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answer to all
k-up and
M{in's ever-llUngTy st,t l'C]l Io
(!on(ill(}|' t'he i|nknown has l'¢q?en|lv
led sciel4tists to a new nnd amnz'-
ink discovery --fish tall{!
According io stullies ]node by
the Navy sln(I sIsff In(qllt,)er,q of
Moody lnst.itllte of S('iem,e ill I,OS
Angeles, tile fishy inhai)itants of
tile "silent: deep" are not silent
after all. Instead, they cackle,
ehml¢, (:'.lick their teeth an(1 create
a genel'al hubbllb that resellH)les
a nlarine harnya|'d.
Full-color sotlnd rihns iff these
new discoveries were released Ibis
Fall by the Moody Institute of
Science under the title, Voice oil
the Deep, and are scheduled for
showing Friday, April 15 at lhe
Hood Canal Community Chm',ql at
7:30 p.m.
In Voice of tile I)eel) , tile :md-
ience nol only sees sIIch exolic
creatures as tile snapping sh|'imp
tJlld porpoise, bill hears them as
well. Garibalt'li and some uniden-
I ln Hood Canal Communities
tiffed "night sounds" are mnong
the other deep subjects in the
In conjunction with the scien-
tific story of tile discove|'y of
underwater so|rod, producer Irwi
A. Moon In'inKs in the parallel of
the unknown spiritual realm. Be-
cause man could not hear fish
communicating, he has said lhey
alla. Mrs. John Public
To Complete Those Words . .
from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. April 17
AdUlts $1.00 Junior Plates 50¢
:00No man's collar!
A FAVORITE trick of those who would llke to destroy confi-
.dence in newspapers as the first step to doing away with them
s to complaip that they are the tools of special interests
dangerous to the people. Sometimes they say it is the bankers
or the politicians or the labor unions or the advertisers
Whatever fits the occasion.
Usually the critics have their own axes to grind. What they
ant published are their own opinions and not contrary ones.
hey Would like to be the "special interests" represented ex-
mswely in the newspapers.
* * *
If such people had their way, there would
not be the newspaper as you know it today.
, They would eliminate the" great variety of
facts and opinions that appear and without
which democracy would not work.
To exercise your rights as a free citizen, you
must have free access to information. You
must know about laws and prices .and theo-
ries and movements so that you can approve
or protest. Ignorant of events and trends, you
would not be able to keep your representa-.
lives in government representing you.
:Now you get the facts of what takes place
and you get the'opinions of why they take
Place and what should bedone.You get all sides of questions
:atements by bankers and borrowers, businessmen and labor
hffle, rs, gvernment officials and private citizens. 'The editor
i,' ms Views too but he can't limit his pages to them. Readers
e[U(le all sorts of people and all shades of opinions. If the
Q,tflr Wears any kind of a collar, it doesn't belong to one turin
,group. The leash is held by all his readers. ""
What the critics don't want and are aft'aid
of is the diversity of facts and opinions brought
YQu by newspapers They actually want a
h. "class, One-idea press--the kind that Hitler
-u and -
_ - that Stalin runs today If the suc
eg, it i ' Y "
in ^ W !1 sound the death knell of freedom
hese critics are our enemms as much as
the, a ' Y " "
the t re enemies of the newspapers. When
,t ke away the ri ht of a free pless, they
/0, 't away from you. They know that if they can control what
, . read . - ' •
Urn,,. they can control your m,ndand y0uik'orkmg some-
ttre'. Openly as committees with high-sounding slogans, th*y
Teprinting what you shall and shall not read.
eaan::e, is nothing particularly new in the pattern. But you
leade" f Ignore it without risk. If you permit these self-styled
iaste tOtake away your right m read what you want, when
debe ot a free exchange of facts and opinions, you decide to
" "uonthe re a a d . will have taken
eli,,, p p g n a they hand out, you ..
-t Steps towards the loss of all your rights as a free ctnzen.
