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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 7, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 7, 1949
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$,g0 , d..r lt, eX&lt;:fl.i I>-+X l;fT. 2-1 ill fn |•o1' P i-,'il td allera, lnade 5 P.m,. Puget Can- AsR'n, n. FINAL FO R TILE, F O R Estate of Rob- IVEN that Uministra- use day of Anril, DEYET,pE" ] 94,q. (SAL) St. NO. 24fhi OTIt'E 3'0 CIIEDITOIII,,I 'rll I'ItI+',ENT ANI) I'II.E ('I,AIM, ]N Tlllq ,t+l'l,',3tl<>l'. t'()l t{'1" t)l,' TIIF] '3'.\\;'1'1': <)I+' W.\\;I li NII'I'< IN I,'( )It JVI A:q( IN <'( )lINTY . IN I'ltOItATE Ill lhe .M'atl++v i,l' lh,' l",:;t+qi,' ,d' [':d" Will lAlfl[O':dol'. "Li+•t'*'iiSf'll. Ncrl'I¢'l'; l,q lllqlt3'lHY (IIVli:N that E,Iward A. MtlllSl+ll h.qs I),'+'ll slip,,till- vii ;lllll hll tlll.qlil'i,+d ,'I I,]xO,.lll,r ,,f Ihf, Iz.isl vVill anlt TesllilliOlil <if I]ll- wiu I ,a nlo'>l,'r, 3 )l*t'l'.qsl+(I, :ilill ili:ll all liorm+ll;: h/trill,# cl'.iilii al.',,qinll ilie :4aid t)t,(,i,Iisi,ll tip thl + aid t.tfltl, ill.l, hl,l+l,liy requil',,d Ill Ol'VO Ih- saliii,, q ulv Voril'iod with Iht, lli.Ui.:L.l:l 'v %(pilchl,l', lillli('ht.iI tilllili the limb I:- ilie(I lqxoctlhJr of 11i AIliJI • ll.) (,]+ lit'cord at 3hi, law (ll•fh.i , ill' (.;lia,% 1{. Lows. 119 Soutli F'lluvtii .<-ttreet. Poll I,uihlinff, ;gh+.lton, Mason Cotlnty, !dlr.'tshilil4"ton, the sani(, I)l.jllg dcMt411al- ell ll. the lllal,e fill, tim tl'allS:l(,lilill <if the btlslness (if thl, vahl ,,slate, lllill lih, Stlch cl.'ihrls together with proof ll|' service with Iht' clerk of thl' ilbovl: ,'ntJlhql ('o!11'[ within Ii llliilllhs .'ll'll.l lhl+ daD. (d" ill,. i)llhtit.atilln 41f this mtict,. I,-wil : AIH'II 7, 19.PJ. Ji' :ill chihiis niii . sit s+.l•ved and fih,d shall lie l'llreviw I),ql'rod. EDWARI) A. MINRON, l*Jxe(,utor of said Estate,, CIIAS. IL LEWIS, Atl+,rnoy f,',r said Estate 11!3 Satllh l#ourth. I3ell iltlilding ,q|ii,lll)n, Miiiin (+otlni7, W:ishillgtolL 4-7-14-21-28- 4t. NIl. 2079 NOTICE TO (!REliITOR TO PRF,I,NT &ND I.'II, F; ('I,AIM IN TIIE SUPERIOR C()URT OP THE STATE ()P WARItlNGTON FIiR MAS, I)N C()IJNT7 IN PROIIAT E In the Matter of the Estate nf Wal- ter Al'lhuv Magoon, Deceased. NOTICE IS JII,,'RI,By (lIVEN th:tt Pfitiline lliisley, hlis lleoll aQl)li ale i sad li,<i:a qtialified a+ Executrix nf the ELq ,: t Will and Tetalllent of Walter Arthur Mago.m, Deceased, and that all persons having' elaini. a'ain.t the said Dl,('oaod el' thl i said +'slate Iil' h01'oby reqliirod to SOl+V0 tht. s,'llile, duly veril'i01d witll the .llevessai2v viii- ellel's filial'hod II|illn the tlndf+l'Sig'lll.d Exeoutri× o1' her .kltiot>nl,y tit }{t,l,tirfl at tilt'+ hlw o1"3"ic(, <d' Ch.'l+. It. t+ewls lt0 Sotllh F(nu,lh .,treel. Boll thiihl" ing, hellon. Mas(n Cotlnty, Wash- ing'ton, tile designated IJlaee tel, iho II•unsae|ion (if tilt', liusinelL, l of tilt' slid *'slate, and file such elaim to- g other with Ill'eel o1' 8or%,ice with the t+lerk (if lh<, abov entitled court with- in tj lllonlhs after the date of the fii'st publicathm of thi. notice, tel-wit'. Apf'il 7, 1949, or all claims n.t so serv- ed and filed shall be forever Ih<ltl•ed. PAULINE EMSLEY, Ex.cutrix of said Estate, CtIAS. R, LEWIS, Attorney for said Estate 119 South l'ou/,th St.. "Bell P, ulldlng Sheltllil, ]Vl;i,,4on (3otinty. Wasillngton. 