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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 7, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 7, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i9,i9. AND ' DISBUgSEMENTS Detail Cash balance Jan. 1, 1948 ................ $441,734.39 RECEIPTS .......................................................... $424,011A8 soUrees ............................................ 1,888,129.16 " ................................................................... 765,674.51 , and cash balance .................... $3,519,549.54 BISBURSEMENTs ............................................... $1,791,278.85 .............................................. 26,326.38 and mtscl ........................... 264,059.69 .................................................. 10,493.21 ............................................... : ....... 460.88 • 100.00 .............................................. 3,695.35 .................................. . ............ 458.05 Paid ............................................ 290.34 ............................................ 753.46 .................................................... 27,100.00 .................................................. 17,644.56 .... A ...... 765,674.51 ................ 500:56 81,258.26 total Under disbursements $2,989,682.37 balance" Dee. 31, 194 ............................ $'-52%,86--7.17 °"tandg Dec. 3 8, I948 .................. $128,292.24 balance December 3I, 1948 .... $658,159.41 OF DISBURSEMENTS ES Detail ..................................................... $ .02 state) .. ................................... 400.50 ........................................................ 986.25 ..................................................... 18,484.71 ................................................ 660.38 ............................................... 660.38 ..........................  .......................... 30.00 .............................................. 5,104.14 WN RIrMITTANCE S .................................................... $ 57,836.26 343.80 ...................................... 487.75 19.94 taxes .................................... $ 10,493.21 ........................................................ 460.88 100.00 ............................................ 3,695,35 458.05 .............................................. 290.34 Total Total • i $ 26,326,381 $264,059.69 AUDITOR,% OFFICE -- MASON: COUNTY SHELTON WASHINOWON $305,972.73 SHELTON-M A,qON COI.TY JOURNA L DETAIL oF BOND ISSUES AND I;REASURER'S CASH ON HAND OUTSTANDING BONDS Date issued, April 1, 1948; Issued by School.' Dist. 10; Amount of original tssue, $14,900.00; Purpose, School Bulkling; Interest rate. 2eAr/,; Interest payable April: Term of bonds, 20 yrs.; option, yes; to whom sold, State of Wash.: Amount of bonds outstanding Dec. 31, 1948, $14,900.00. I Date issued, Dee. 16, 1935 issued by SchOol Dist. 45; anuunt of orig- inal issue, $6,000.00; purpose. School Building; interest rate. 4.; Inter- est payable Dec. 16: term of bonds, 20 yrs.; option, yes; to whom sold, Date issued, April 1. 1946: issued by School Dist. 309; amount of original issue $105,000.00; purpose, School Building; interest rate. 2,/,: itelest payable, April; term of bonds. 23 yrs.; option, yes; o whom sold, State of Wash.: amount of bonds outstanding Dec. 31. 1948. $101,000.00. Date issued, April 1, 1946; issued by, School Dist. 309; amount of original issue, $35,000.00; purpose, School Building; interest rate. 2  ; iterest payable, April; term of bonds. 23 years; option, yes; to whom sold, State of Wash.: amount of bonds outstanding Dec. 31. 1948, $3:t,500.00. Date issued, Feb. 1, 1946: issued hy School Dist. 312; amount of orig- inal issue, $10,000.00; purpose. School Building; interest rate, I[.,A; interest payable Feb.; term of bonds. 