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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 7, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 7, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PoKe 20 SHEL2q)&apos;N-MASoN COUNTY JOURNAL ,,, " , ,,,, Thursday, A C&]LO OF THANKS -' .................. vvvw.v-w.vvv.,Fv.wvv ,,.rv • if)R R a *d assbRanee also the beautiful tier- . aJt '.. . d--- -ohhB..  ,v v r-'[l al offerin s wen us aurlag the loss 5 worua or less [mtnlmum • -w Lm.-_   .... of our iod ne. Walter A. Magoon. cbarge 75e ,,nl l.ertion,...5 /#g#" #Tlr B" FOR SAT.Z:. gs nd t'ht "" i N.ZSCO PORTAB,F.. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Enmley two lertio0 $1,50 three laser- taurant stOOl.*, inquire First 'i launury trays, ta:ml" " and fan tly, tions. Additional insertions  'G!.o<ery: ........... 4-7-21 , ,asu:rs, $19.25 caCll, :'. i i:; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Emsley and each. Larger ads at rate of 10c FOR SALE: us},d fho: hh'na\\;ie:'regu- naruware. i" ' family, . for each 5 .eras above 2.  I. w lP'vw, r fW   q" ¢F     ll I t off S---A--IE-:-2x 8s Mr. and Mrs. Milford Emsely - '{ - .- " ..... .................  s--0"[P' larly $179,00, special price $159.00. - .... A'-LE: 2 x 8', 130._ei a :: Reader notices 15c per line. 75c Di oreto Fut'nac and Sheet Me- 30 ft. long, Smal ....-- minimum charge on each notice, tal, 415 S• First St, Phone 208. son motor. Thor Card of Thans, $1.00 orlsinal ins condition, ti[_a' poetry  per inch; classified dis- (to he move1,d< play rates on request. . Ms. Also lot ad:t Advertisements acceptea over may be made l the telephone from phone sub- One china cSlr frontage, 12 acres, $4000. Write Box scribcrs, w esh should accompany trailer ideal fst'l-. i R, Journal. all other oruers or payment made  518 P'ark re¢t within five (5) days of the •first SALE: gr r .... " r When B and family, Mr. and Mrs, K. V. Collins ,, and .family, and eattle relatives. /i FOR SALE: three Arcadia Besch tracts, 24, 25 and 26, S0 feet $4-7-14 CARD OF TiIANK ' We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for the sympathy, kindness and assist|reee ,given us during the , 10ss of ont. darling wife, daughter, ister, mother' and grandmother, and to extend Krateful thanks for the beautiful fh)ral tr/butes to our be- loved one. William P. Cook, Sarah L, Weste, rfleld, Guatave Westerfleld. W, V. Uook and family, H, W. Cook and family, A. A. Cook and family. Alleen Sehroeder and family. lassifled Service FLOORS SANDED and REFINISHED: New hardwood floors installed, old or new homes. J. A, Schlange, Box 00elfal,. 00ono Bel,alr AY OR NlG'gu--anteed service .on home or autO radios. Free estimates gladly given If desired. Reaso.nable prices, Free, plekul ann 9every. Closed ]rclday evenings ano Iatur- daya, or leave work at KilierElee- trlc. BURGESON RADIO SERVICI. 11 Franklin, near Loop Field. Note new phone No. I6-W. 5-20-tfr Stves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 576-W 620 Cedar St fill Septic Tanks Cleaned CHARLES JONES Contents Bauted Away Quick Service 1714 East 9th, Olympia Phone 3456 or 7026 1-15--tfn, I III I I WE REPAIR All mk of RADIOS, WASHING MACHINES and SMALL APPLIANCES Expertl,y and Reasonably EI, EffBI[ 1 I [I I KIMBEL OIL CO. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanke (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 65-W Illl I I I I I Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Contracts with the Mason onty Medical Or Direct to You Servlca PREPP'S Drug Store •md & III Phone i ii Ill i , for IMMEDIATE CASH LOANS SEE EDDY BUSINESS SERVICE PHONE 540 120 South Third Street, Shelton, Wash. I ]] Jl insertion to save expense of bill- ing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when billing ts neces- sary, PHONE I00 Too Late to Classify L Oil sto:es and furnac,s ac days, 7026 evenings. Olympr,  ..... , P.