April 7, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 7, 1949 |
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Q Loveliest surprise of all . . . a
',.i fragrant Slring - fresh bouquet
on Easter morning. Sure to make
her Day mope pleasant than ever
--and a wonderful mark of 'your
own good taste. For sure deliv-
ery, place your order with us to.
day. We have a wide variety of
blooms and potted plants.
._ . -4 '
...... Y00RTS00
h'Kal rainbow; Wildeal Creel(, 500
r. b. fing'erling's; Wynoo(:he River,
20,0(}0 lel4at rainbow and 100,000
r, h. fry.
JI,,'I,'I,'EII,ON--D e v i 1 s Lnke,
5,000 r. b, fry; Horseshoe I,ake,
&000 c. t. fry; Lake Leland, 30,000
r. b. fingerling,; Lords Lake, 15,-
000 r. b. fingerlings; Lost Lake,
9,000 r. b. fingerlings; Lake Lud-
low, 8,0(10 e. t. fry: Peterson l,ake,
10,000 (,. t. fry; Sandy Shore,
15,000 r. b. fingerlings; Tarl)oo,
20,000 r. h. fingerlings: Teal, 7,000
r. I). fingerlings; Fulton Creek,
10,000 Eastern Brook fry; Penny
Creek, 10.000 r. 1). fry; I,ittle
Qtlileene. 2,00o legal rainbow.
KITNAl'--4,ake li'lora. 5,000 le-
gal r. b.; l,ake llelena. 4,000 legal
r. b.; Kitsap Lake, ]6,000 r. b.
fingerlings and 15,000 legal rain,
bows; Kriegler Lake, 10,000 legal
rainbows: Mission Lake, 10,000
r. b. fingerling, 10.000 legal rain-
bows; Scout I,ake. 2.000 legal
rainbows: Tiger Lake. 5.000 r. b.
fingerlings anti 10,000 legal rain-
bOWS; %Vildcat Lal{e. 35,000 r. b.
MI-- Lake Aldrich, 6,000
r. b. fingerlings; Benson L'd(. 20-
000 r. b. fingerlings; Blacksmith
Lake, 7,000 r. b. fingerlings; Cady
Ike, 8,000 r. b. fingerlings; Lake
Clara, 6,000 r. b. fingerlings; Lake
Cushing, 50,000 r h. fingerling.
and 7r).000 silver trot|t fry; l)cv-
ereaux Lake, 10.000 r. b. finger-
lingo"and 10,000 legal r.tinbows;
Erickson Lake. 5,000 r. b. finger-
lings; Island Lake. 25.000 r. h
fingerlings; /,()st Lake, 20,000 r.
b; fingerlings and 250.000 silver
trot|t fry; Maggie Lake, 5,000 ('.
b. fingerlings; Long Lake, 1,500
r. b. fingerlings; Lake :Mildred,
50,000 r. b. fry; Panther Lake, 10.,
]'q/in| mg of fi::h in lowland
taRe: of Dis[i'i('[ 1.0, whirh in-
chides the (;ray.: Hnrl)or a n 41
Olylnpie Pellin.qllhi area.s, i: juSL
getting under %%'ay.
\\;Vhen plantilly,s are complete,
the gnme dep'rtment wtll have
released well in excess of 2,000,000
fish in tlw lares anti streams of
t.ll disl ricl.
"These plants nil are being'
made of Let a thorough study by
biologists anti supervisory person-
nel," (]anlc Supervisor Clyde Nor-
Ion decla.rd. "The various.bodies
of walm' were evaluated, with
'fishahility' and food contents I)e-
iny/ l.aken lute eonsitlerati(n.
"These he'vy releases of fish
sholfl(I mean exc.ellenl catches for
anglers during lhe eonnng seasotl.
"A big' factor in our fish plants
this year has been llle operation
of the new hatchery at helton.
This ia proving to be a valnable
new som'ce of young fish fo r
planting in our district.'
The i)lants a. oullined
CI,ALLAM--Aldwell Lake, 50,.