10 yrs.; option, yes; to whom sold, State of Wash.; amount of bonds outstanding Dec. 31, 1948. $9,000.00. Date issued, March 31, 1935; isued by P.LLD, 1 Rev. 1935; amount of original issue, $33.000.00; purpose, utility; interest rate 5P.; interest payable Oct. 10, April 10; term of bonds, 10-20-30 yrs.; option, yes; to whom sold, the public; amount of bonds outaadtng Dec. 31, 1948 $840.00. Date isued, April 10 1946; issued by P.U.D. 1 Rev. Red. 1946; amount of original issue, $45,000.00; purpose, construction; interest rate, 3%; interest papable Apr. 1, Oct. 1; term of bonds, 20 yrs.: option, yes; to whom sold, Win. P Harper & Son Co.; amount of bonds outstanding Dec. 31, 1948, $43,000.00. Date issued March 1, 1946; issued by P.U.D. 1 Con. Obl. 194{}; amount of original lssfle, $11,000.00; purpose, construction; interest rate, rate, 22A; interest payable Mar'. 1, Sept. 1: term of bonds, 20 yrs.; option, yes; to whom sold, Win. P. Harper & Son Co.; amount of bonds outstanding, Dec. 31, 1948. $10,000.00. Date issued, Sept 15, 1945; issued by P.U.D. 1, L.U.D. 1 Red. Bond: amount of original issue, $12,500.00; purpose, construction; interest rate, 4,; interest payable Mar. 5, Sept. 5; term of bonds, 10 yrs.; option, yes; to whom sold. McKay $10,300.00, Anderson $2,000.00, Smith 200.00; amount of bonds outstanding Dec. 31, 1948, $5,600.00. Date issued, Jan. 2, 1947; Issued by P.U.D. 1 Spec. Const. (REA); amount of original issue, $170,000.00; purpose, construction: to whom sold, R.E.A.; amount of bonds outstanding Dec. 31, 1948, $170,000.00. Date issued, Jan. 1, 1940; issued by P.U.D. 3 Int. & Red. 1940: amount of original issue, $9,000.00; purpose, construction; interest rate, 4; interest payable July 1, Jan. 1; term of bonds, 15 years; option, no" to whom sold, Bramhall & Stein; amount of bonds outstanding Dec. 31, 1948, $9,000.00. Date issued, July 1, 1939; issued by P.U.D. 3 Int. & Red. 1939: amount of original issue, $35,000.00; purpose, construction; interest rate, 4%; interest payable, Jan. 1, July 1; term of Inds. 20 yrs.; option, no; to whom sold, Bramhall & Stein; amount of bonds outstanding Dec. 31, 1948, $26,000.00. Date issued, July 1, 1938; isued by P.U.D. 3 nt. & Red. 1938; amount of original issue, $35,000.00; purpose, construction; interest rate 5e,/; interest payable Jan. 1, July 1; term of bonds, 15 yrs.; optior/, no; to whom sold, Bramhall & Stein; amount of bonds outstanding Dec. 31, 1948, $17,000.00. Date issued, Feb. 1, lJ5; issued by P.U.D. 3 Int. & Red. 1945; Amount of original issue, $370,000,00; purpose, refunding bonds; inter- est rate 2, 2!., 2V2%; interest payable, Jan. 1, July 1: term of bonds, 23 yrs.; option, yes; to whom sold, John Nuveen Co.; amount of bonds outstanding Dec. 31, 1948, $337,000.00. Date issued, May 1, 1947; issued by P.U.D. 3 Int. & Red. 1947; amount of original issue, $102,000.00; purpose, construction; interest rate, 2, 2V%; interest payable, Jan. 1, July 1; term of bonds, 22 yrs.; option, yes; to whom sold. John Nuveen Co; amount of bonds out Ila Ii k ['lit lance' C'} u q'k, TFoll,tlr('r' l)oc. 31. 194N OIll:lfln(lin: llalall(' Shelton Branch. Seattle-First National Bank ............................. $564,1L22.70 $ 9.05 $564,613.65 Less Taxes Collected and trot segregated .............................. 1,516.62 Securities held in escrow agreement between Mason County Treasurer, National Bank of Commerce, Seattle, & Seattle First National Bank, guaranteeing deposits with Shelton Branch. Seattle First National Bank. U. S. Treasury Bonds .............................. $500.,000.00 Totals ....................................................................... $563.097.03 Cash in vault ........................................................... 18.798.57 P.U.D. Bank Bal ....................................................... 11,339.22 Fiscal Agency ......................................................... 29,424.59 Bonds ......................................................................... 35,500.00 Total cash .................................................................. $658,159.41 BUDGET ACCOUNT, MISCELLANEOUS FUND County Road Gas Tax per eatinlate .............................................. 