-24tfn. kind, Phone 765-J-1. Waiter Buesig. 3-24--4-14 SEWIIuG MIN liar.....,. EXPERT VORIf Reasobla chargm. Istimates made. in yoUr home Dy t, courteous t bon¢letl employs. No o llgation, teave calls at The Journal m helto, Phone 100. SINGER SEW'IN(] MACHIN CO, 510  4th Avs. Olymplt ILEAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 2 lots on Island I,ake,' 10ft feet waterfront. Inquire C. A, • Hill at Island Lake Rodeo grounds, H3-31---4-7 IF'(YRE : thre( A]:cadla b'H tracts, 24. 25 and 26, $4,000. Write Box R Journal. $4-7-14 furnished, electric hot water tank. furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, un- excelled view. Cheap for cash or will trade for 2-bedroon house. Also small new house for. sale at 420 Falrmont or phone 329-M or 476-M. B4-7-21 FOR SALE 5-room modern home with three bedrooms lnclding automatic gas range, hot water heater and oil heater. Good yard, flower and veg- etable gardens Good garage and shop with concrete floor. Also small new building suitable for store or shop 20 x 20. Well located on Matlock road just outside city limits, Will consider trade for smaller 3-room house close in. (New roof and concrete founda- tions). $7350.00. 3-4 acres in Skokomish Valley with 4-room moderrt home, elec- tric pump, fruit trees, strawber- ries and raspberries. Excellent garden ground with about two acres under cultivation. $5,300.00. 6-room modern home with dining room and three bedrooms, includes gas range, hot water heater and oil circulator, Located on Mt. View corner, lot 60 x 120, garage attached to home. Priced at $5: 350 or $5,500 with $1,000 down and balance $50 a month. (Mort- gage of $2,300 can be assumed). 35 acres with good 5-x>om log ltule'; Wgr,elj,D-lo ralle and in good condition. Located on Harsttne Island. Priced at $2,450. An excellent value. 5-room modern home with fire- place, hardwood floors, excellent oil furnace, unfinished upstairs and excellent lawn. Includes Ben- dix washer. Home is well located. Priced at $7,850. Large building in good condition with business space and good liv- ing quarters, well located on main highway. Has two oil circulators and electric hotwater heater and fireplace. $9450.00. a , 4-room modern home practically new, with utility room, elee. h.w. heater, wired for elec, range, oil circultor, washing machine, liv- ing room rug, 275-gal. oil tank. Home double constructed, insu- lated and weather proofed. Corner lot 100xl00 with lawn. Garage attached. G.I. loan balance at 4% mterest, monthly payments $43.00 per month including insurance, interest and taxes. Priced to sell for $73 with $2700 equity down payment, • FOR SALE 5-room modem plastered home with large upstairs room sealed with veneer. Fireplace, dining room, hardwood floors and full basement. Nice yard with concrete walks and driveway. $5,000 G.L lean balance with monthly pay- ments of $54.00 Including lnterest taxes and insurance. $4950 down and assume G.I. loan, FdR %ALE 5-re.ore nodern home with large unrinishea upstairs, Including el- eetric hot water heater, fireplace and oil circulator. Also wired for electric range, concrete walks and good yard, Located close-in, $6,350 with $2,000 down and $50 a month to a reliable party. Herbert G. Angle ll|l II Claasffied Service WV'ql'qP"lUr'v'rNr'qP'wP"u*'aP'"q) rqp"qLe'qP-wp"quo |p'lr'q) I E. F. FULMER DECORATOR Painting, Paper lhng- rag, Spray Painting PHONE I00 or write me, Star Route, Allyn State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Collision