"""-." . Dies at
.... " " Funeral in Seattle
L : l'assing qulh'ly in 'lu'i" glerl)' I
"/ - i Mrs. Anna I.. Sutberhmd died
:i .... [ ],'riday morning :tt tile home of
lwr sister, Mrs. Josephine Pet- com.
ers.n at l,llllwaup, i.'oll.wlng
the Midden death of Imr In|s-
' ::,::.. " :'! IHInll, Itoby Sulht't'html, Shell| st
ye'4r ago, Mrs. ,.|ltlwrlund, for-
merlv of Noatl, h', had made Iwr
hom', here with her siter "tnd
I|!...,,;.!!!. : : ,. i!:iii:/i : a brother, A. L. Orgrcn. Nil(. i,
lj kI I'I aIo m,t'vived Ily two Msh.r in
Mrs, II. I. andahl.
::ii ! li II'll* abollt ]|i o'clock ill
the Inorning before Mrs. SIIth-
W;TIE Fmml I mTCmm,
No, there aren't any fish in
lhi pivtilr(,, lI' .in,t l)r. Ir-
win A. Moon in It. Iilq'll ,tlea
diver':; g'tll'h, clJmlHng down n
h(hhq, into the "silent (leel)" Io
prove th:tt till' (h'e I) really i
not silent at all. In his re'west
,('ientifh; film, "Voice of the
I)(q'll," i)r. .loon rew'lds that
flail have a definite language, of
their own.
The film, I)rodueed In SOllnd
lind nillllral (.ohir, will he NIIlilVll
al 7"30 i t. nl• l,'rillay, April 15
• tI llie lhlod (':real (?ommunity
(lu|reh, Ih..ISl)ort. Wash.
were silent..
I*'o|' e(hwation nnd entertain-
men,, with a religious emphasis,
lake yore' whole family to see
Voice of the Deep when. it is
,,,hewn Fri(lay evening.
More Hood Canal
I News On Page 18
to know is the key to all your liberties
erhllld' death wa. discovered,
ince members of the Ilellsehobl
tllollght she WaS nlereiy ,,;leel)-
h|g lale.A neighhor, Mrs. Lee
Erhart, working *with Mrs. Pet-
erson on decorations for tlmlr
('hlb blln( I Ill't, I)e(.31ne coneeru-
ed and investigation was made.
()a II wer made for the
lloedl)ort Fh'e Delmrtment re-
susviiator 'md a plLvsiehm.
.l,lwe lisle and Harohl Mille
cnmo al once with the life-
saving equipment, bllt il was
Ill() late. The doctor said sht,
h;tll heen lit'fill for tilree or follr
l;'unerid services were beld
Wednesday afternoon at Bon-
ney-Watson's in Seattle. Wilh
entombment at Rose Hill ]lallS-
Mrs. Sutherland will be miss-
ed by many Lilliwaul) friends
who came to know and love ber
during her brh.f residence here.
Site was a member of the Lllli-
waup Community Club.
She was born en June 8 of
1883 at ()sag City, Kansas.
By l'ranee. Radtke " from Alberta, Car, ads, w e r e !
Fishing on the canal has been guests the past two weeks of his i
very good over the week end. mother, Mrs. M. ,I. Atkinson, an(I I
Lucley anglers ineluded Dess left for home Thursday. Also vis-I
Haines, Joe Ihmtley, George Yo-
Ernest Carlson, Mr, Wilts,
Hank Hanson. Nels Johnson. Bob
Smith, Pete Alht|'d, Bob Bcarden
:rod Leo Johnson.
Mr. anti M|'s. Arehie Calahan
returned Thursday from a 16-day
trip to California and Mexico.
driving all the way in their own
car. They traveled down the coast
route and re,re'ned home inland.
In TiaJuana they were interested
sl)ectators at a Hi-Le game which
is like a combination of tenniS.
handball and LaCross.
THE CALAHANN visited Palm
Springs, Carmel, Cathedral City
and San Francisco, calling on
friends in various places, includ-
ing Mr. and Mrs. George Robin-
son at Stanford. Although they
enjoyed their trip, they still feel
they wouh| rather live in Wash-
Mrs. J. H. Nanee, in company
with Mrs. Elva Price of Shelton,
traveled to South Bend the week
before last to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Ralpl Cut,s. On Friday they were
guests of Monroe Nance at De.
we(to. Mrs. Nanee is the happy
owner of a beautiful pair of yel-
low and gray love birds.
Miss Elizabeth Johnson has
been feeling ill during thee week
end of a severe cold.