4-7-14-21-28--+3t. ............................... NO.. 203I NOTICE OF llEARING FINAL RFPOilT AND PFTITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE IgUPERIOR COUI{T OIP TIlE S.TA'FE Ob  WAttlNCTON IXJR MASON COUNTY IN I+ROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of IIarriet A- MeMillan Deceased, Notice is hi, KP.'en that Sanfard C, Do Leo. Executor el' the Estate of Harri.t A. McMIEan. deceased, has fi - od in Hip office of the Clerk of sald CoUrt his filial RePort and patltioa for distribution, asking th Court to settle said Report, dlittribute tile ptxlperty to t € ptrlons thereto errtltled and to dlm'harge :mid Zxoculot' and that said : :ST ".: I ()RI., NIIMY N().I .00D forestry which seeks to keep American forests continuously at growing successive timber crops Just One long battle with FIRE, say foresters. Natllte is bountiful, trees reproduce grow rapidly, thrive to maturity on lands which have been cut if seed SOurces and young seed- are not consumed and the land Sterile by forest enemy Num- One ..... FIRE. bevastated forest areas are usuaIly rSult of repeated fire. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY I l00SllJ00 01ilSTllmm m. ,+., lOqnlrl nlilt lii,li3il,ll will I., hOlll'<l (lit lh,' 15ih diiy ill' Aln'il, 19.i9, at 10:fl0 \\;.]{. at tile Potll'l Rfiilnl ell' the Pro- ]iilli + I h.lla i'1 till,lit (if +;liil (++tlllrl. ill which liin+' illlil llhit',' iIIV i)l,[siln in- lvvi,st.I h+l ;4:ild l,;si:ilo Illtiy :ll.ili,*al + lill(I fih. i,}iv,'ii,m: Ihvr.l. ilili Pfitl|e,ql lh. D Illl.. ll.ql?d Ihi l llh i:iv fd' Marvh, l!ttg. II A IHUf I,JEYETTI,]. t21ork of ail,i (h'Jtli'l. I'.y t't('l[,'RANN Mt)tEll<+ll'E, t )t,put I+' par[ ` ?,t Y I", I t S', Att,,rn,,y f<w Estale, llG,t Olyniph. Nath',nnl l;hl;. S.':ittl+,, W:Is]I. 3-17-21 -3-7-1 t--It NO. l!H7 NO'I'll'I,] ilil,' IIEARING ON' FINAl, ltEI'(tRT AND I'E:TI'I'iON ]'ll I1 l)l'r R! I.IT ION IN TIlE Sl/:'l,]l'tlOl, C()LTI{T ()F THE TA"I'I , + t If'," WA,ql IIN(]T()N F'< ) 1€. M A.q( )N (:t)ILTY ! N PJI()RAT E Ill (h+' llitittl+i' lit lhe ed,qto of GE+)I-t¢IIA ANI.,] McDONAI,L). abm km,wn :is SLqTIG] MAItY t'•\\;I<MI41.- 1TA. do.'(':is('d. N()TII'E I t[ERIRY (liVEN that J,,s>i,, McDonahl, Exectitrix ill J tile oslalt  i.lf .(;enPgia Annt. MeDori- aid, also kll+,wn its islei' MlllPy ('al.- nioliia, l)l.c,:isolt, has fil+,d with lhe Ih.rk of lhl, alll,,,P iqitillell COlii't |ler l,'inal Ri,poi't ilad Pelilion l'lJi' IIi.- lrlttlilioli aking lllo 0Cltlrt to, setlle and ;iDlirov, tile .alne, dttriblltC th lll•lql,+vly Io Ihl • lll"Ps,"lllS lheretll eil- tith+d nlid to dist'|iarge the s,qld t!]xecU- trix. NOTICE IS FIrRTtIER GIVEN that the said Ftnal Ietml'l and Petition lot" Distributi+m' will be hl,al.d tin b'riday, the 2th day d' April, 1949, lt |hi' hOtll' <'3' 10 ll*i'lOl'k in lhe l'll/•o - nilol at the Coul+t ,ltltOlll Jli th(+ Colirt ll,ti., in Shetton. WuMling'hin. J)ati.d this 25111 day el • March..1919. t[ARRY DP,'Y lyr 'r 1,]. Clerk CHA.. IL LEWIS. Atl',i'tii'y f,,v said Estate. Bell F, tllhlillg. 119 Soulh Wourth gt.. ,qhvlt,'n, Mason County, WalJnton 3-31---4-7-] 4-21-4t NO. 2075 N()TI('I", Td) CRI+:IIITORN T'O IRI,'ENT AND I"II+E ('I,AIMH IN TIlE SUPb]I{t()t. (?OUIIT ()b" 'rile ,qTAT b] OF' WASIIIN(ITON b'Olt MASON COUNTY IN PIOIIATE In the Matt+,r +l" tile Est'tto of Kath- ryn Abel, I)eeeased, NOTICE IS ItEREIY GIVEN that Shirley Abel Lumsden has been aP- pointed and has qualified as Admin- istratrix with the Will anliexed of the estale of Kathryn, Abel,,DPeeased, and that all persons having clinm against the said Deceased or the said estate