Coverage On Cars as Old as 1937 For Qualified Applicants Rates, Service for Policy Holders Transfers Now Available at- BOB ERVIN MOTORS 33 80uth First Street Phone 673 t , , v'vvv'v'qe'v'"v'fv"'-e'"v'"""e'v IV'V'VVV'VfICV'VV'V'"V'--V'q¢--'q VVVrVVV.''V'.VVI'V'q''V'V.VI VV'V'WVVVVVVV'VV".'IV''V'V' ''q REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE . WANED " }R SALE FOR SA '. business property wlthl living quarters. On main highway I REAL BUY for imnwdiate sale, two GENERAL HORSLSIIOEING: Satur- FISH/NG SEASON Is very near. Get Hlllcrest. Price reduced for quick I bedroom modern, downtowu loca- days and Sundays. Sec Gerald Long, your outboard motors and tackle sale, Phone 288 Shelton or 8179 ] t on, wired for electric range, in- Rt 1, Box 238, Sh,lton B3-17--,1-21 now. Avoid last minute rush, We have Olympia. 83-24--4-71 cludes Bendix. electric hot water "kpLr. p|,mb|,;,, w]rl'aii-li-dd:-- new and used outboard hinters at warm gl'2¢wmna e.,,it In z1950000 heatc and. Coleman crtuLing Guaranteed satisfaction C J S rap- Htllcrest Hardware. , 3-31 --Send'tie Nor'hendZa'ke Wah/ngt'on ! heater anu 2-car garage, unly soo, son. Rt. 3, Arcadia Road. Phone FOR SALE: One h,p.--M,er-s i'ump: waterfront proIerty (5 room house Phone S01. ......................... Kd;7trn ..... 8Oi.J. .............................. 83.1_7__._%4L 7 also 8() gallon pressure tank. 800 1,50 ft. frontage) to trade for Hood FOR-S-ALI]? f};,,e (ilty tou, $700 or CATTLE: want to buy. sell or ex- feet outside wiring. Tom Sergeant, Canal house. Might consider water- will sell separately. $175 for corner change cattle of any kind. J. Clark. Capitol Hill. 1-6tfn front or view property near Sheltr n h)ts $150 for inside lots. (?all 823-J Box 232 Eima Wash. 2-17tfn. "iooR'c0VERI4(]-"tiic--ti;]n ¢-'d', Call Union 25L ' ' ' Fl-13tfn , or 605. P4-7-21 WANTED:-rcpsir work 0r i:(in0deling installed or lay it yourself. Easy Yb-R---SXLE'-O'r--'R-E¥':-'---¥'88ii T't"gXLT---ac£'-df" iii--n--]gfi= of all kinds. Any odd job. large or terms, 3 years to %aty. Lawtoa Lum- house, 'tiree htrge bedrooms, cen- way on Bayshore road. Two ntiles small. Also rototlllcr plowlnz. Call ber, 420 S. First phone 56. trally located in new business dis- from clly. $400. Reasonable terms. 59-W. C3-31--4-14 triet. Liberal allowance lot reno. Phone 769-J-4 T4-7 "vv..v...v...vvwwvvvvw voting and repairs. Inquire 408 r Franklin, Shelton. Can remodel to ,,'", , ' , , ' provide space for small business I such as barber shop, beauty par-I lot, lunch or coffee shop. FrontJngj on Franklin St. 83-31---4-7 ZINTHEO'S VALUES MALL HOUSE cl;g i",-¥dr.--ty gas, no reasonable offer ,'ejected• MODERN HOME on coner high Inquire at Rayonier Credit Union way lot; 5 rooms and large attic; or A. L. Gurnsey, 115 Roosevelt Street, Shclton. 3-31---4-14 fireplace, hardwood floors; base= OR- SALEi lo-t'ii:t'r-o/'io'k-eTe\\;'eii, ment, otl furnace, laundry trays. Olymptc View Addition. See Mrs. Space for 2 cars. Terms. Martha Aleekson, McKinley and 3-3tfn. manta'e. Skokomish top soil. tractor Miscellaneous plowing. Phone 463-W. O2-24tfn vvv'v','v,,,.',-.v..vvvvv'vv.¢,, King outboard, old but good. 1939 Dodge 4-door deh|xe sedan, '41 me- WE ARE BUYING se,ap Iron. Junk, it)r, perfect condition. Will take batteries, used cars and wrecks, older cat'. J. B. Schott. corner Laurel Rodger Bros. Garage, 1 mile south and K Streets (Mt. View). _. 9n_ o!Tmpla HlWay. ..... R374:'tf)l 3-31--4-14 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets GET YOUR fishing license now. We Thursday evenings at 8 p.m. at We- have them. Hillcrest Hardware. 3-31 man's Cub Bldg,. 10th & Washing- ton, Olympia, Wash, 3-17tfn. ' FOR SALE OR TRADE: -19-Cis'[t:. 