Mr. and Mrs. Swanson and fam-
ily of Port Townsend traveled all
the way to Hoodsport Sunday to
attend the Hood Canal Commun-
ity Church service.
Matt Babington is agai in the
hospital in Shelton.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atklnson
S m i 1 e y Burnette, America's
number one Western Comedian.
will headline the all-star dance
an(1 show at the Belfair I)arn
dance on Tuesday, April 19.
Famou. all over the world as
"the frog," Smiley has assembled
one of the finest (lance bands and
shows ever to tour the Western
part of the United States. On the
bandstand with Smiley will be
Walt Shrum and Colorado Hillbil-
lies. the hand that gave many
well-known western stars their
first opportunity. Not so many
years ago vocalist with Walt
Shrum's baml was Tex Williams.
In the fiddle section was Spade
Cooley, and Texas Jim Lewis has
a seat in the rhythm section. Con-
tinuing his policy of "all Star"
musicians. Shrum has one of the
finest Western (lance groups in
lhe nation.
Smiley will be very much in
evidence on the bandstand. The
comic who has keen side-kick to
i-toy Rogers. Gene Autry and
Charles Starret is claimed to he
luulner in person th:m on the
Is the Time
• . , To Get Your Boat
Shipshape For
Supplies and Equipment
Phone Union 242
screen. He will sing all the songs
he made famous in his pictures
and will put the crowd in gales
of laughter with his hilarious imi-
tations and stories.
By Frances R. Hill
We have been curious about the
picturesque-looking tugboat which
has been anchored in Lilliwaup
Bay ani in front of our Indian
Beach since last Thursday night.
We find that the owners of the
"Ketchikan" are Mr, and Mrs.
Paul Hamilton of Seattle, friends
of the Lewis Evans family,
On Sunday the Evans were
guests aboard and enjoyed a trip
to Hood Point, where they visited
iriends of tile Hamiltons at their
mlmmer home. picked up oysters
and had dinner on the tug.
JOHN E, CARROLL is leaving
from Seattle Friday to fly to
Honolulu for a visit with his son,
Capt. Chester E. Carroll, U.S.N.
on duty at Pearl Harbor. ,,4Mr.
Carroll's daughter, Mrs. J. R. De-
Bard returned recently from a I
visit there and felt that the trip[
was a "must" for her father and I
evsryone else who can visit the l
islands. Capt. Carroll and Mrs. I
Carroll expect to return to the l
mainland In the near future for
a tonr ef duty in San Francisco,
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Erhart, ac-
companied by their son Bob, spent
the week end in Seattle at the
home of their laughter, Mrs, Bob
Burman, returning Monday. They
planned to go in again Wednes-
day for the funeral of Mrs. Anna
L. Sntherland.
Mrs. Mary James is in Oregon
at the home of her son Bill
James, helping to care for her
young grandchildren during the
illness of her daughter-in-law.
$ $ *
MRS. JIM ,|ACKSON of the
Lilhwaup Motel has been in Se-
attle with her mother, who has
undergone an operation recently.
Commander J. K. Jackson is an-
ticipating a week's leave from
duty, which he will spend at the
Jackson home in Lilliwaup,
Mrs, Frank Robinson and her
Iflng "partner," Mrs, M. L.
atson of El Monte, enjoyed 18
holes of golf Monday at the Shel-
ton-Bayshore Golf Club, of which
they are members. Lilliwaup
fl'iends, who saw her golf costnme
worn in the Woman's Club ban-
qnet skit, may be interested to
know that Mrs. Robinson is not
wearing it for golfing this spring.
The Lilliwaup Community Club
Phone Belfair 5-3031
•.. In fresh, crisp, clean clothes.
Bring your suits, dresses, slacks
'n' everything to
Belfair Cleaners
PHONE 5-3831
For Pickup and
Delivery Service
King Mrs. ALkinson was ier
youngest son, Floyd Atkinson, who
spent two days of last week in
HoodsporL before returning to his
home in Alberta.
Two-young men about Hoods-
port. Robert Bearden and Bill Es-
sex. were extremely busy Sunday
rhorning falling a t|'ee in back of
the Essex home which had been
shadinff the house too much. They
were assisted by a next door
neighbor, Rolland Hill.
