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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 7, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 7, 1949
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i ¸ . Pagcl't SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL . Thursday  ........ ,, L:EE : .... Fefty" Years of,,.,Patreotec" " : Servece" NNIVERSARY VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE UNITED STATES ' 111 | a a m Years B I f3 • e'LvL This iS th, Golden Jubilee Anni-was inspired by the experiences of the Throughout the succeeding years, the Rehabilitation Service. This service, m, lP. • qr=" L-- -- 11 I Veterans of Fore0gn Wars of the United States wrar of the Vetezans of Foretqn men who had taught our first first-scale Veterans of Foreign Wars won the operating in all of the 48 states, is JJAI,,4,, '.U W_ Wars ! the United States. war beyond our own shores. The war respect of the American people as the supported largely .by funds rcd - w" o'=are' 1' S"   vyi:::yt: wo htarnve These S anmhAmerican War refer against Spain had been waged with "Gold Chevron organization" because through the annuaiactivitysam oz v.r.w. P " " .... " lrfferior equipment with food that often its members have earned the right to Buddy Poppies. ,=,m..Li#,P ,P. PIPBJ,&.i I&lXt  F(2rRau :ngn ":t th::at n n,;vh°di °drgranizedhtei°rttnit:inlt;::., ' . _. " medicalWas unfit far human consumptian; poOrfacilities, and with men who, ArmyWear qOldbadgeChevrOnSof overseas°r barS,servicethe Anather VF W... of which we... /I"'IK U" rl'" "J reaching purpose in minn. inat purpose though their courage was unsurpassed, time el war are very proud is our Nationa, .ome, 0 F T H E U NIT E O S TAT E S of woe" have labored unceasing]) was born of necessity---of compcmsion wore woelu.lly untralned. The V.F.W. has carved a permanent at Eaton Rapids, Mich., for the widow= for the national welfare. These fighting veterans are good citizens in peace ..... as well as in war. They have labored gnseffishi7 for the good of our com- munity. We are proud to salute th Golden Anniversary of this great organization. 189Q.1949 She|ton Branch SEATTLE - FIRST NATIONAL BANK for their comrades who had tmdergone unusual hardships in America's firm major war against a foreign foe. For these men who returned to their homes, fresh from their triumphs on the field of battle, there was no benu.=, no nati=,awide chain of veteran hospitals, no government life insurance, no pen- sions, no G.I. Bill of Rights. These volun- leers who had Iought so gallantly in mrange lands and on hostile seas. came home to find the American people were not greatly concerned about the prob- lems el returning veterans. From the momea they received their discharge papers, they were on their own. The founders of the V.F.W. were dis- tuTbed, and deeply distressed, by this lack el consideration for their com- rades, But, determined as they were to do something about it, they realized fully that they could accomplish little as individuals. Only by raising their voices in unison could these "forgotten men" hoes to be heard bT' the people-- and by their representatives in the legis. ah' halls of their states and the]z latoh, But. there was another far more com- peiti.q and °uu=eltish reason for the L, riz, ging together of the;e veterans. It More than any group of Americans, these men recognized the tragedy' of being unprepared fez" war. They were deeply conscious of the suffering and losses in human lives that an untrained and poorly.equipped army must endure. There were many leaders throuqhouf the nation who foresaw the need for an organization composjpd of overseas vet- erans. The same basic idea was claim. inq the attention of veterans in several parts of the country. In Pennsylvania, Colorado, Ohio, New Jersey, and other states, similar.minded veterans were banding toqether--anous to give thetr combined support to the patriotic ob- jectives which were common to all. Ftnally, when the clouds of the first World War were settling over Europe, these scattered groups realized that they could be a better force lot the good of America if they would combine their efforts. As a result, delegates from the several groups assembled in Denver in September, 1913. After much deliberation, hey voted to merge all the groups into one single nationwide vet- eran society to be known as the Veter- ans of Foreign Wars of the United Slates. place for itself in our nation's history by serving in peace as well as in