4-7-21 running condition. F()R "S.-IE:-'golf(i;s'-attcni]offJ'--Will" bin (to be moved), sell three nearly new matched schools. Also lot woods, new bag. 2 dozen balls. VaN Ing may be ters. One china ue $80 for $50. Phone 198-J. N4-7-14 with trailer ffb-R--S-k-IET-C,i'/o,):ator_ g-o-od--cid{:" quire 518 __tio n. p!_on( ._656-W.. ............. Ed" 7 FOR FOR SALE: used 6-foot Crosley Shel- Will deliver vador refrigerator. Killmer EI0(',(ric. sack only. A.A. __ 207 Cota St. 4-7-21 247. Shelton. . .- Zenith cabinet-- radio $50? Circulating 'FOR SALE : 24' -?M¢le wood heater, $10. Phone 615-J-3 burning furnace, eo 4-7 tater and automatic shore Road. i-7 I'iiSH'I'NG'LiCENSES aca tically new. Phone 769-J-4. T4-? iOR-SALEi-d0tzl){e-dfll Fo--SXiE_-it=ee n-c;'--ai.-e ready to go. One =P.. i presser. Inquire _.L_  draw drapes, gol(l'eolor.  One pair Route 2, Box 76 (]l 75 inches pet' panel. Two pair 50 , inches. Call 320-C after 4:00 P'-h ............................................. " trailer. Phone 250-  COMPLETE LINE of g-arden tools. Rakes from $1.35 to $2.35 at Hill- _Rl_d_geroad. crest Hardware. 3-31 RIDING HORSE- II JR SAL].vae OlyrlllC-Moor"tl'et thoroughbred coil, 860:R-3. __ for auto parts and accessories. First SHOVELS.I¢jr_, and Mill Streets, ohone 595 7-4tfn i CLAM "H'AND- SPRAYERS--and--pri'nklin-g special $2.95 a Hill cans, large assortment to choose l from at. Hillcrest Hardware. 3-31 -" Pioneer Streets. A3-24-31 FOR SALE: beach property approx,- mately 180 feet front on Bayshore. $500, terms. Phone ,t55-J or write Iloute 1. Box 252, Sheiton. $3-31--4-14 WI-------'L "A-D]. 7 good bumness Iocatiou including small three-room cabin, large sited with equipment for mak- ing your own cement blocks, 130 ft. frontage on highway end located between Union and Alderbrook Inn. room for ten or more cabins or large motel, tins elty water, utility pole set ann wire run for stove, etc,, for camp. ground on level with highway. Will trade for large furn- ished house in Shclton. Must be close in. For further information phone Union 844. W3-10-31 F'OR-S,l-E.'sl-room house with bath and full lsetnent. 7 acres of-good oil with year around creek running through yard, Can be made Lnto a beauttfnl home. on Deer Creek, L, C. McCowan, Rte. 2, Box 113A. 3-24-31 owner, three-year-o|d modern home, two bedrooms, fireplace, hardwood floors automati oil furnace full basement, bedroom finished tn base- ment. Plane 314-W or inquire 1019 Olympia Ave, W3-24tfn from Bremerton on highway 21-B. FLee room modern home with fire- place, furnace, deep_freeze, berries and orchard. Write lox L, c-o Jour- nal, Shelton. 'L8-24-31 - THY PAY RENT' Three small houses each on 0xl00 foot lot. Priced from $1500 to $2,000. Terms, See J. B, Schott, corner Laurel and K St. (Mt. View). 12-30--4-14 side h(ll. 2nd and University. Very good location on the new sewer, Phone 543-W, O 2--4-7--6t ed. Inquire Russell Eckloff. Star Rte, 1. Box 3B, Washington between D and E streets (Mt. View). 4-7-21 with breakfast nook. five miles from Shotton for home in Shelton within walking dlstance of business district. Eli Willey, Route 2, Box 91. (Bayshore Road), 4-7-14 ,,()USES on Olympic mgnway three miles from courthouse, $1700. Inquire at Moultrop's Serivec, 765-J-1. B4 -7-21 I I k FOR SALE Three bedroom home, only 4 miles out on Oakland Bay. Dining room and living room have large plate glass win- dows. All hardwood floors. Also two other house on prop- erty bringing $66.00 per month income, Will sell one separ- ately. Approximately seven acres, triangle shape, one side waterfront, one side gel f course, one side highway. Seen by appointment. Phone 878-R-1 C. M. Mercer 4-7-21-3t I I I