:F :It :11
Miss Lana Roberts and her mo-
ther, Mrs, Dorothy Roberts, vis-
ited in Port Angeles three days
of last week, calling on friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Barber of
Olympia were Sunday guests of
Mrs. Barber's mother, Mrs. Joe
Mr. and Mrs. Herb EJickinson
left Tuesday for Vashon to visit
Mr. Dickinson's mother. Mrs.
Mary Jane Kilby.
Mrs. Dickinson was the recipi-
ent :Monday of a letter from the
M. D. Beardens who are traveling
in California and other points.
Mrs. Bearden wrote that they
were lunching 750 feet under-
ground in the Carlsbad caverns,
New Mexico, They planned to
leave immediately for South Car-
Guests of Mr. T. B. Smith this
week end were Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Wood of Bremerton.
MRS7 SMITtl WAS relieved to
find Ier amythyst ring which she
lost week before last. Mystifying
though it seemed, it turned up in
the trash box, and was discovered
3ust before the contents of the
box was being" dumped into the
incinerator. I
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Taft left
Monday morning for their new
home at Silverton where Mr. Taft
is to take care of some mining"
interests. Mr. Taft has been em-
ployed until recently dismantling
the old Manganese mines near
Folks, don't forget Lhe hasket
social Friday night, at the Hoods-
port school for the purpose of
raising money to buy street
lights, a project being carried by
the Hoodsport Commercial Club.
Mrs. Emil Lal|ber returned
Monday from the Shelton General
Hospital and is recovering from
an operation.
Oscar Ahl is much improved
after two days in the Shelton
General Hospital last week. Frank
Ahl was operated on Thursday in
the Clinic hospital also.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergs,rein
were Sunday guests from Seattle
of Mrs. Helen Cook The Berg-
stroms were former neighhors of
Mrs. Cook in West Seattle.
Jolly 49'ers Fete
22nd Anniversary
0f Women's Groups
By Frances R. I1111
Forty-nine members of the
' Hood Canal Wonmn's Club attend-
ed a banquet last Friday night to
celebrate the 22nd anniversary of
tile cltb, The party, heht at Rau's
Inn near Unhm. had for its theme
"The Jolly 4Wers." a theme which
was carried out wiLl a gay and
prankisl atmosphere belying the
naore serious coinmunity and eld-
t|u'al activities of the group.
Mrs. Robert A. Smith was toast-
mistress and other mentbers fronl
Lilliwaup were the hostess group
planning the banquet.
ARRANGEMENTS of daffodils,
backed by gold and silver fans
and smaller fans of net, made ef-
fective table decorations, Corsages
of small fans nd daffodils were
placed at each plate atd at the
base of the glass candlesticks.
Decorations were made by Mrs.
Josephine Peterson, Mrs. Lee Er-
hart and Mrs. N. J. Seev.q.
A feature of the (linner was the
huge birthday cake, (lecorated in
club colors of green and yellow.
Mrs. J. H. Nance, a charter nleln-
ber, was chosen to cu[: the cake.
Other charter members present in-
cluded Mrs. Floy Yenter, Mrs. W.
G. Peterson and Mrs. J. F. Sim-
Mrs. J. R, DeBard president,
welcomed the diners and the re-
sponse to her welcome was made
by Mrs. Vera Bitney of Cushman.
one of the newer members, At
the close of the dinner the club
song, Home Near the Hills. was
sung by Mrs. Edward Radtke,
composer of the music. Tile words
were written by Mrs, Frank Roh-
inson. Mrs. Radtke played the ac-
companiment for tiffs song and
several others on her accordion.
FOLLOWING TIlE dinner hour,
aecording to club tradition, the
entertainment consisted of stunts
and skits presented fly the var-
ious communities represented in
the Hood Canal Woman's Chtb.
Marked by originality in skits
and costuming and the discove|'y
of unsuspected dranmtic talent,
hilarious reception was given
stunts "put on" by member
roups from Lilliwaup, lnion,
Shelton. Hoodsport and Cushman.
Important Meet,
Easter Party Set
For Union People
A meeting' of the Union school
board will be held at the Union
school house at 8 p.m. on April
8. This meeting is for the pnr-
pose of discussing the use of the
old school house for cimc and
improvement club meetings also
discussed will be repmrs on the
building and grounds. Everyone
is urged to attend this meeting.