10 M Tax,Dist. No. 1 .............................................. 10, M Tx Dt. No. 2 .............................................. 10 M Tax Dist. No. 3 . ............................................. Forest; Reserve ........................................................ Mlscl. Receipts .......................................................... Ferry Receipts ........................................................ Unexpended Cash Balance .................................... Less Emergency 1947 .................................... $ 5,91.29 Total Estimated Revenues ................................... $210.269183 Expenditures Overhead and Adm ................................................. $ 52,754.05 Engineer ................................................................ $ 4,781.28 Commissiomers ...................................................... 2,187.76 Purchase ................................................................ 31,744.05 Ferry ...................................................................... 13,198.73 $ 51,911.82 Unexp. Balance ........................................................ $ 842.23 Maintenance .............................................................. $137,236.61 Dist. No. 1 ............................................................. $ 43,306.23 Dlst. No. 2 .............................................................. 42,786.29 Dist. No. 3 .......................................................... 51,213.42 $137,305.94 Unexp. Balance ........................................................ $ 69,33 Construction $ 19,959.83 Dist. No. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 500.32 Dist. No. 2 ............................................................ 6,873.54 Dist. No. 3 ............................................................ 4,057.58 $ 11,431.44 Unexp. Balance ........................................................ Total Expenditures .................................................. Total Unexp ............................................................... Less C.R.P. 26-2-129 ...................................... $ 112.39 Unpaid claims 1947 ................................................ Total Unexpended 1948 ......................................... Total Expended ........................................................ Public AssistaRce 2 M Levy & Cash on hand .................................. State Auditor .......................................................... Miscl. Receipts and Refunds. ............................... $.138,935.60 11,554.40 20,753.70 10,848.75 7,360.85 2,500.00 3,500.00 20,767.82 $ 8,52&39 $200.649.20 $ 9.301.29 $ 112.39 $ 319.34 $ 9,508.24 $200,761.59 $210,269.83 $ 21,692.69 45.248.00 $ 66,940.69 278.18 11, 194 standing Dec. 31, 1948. $102,000.00. of Mason County, Washington, Date issued, May 1, 1948: issued by P.U.D. 3 Int. & Red. 1948; regoing to be correct.  amount of original issue, $575,000.004 purpose, construction; interest rate, 3€A; interest payable, Jan. 1, July 1: term of bonds. 25 yrs.; SUSIE E. PAULEY, option, yes; to whom sold. John Nuveen Co.; amount of bonds out- Auditor Mason County standing Dec. 31, 1948, $575,000.00. OPERATION OF WARRANT ACCOUNTS Warrants Outstanding Jan. 1, 1948 Ishued "'" $ 19,815.81 $120,808.02 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4,581.9a, 67,151,fl3 .......  ............... ..00.,;.;e,9,5 .......... 39.00 6,692.00 .....................  ............................... 365,4@ ..... 694.36 ::::::::::::::::::::::: 22222:222:2:222 ..... 195,53 aOp sr ............................. 344,39 ......................... 10,044.47 200,761.59 26-2-129 .................... 83,306.50 26-2-179 .................... 14,453.90 ................. 45,719.25 613,6,17.17 ................ 97.15 67,072.96 224.71 67,51013 1Gen ........................ 638.55 Acct ....................... 90,209.40 ...................... 377.50 354,879.76 & Imp ............................. 84,061.50 0000,rants LEIL R]BIEMI000 Outstanding CALL FOR BI]B Total Redeemed Cancelled Dee. 31. 