000 rainbow fingerlings ; Lake
Sutherland, 30,000 cutthroat ring-
erlings and 250.000 ilver trout
fl'y; Mill Creek, 2,500 legal sized
rainbow; 1Vorse Creek, 5,000 legal
sized ram nbow.
GRAYS llARBOl-Lake Abet.
does. 30,000 legal sized rainbow;
Slye pond, 2.000 fingerling ratn.
bow; Lake Sylvia, 30°000 legal
sized rainbow: F{'y Creek, 2,500
legal sized rainbow; Humptulips
ponds, 800 fiagerling rainbows;
Newberry Creek, 200 fingerling'
rainbow; Satsop River, 20,000
legal sized rainbow, 12,000 legaI
sized cutthroat, 11.,000 fingerling,
eutlln'oat; Stevens Creek, 5,000
00JQI00ID alPilllJ
Sportsmen form the largest Put your sportsman's chlb up
single public grtmp actively 'in- to its neck in the fight for pollu-
tercsted in remedying polhltion tion abatement. Organize an edu-
in this country. Unfortunately cational program that will tell
sportsmen tend to concentrate the folks il your community, in
their arguments on tilt, harm pol- the most fundamental terms,
Take the pain
nights and morning|'
cold to rout.
deliver a full tank
a momen't notice.
"Keep your tanks
,up home will
50 to 1,000
Research Girls Win
Rayonier Bowling
Loop Championship FUEL
IIA YON'i l,;ll I¢(i%VI,INI;
W l,
l-esea rch (;i,.l: ......... lS 36 ntkl'T L
Offi['e ................. '16 3, ,--- -- F..T
"SIIIR'I'ViFr(WH ................ ,IF :;,E
],{a inl ell:l ii(:t ................. ,t,l ,10
:!(7;rea:;e l:;alls ................ :;9 '1't
(]lJtt(q'snil),: ................. 39 .15
Chelnb;ls ........................ :l "16
B.ieach Plant ................. ;:If ,IS
::: tie ,allle IIP.(i(!('id(!(I
Iti series- Tiff Skelsey 55,1
Ill e"mm Gene Sampair 222
SeVeli n//IS(:lllin(, teams bowed
to their lone feminine rival when
tim l.Lese,r(:h Girls captured the:
Rayonier bowling league chara-
pionshi I) as the eir(mit rolled
down thc ciirl:lin on its third
season of l)lay Monday night,
The' Rcseqreh (]iris, tied with
lhe ()ffice and Sllpervisors going
into the final night, of play,
knocked tilt, Supervisors over, 3
to 0, Monday mght to wrap up
the bunting while the Office was
It)sing twice to tile last place
Bleach Phmt.
Miriam Christian, Phyllis Arl)o-
vast an(t Kilty Price each took
a turn at pacing the Girls to.
lheir successive victories, none of
which wre by wide margins, yet
two were comfortable. Tile see-
end affair went by a 12-pin edge.
The Office bowed before tile
scoring of Cat) Rains, who opened
with a 200 game and followed burner
with Ig5 to put Bleach Plant off
m front early. John Garareskires-
rued the finale but the damage
h:,d been aerie. GO TO
The defcndino' champion Main-
tenance quintet, which had been S][i
in the running until a week ago,
warned up in fourth place by los-
ing" the odd game to the Grease
Balls in Monday's farewell roll-
ing'. Charlie Cole and Clyde Zeit-
ler won tim first two, leaving only
WISE THOUGHT. • • Such as that shown by
RALPH CRABILL In Improving His Store
We are happy and thankful to have been selected to in-
stall the fine looking, extra convenient, free vision, self serv-
ice meat and dairy products refrigerator case in
This is the first unit of its kind in Mason County and reflects the
efforts Mr. Crabill puts forth to constantly improve his services to
his customers,- t
000 r. b. fingerlings; Ptnhandle
La k e, 12,000 r. b. fingerlings;
Prices Lake. 50.000 Eastern Brook
fry; Shoe Lake, 7,000 r. b. finger-
lings; Spencer Lake. 50,000 r. b.
fingerlings and 50,000 r. b. fry;
Trask Lake, 8,000 r. b. fingerlings;
Tm'tle Lake, 2,000 legal rainbows;
IT Lake, 5,D00 r. b. fingerlings;
ltamma, Harems River, 5,000 legal
rainbows; South Fork of Skoko-
mish River. 10,000 legal rainbows;
toek Creek, 1,000 r. b. fingerlings.