are hereby l'eutrd to serv the sam(,, dnly verilled , with the ne(.,14aFy VOtlfthPl'S attachml ripen the und'l'siKned Adnlinistratrix ox' her At- t,rney of Record at tile law office of Ch'l. . T+ewis I19 South lourth Street. i3el 1211 ld ng', Sh,, ton, Mam)n (l)tlnt)'. Was|iiugton, tliP i#aine hi+inK dosignatcd as t}le plat0 fl,r thn tl'ans- avtion of till" brininess of lho 14aid est'lto, and Jri]e such elailns together with proof of service with the Clvrk of th,, 'ab,ve entitled court within 8 months after the date of the first publiffation of this notice, to-wit: April 7, 1949. or all claims not so .erved nn¢l file .hll be forovnr bar- red. S-IIRLE¥ AIEL LUMSDEN. ' Adtllinistx'atrix wilh the Will C ' S sexed. ,ItA. ai, LEWIS. AtLi)rney for said Estate Bell Buildlng+ 119 South Fnurth St. Sheltoh. Mason County, Washington. • 4-7-14-21-28--4t. gI,,LTON-M.& CI',T CC)T FN'PY ,TOT.T HAL MOCNT OI,It/E IA'I'IIF, IIAN CIII  RC, II %Nm. II. Alh:Ich, P'+slor lllghway and (+'imv,tlh, Tonigiltt Ti3c \\;,<lting llli,lnl)cr:i of Monnt Olive conv, reg;tlilln Will hohl tiieir regalhu' qnarterly nwot- ing ill lhe (,hllreh <fffice, llev, in- ning at 8 p.m. l,'riday: The hltlios of h'hnlnt Olive will bcghl givinK llw chapel its annn:tl pre-l,]asLer cleanilig at i :; Tiae Parent-Teacher's Associa- tion meets at 8 This meeting hag })cell moved ahead two weetcs becatise of an overly-crowded April schedule. Saturday: The ladies will meet :it 9 a.m. to complete the chapel cleaning. The junior membership class will meet at 9 a.m. Snnda.y: Sunday School :l nd adult bil)le chtss hegin lit {1:45 Services begin aL 11 it.n. This will be a confirmation sol +- vice for the 1949 junior mernber- ship elass. The Mountain View branch Sunday school begins at 9:30 a.m. CU2 "tt 8 p.m. Tuesday: The Sunday school teachers' Bible class meets at g p.m. at the home of Mrs. Alfred Michaelson, 212 Wyandotte. Wednesday: The Choir meets at; 8 p,m. "-iTear-Noi--Those On God's Side Are Stronger Than These Opposing" (IEMIg FROM BEV. BAI,L'S t¢,everend Ball stressed that "tiicy UNDAY MORNINC, ,IERMON "Fear not, for they that be with us are more than they who arc with them," stressed the Rever- end Francis H. Ball in delivering the main point in his sermon he- fore :t large congregation at St. David's Episcopal church on Pas- From all sections of the church, from the choir section in front to the extreme rear where some were sitting on the tiny chairs of Sunday school children and others standing, the persons quietly listened to catch what The Reverend Mr. Ball termed, "the hook upon which I hang my sermon." The Reverend Mr, Ball directed many of his points to the Rain- bow Girls who listened to the les- sons in the gospel with a spirit of "breathless adoration" before the goodness of God. Pointing out that the world de- pends on young peoples, dreams and hopes, Mr, Ball told a story of a young man and Elisha as re- lated in the Old Testament. The supreme power of God as witness- ed by Elisha and the young man was the "hook" of the sermon, for on it the sermon's opic was based• Old Elisha and the young man, courageous and devoid of fear, were together while a hostile ar- my began to press in. The young man expressed concern. But to sae them from the army of men, an "army" of angels" appe'ared and saved the pair from imminen eriL AT THII POINT in his sermon T. I)AVID'N FI'I(!OI'AI, I,'IRNT BAI"rl,'P Cltl,ltCil (!!ilil¢Clt Fifth aml Cota ,V, treets Fllurth and (ethir J.O. Ilovee, Pltstor