1948 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that oa Monday AprG 18, 1949 at two p.m., • $140,623.83 $ 87,775.34 $ 15.00 $ 52,833.49 sealed bids will be received by ?he 71,733.[18 64,501,30 .................... 7.232.28 Board of County Commitloaers o£ . &60@,73 6,077.83 .................... 522.90 Mason.Cttaty, Wasilngtoa,. at their 7,089.00 6,613,00 476.00 office tn fhe Court IToUS6 ill Shelton, .................... for the lle o the foLowi.l.; 365,40 365.40 ............................. ] Ono used 1 or 158 Quiet 694,3'6 333.50 360.86 .................... Change Lathe. single phase motor; 19.53 195.53 I geared head; independent chuck; ........................................ ] steady rest centers; face plate; a44.39 344.39 ............. i/:6 .... ii:i:ii tooltOOl holders;p°st' tWOright3/8"andArmstrongleft; one 210,806.06 196,444:50 83,306,50 83,286.81 .................... 19.69 %" boris bar. The Bard reserves the right to r¢- 14,453.90 12,499.66 .................... 1,954.24 t Ject any or all bids. 659,338.42 624,010.27 115.07 35,211.08 Dated this 28th day of Marc.h. 1949. 67,170.11 53,711.08 ................... 13,459.03 MASON COUNTY COMMISSI'ONERS. 67,734.84 67,607.01 .................... 127.83 By LYII O'I>ELL. 38.55 638.55 ....................................... Chairman.. 99,209.40 98,185.63 ................... 1,023.77 31--4-7-143t. 355,257.26 354,177.26 .......... ' .......... 1,080.00 NO. 84,061.50 84,061.50 ........................................ NOTIC¥ TO CREDITOR .......................................... 3,416.31 3,416.31 3,416.31 ........................................ ........................... $ 81,758.821,791,278.85 1,873,037.67 1744,244.87 $ 500.56 $128,292.24 GENERAL OPERATION OF BONDS Outstanding Bond Bonds Bond Dec. 81, 1947 Issued Total Paid Cancelled IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MAON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Em- ma Pelltschek, D$cea@, NOTICE IS HEREBy GIVEN: that letters of Administration on above Outstandin eatltted estate were granted to the Dec. 31. 1948 undersigned on ths 8th day o£ March, Bond '35 $ 1,040.00 $ 1,040.00 $ 200.00 " $ 840.00 1949, by said Superior Court. ...................... Notice .Is further given that all per- '46 .... 44,000.00 .................... 44,000.00 1,000.00 .................... 43,000,00 sons hawng claims agalllst said tate Rd.. 8,000.00 3,000.05 '11,000,00 1,000.00 .................... 10,000,00 are hereby relulred to serve them, '..1 Red... 6@0.00 6,600,00 1 000   gOa 00 with the necessary vouchers upon the .................... ' ..................... ,X'',, Administratrix of said estate or upon 'O. }A .................... 170,000.00 170,000.00 ........... .:-..-. .................... tu,uuu.uu ,the attorney of record tor : RNL ,38 20,000.00 .................... 20,000.00 3,000.0 .................... 17,000,00 Room 5, (,ovey ]Bldg., Sheltonmdd ette,wash. ? fO0 00 ington bein the lace designated for ........................... 26,000.00 : l d,  28,000.00 .................... 28,000.00 9 0 a 00 the transaction of.l business of said "Red. ,40 9,000.00 .................... 9,000.00 .................. 00 .................... ,u u. estate, and file the same with the k Red ,45 349,000.00 .................... 349,000.00 12,000 ..................... 3T,000.00 Cterk of i et, tothet, wtth : Red. ,47 I0,0(O.00 I@,0.6@ .. la eu00 proof ,of such service, within six (6) .......................................................... ''' tnonths after date of first publication :Red 48 .................... 575,000.00 575,000.00 ........................................ ,,,u.,,i of this notice, to wlt, Marci lth, ) ' 14,900.00 14,900.00 ........................................ 14,900.00 1949. or said claims will be forever $ .. " ............................ 400 00 O0 0  barred 14)k0.0@ .................... 140,000.00 state 12 ............ 10,000.0€ .................... 10,000.00 " : ::::i::::::::::::::: : . . , $718,840.00 $762,900. 