April 7, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 7, 2011 |
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What kind of business or service would you like to
see in Shelton?
Roger Stenberg Tony Arnold Clarence Larsen Vicki Anderson
"A bagel shop, because "I never thought about"A warehouse stere like a ".4_ really good bakery
I think they'd sell really that. Another bowling al- Costco or Home Depot. We use downtown. There isn't any
good." ley would be nice - the Home Depot a lot but have to place to get really good
last one burned down."go all the way to Lacey." bread."
We're not in Wisconsin
Editor, the Journal sweeping Labor and Indus- there is more we agree on
Across the nation, it seems tries (L&I) reform package than disagree.
like partisanship is at an all- also on a bipartisan basis. The elimination of"waste,
time high. State legislatures This includes a measure fraud, and abuse" where we
like Wisconsin are engulfed increasing the efficiency of find it should come first. Be-
in bitter political battles, claims management by al-cause of the two-thirds re-
while a federal government lowing employers in the quirement, whether you like
shutdown looms in our na- Retrospective program toit or not, it is highly unlikely
tion's capital. This week we administer and close some that any new taxes will be
are scheduled to have one of injured-@orker claims, passed and few, if any, car-
the largest demonstrations Perhaps most notably, porate loopholes will be
in history at our own state House legislators on beth closed. There simply are not
capitol' in Olympia. sides of the aisle came to- the votes.
In the midst of all this de- gether to allow state correc- The five billion in cuts we
visiveness, there is still plen- tions officers to collectively have already made over the
ty of bipartisanship to be bargain for measures that past couple of years have
found. In fact, here in Wash- will improve on-the-job safe- negatively impacted our so-
ington state legislators are ty. cial service safety net and
coming tegether to make re- Acting on information our schools.
sponsible decisions in these supplied to me by corrections But we must cut more.
most challenging times, officers, I had been pushing We still have a budget short-
Itbeganearlyinthisyear'sthe legislature to address age of over five billion dol-
legislative session. Demo- these important safety is- lars.
crats and Republicans in the sues. The tragic death of To put it in perspective, we
state House unanimously Jayme Biendl, a corrections could mothball every prison
passed legislation to help officer at the Monroe pris- in our state and lay offevery
,,both., businesses .,m~td those on, underscored the needsingle corrections worker,
'.s~,.,employm.~,t..~'~.'e :to, take action. Those who ar~ we'd?~l~ ha'v~ ~ed
J~[J'"alsa.c!eared.the Senate Work, within our prison sys- ~bout a third of the short-
on a strong bipartisan vote, 'tern, indtiding many Mason fall. We could shut down ev-
and was signed by the Gov- County residents who work ery single two- and four-year
ernor in February. at the Washington Correc- college in the state, and still
This bill reduced unem- tions Center in Shelton, de- be down by two and a half
ployment insurance premi- serve to have a safe working billion dollars. We could lay
urns for 90 percent of busi- environment, off every single state worker
nesses in our state, a $300 While the future of thisand zero out their benefits,
million reduction. At the legislation in the Senate is and we'd still be over a bil-
same time, those who find unclear, Washington is ad- lion dollars in the hole.
themselves out of work in dressing the safety of our That's what we're facing.
2011 get a temporary boost corrections officers on a I believe we're on the
in their unemployment ben- bipartisan basis, rallying right track in addressing
efits. The increase, which around workers who do one these enormous challenges
amounts to an extra $100 a of the most dangerous jobs in together. There is more bi-
month, will help many fami- the state, partisanship this year than
lies that are struggling to Clearly, we're not Wiscon- I've witnessed previously in
pay the bills, sin. my brief time in the legisla-
Make no mistake, our ture. At a time when public
The passage of this mea-hardest work lies ahead. By mistrust of government is at
sure is great news; that we
passed itunanimouslyshows law we must balance our an all-time high, Washingto-
that here in Washington we budget, and that might re- nians should know that their
can rise above partisanship quire a special session. Dis- legislators are acting respon-
and put people first, agreements on how sibly and often on a biparti-
But the cooperation hasn't should address our problems san basis to balance a diffi-
ended there, are to be expected and are as cult budget in difficult times.
The House also passed a old as our nation itself. But Rep. Fred Finn
protected as best the parents
Can, often the pets have to
be abandoned. What can we
as a community, do to help?
Donate food to the food bank,
donate items to our local
Editor, the Journal shelter for displaced fami-
Each and every day the lies, and donate gently used
present economy is affect- items to fundraisers for ani-
ing Mason County residents, real shelters. If you become a
Loss of jobs, then loss of say- victim for the care of someone
ings, assets and finally loss else's pet please be patient
of the place they have called with our animal sbelters.
home. If they are lucky there They are being overwhelmed
will be a family or friend that with the flood of abandoned
will allow them to move in pets. Many of you are just a
until circumstances change, few paychecks away from the
If not, living in a car by day same plight. Our own county
and a shelter by night be- is suffering as much as some
comes a part of their life. of the countries overseas, we
Children and family pets just don't realize it.
pay the price for this change Norma Webber
of lifestyle. The children are Shelton
t gift for any
r- m '' 1
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30 percent chance of show-
ers before 11 a.m. Thursday
High Low Precip night should be cloudy with
Fahrenheit(In.) a low of 37.
March30 52 44 .65 Friday should also be
March 3155 45 .74 partly sunny with a high of
April 1 50 42 .97 52. Friday night should have
April 2 48 37 .02 a low of 40.
April 3 48 33 .06 Saturday should have a 30
April 4 48 39 .76 percent chance of rain with a
April 5 48 37 .52 high near 50, and Saturday
night has a high likelihood of
Measurements are record-rain with a low around 40.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 7, 2011 - Page A-5