Tlic ihw. I+'riinci Ii. Bail, iii li&'arren tlale, As.itant Bible School, 9:45, A chlss ('iilirffe L f(>r every age. Services on Palm SIluday: 1]ely Morning Worship, ll Mr. ' ' " • l" (,omnuunion is at 8 a,m. (,tni chIBovee will bring the morning school starts at !9 ,'t.m. Morning' message. prayer nnd sermon, 11 Young Pcople's Services, 6:30 p. toly Week services: Wednes- day :tL 7:B0 Good Friday, 10:30 a,m.; 12 noon to l',?,0 p.m. Easter Day services: church school, 9:45 a,m. Holy Comnnln- ion (chol'a|) and scrnlon, 1 l iI.In. Floly Baptism, 3:30 p.m. The mict-day services on Good I4'riday will consist of meditations on Last Words from the Cross. We invite our Christian friends to join us in paying grateful tri- bute to the t.ecleemer of the World. m. Three age groups meet for Bible study and fellowship. Evening Fvangelistic Service, 7:30 p.m. Mr. Hale will bring tile evening message. Yawing People's Devotional Hour, Monday at 7:30 An llOtll' of inspiration for all yaunff people of junior lligh and college age. Iq{ome Builder's Bible Class, Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. Mr. Bovee is teaching the Book of Daniel. Prayer and Praise Service, Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Choir prac- tice follows the prayer service. The services of the Baptist Chiu'ch are planned and prepared to be of help to all who attend. We cordially invite you to attend the services this weeR and enjoy the tiings of the Lord. that be with tlS are more than they who are with them. Trllst and have faith' in God. The one power above all the others is ttc power of Almighty God." "The Bible," Rcvcrend 13all pointed out:, "tells of many mir- acles that seem amazing to us Y'AITII I,UTIIEIIAN CIIUIICI! John DeBm, r, Pastor Services are held in the I,O,O.F. Hall on Second street. Sunday school for all age groups and adnlt Bible class start sion Sunday, April 3. who read of them. But many of at 9:45 a.m,. Abont 80 young women, pat,-Ithe recorded miracles have been Divine worship is at 11 a.m. eats and members of the board lproved to be true by archeolo- Sermon topic: We Should See of Shelton Assembly 19, Order of l gists.,, Jesus? Rainbow Girls, and a large per-[ The pastor referred to the re- Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock centage of the St. David's con- ] cent finding of stones in the Bib- the adult confirmation class meets gregation were present to worship I licat region, a discovery that 1 at the hdime of Mr. and Mrs. G. God, to hear that faith in the]clinched the truth in the story Kalenoski. Gospel of Jesus Christ is the key of the falling "walls of Jericho2' [ Tile mid+week fellowship meet- to the supreme power. LINGERING ON his point that Iing will be at 7:45 p.m. Wednes- the power of God was the supreme day at the parsonage. The topic power in the world, Reve"end will be. The Six Miracles of the Ball referred to the help Ameri- Cross. " PROFESSiON00 CARDS B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON ATTORNEY Angle Bldg. Shelton Phone 166 HERBERT ROTTER PUBLIC ACCOUNTING 8ERV, IGE TRle Insurance Bldg. PHONE 170 Shelton, Washington CRAIG P. F£IOT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Title Insurance Bldg. Phone 645 CIIAIILE/it R. LEWIS ATTORNEY. AT LAW 119-121 Ilouth Fourth St. BeB Bldg. Shelton, Washington ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th St. Phone 585 INSURANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building WI'rSIERS FUNEltAL