I| ISLAND LAKE LOTS FOR SALE WATERFRONT H O M E  GOod beach, choice district on Bayshore Road. House in excellent condition. Good heating system and water supply, nice view, spacious grounds $6950 LARGE HOUSE--close in down- town. Make fine boarding house or apartments. In good condition. This will make good income prop- erty. Excellent value $7350 * $ $ 1 PTLATCH HOME--nicely situ- ated. Spacious and modern. Best of construction. Fine heating sys- tem. This home could not be dup- licated for twice the price asked and is in spotless condition. $8OOO SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS FOR SALE. It will take some cash to handle this deal but should pay for /tself in three years. Do not phone for info]vaation as this is confidential. * Mt $ 116 N. 2nd -- Phone 30 H. L. 01stead Agency I I II II[ I/ll ONE BLOCK OF CITY PROPERTY THREE - BEDROOM MODERN home on corner lot, oak floors, fireplace, breakfast nook, base- ment, furnace. Improved street, cement walk; on bus line, $6800. 8 * $ $800 WILL HANDLE this new four room bungalow, with bath and utility room; balance at $60 a month. Price $5975.00. ONLY $3,250.00 for this 4-room modern fdrnished house in Olym- pic View Addition. $ $ * WATERFRONT and CITY LOTS in various locations. $ * S For Realty Buys ContoRt a Realto M. C. ZINTHEO Phone 157 -- Title Ins. Building Sheltn • I Ill I "vv'Y v qP"vv , m ''v v-'qr v " v'"' " FOR RENT FOR RENT: modern furnished water- front house. Request references. Write Ada Austin Tumwater, Wash. - ' A4-7 -FoR--iE''r ." n10de rn 'pat-tlY--furnlsh- ed 3-room apt. with garage. For ap- _olntment phone 1021-W, K4-6 apartment. Close in. 323 North 4th. D4-7 FOR RENT: thrcc-room furnished houso w{th electricity and water, Tlree miles f,,ont Dayton. Gertrude Scott. Star Route 2, Box 66. In- "IF'-YOU"'IOVE--iIFE READ LIFE magazine April 11 edition, If tlis ad In Life appeals to you in any way drop a card to m(' t()dl.)', No obligation there will he. This equip- nmnt I'd like for yet! to see. Life time triplex double botlom stainless waterless cooking utensils. Martin Otto. distributor, Rt, 1, Box 64-A or ph,_)ne 100. 4-7-14 "ROTOTILI,iNG powr spra,{{lg--hnd _laz'den service. Phone 9tl-W or Box • Journal. H3-31tfn. PLOWING AND DISCING, Henry .... Boy.sen. Php]e._. _922. ........... 3-1:t.[,2_. ALL THOSE having clolhes for sate at {he Friendly Exchange, 2nd & Grove Streets. please call for them .ithin 30 days from today, Apt'i[ 4-7 FtC)R ROTOTILLER WORK• call Jacl Dennis, phone 590-W• Available at- D4-7 ternoons. son counly for specialty salesman, either man or wolnan, experience desirable I)ttt nor necessary. Must Itave car. Reply stating qualifications c-o Box A. Journal A4-7-21 X-VAt-L.-iIJE" The best one-ntan l.),ts/- nes8 in Shelton. Car required. Write J R. Watklns Co.. 137 Dexter Ave. Seattle. Wash. W4-7--5-2 LOST AN]) FOUND FOUND: female black eoek(,r spaniel Looka well taken care of, Owner claim and pay fox" ad. Ri, 3, Box{ 197-A. (Arcadia Road), Mr. C. A. Height, 4-7- ; FOUND: 6 rags. old Fox Terrier ntt{= i PY. BrowD and white coh)rlng. Call Hardscabble No. 2 or write P.O. Box 249. Mrs. Kullrlch. 4-7 FOR SALE PUPPIES FOR SALE: rat terriers. Cha,'h,s McGlothlin. First house on left on Stretch Islant or inquire st Gral)cvlew to)'e, Mc4-7-14 quh'e Dayton Store. bay. No children. Plenty of wood and boat. Phone 724-W, Mc4-7-14 "OQ AND BOARD:-T2-9-fl-rd __ A ye..._n.u, S!elto)_WaSl)_ ....... O4-?