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Shelton Mayor John Tarrant, right, swore in Dave Eklund as Interim Police Chief on Monday. Former police chief Terry
retirement after 10 years of service last month.
Port signs agreement breaking
lease option with Adage
Although Adage announced several weeks
ago it's intention to cease all operations in Ma-
son County, the company's lease option with
the Port of Shelton was still in effect.
After a brief executive session during their
regular meeting Tuesday afternoon, the Port
of Shelton Commission voted to terminate the
lease option.
The vote came after the port received a let-
ter from Adage stating its interest in terminat-
ing the lease option. The port commissioners
voted unanimously to terminate the lease.
The commission also discussed a pending
lawsuit filed against the port by the Concerned
Citizens of Mason County, an anti-biomass
group, on the terms of the lease option. After
the executive session, the commissioners de-
termined whether they should authorize port
staff and port attorney Skip Hauser to pursue
a dismissal of the suit, since the issue it per-
tains to, the lease with Adage, no longer exists.
In the interest of saving money for both par-
ties, Hauser recommended that the commis-
sion pursue having the lawsuit dismissed.
Commissioners Jay Hupp and Tom Wallit-
ner voted for the motion, and commissioner
Jack Miles voted against it.
Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, April 7,2011
The Port of Shelton com-
missioners discussed two pe-
titions for reimbursement for
legal expenses during their
regular meeting Tuesday.
Both sets of legal expens-
es were for the same case,
a harassment suit filed by
port commis-
sioner Jack Miles
against port ex-
ecutive director
John Dobson in
The commis-
Miles sioners quickly
voted to approve
Dobson's reim-
bursement, which totaled
According to port attorney,
Skip Hauser, Washington
laws clearly provide for re-
imbursement of legal fees of
a port employee or commis-
sioner in cases relating to the
performing of their duties as a
port employee.
However, commissioners
Jay Hupp and Tom Wallit-
ner were concerned about re-
imbursing Miles for his legal
fees, since he instigated the
court case.
"Why do you think you
should be reimbursed?" Wal- "I'm not on trial right now, Hupp was reimbr
litner asked Miles. we have come to an agree-his legal fees earlier t
Miles responsed that be- ment, there was no action," after Citizens filed a
cause he felt threatened by Miles said. "I request the tition against him.
Dobson and felt he had to take same extension of courtesy ai- The commissionel
legal action, he should be re- lowed to commissioner Hupp to table the discuss:
imbursed for his expenses as and executive director Dob- Hauser could do res
well. son." the merits of Miles' r~
reed for
us year,
~call pc-
m until
arch on
a year
A Shelton man faces up to a year behind
bars after pleading guilty this week to reduced
charges in Mason County Superior Court.
Darrin Lisk, 43, of the 100 block of Sage
St. pled guilty Monday, April 4, to unlawful
imprisonment, felony harassment and fourth-
degree assault. Each of the counts also carry
domestic violence enhancements.
Lisk was originally charged with second-
Police said that within a coupl~of min-
utes Mrs. Lisk made her escape from the
house by running out the front ~oor. She
then told police that Mr. Lisk, bver the
course of the week, had become inc
agitated over a variety of family is
lice said that things culminated ol
in question with Mr. Lisk "screan~
wife and calling her foul names," b
sent their three young children up~
of concern for her husband's inc:
ues. Po-
the day
ag at his
,'fore she
fairs out
degree assault and felony erratic behavior
harassment, both of which"During the "During the cour~ e of her
carried deadly weapon and do- course of her interaction with Da Tin, she
mestic violence enhancements, said he grabbed he' by the
He pled not guilty to those interaction with pony tail and held, q knife to
her throat stating: C~bd I wish
Darr,n," she said i could kill you, I w~nt to kill
argued for a reduction in his
$50,000 bail on January 25. he grabbed her by yousobad. Tveneve~rwanted
The te; though, ammend- the pony tail and to kill somebody so nuch be-
ed those charges this week in
fore in my life,' "the ~mlice re-
court and Deputy Prosecu- held a knife to port statos.
Mrs. Lisk also tA
for Jason mchards later said
her throat stating: that her husband
that he will seek a mid-range
sentence of eight months for 'God I wish I could threats to kill her a
the imprisonment and harass- kill you "" her children sayin~
ment and 365 days suspended "'" will kill the kids first
on the assault with conditions
and Department of Corrections supervision.
Sentencing is set for April 11.
Lisk was arrested at 8:57 a.m. on January
14 at 1907 Olympic Highway North following
a domestic disturbance at his Sage St. home
the night before.
According to court documents, police were
dispatched after Lisk's wife, Jennifer, report-
ed that her husband had threatened her with
a knife.
Two Shelton Police officers and a pair of
Mason County Sheriffs Office deputies re-
sponded to the residence and noted that small
c~ildren were peering through a curtain in an
upstairs window.
Mrs. Lisk opened the door within about 30
seconds of the officers' knocking and, accord-
ing to a police report, "did not say a word, but
had a frightened look on her face and hid be-
tween the door and the wall as she opened
the door."
Police said Mrs. Lisk was looking toward
the interior of the residence, presumably at
her husband, and that they identified them-
selves to him.
Mr. Lisk, according to the police report,
responded by'saying, "`you're gonna have to
shoot me cause I'm not coming out,' then he
made a remark about having 'cobalt steel in
his hands.' I took that to either mean that
he was armed with a knife or a gun. As Lisk
spoke, he did so in a very angry, aggressive
kill her. He also thre
burn the house down with all ofth~
The responding officers decided
the SWAT Team since there were
dren in the house and Mr. Lisk ha(
cooperative and was unaccoun/~.~cl t
ld police
Ld to kill
that he
and then
ltened to
m init."
Lo call in
]still chil-
not been
"We realized that it was possib that he
had fled out the back of the residence within
the first few moments of our arrival and in-
teraction with him, but we didn't ]know for
certain," the police report states. ~While we
waited on SWAT arrival, at about ~}:10 p.m.
we were able to get the attention oi ithe three
children in the house and direct 1
side to safety. The SWAT Team !
searched the residence but Lisk
cated and it was apparent that h~
before we had the opportunity to s
tainment of the house."
Mrs. Lisk later told police thai
band was holding a knife while
with officers from inside the reside:
"Mrs. Lisk said he threw the
stuck it into the floor, then remov
the floor commenting: "You're deac
lice report states. "She told me h~
victed felon and can't possess fir
he collects knives...during the cou
incident, he had collected an ass(
his knives and fixed them to variol
his body and surrounded himself ~
knives by placing them on the couc]
around him."
aem out-
ts not lo-
had fled
,t up con-
her hus-
he spoke
Lee before
mife and
d it from
"the po-
is a con-
~arl~s, SO
se of this
~nent of
parts of
dth other
and floor