1,481,740.00 $ .................... 1, h • BUDGET ACCOUNT, CURRENT EXPENSE FUND .. ,qes ]@ailtenRace Outlays Emergencies ' t J0} $ 114505 ...................................... ........ 13,700.00 2,602,00 ........................................ 3.0 &00 ........................................ 11,0.fl@ 2,il.00 .................... 2,1)00.00 "'> ......... 5A0000 415.00 .................... 400.00 -.... 3,4.e@ 250.0@. ....................................... "::::::':':'"" 5,400.00 732.50 .................... 250.00 ............ : ..... 415.00 .................... 33 35 .................. 15&00 ........................................ ',.,..,.. .................. o0.o0 ........................................ ::;:2 ...... " .................................................... 350.00 .................. 0000 ....................................... ......... 750.00 Total 5,105.00 $ 18,302.00 38.00 16,261.00 5,915.00 3,742.00 8,382.50 448.35 180.00 O]IG/NAL BUDGET eration & Capital Total Surplus or wages Maintenance Outlays Expenditures Deficit 3,865.00 $ 1,076.04 .................... $ 4,941.04 $ 163.96 12,576.00 2,511.49 ................ ,... 14,087.49 1,214.51 .................... 4.20 .................... 4.20 3-.80 13,300.65 2,920.29 .................... 16,220.94 40. 5,200.00 773, .................... 5,873.68 41.$2 3,299.72  172.41 .................... 3,472.13 269.87 5,494.00 844.23 .................... 6,338.23 44.27 ....................  448.35 .................... 448.35 .................... .......... : ......... 180.00 .................... 180.00 ............ 2 ...... 100,00 .............................................................................. 100.0{} 350.00 .................... 350.00 .................... 350.00 .................... 200.00 ................... 200.00 .................... 200.00 .................... 750.00 .................... 750.00 .................... 750.00 .................... 3,1(10.00 4,840.00 .................... 1,500.00 9,440,00 3,200.00 .................. ,82&00 .................... 110.00 2,935.00 .................... : ....................... 2,5,00 .................... 2,000.00 4,635.00 .................... 3,800.00 785.00 .................... 2,000.00 6,585.00 3,810.00 .... @00,00 695.00 ........................................ 1,295.00 600.00 .................... 50,00 ........................................ 650.00 .................... 218,0{) .................... 30.00 248.00 .................... 75,79 .................... 74.79 74,79 245.37 .................... 245.37 245.37 6,141.80 .................... 9,341.80 98.20 2,926.50 .................... 2,926,50 8.50 4,622.66 .................... 4,622.66 12.34 2,349,75 .................... 6,159.75 45. 595.64 ................... 1,195.64 99.36 450.00 .................... 450.00 200,00 215.92 .................... 215.92 328 Tots} .................................................................... Expenditures ............................................ Balance December 31, 1948 .................................. Tuberculosis HOspitalization TaX Levy and Cash Balance ................................ Micel Receipts and Refunds Reimb. State Auditor ............................................ Total .................................................................... Transfer to P. H ..................................................... $ 2,500.00 Issued " 6,892.00 $ 9,192.00 Puil¢ Health Poel'lng Taxes .......................................................................... CaSh Balance ............................................................ Transfers .................................................................... Miscl. Receipts .......................................................... Total .................................................................... Issued ......................................................................... State Development, 26.2-12g Cash on hand ............................................................ Transfers .................................................................... Total .........................  ......................................... I SSU e d ............................................ t ..................... : ....... Transfers .................................................................... Cash on hand .................................................... State Development, 26-2.179 Transfers .................................................................... Issued .......................................................................... Transfers .................................................................... Cash on hand ............  ..................................... Wm H. Albach No, we haven't forgotten stamps and our stamp-collecting friends. We've just been.much too busy to give much attention to one or the other. We see no relief I n o u r over-crowded schedule before the end of June, but meanwhile we have a few things that should be called to the attention of local stamp col- lectors, young and old. A number of people have sent us. stamI for the box placed in our Shelton Public Library for the youngsters to pick over'. Many thanks and keep it • up. The yotmgsters keep the box forever empty. OENEB&L collectors, young and old, should be iterested in hearing that they can now pur- chase foreign sets--and a wide vartetyright here in Shelton at llCeS that can be boa nowheres. lVlrs. Ethel M. Barton, who oper- ates the little gift shop at 119 First Ave., is breaking up her corieetion and making' her fine modern foret stamps available to local collectors in sets priced from 5¢ to 25¢. Everything goes at one-half 'of catalog value. "'101 4,000.00 .................... 1,000.00 21,120.00 14,367.93 5,226.46 ..................... 19,594.39 1,5.6t Droi in at tlae Gift Shop and .} 1,0.50 ........................................ 6,353.50 5,200.00 1,076.56 .................... 6,276.56 76.94 look over the sets already made 10,0.00 2,280.00 445.00 .................... 13,585.00 10,563.50 2,284.38 385.513 13,213.44 371., up for sale. Mrs. Rarton has 9.00 1.00 .................... 100.00 320.00 65.43 242.77 .................... 308.0 11.80  a very novel and convenient means ........................................ 1,482.98 .................... 1,482.98 1,482.8 I'of dsplaytng her sets. Incidental- 800.00 .. .................................... 235.00 835.00 833.96 ........................................ 833.96 1.04 ly, ask about albums, too. 200.00 THE DANSCO CORPORATION 200.00 ............................................................ 200.00 ................... ............  3,000.00 .................... 7,493.09 10,493.09 .... :1"0:i93:59 :::::::::::::::::::: .... i0:493:09 .................... [ha, produced something really .... [new in a beginner's album, pro- .... $ 84,202.00 $ 32,320.00 $ 445.00 $ 17,501.44! $134,468.44  $ 4S,.65.36 $ 365.$6 i31,301.11 $ 3,167.33]ducing an albura wth  ecnil • a ' reasonably hope to fill, Looe- i .... CRy $ 1,245.44 $ 314.33 95.18 50.98 1.12 5.99 17.70 72.33 6.54 Road Districts Allyn Grapevi-]'w Fire Prot. 3,609.38 $ 149,60 .................... $ 71,78 $ 2,173.86 64.09 ........................................ 610. ........................................ " .................... 8A1 ............................................................ 8ege4 ....................................... '. i. .............................................................. --91.i 2, ........................................ r.o _ ................................. . . .................... =a .................... ,.n --,1#r = .................. I. DELINQUENT TAXES, REAL AND PERSONAL Port Dists. School Dists. School Non Hi Districts Bond Bldg. Attend 5,657.10 $ 339.60 $ 3,437.25 $ 1,031.21 $ 1,655.60 197.58 618.62 752.09 29 10.00 69.7 14.9 9o0 9.31 9.30 -- 112.85 120.94 2,63 2.67 .12 @ .45 5. 86.81 T.I 5.24 .................... 7.07 .32 1.44' 2&49 173.57 3.on .................... -,,-34,1 ..................... . €15 ..................... 