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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 7, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 7, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 22 .......................................................................... H. FLEMING BYARS q,O MOVE TO GOLDENDALE IN MID-APRIL REASONS r:, ................... ...... ....... ........ ='ii" Why LOU'S RADIO , . t, Call Serve You Best L 1 TOP GRADE PARTS GUARANTEED SERVICE PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD tIONESiP BIISINESS IS (1OO[) Ig USINENS LET LOU'S RADIO SERVE YOU Mt. View - Near Skating Rink PHONE 675-W I|, I,'I,EM!NIi I}'AI{ llamisome Suits Finely Tailored To Look and Feel Custom-Made ! Perfect for Spring! Light in weight, smooth in ap- pearance and low in price! We're well-stocked with r a c k s full of these new Spring suits in many styles, colors. • Priced at only . . $45.00 to [t. ICleming Byars. prominent l:;hclton resident for eight years, is moving to Goldendale about the middle of April to work with tim Abstract and Title Guarantee company as its president. Mrs. Byays will remain in Shelton until school is out, and then she and tim three daughters, Catlaerine, Susan and Margaret, will join hen}. Byars has been chairman of the school boh'd in district 309, first vice commander of Fred B. we- veil American Legion Post 31, secretary of the Shelton Chamher of Commerce. Mrs. Byars is pres- ident of the Bordeaux sol,col P.-T.A. Before coming to Shelton in 1940, Byars served as I)asketball an(l football coach .t Chehalis junior high sclmol. In his last year there there he Was vice prin- cipal of the elementary schools. Vehile in Goldendale several wcel(s ago. Byars was elected president of Ab'Jtract and Title Guarantee corot)any of Golden, dale, an organization of which his Ibr()thcr, A. T. Byars, serves as ! seeretry-n}anager. Goldendale is ltim old "home town" of Byars. I Ilia father was in business there. Mrs. By;ws rettu'ne(I home last Friday afternoon fronl a local hospital where she had a major operation. Consumer Education Program Started In Seattle District A new urban consumer educa- lion program for the Seattle area now is underway with Miss Agnes Sunnell, former Pierce county home agent, in charge. Director E. V. Ellington of the Washing- ton State College Argicultaral Ex- tension Service made the an- nouncement today. The program, to be directed by the extension service, is financed in prt by funds provided under the federal Marketing .;kct of 1946 and in part by state matching funds. ()ISJECT4 OF this expansion of work in an urban area, Director Elltngton explained, are to im- prove nutrition through better methods of caring for and pre- paring foods, to encourage pur- chase and greater use of plenti- ful and lower-priced foods, and to promote orderly marl€sting of Washington farm products. Miss Sunnell's office will be in the Seattle County-City building with tte King county e:4tension staff. She will be on call for dis- ctlssions before organizations on consmner information topics and food lwcparation. Leadership for Lilt program iv under Dr. Roy Beck, extension marketing speci- alist, and Miss Inez Eekblad, ex- tension nutrittonist. MINS SIINNI,;LL ha.d been as- sociate extension agent in Pierce c(mnty ,,;inL'e 1946. Previously she S in Snohomish county and at Kh'k- land grade school In King couflty: In l'ieree county among tile 300 ,l-ll girls and boys em.olled in Men's Shop ,,e,, partici- pated in meal preparation and Shelton Hotel Building food preservation in county con- tests. ONLY Pay Only $1 Down t: ......... " P.S. (.,zaduates your miniature Lane Cedar Chests will soon bc here! Watch for tlmm in our windows.