended a
,he' children in Dayton commun- shower party last Wednesday of-
icy on Easter Sunday afternoon, ternoon at Buck's Prairie. Representative in Mason County for
Mrs. Kenneth Myers and Mrs. Ar- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scott
ci,ie Vaughn 'n'e in charge of ar-langements, made a business trii) to Olympiasaturday afternoon. ° Oi Wood
I,:aeh family that has chihh'en On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Witt
taking paz't in the hunt are re- Homey, Mrs. Archie Vaughn ,Mrs.
quested to donate one dozen col- Kenneth" Myers and Mrs. Arehie
ored eggs. These may be left at Lemke visited at the home of Mrs.
Lemke's store on April 15 or 16. Steven Beers. PRODUCTS COMPANY
The children are to meet at noon Everyone on Star Route 2 and
April 17 at the Dayton eommun- Dayton community missed receiv.
icy hall. • • ,. ing the Journal on Thursday High Grade Fuel and Diesel Oils
DAYTON COMMUNITY Club morning's mail. Papers were re-
ceived in the Saturday morning
met Friday evening at the Day- mail. let and FranlOin Phone 397
ton hall. After business meeting
everyone present en$oyed the ex- Dayton Ladies Club will meet PROMPT SERVICE
change of sack lunches, at noon at Dayton hall on April
The Dayton Community Club 1 with Mrs. Mable Kldtt hostess.
will sponsor a carnival and keeno
party at. 8 p,m. May to raise ................................................... -_- .............. -:. ........... .! .......... , ..! .... ': .............. .... * ...... ! ! ......... ..-..._
• I I -
,.anew COTTAGE t:
carton ..... CHEESE
money for-hall improvements.
Plans are being made fop a
publie dance at Dayton hall on
Saturday evening, April 23. Dance
will be sponsored by the Little
Egypt 4-H Club with proeeia to
be used for the 4-H camp at Pan-
handle Lake.
Dayton Community Club ladies
will serve hmch fro' the dance. COTTAGE
William Rayan donated paint
for inside woodwork of the main
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Loertscher CHEESE
will have a caxd party at their
home on the evening of April 15. A
Anyone in tKe comnunity who rt'@,
likes to play cards is invited to
There will be a sIecial meeting
of the Dayton Community Club
The Lower Skokomish school
P.-T.A. and the community groups
are holding a carnival at 8 p.m.
Friday night. Tom Pulsifier, chair-
man of arrangements, announces Nobody has "peeked" into this carton before PHONE
that the affair is open to every- you have opened it. New sealed sanitary
one. "Come and join in the fun."
Preparations for the carnival package for Creamed Cottage Cheese - S H E L T O N
have been completed since sever- FRESHNESS GUARANTEED -- both the
al groups conscientiously have carton and the cheese are made up fresh
been working for several weeks daily.
to provide an enjoyable program
for all.
Proceeds are to be used for
said.SCh°°l purposes, the chairman KITSAF DAIRY
Provided will he events to in-
terest persons of all groups and
ages. Committee members have OWNED AND OPERATED BY
organized bingo games, s p, n KITSAP DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION
wheels, fortune telling attractions.
dart games and a bazaar prepared Your Farmer Neighbors
by the ladies.
There will be pop, coffee and THIRD AT GROVE
hot dogs for refreshments, and
for pm'e entertainment a fine side
show of dancing dolls is ached .....
uled. - .......................................................................................................................................................................................... ": ...............
q ........... ..... |
No others comp00
when ou com ate!
Compare F"
eatures !
No other lira ot trucks in its price range has all these teatures!
4-Speed Syarhro-Me Trammission • Splincd Rear Axle Hub Con-
nection • Foot-Operated Parking Brake • Steering Column Gear-
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Articulated Brake-Shoe ,,ikage.
Compare Quality I
There's an extra measure of massive strength and durability in
Chevrolet trucks. They're built to take rough going in every lea-
tare of body, cab, engine and chassis.
Compare Performance !
There's more power with economy in the Thrift-Master and Load-
Ma¢r Valve-In-Head engines-Chevrolet's twin champions for
low-cost operation, Iow-€ot upkeep.
at the lowest list
in the entire truck field
*Heating and vnfllMins system optional at oxtra cost.
EVERY JOB... with capacities from
4,000 Ibs. to 16,000 Ibs. O. V W. I
Phone 777 or 778
L. First and Grove Strt " .................... ..,,,---'-''-.,., ' .... ,::,;,,,m.