HOME Llctmeed Embalmsre W. A. Witaiar, i, Prop. Phone 180 - - Shelton, Wash. GLENN E. CORREA ATTORNEYT-LAW Covey Bldg. Phone 22 cans are sending overseas. Amer- ica, a Christian nation, is "try- ing to practice great Samaritan principles, turning idealism into practice by sending' help to eth- el'S." "No nation in the history of the world has done so much for its former enemies," the pastor said, "a fact which shows that we are living in a great century." "But be not afraid-there is a power stronger than armies, a power which is the key to world peace. That power is the supreme power of God," Reverend Ball said, repeating, "those that are on our side IGod' sidet are stronger than those who ar) against us," PLEAED TO HAVE the Shel- ton Rainbow Girls at their church fro- the mornmg worship, Rever- end Ball and members of the con- gregation mingled and chatted with the visitors for a short time after the worship service, com- menting on the beauty of Spring brought by the warm sunshine of Pasldon Surltay. lt week "there will b 'ah- other sermon from another'chnrch "covered" for ant special Jourhal page. ...................................... FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Wayne Wright, Pastor Divine service on Palm Sunday Mother Church, The First Church 'April 10 at 11 a.m. At this serv-'of Clirist, cientist, in "Boston, ice there will be a number of bap- Massachusetts. tiaras and the incoming of a large Golden Text: Psalms 103: 2-4. group of new members, There "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and will be special music. Fellowship forget not all his benefits: who hour with refreshments follow the forgiveth all thine iniquities; who service, healeth all thy diseases; who re- Special Easter llervice next Sun-1 deemeth thy life from destrtLction." day at 9:45 a.m. is being prepared J The following verse from Psalms by the Sunday school. Parents is included in the Lesson-Sermon: are urged to attend. • "Mark the.. perfect man, and be- Evening worship and song ser- hold the upright: for the end of vice is at 8 o'clock in the church that man is peace." parlors. From "Science and Health with Choir practice is Thursday with i Key to the Scriptures" by Mary!or choir at 3 p.m., and senior l Baker Eddy is the following cor- enotr, 7:30 p.m. All members are lrelative statement: "The calm, urged to be present. Women's So- [ strong currents of true spiritual- ciety will meet at,lhurch at 11 ity, the manifestations of which a.m. April 13 for a regular pro-! are health, purity .and solf-immol. gram. There will be a sack lunch [ atlon, must deepen human exper- Commtmion service between 7 ience, until the beliefs of material and 8 o'clock the evening of April existence are seen to be a bald 14. All members of the congre-l imposition, and sin, disease, and gation urged to attend, i death give everlasting place to the There will be two services Sun- scientific demonstration of divine day morning, one at 9:30 and one Spirit and to God's spiritual, per- at 11 o'clock. } fect man." HOR|ZONTAL Here's the Answer guroitia ¢otmtry II&l¢ 8 Word used i I I k llOl flratively I I'll If ]011 lg Indicate i 14 Allude 15 Great (abbr.) 17 Challenge 18 Conenled 29 Perform 10 Over (contr.) 