/21 FOR RENT: furnished apartment, 3 rooms and bath. Adults only, Angle- aide. Phone ll0R. May and 8th Sts, P3-17-24-31--4-7 F--OR" RENT: sleeping room, cenU;al l ocated..Phone 848 or inquire .Sll ortn Fourth Street. CS-31tfn. town. Apply 128 E. Aider. H3-31--4-7 FTDp(ly fur nl she -tt-ag one mile north of Hoodsport, $25 per month. Inquire Dusty Rhodea Resort, Phone Hoodsport 15-W-ll: " 8-10tfn. r)-8 CATERPiLL-ItR FOR ItIiE. With blade, clearlng teeth and logging " winch. Carder and DeRoster. Fhone 810. C3-10--4-28 Phone 992, Mt, View Locker, Star Route I, Box 32-B. 3-241fu F(:)I%-'REI'-- home and -b'us--es's--p-rop= erty on main hlghway Hlllcrest. Wlllll conslder lease to suitable tenants. Phone Shelton 8 or Olympia 8179. $3-24--4-7 ]bR'" liglT--t-V)0--iJed)ofi- ,itOh,,:6 Iurnlshed house. O11 range and heat- or. Electric refrigerator, garage, wa- ter furnished. $65 per month. I hone 615-J-3. W4-7 APPLIANCES FOR RENT Hilco Electric Moor Sanders Johnson Electric Floor Polish- ere • Sterling Electric portable hand Sanders Reavy Duty Clark Electric Floor Waxer. LAWTON LUMBER 420 S, 1st Phone 56 2-10-tfn WANTED WOMAN wishes house cleaning or other work hy the lmur or by the any. Phone 296-W. , F4-7 -iVXiTbi-- U,'d ' 6"-'-oF-'7-'ff6ic-- i''0 refrigerator in good condition. Must be reasonable, State price, name and Where can be secn. Write Box AX, e-o Journal AX4-7 children day or night In you|' hem,; or mine. Phone 886-R. K6-10tfn feed. Myers and Hansen Mllak Farm, OlymplL hone 4@7 collect, l-ltn _.Urteok. ])creme. Ion9 U oll.t. ma t-J. uraye aroor #tenaer- ur Inc. -27ttn. stumpage, Write Denlel and Flet- cher Logging Co., P.O. Box 35, Olal- Is. Wash, ll-dtfn. Wi LU-]-TXK]a-tXi--6k--;J/fi  i:e-'K-i ii nJy heine hy nay or nlght, also your home evenlng, Mrs. Ed Ber- geson, 1411 Railroad, Phone 72R. 12-9tfn. LOGS--WJI T ELi '--"pky l ,if-- f/(g[,;s t prices for logs delivered to our nlill, RFD 3, Shelton two miles east of Hillcrest on readla Road 4-7-2] ........................................................ I)R SALI': 1935 DeSot<, coupe. New th'cs and heater• Good mechanical condition and body. $225. 875 Fah'- ,hunt or phone 809-R. B4-7-]4 • Hoodsport 15-W-2. Bert Davis. 4-7 TV--CO)"-F-()-RSA.LE: slabs, edgings. planer ('nds. $11 load delivered (about tWO cords), C%ohmn Mitl, phone 867-R-1 evenings. 4-7tfn, reasonable fees. First place nortb of Shelt6n Valley Grange Hall, Don Nearhood. 4"7--5-5 FOR SALE: two-wheel utility trailer, '49 license $40, In good ('ondltion. Would make good boat trailer, 635 .... Bellevue. C4-7 FOR SALE : Marshall slrawlJcrry plants also S¢)ln( tLe(l various size lumber. Frank Lucia Route 2, Box 268 (Agate district), 4-7 each. OIn! big pinto and one small easy gaited horse. Phone 878-R-1. C. M. Mercer, 4-7-21 Some write poetry that's neither good nor fine, But ah writes poetry that's noble, every line. To tell 'em of lumber, well graded, surfaced and cheap To tell 'em to build and buy lumber; not a jeep. man scooter. 16 go. bolt action BE AN INSURAC-:.0aENTAuto," shot gun (J. (2. Higgins). 1942 Truck, Fire, Agents needed for model gas range, standard size, Hoodsport, Union, Belfair Allyn. all white 9namel, pilot ligitt. All it, Bill Pearson, District Agent, 121 good condition, Phone 350-R or in- East Grove Street, Shelton. Phone quire 223 North 5th R 3--17 tfn 654, 2---3--tfn $10.50. at Hillcrest Hardware. 3-17 heavy tank, $35.  ton electric (:a:'=S-L'E=n-]i'ght-w]gii-t--lag hoist cost $195 priced $100 (prac- saw motor or will trade for / h.p, ttcally new). 8 gauge 48" inserted or larger electric motor, W. A. Mc- tooth mill saw, $50. 5 h,p. outboerd Intyre, Star Rt., Allyn. 3 24--4 7 motor Sears Roebuck, $40. Glen Clifford, Star Route 2, Box 51 (Dav- "IvO,-'S-A'iJE : -{6-s-ti:acio--r--wi(l-]na:" ton). 3-17--4-'21 • ...... ,r ........ t stand el FOR SAL" one crib and spring till •  ---h,+ ,, .a -e .,lants u atress a so youtn's Deft an(1 an ,,,.e ,amo,, " ' "" ' nt t're ' "" " a  ss nenc a. n Phone 760R4 after 6 p.m, L. Geist, , * • Rte. 2, Box ]35. 