war. Today," the Veterans of Foreign Wars comprises more than ten thousand Posts, or local units, in communities throuqh- out the nation, in its territories and possessions, and in several toreiqn countries. There a're, in addition, some seven thousand Ladies Auxiliaries. Much of the legislation which has been enacted by the Congress to provide benefits for the men who fought our wars, and for the survivors of those who failed to return, stands as a monu- ment to the unliring effort and sacrifice of our membership. With our entry into World War II came a new challenge for service. The record of the V.F.W. was already favor- abily known to the youth of America. As a result, the nation's new army of overseas fighting men flocked to our ranks, increasing our numerical strenqlh six.fold. 'The so-called G.I. Bill of Rights for World War II veterans embodied the basic principles of many separate laws previously sponsored by the V.F.W, One of our chief functions as an or- and orphans of our comrades. Through its Department of American- ism, the Veterans of Foreign Wars carries on a continuous campaign to preserve and expand the principles of democracy. Our Americanism Depart. ment conducts a year-in, year-out drive to expose the evils of communism and other subversive doctrines. It sponsors and e n c o u r a q e s community - service projects of all kinds. The fighting men who compose the Veterans of Foreign Ware are the most ardent champions of preparedness. Wc have asked Congress to set up a defense system that will be adequate to cope with any sudden emergency. The Veterans of Foreign Wars is holding high the banner of human lib- erty, of justice, of peace and under- standing among all the peoples of t world. We are carrying ou the crusadr that had its beginning fifty years ago We ask no more than that the Americar people-and the free peoples through out the rest of the world continue tc work with us--to pray with us--to dk with us if need be to preserve th God-given heritage of freedom am ganization is maintenance of a National to the men who compose the membership of America's only overseas veteran society• Fred B. Wivell Post No. 31 AMERICAN LEGION happiness and peace. .  la We're Proud to the J HATS OFF Tothe Veterans of of the United Golden Jubilee 1899 0 YEARS of patriotic congratulate the overseas veterans' society. We're achievements of the past, and we cordial cooperation in the future. Foreign Wars States Anniversary 1949 service to the nation! We members of America's only proud of your pledge you our GOLDEN JUBILEE V.F.W, For 50 years of patriotic service to the nation, we congratulate this great organization of fighti:g veterans. MAC'S CORNEI A. J. "Chris" Curtis ,,,,FIFTY"" YEARS V.F,W, The men who fought to free Cuba and the Philippines from Spanish dictators founded this great organiza- tion. For a halt century, the members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars have given aid to the disabled, and to the widows and orphan,= of war. They have contributed qen- erously to the welfare ef our commutT. Cliff Wivell's Texaco Service Veterans of Foreign Wars For a half century the V.F.W. has served the na- tion. During times of war and peace, the veterans vho compose this great 1raternity have contributed tjenerously to America's welfare, DICK'S CITY DELIVERY Dick Gardner CON6R, TUb TIOI¢$ VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS For fifty years the men wha compose this great vetera traternity have se'rved the nation's welfare. They have contributed generously to the community, to civic progress. to the education and better- ment of the youth of .merica. We are proud to add our good wishes to the Veteran .= o Foreign Wars. 1899 - 1949 LES YOUNG'S Chevron Service H i llcrest 50 Yo00A00S :aA;:;:erseas vet- AL HUERBY MOTORS 5TH & RAILROAD PHONE 16 50th ANNIVERSARY00 Veterans :; ;:'reign WaOl00 of the United States _...[ IIe join with all patriotic citizens in col, ' II11 gratulating the loyal members °![ Americals Gold Stripe veteran fraternity,/[ GOLDEN JUBILEE 1949 -    SHELTON HARDWARE l ERGUSON FLOWEI Glenn I erguson Half a Century of. PROGREI ' VETERANS OF FOREIGN OF THE UNITED STATE| INOR A HALF CENTURY  IF men who fought in Amerl'$Jil iforeTgn wars have se#iP their country well. They h¢,/ cared for the disabled, and  • ! the wid°ws and °'L:hans °f t' t tl's-.l who died. They have enrk: ' butions  education, Amed .[ bm and to good govern.l[, Congratulations to Amerlc' Gold Stripe veterans1 [ Established 1895