0 ' Phone 858
u , .
First Meat, Milk and Dairy Prod,u:ots
Kee I ) Dogs Out of Bird
Nesting Areas Now
With the nesting season at
hand, Game Pl)tector George Far-
quhar warned bird dog owners
that their dogs should be prevent-
ed from intoning at large in the
fields and nesting areas now.
A state game department regu-
lation prohibits dogs running at
large after April 1 and continues
through tile nesting season.
I Another reason to keep dogs
out of the fields at this time is
the fact that Farquhar is in the
process of releasing 300 Chinese
i)heasants ill various Mason COUrt-
[ ty areas, the spring allotment
from the game department t'or
this ara.
Self Service llefr gerator Unit
You are cordially invited to make use of the ample, easy, free parking space avail-
able in front of our store to do your food shopping and to inspect the several recent
improvements we have made with new display islands and counters as well as the
installation of this new moisturized refrigeration unit for displaying and preserving
meat and dairy items. With it we are now offering for your convenience a wide se-
lection of
Table Treasures In Our Store
TANG perfect dressing Qt. 53¢
You'll Like TANG Best of All
POTATO CHIPS .... 4'-o'z. 25¢
This Weekend Include
2 lbs. 99'
lution does to fish and fishing.
The general lmblic doesn't care
whether your fishing is good or
not. Morc emphasis should be put
on the vital health argument. It
is the only angle to 1)ollution that
can yet be lln(terstood by lhe av-
erage indivi(illa I.
Actually, two things only are
necessary to clean up polhltion.
One is gencral puhlic support of l
basic antipollution programs, and I
tile other is money. There are no 1
ssrious technical o})stacles ta rcm- I
edying almost any kind of l)()ilu-I
tioll: therefore, if t)tlb]ic backing
and money are secllr(,d, pollution
can be eliminated.
To get timt backing', Outdoor
Writer Bill Wolf has outlined the
following program for sportsotan's
clubs. This plan is the result of
Wolf's recent coast-to-coast sur-
vey of pollution.
Mac'sCorner Near
Women's Pin Title
With 2-Game Lead
Mnc's Cornet- .......... ,t9 :2
Cash Grocery ........... .t7 3,1
Pastime .................. d3 38
Fields Auto P'u'ts .... 42 39
Old Mill ....................... II 40
Ritner's Corner ........ 40 41.
MeConkey Pharmacy 3,1 ,17
Pantorium Cleaners.. 28 5'3
Hi series--Rubye Frisken 520
Hi game-.Ann Simpson 190
Matches Tuesday
7-Old Mill vs Pantorium
Riiner's vs Pastime
!) i;'ie](t'; vs M:le's
(;r()cery vs McConkey
WINNING the odd game fronll
second pl'ee Sh<-lton Cash Grocery,
Tuesday night placed Mac's Cor-
ner in lhe comfortable position of
being two games in front with only
three left on the schedule.
The pinfems wind up their sea-
son next Tuesday night and the
championship will be settled on
the nine o'clock shift when Mac's
meet the fast-moving 'Fields Auto
Parts and the grocers tangle with
the slipping McConkey I'harmacy.
Ruby Frisken set ihe pace for
Mac's" victory over th(, grocers
Tuesday, hitting the ni/ht's tot)
series at 520.
A dogfight is on for third nnd
fourth places. Pastime holds a
one-game edge fro' the third spot
after its 2 t 1 verdict over Old
Mill, but Fields Auto Parts closed
in by winning three from the dum-
my-ridden MeConkey Pharmacy,
leaving Old Mill in fifth place by
one game and Ritner's Corner m
sixth by two. so the last first
division spot will be another prize
object of final night pinfems.