22 Bes/de Male sheep 24 Roam 25 Theetrlcal play 27 Child 28 Burrowing animal 29 Carousing dtllre 31 SYmbol for selenium 32 .ttrlll whtltle 33 It borders $7 |BV of lward 88 SmaB quanttt3 glowor 4a Sit, eat 44 Pareetve 411Paulnlt fancy 411 $.141 47 gxlst 48.4111it 4t BIvalle 0 lblie . Prts of Sl Poker Itke vu 1 Buddhist ttmmle Choir practice is at 8 o'clock Thursday night. The pastor's residence is 627 J street, and telephone is 959-M. ST. EDWARD'S CHURCII Rev. Mark Wlechmann Stmday, April 10 is Palm Sun- day. First Mass is at 8 a.m., and second High Mass is at 10:30 a.m. The gospel is St. Matthew, chap- ter 21, verses 1 to 9. Sermon sub- ject: The Spirit and Ceremonies of Holy Week. Catechfsm and chm'ch and Bi- ble history for high school stu- dents at 9:45 a.m. Before the High Mass Sunday there will be blessing and distribu- tion of palms and procession. Wednesday evening" at + 7:30 o'clock are sermon and benedic. tion. Friday evening- at 7:30 o'clock is Stations of the Way (if the Cross and benediction. On Thursday, April 14 there will be High Mass at 9 a.m. with other prescribed ceremonies. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "Are Sin, Disease. and Death Real?" is the subject of the Les- son-Sermon which will be reac next Sttnday in all branches of the lit lt la mud i Ivn:lBI l't Ti!im :lm:al211! 11 lnfaH 101 I!t:11 I! 8#Wliilln sS ttrei¢ lett ]lOI3D! Sll its capital / #lQIIgl t8 garill 8g Fatl 4rl Bailiff IOl01CII i I 2 Road (sbbr), 9 Crlm$otl 41 Id ut (abbr.1 3 Spread for 10 From 413 Evil drying 11 Pertaining . 45 Adapts 4 Undim[nishtl to a foot 48 Saucy 5 Bloody 12 Cooded 48 Noah's boat 8 Dined I8 Conditions 49 Light brown 7 Left end 18 Pol 81 garth closet (abbr.) 21 Ind/an harg (abbr.) 8 Decorate vest stolon lti Mothor MINISTERIAL GROUP MEETS APRIL 10 IN IlOODSPORT (,IIUKCII Tile M:ls(in (ollnly Miniidt.lial o\\;sl,iln'i.<tthln will liieet Mllliltav iii. Ill Al/lil II al llu, (.'llnilillmil y (+ll3irctl, I&'V, l;tili Sweeney, p:lstor. All liiilli.q[ oi';i ili'e reqllested to I}e la'Cselll, :l there will bc tiw ch'tg.icm of offi- cers and di:cllssion of irtiporl;lni busincss. The nlemhers of the Mini.<derial A,sociation wish to express their deep ai)pre(,•iation to tile I)uiness fil'nl,s of |lell.on that :tl'e earl'y- ing" the "(]0 to Cillll'l!ii Sllll(hiy" ads ill their tllvertisinK. UNITY TRUTII (;ENTER Mina Hoelwtt, Leader 408 Col:l Street Sunday: 11:00 a,m. Sunday SchOol; 8:00 p.m. Services. Tuesday: 8:00 p.m. Class Work. Friday: 8:00 p.m. Bible Study 1:30 Wednesday Meditation }..lvaling \\;Vork - All %Velcnme I-'a e 21 Mt. View Alliance Chapel Rev. Theo. W. Chapman, Pastor 9:15 rii'li. Sunday Y4ehool 1 l n3n. M,n'tihltL' RervleP +..(J In!qdr:itioll:ll SePv[oe A Ih,:irly 'Vl'h!,ililO IO All ........................................... St. David's ElliScollal Church 4th & Cedar St; {"hiirl'h s, ql,.d tall ;4'i'allos), ,3:. q.lil, Ml'llilin' PI'I.VIF 'lTl,l .Q1cl+lllll|l, I Ill tit, liev. l'ranuis II. Iliill, llelqop BAPTIST CHURCH ,L (). P, OVEE, Pastor WARREN HALl,;, Assislant Preaching serviecs: ]ible Selool, 9:15 AM. Morning Worshlp, 11 A,M. Young People's, 6:'10 p.m. Evening Worship, 7:a0 p,m. We preach Christ Crucified, Risen and Corning Again. A cordial invitation is extended to nll, TO ALl, INTERE, 'll ED IN CHURCH 0F CHRIS00 Meetings Each Sunday A.M. For Bible Study and Communion Call MRS. H. L. MILLER Phone 72-R -- Or W. KOBEL, Phone 614-R-1 For Information Foursquare Churcll 910 E, DeaPborB Ill. Snntlay Schlll---9:45 }Vorship Service--11:00 Crusader Service--6:45 F, vtmgelistic Service-..7:45 REV. E. E. FITCH Pastor First Methodist Chu00h "A Friendly Church in a Friendly Community" 4th & Pine .... Parsonage ,220 N. dth ..... Phone 276 