--soon! The World's Finest--the World's ONLY Pressure.Tested AROMA-TIGHT Chest l llas all of' Lane's exclusive quality and moth protection features! • Beautiful waterfall chest in rich, dramatii: woods. Big', roomy, it's 48" x 191." x 22/a" size! • hteal gift for sweetheart. ifi,. sister, daughter, mother! F II Olsen urnlture Company 328 COTA PHONE 102 "T ' o g t ln t! urnitute For the Home" SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Ir Tt Junior High Scoops By Irma Oaniels Mrs. Hermes' eighth grade Home Eeorv)mics classes arc co)citing breakfast cereal, which they like after they taste it. They cook at least twice a week, and the favorite dish is "Apple Compote." The eighth and ninth graders will soon plan an jnterc:;t- ing show for the style show at Paz'ents' Night. * * * the By 'Margaret Oltman On Wednesday, March :;0, Aberdeen Junior High sent their Exchange Program to Shelton.  The program was presented at eleven o'clock in the Shelton Ju-! nior High Auditorium. After the  program the Aberdeen group had lunch with tlac Junior High Coun- I cil. ! By Marie Emsley The Junior High School news! class has really been busy this past! week. They have been gathering i in groups of four to plan out tl hroadcast of school events. Tiles-j day, March 29, they broadcast over i the P.A. system at school, i :I: * $ i By Jane Gladney In the Junior High lately we have been having "Operation Walk." The students, mostly the eighth and ninth grades, have been running in the halls. To stop this I Mr. Schwarck proposed "Opera- tion Walk." The students are really trying to keep their pace down to a walk. Of course at dis- missal time it's hard, but at least we're trying', and succeeding pret-, ty well. * $ :. By Alois Kenyon Mrs. Dinges' ninth grade Home Economics group is starting on the second projects in sewing and have started to plan out the pro- gram for the style show. Mrs. Dinges and Mrs. Hermes are planning to have commlttees representing each of the ninth grade classes, plan out the pro- gram andhave a girl to speak on each of the things made by the Home EconOmics students, such as, I why the girl made what she did, what kind of material she made it [ from, and why she picked that par- I tieular kintt of material. l By Lula Speeee 'Puesday or Thursday of this week a tie will be played off by the girls' basketball teams. The two teams still in the tournament are Nonja Larson's and Jean Had- sews. All girls in the tournament will get points toward their letters. The winning, girls will get 50 points to- ward G.A.A. letters. * q: $ By Jean Russell "The Blazers' Trail:' came out last Friday as scheduled. 'i'his* week the news class will elect a new staff to edit the next two is- sues. The next issue will come out the last of April. I By Wanda Hunt juni°r 1 Two students from the HALLEY'S TANG ...................... ,'h,t ar 2% RUS)'EAZ PiE CRUST ........ ,.-o. ,'k. 33C BSQUiCK .................................. ,o.o,.. ,.,,g. 43c CUT GREEN BEANS """'': "¢"* .-ie,o ........ o. Can 23C M. D. TOILET TgSUE ................ 3 rol,. for 37c Controile4 BLlgNDING vuos Grated Tuna Prices for April Mid-Pacific -CAN Fr't Cocktail 2 Del Monte TM1 Cans /, t,., t Juice-BrucesBlendedPine. 35' apple-Gr@efruit - 46.0z. I Crisco 3-P0und Can For PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER...,:o.G,_ 32c MISSION MACARONI ........................ .o=. ,. 16c KIPPERED SNACKS ,. ,, ...................... 2 ",, 19c LOOKING GLASS RED BEANS .... -,b. ,o 27c Great Northern White Beans .... 2-1bs. 27 SUNSHINE GRAHAMS ................ Lb. ,.kg. 27c PglIEX BLEACH.....: ......................... ,  27c P|ctsweet or Lftt|e 308 33' WITH TIMES COUPON, 2 for 234 vPICTSWEET • PACK COLIN 12-oz. 33' WITH tIMEs COUPON, 2 for 25€ PAAS EASTEII EGG DYES Pkg Fo, 10€ high entered the Southwest Wash- ington solo and smalU ensemble Ontest held at Kclso on Marct, 26. LARGE SIZE IVORY ............... _ 2e. 2% 55 € Roland Quinn played tats clarinet and received a 1I rating, which is MEDIUM IVORY SOAP-_... for 9C Lb. excellent. Marion Ashford played .......... her flute and received a I, which REGULhR CAMAY 2 ke. 17c 3-lb. can $1.49 is almost superior. ; : .............. ...... for .y.Dan.y arr BATH SIZE CAMAY =k ,or 12c SMOKED Tilt Shelton Blazers baseball outfit has four games scheduled. PERSONAL SIZE IVORY ,or'' BOSTON BlYrTS Tle first game is April 26, with ............ cake Chehalis here. The second game DUZ or OXYDOL ................................... ,,e. ,. 29c is with Olympia there May 6. The third game is with Chehalis there PROCTOR & GAMBLE DRIFT ,e. ,,g. 28c May 1:1. and the fourth game will W T Lb. be played with Olympia there on P & G NEw I [DE ................................. Lge. ]Pkg. 29¢ Two more games with Dewey of 89¢ M Brcmcrton are in the process of being scheduled as well as aprac-' " tire game with ,Ma:'y M. Knight. . |(]_[f(]., By Jean Iladsell : ,,......--.... S GLO. COAT Last Friday a few of the news class students gave a broadcast  Buy 1 Quart can for ........................ 98 € Pint over the P. A. system for the, ,;chbol. They wore h'ma Daniels, , eart  .................. 49 ¢ KINLESS OR REGULAR Danny Yarr, Colleen Doyle and G S C;mu'y Sa[lee. WE[NERS The news class was divided into i groups of four. and eacl group. pianned out a broadcast to givc. for the school. After each stu-I dent had a Chance to speak over the P. A. system, .the class took' . Lb. a little news from each g'rolp and made it into a program. The four ' fiNKSAUSAGE " best speakers were chosen for Lhc' PU final broadcast. 'By Larry Gillette i The ninth grade science clascs arc writing about different kiud: of a.nimals, birds Every- Lb. half about his subject. 'When tbcy l are finished they read these in F front of the class. The students have written about everything h'om kangaroos and ea]nels to Florida ostriches. NEW  )  ................. , , , SI UI)S .............. 3 lbs. 25¢ By Marie Emsh, y The girls in Misu Oyer's gym class are starting a tennis tourn- ament. They will play doubles first and tllen singles. Girls who do not like tennis are arranging a tournament. By Mervin Vingtrd Mr. Packard has been at the junior high talking to the ninth grade studcnts ahout what sub- jects they will take next year in high school. He explained all the subjects and course requirements. Sodi um-rii;o:iiie- r/l m To Be Screened Tonight A colored movie showing tech- nique in the application of so- ctium fluoride tO cliildren's teeth for the prevention of dent,l de- cay, will bc screened aL the meet- ing Thursday night of the bli(l- Sl¢ololnlsh Parcl}t-Tea(qlCl' Chlb. l)r. R. W. NorvoH, Nhclton den- list, will talk on the s,I)ject. Ilicha, rd El)arks, pl'incipal of Ihe lloodsport schcu)l, will shiny [)m film, Which ha2 been obtained by the District Health and Welfm:e Collncil from the education sec- tion of the State Department of Health. The meeting will begin at 8 ll.m. and an election of officers will he held before the dcnLal-llcalth l)ro - gl'alII. Cello ,: TOMATOES .................................. carton 24¢ CALAVOS ..................................... each 19¢ CELERY ..................................................... lb. 9¢ SPINACII ............................... 2 bunches 15¢ NO. 2 SPUDS .......................... 50 lbs. $I.29 WINESAP APPLES .................... 8 lbs. 37¢ SPICED PORK LUNCHEON MEAT ........................................ Lb. GRADED GOOD BONELESS BRISKET CORNED'BEEF Lb. 59 ¢ MEAT DEPARTMENT Established 1895 GO TO CHU00C00 r):? %'