ANN SIMPSON'S 190, top singI e
game of the night, won the opener
for Old Mill but Pastime came
back behind Marie Schuffenhauer
and Alice Kopperman t, win the
ht pair. Ruth Jacobsen, Edua
Temple and Fran McNiel had
hands in ,Fields shutout victory.
IRitner's Coruer edged l'antor-
mum, 2 to 1, with Terry Edmisten
NALLEY'S SPAGHETTI .............. 15-oz. 2/25¢
With Tomato Sauoe -- Makes a PePfect Lenten Meal
Nalley's Treasure PICKLES ................ 12-oz. 23¢
Utah Fency
CELia r, ]b ......... 7'
Large Florida
ORANGF_, lb ..... 8 ¢
Red Ripe - Carton
what Imllution abatement means
to them.
Organize the sportsman's clubs
in your county into a county fight-
pollution group. Appoint a county
committee which will consult with
local public officials and industry
on overcoming local poihltion
Organize the county groups in-
to a state fight-pollution organ-
ization. Appoint n state commit-
tee which will consult with the
state legislature and its .H)propri-
ate committees on over(ioming
state pollution problems.
Seek the complete cooperation
of the various business, profes-
simlal, rural, political and other
organized gr(mps in your "com-
munity and state, :rod invite them
to be a part of your antipoliution
organ ization.
Action from this point will de-
pend on the pollution situation in
your regime. If your state does
not have :t strong antil)ollution
law, then a good law based on oae
that is working well elsewhere
should be your primary objective.
If yam' state has a good law, but
actual abatement 1)regress is
slow, the fight should be on these
poinls. The fight on the local
level can be pllH]Ie(t ClltillllOtlsly,
regardless of the state situation.
Appoint a committee frOlYl the
slate group to (.onsult with the
stale's Congressional (h,h,:tion
01l over(()lnil]' polhltiorl in intm'-
st.te writers. Have theln ll,et
with administrators of lhe new
Federal Antipollution Act. Ir,-
strlmt them to explore the (llle,,-: -
iion of cooperal.i[m with nei,4h-
I l)orin4 states.
Slu(ty practical met]lads of pol-
lution, bul. leave the specific :q)-
i lution of any polluti(m problem up
to the engineers and exprrts, le
{ fair. Ohl pollution problems should
not be expected to be eradicated
TOMATO00S ...... 25*
Washed . 15-Lb. Bag
POTATOES ...... 69
43 ¢
the finale to Tiff Skelsey's best
series of the night at 554.
Gone Sampair's Closing 222,
best sjngle game of the night, won
the odd game fo' the Chemists
over the Guttersnipes after Jess
Tobler scored in the opener. Los
Bare ,mared the second one for
the Suit)ca.
In the Ice Cream
Everyone Raves About
Our Ice Cream Flavor of the Month
Second'lnd Franklin Streets
11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Daily, Including
doing the important tally making.
Pastime (Shelton) ............ 30 9
Steak House .................... 25 1.4.
Capital Cigars .................. 23 16
Chicken Coop .................... 21 18
Tranum Service , ............... 114 21
Round Table ................... 0 a9
, Steak House sliced a game off
!Pastime's lead Monday night buL
it'll still take a mircale to keep
tim second half title in the Olym-
$149.50 for 4-h.p.
Ranging from:
Jl ill Jl
Neutral - Reverse
Just by Shifting a
:. ! '!
New Rotoflex Water Pump
New Duo-grip Carrying Handle
@ New Slip Clutch
Sure Starting with finch Pull
• Rain-proof, Sea-proof Operation
59 pl t
PORK STEAK ............. lb. * See Them on Dis ay Now a
pia no-handicap bowling league
] F !Pi.iN F 0 : n:Wtsf ° !iv tet' 'ia I l':: t x' at!ig!/i()'v e- .' Shelton Recreation
RA'LPH S ODS ; S teaelk e H"°u? 'i iTet S:elt ° fn'iP" (
FORMERLY GR ,,,.,arl:: already holds the first
Chicken Coop won a 2 to 1 ver-
HILLCRF.T PHONE 121 diet from Capital Cigars and
• Tranum Service took a forfeit
shutout win over Rotd Tablc in
other league matches Monday.