3-24-4-7 .............................. O3-31--4-14 ,**,,--:i,,,---'-iv,. ff".);" FOR SALE: 6 ft. Zeni/H ]'er{(=,{. ..... ,. ^- *..-a -+ Hillcrest Ia-d- Montgomery Ward washing ntachme, '   .......... '_ Hipple Whltc dining set box :'" -- r---  o- springs, inner spring mattress va- FOR SALE: 100 feet oeacn rrontage, cuum cleaner In rood ,wnl}*l,,. first and second class tidelands, ,& 1603 Union St{'eet[- ..... 33{'--J1"4 acre cleared. Good view of Mt. Rain- P-YREX CHIP-RESISTANT glasses, icr and marine traffic into Shelton. Leslie Younglove. Rt. 2, Box 269. 49c dozen. All you want, llillcrest Hardware.  3-31 --Sh?)t°n" ..................... 3---I-=:--)! "6-R-],GE-i-'dft:ah-Xid;;-Fsad-u.dC-fvo= MUST SELL AT ONCE: one Jersey yard load delivered. $5.00. Phone 852. cow. two heifers l)y same and one- C. A. Fisk. F3-24-4-7 car-old hull. lnquirc Rt. 1. Box Hoodsport. Call Hoodsport 34-J-2. C4-7-21 FORSA'LE,--J'b}{hSm sea- Horse 0ut  boards, 5V b.p. $60• 1 7-8 h.p. 700: Underwood standard typewriter Underwood Sundstrum adding ma- chine and stand $100. Voss washing machine $10. Troplc-Aire car heater $25. Stewart-Warner ca," radio $25. FOR SALE: red cocker spaniel pup- pies, five weeks old from pedigreed mother, Phone 907-R. W4-7 '-O0---SA-LE-'-hand- ¢-:-ream separator, clothes wringer. Good condition. Star Rt. 1, Box 42. Shelton, 4-7 ONE WEEK SERVICE On All Ward's Refrigerators Washers Radios Labor and parts guar- anteed one year. MONTGOMERY WARD SERVICE DEPT. Send Card or Phone 5508 Olympia 4-7-1t Ill I --S00GNS-- Of All Kinds Neon Sales & Service MODERN SIGN SERVICE Phone Shelto 21 3-17-tfn li USED FURNITURE 1---Rock Maple Davenport and Chair (like new)...$199.50 1---Maple Swing Rocker .... 29.50 1--Velou Swing Rocker .... 49.50 6--Chintz covered chairs .... 19.50 1--full size DeLuxe Simmons Many 'discriminating people are saying-- Spring .............................. 19.50 1STThe Price; it's lower, L--Spark oil heater ............ 69,50 2ND--The Grade; it's better, i 1--Estate 10" oil heater .... 79.50 3RDThe Selection; it s larger I 18" oil heater .." ....... 29.50 with more off grade, off size l 1--Monta Range ....... 3950 and short length sorts obtain-I  ": ............. able at bargain prices. ] , ,- 4TH--The 2x4's, S4S; good ones l Olsen Furniture o. can still be had at $49.50 M, de-I livered. [ Plonc 102 4th and Cots 5TH--The rush; none unless price talks for already the usual I i i It FOR SALE Four bedroom home on Southside ..... t0..sign'..C°sel!nan Mtll" hill. Large living and dining room W I t h fireplace, automtie dish- washer and built-in electric range in kitchen with pleasant dinette. Full basement With double garage. Automatic oil furnace with air- conditioner. Beautiful surrounding groUlds--0x.00 a; Four room house, electric rangc l and automatic water heater, dec-I tric heat. Lot 80x100 ft. $ * * Four room house on lot 90xl00 ft.' Also 3 ira/reproved 50xl0Q ft. lots. Will sell separately or as a unit. Will make good rental property. Mrs. Claude Damelson Rt. 3, Box 209-C Phone 348-W, 3-17-tfa spring price rise for lumber has started elsewhere but not here --yet. 6THFIR LOGS custom sawed. WOOD  Some available again. Slabs, planer ends, edglngs. $11.00 load, abot two cords delivered• RFD 3, Shelton. 2 Miles East of Hlllcrest on Arcadia Road to the "sigh." COSELMAN MILL CO. Phone 867-R-1 Evenings SPRING CLEAN UP Don't know nlysclf just what I have to clean up, but come and GET / BARGAIN at BELFAIR GARDENS 4-7tfn. 1000 ft, north Allyn WANTED: wonan for' general house- Canal Road Junction work. Three adults and small baby 4-7-11 in family. Go home nights. Phone 541-I J3-10Lfn. - ................................................... I Pumps and Tank for Water System 1---5 h.p. Jacttzzi shallow well pump with G.E. motor. 