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. -- Morning Worship 11 a.r. WAYNE WRIGHT, Minister , , ,,, ,i t ASSEMBLY OF GOD TABERNACLE 130 EAST PINE ST. Sunday School, 9:4.5 a.m. --- Worship Service 11 n,m. Evangelistic, 7:45 p.m. Young People's Servioe-..Tnesdny, 7:45 p.m." Jubile Service ...... Friday, 7:,15 p.m. THE CHRIST FOR THE CRISIS i in First Church of Christ, Scientist SHELTON :. .... Branch of " The Mother Church, The First Church of ChPIst. ii'itthdl Boston, Mass ..... , Subject Next Sunday: .,7':(+ .... , +, ,, .,;., $ . " re Sin, Disease and l00ath00' i r SUNDAY SCHOOL .lT 9:45 SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK Reading Room maintained by t.his church lit 302 Ahler Street, opcn daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 4 o'ctock. and Wednesdays fern 6:45 to 7:45 o'clock All are cordially invited to attcnd the services and visit the Reading tx)om. CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET COME TO THE REVIVAL / FOURSQUARE CHURCH 910 E. DEARBORN -- REV, & MRS E. E. FITCH, PASTORS DON'T MISS THE CLARKS APRIL 3- Through + . APRIL I Every Night Except Monday 7:45 P,M. +'THEY SING - THEY PREACH - THEY PRAY FOR TkIE SICK 'WEEKLY GOSPEL B ULLETIN by Charles Thomas Shaffer, Minister APRIL 7, 1949 Saith the holy scripture, The Spirit of God hath made me: the breath of the Almighty hath giyen me life (Job 33:4"), Thus Is Introduced to us the lttcorruptible Godhead--the mysterious and wonderful US of Genesis 1:26, As it was in the creatldn of man Io will it be In his recreation or resurPectton from the dead. The Holy Spirit will reauemble from whatever estate the arrival of that hour for the resurreo¢ion finds the dead, (those dead bodies) but cannot Infuse life into them. But there is one higher and greater in power than that Spirit to whom appeal must be made In order that those bodies may live again. And when that appeal is made, the record tells us that the dead "lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceeding great army." Ezekiel 37:1-10. At the top of the many virtues with which God endowed all created things was a transcript of his law, wrlttet! upon the "fleshly walls" of its heart. And n connection with that writing was the equally Divine assurance to that creature, "1 will nlIver leave thes, nor forsake thee." In a test case of man's ]effort to separate himself from that Divine attendant it is recorded in Psalm 139:1-18 the hopelessness of every effort to escape God's faithfulness to that promise. Along with that Divine transcript he has given to every creature the power of CHOICE, a gift so precious in the sight of God that neither he nor his angels dare presume even to violate iti use by the creature. Also, as was said in a former Bulletin (Sep- tember 2, 1948, and March 24, 1949) he claims to have treated both good and evil. and with both of these endowed the heart of flesh (Isaiah 45:5-7 and James t:12-25). Thus God made man free, and had no need for any man to teach him his "WHOLE DUTY to God, to his fellowman, or any other ,reatlJrc. And. to this blessed estate he had given us commandment +to "Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made ue free, and be not entangled" in thelyoke of bondage to any other llreature, Therefore, man was without excuse for taking ¢ouneel of the Serpent in his duty toward God. His whole duty existed in keep- ing the Divine law. (Continued from this point in the next issue of The Journal) i Hli 1 il II 1 I