The Unitm Ladies Civic club
HERB DICIE[NSON spent Sun- will hold a regular meet April 14
day through Thursday of last at Alderbrook Inn. Hostess for
week sick in bed and Mrs. Diek-
inson suffered a minor operatign
on her right middle finger.
Jim Chard returned to Hoods-
port last week from California.
He spent the winter in Roseburg,
El(wen children were present at
a birtttday party Sunday given in
honor of Ronnie Winters who was
11 years old. They enjoyed an
Easter egg hunt at which Jim
Radtke won first prize and a
wheel barrow race in which Jim
Radtke and Gene Winters won
prizes. They enjoyed a bonfire and
weinie roast with dixie cups, pop
and hot dogs. It was a ver.y sat:is-
factory day and beta, among the
gifts re€sired was that of a new
snare drum. Pictures of the boys
were taken by Mrs. Emery Win-
Although the principal item on
the agenda of business at the April
4 meeting of Hodsport Commer-
cial club was the raising of mon-
ey for street lights, members of
the group considerad several oth-
er "live" projects.
THE ED CROSS drive for
Hoodsport district was reported
completed, with Mrs. Jack Sim-
mons being the first solic, itor to
make the full canvass.
The 41 members present at the
meeting voted to appropriate more
money to provide postage to
ward unclaimed mail and °i
left by tourists and vacationers
with insufficient postage. A stamp
reading, "Postage paid by thee
Hoodport Commercial Club of
Hoodsport, Wash., is stamped on I
the mail sent out. ' ]
Wally Oliver, postmaster, sug-I
gested th stamping idea a year
ago, and since the plan was l
started he has stamped over 75
pieces of mail, mostly cards.
oointI chairman of the "Float for
Forest Festival" committee.
President of Hoodsport .P.T.A.
Alice McClanahan, reported that
work on the playground and park
fill start April 9, She urged that
many volunteers be present. "This
park," George Jackson, Comnter-
cial club president, paid, "is for
use b the public. It is not re-
stHct as some persons he, v
At the meting a letter from
Hood Canal Post, American I,e-
glen, informing the club that the
organization had gone on record
favoring the proposed "Jupiter
City" park near Seal Rock.
committee, consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Huntley and Mr. and
Mrs. Dess Haines, served pineap-
ple squares and coffee.
In May club ]president Jackson
is scheduling ; fire-prevention
program. . . Forest Service
films will be shown.
Likes Canal, Kurt Mann
Returns To Hoodsport
'Kurt L. Mann, the Journal's
is arranging a pinochle party to rovinrepresentative, and his
be held at 8 p.m. in the eommun- wife Louis are again residents
ity hall. Hos[esses will be Mrs. on Kod Cattal, havig moved to
Fred Thatcher and Mrs. Guy Hoodport this past week. "No
Kneeland, place like the Canal," say8 Kurt.
the meetinff will be Mrs. Nolan
Mason. Mr's. Dwight Morris and
Mrs. Dave James. All members
are asked to attend as flu'ther ar-
rangements are to be discussed
and decided upon for the ammal
bazaar to be given in the Fall.
The Easter party which was to
be held for the children at the
Union school and pre-school chil-
dm Of Union on April .13 will
now be held on April :12 at 1:45
, ,i , 1 ,t L _ J |
Our Malts and
Milk Shakes...
Made with Richer, Full.
Flavored Ice Cream
and Syrups
Home Folks!
We Also Have Them
To Take Out
Bill and Nellie
Open 10 A.M. to 10 P.M.
Quality Meats
Nationally Known
Fruits & Vegetables
Phone 242
i L ,t
Westinghousp Sewing Machines
Lumber, Building Materials, Hardware and Paint
Complete Builders' Seri'ee
De Walt Saws
(Where Buying Is A Pleasure)
L. A. Evans LIIIIwaup 15Wl W. R, Hatch
Chicken Dinner Inn
Specializing In Butterfried Chicken;
Sak and Seafood Dinners
For Banquets and Private Parties
Open Every Day Except Monday
For Reservations Phone Union 294
• ,J , i J i