1--3 h•p. Jacuzzi shallow well pump with. G. E. motor. 1--1 h.p. Fairbanks-Morse booster pump. 14,000 al. assembled fir stave tank in house with plumbing and electric fixtures in. May be moved .intact on truck.. FlOat switch, magneti switch and all equipn]ent for opera- lion. Excellent condition. Reas- onable. Write W. A. Buchanan 1133 Winfield, Bremerton, Wn. or phone collect Brelno$'ton 311-R WE PAY Je PER V-- POUND For Clean Cotton Rags Remove Buttons JOURNAL GUARAN_] Ltll,-of-the-Valley Iris Japonica (whlWt 4 for $1 ' Columbine (aqulegiS Red border daisies,. Hydrangea, 3-yr. P Other Bed d Order Your For Fall BELLE': GARDI P.O. Box 291, lt New Home Sewing Machines Tradc in your old machine on a "NEW HOME." May bc had in Wahut or Mahogany cabinets. 01sen Furniture Co. washers. Bring in your old rolls fP [a .rep I aCcee 'alern, t Sl'2 E es.l%c:adJ ehoAnPe 334. t 3-24-4-7 ANY BREED = ANY QUANTITY FOR SALE' JohnSOn, 'jl tot', 1940 5' h.p., gh.! Carlson, 605 EIIlnor lW  WRiNOER'ROLLS tot sll makes or "-----ith -I'()R SALLY: ]S41.19..W'lm0 ! fh, id drLV overls, tauled radio  heater $875. Three Paint, '$325 down;: financing, Paymen.w 1 month, ihono 795J"., . Arcadia. .1 Y'OR SALE --i935 -ilvk 4-door seden. Gooadai ning condition.  Rainbow Founta/n..,mi,,: U.S. Certified, U.S. Approved "GJM.0.-CO:'.: OR-X v.': Pullorum free! 000 Ibs., 2-sneed r_ff Also ducklings, goslings, tur- be,', $450. ,onO ..') key poults, guinea chicks., day night and . FARMERS' SUPPLY end, 21,000 actuat.':m,, A-1 eondltion, IL llillcrest - Phone 812 lolIng trailer, 8:[' 2-24-tfn Chfford, Star ROUW " ton), _._._.. F0R SiLE-- 191 fl:'ii. Will consider! '!' mcnt. Bill Diekie, *t. FOR SALEi ]940 L - R  H Excolle.t I' out. Make me an m%. P()ff-SX-tTZ -'-re r-" ' and short log trYSt" ", Mr. V ew SheltO.,,'' .,eat covers. iness coupe very..'TdI 558-W cxceit Frld ",-, urda. __ [?renger' V-8 F0'I ,, i,,, __ 'cury motor, n,|{{i tery. Excellent CO? MILL WOOD phy, phone s48-._ [ ton truck also 1Ff $10 a load , ruler sedan. :Bet, el' ] trade for cattle;  Delivered In Shelton { Lost Lake RO"' m. Our Wood Is Always a Cord 'Gft--XLET-i Inquire Kiihner or Better to the Load.  : :: Enitai Lumber Co.  Minerva Park Phone Hoodsport 38-W-12 AUTO F " Trucks--Fa Complete 00JlP' E L E C T R O L U X "Ace" 1)t1 SALES, SERVICE, MeC, ' SUPPLIES R, F "Frec Pickup and Delivery PHOl r,t Phone Shelton 650 125 Cots -- Shelton Jack Manley FOR PACK NICE FAT MARINE WORMS ] ' Sec Your Pacg I1( FOR FISHING Any Quantity  .... Shclton Worm Ranch Frank Th0 1st & Harvard  . Postpaid Anywherc in U. S, Packard , 3-10-tfn Sel MISKELLA SUPPLY " • Olympia Highway • Your BEST BET for 222 No. REFRIGERATION, Garden-Tractors, Pumps, " Aluminum, Etc. Quality 9-2-tfn I I PLUMBING HEATING Sexauer System Repairing Pumps, Hot Water Tanks and Plumbing Fixtures, Licensed Master Plumber Ernest Swearingen Phone 405-W Star Rt. 2, Box 97, Shelton .... r &' :!¢ " '' I I I GOOD ,USED , .'!: ' 1947 FORD LOGGING TRUCK, Complete with bunks and cab .guard, road. 5-speed main transmission, transmission, heavy duty Clark rear-end 1947 Hudson Com. 6 Club Coupe Radio and Heater. ..... 1941 Ford 2-Door .................... ,.,... New paint, excellent condition. 1941 Chevrolet Coupe ................ ,.,. Radio and Heater. 1941 Ford /4-Ton Truck ' 1942 International KR-10 5-Ton 1942 Intel'national 1-ton "pan. 1938 Dodge Sedan ...................... Ncw Pail]t, Heater. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Ncw Intcvnational Va,  and 1-Ton Panolt KIMBEL MOT 1 & Mill Phone