565.01 $ 4,413.48 $ 2,081.50 $ $ 1,809.61 $ 6,466,835 216.82 $ 3.00 $ 74.52 $ 7,938,10 $ P.U.D. 1 P.U.D. 1 General Bond P.U.D. 3 Total 110.64 $ 10.64 $ 771.51 $ 22,448.38 239.93 239.94 235.19 9,736.19 22. .................... 104.40 2,a,1t --27.$1 .................... 322.27 1,11Kt.$ 0,28 ....................  T0.95 011 28.18 .................... 10,6 41&77 .2T, .................... 11.64 21,4 4,71 ...................... 77 ffT.| 3,34 ..................... 1,34 40:11, ,0 .................... 16.41 416.36$ i$50,58 $ 1,541,96 $ 37,149.48 $ 67,218.87 $ 67,151.63 $ 67.24 $ 7,773.82 240.00 1,178.18 $ 3,542.46 465.73 2,500.00 $ 300.00 $ 6,808.19 $ 6,099.75 $ 708.44 $ 94,)3,18 349,8 $ 94,953.05 $ 83,30,50 $ &0,016,92 $ 1,69.6 $ 17,000.00 14,453.90 59.00 $ 2,487,10 OLYMPIC PARK'S APPROPRIATIONS OVER $1,300,000 Congressman Henry M, Jack- so annmmced Monday the ap- proval by the house appropria- tic.s committee of an appropria- tion totaling $1,316,930 for the Olympic National Park. It was pointed out that this is the largest amount ever appro- priated for the park. The total appropriation for the current fis- cal year is $266,594 as compared with $1,316,930 which will be available starting July 1 Included ir the appropriation is $561,400 for new road construo- tion on the Hurricane Ridge road. C0grsman Jackson is a member of the Interior Depart- raent sub-committee on appropri- ations which has jurisdiction over all funds for the National Park rviee, leaf and liberally illustrated, the abum provides spaces for stamps th&t one can purchase for' 50c or 1 and completely ignores the ugly aeh that no one collects. At $3.95, Daneco's Five Star Den- eral Album can't be beat. Mrs. .]Barton also has the Scott's Mod- ern, loose-leaf, at $2.50. Looks as though there is going to be sense in the new st'amp Iworam this year. Only one new stamp has been issued so far this year---the 3¢ Minnesota Territory stamp on March 3. Two more have been definitely announced se far: a 3¢ stamp celebrating the WMhtngtma ad Lee University bicentennial on April 12; another on April 27 celebrating the in- auguration of Puerto Rico's first elected governor. If you identify stamps by general design, you're apt to think the latter of Argen- tiaRC¢O TA'E lEislature jed the parade h requestimg acrew.baU" coramemorattves, for eple, one clebrattn the lift-  the toll on SeaPm e float- I. bridge. owever, the post ¢e Department ham regained ¢oatrol of new issue and will obsbly not exceed twelve, new ues per year. Three cheers for the P, O, D, , .... = EDUCATOR, ...... ........ DR. PAUL F. GAISER, presi- • dent of Clark College in Van- oouver, Wash.. has been selected to serve as coordinator for a Junior College workshop to be held June 20 to July 20 at Uni- versity of Washington for teach- ers and prospective teachers in the tw0-year college field. One of the state's best known educators, Dr. Caiser is presi- dent of the Inland Empire Edu- cation association which meets in Spokane April 6, 7 and 8. SHELL THE RIGHT NEL For Every Burner Livestock Sprays Weedkiller D D Soil Ftu'aigant SERVICE IS MY BUSINESS W. F. GoTr Distribttt0y Shell Oil Co. Inc. Phone Shelton 90 - Eve. 401-W Office - Bayd0re Drive ....4 00R,4NO 0/.0 N,4 /14 £ /IV AN AMERICAN BLENDED WHISKEY 4/5 QUART PINT ] $3.$7 $2.26 ¢ORBY'$ IISIRVl ILINDID WHI|KIY 86 PROOF • 68.4% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS JAS. BARCLAY & CO. LIMITED • PEORIA, 'ILLINOIS TO BUILD A FINE HOME 3 r BRI(KS - FI,ASHING ROOFING SUPPLIES ALUmNUM vAL/00EY Weather Stripping" INSULATION WINDOWS • Sash and Frames .... SHINGLES @ Cedar @ Asphalt 00NGLE STAIN: .... :GUTTERS ....... DOWN SPOUTS v'; DOORS SIDING & HAKEs URPHY PAINTS Plumbing Fixtures Electrical Supplies' Plaster and Lath Dimension Lumber Concl ete Blocks FLOORING • Fir and Hardwood ooopootoooo oo ooo Q o tootB $6O SPECIAL CEDAR PANEL perM his Week lmwton Lumlmr Owned and Opera.ted by Evereft Dillon and J.Ston 420 South Firet St. Plrmne ,. OPEN SATURDAVS UNTIL NOON GO TO CHURCH 'SUNDAY, , , '% . ,,  , ,., ,,:, ft,. ,, ,,