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April 7, 2011 |
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CALLS REPORTED TO of 14th St. reported a distur-
MASON COUNTY On March 29 a caller re-
StlERIFF~ OFFICE ported a distubance at the
AND TRIBAL AGENCIES comer of First and Pine.
INCLUDED: At 3:33 p.m. on March 30
a caller from the 200 block of
Burglaries Peebles Court reported a dis-
At 5:26 a.m. on March 28 At 6:59 p.m. on March 30
a caller from the 400 block of a calle~ from the 100 block of
Enterprise Road reported a Spruce St. reported a distur-
burglary, bance.
At 8:12 a.m. on March 28 a At 12:12 a.m. on March 31
caller from the 3600 block of a caller from the 100 block of
Johns Prairie Road reported a Park Loop reported a distur-
burglary, bance.
At 9:11 a.m. on March 28 At 3:32 p.m. on March 31
a caller from the I00 block of a caler from the 200 block of
Bariekman Blvd. reported a West E St. reported a distur-
burglary, bance.
At 11:07 a.m. on March 28 At 5:12 p.m. on March 31
a caller from the 100 block of a caller from the 700 block of
Sanderson Wag reported a Cascade Ave. reported a dis-
burglary, turbance.
At 11:44 a.m. on March 28 At 5:25 p.m. on April 2 a
a caller from the 200 block of caller from the 1500 block of
Picketing Drive reported a Olympic Highway North re-
burglary, ported a diaturbance.
At 3:19 p.m. on March 31 a At 12:07 a.m. on April 3 a
caller from the 1100 block of caller from the i00 block of
Hamma Ridge Drive reported Cota St. reported a distur-
a burglary, bance.
At 11:16 a.m. on April 1 a
caller from the 300 block of Assaults
Agate Road reported a bur-
glary. At 4:55 p.m. on March 29 a
At 11:36 a.m. on April 1 a caller from the 2300 block of
caller from the 1100 block of 13th St. reported an assault.
Daniels Road reported a bur- At 2:07 p.m. on April 1 a
glary, caller from the 800 block of
At 11:38 a.m. on April 2 a East K St. reported an as-
caller from the 100 block of sault.
Export Road reported a bur-
glary. Domestic violence
At 2:20 p.m. on April 2 a
caller from the 100 block of At 11:59 p.m. on March 29
Barnsby Place reported a bur- a caller from the 5100 block
glary, of State Route 108 reported a
At 4 p.m. on April 2 a caller domestic disturbance.
from the 100 block of Rainbow At 10:16 p.m. on March 20
Drive reported a burglary, a caller from the 300 block of
At 6:14 p.m. on April 2 a Cape Cod Point Road report-
caller from the 200 block of ed a domestic disturbance.
Balb Road mp0rt0d a At 5:12 p.m on 30 a
burglary, caller fi~m the 5500 block of
At 6:04 a.m. on April 3 a Agate Road reported a domes-
caller from the 100 block of tic disturbance.
Lynch Road reported a bur- At 2:02 pan. on March 31
glary, a call~ er from the 400 block of
At 6:44 a.m. on April 3 a "Highland Road reported a do-
caller from the 2200 block of mestic dispute.
Olympic Highway North re- At 6:47 p.m. on March 31
ported a burglary, a caller from the 500 block of
At 7:04 a.m. on April 4 a Grant Ave. reported a domes-
caller from the 1600 block of tic disturbance.
State Route 108 reported a At 8 p.m. on March 31 a
burglary, caller from the 300 block of
At 8:03 a.m. on Apri 4 a Libby Road reported a distur-
caller from the 3600 block of bance.
Skokomish Valley Road re- At 2:40 p.m. on April 2 a
ported a burglary, caller from the 600 block of
At 10:38 a.m. on April 4 a Dearborn Ave. reported a do-
caller from the 100 block of mestic disturbance.
Export Road reported a bur- At 3:45 p.m. on April 2 a
glary, caller from the 1900 block of
Railroad Ave. reported a do-
Disturbances mestic disturbance.
At 2:58 a.m. on April 3 a
At 2:12 p.m. on March 29 caller from the 100 block of
a caller from the 400 block Capital Village Lane reported
of 5th St. reported a distur- a domestic disturbance.
bance. At 3:08 pan. on April 3 a
At 9:55 p.m. on March 29 caller from the 1100 block of
a caller from the 800 block Pioneer Way reported a do-
mestic disturbance.
At 7:43 a.m. on April 4 a
caller from the 200 block of
Shamrock Drive reported a
domestic disturbance. A sec-
ond 911 call from the same
address was made later the
same day at 1:07 p.m.
At 6:33 p.m. on April 4 a
caller from the 500 block of
Kamilche Shores Road report-
ed a domestic disturbance.
At 7:33 p.m. on April 4 a
caller from the 1900 block of
State Route 3 reported do-
mestic disturbance.
At 6:14 p.m. on March 28
a caller from the 400 block of
1st St. reported the theft of a
white Honda.
At 8:10 p.m. on March 28
a caner from the 1800 block
of Johns Prairie Road report-
ed the theft of a brown 1989
Chevrolet S- 10 pickup.
At 4:32 p.m. on March 30
a caller from the 200 block of
Northlake Drive reported the
theft of a .38 Special handgun.
At 5:33 a.m. on March 31 a
Driftwood Circle caller report-
ed a vehicle prowl.
At 5:51 p.m. on March 31
a caller from the 100 block of
Alpine Way reported the theft
of a pair of vending machines
worth about $800.
At 2:28 p.m. on April 1 a
caller from the 100 block of Al-
der St. reported the theft of a
black 1998 BMW with tinted
At 2:18 p.m. on April 2 a
caller from the 100 block of
Ballantrae Drive reported a
vehicle prowl.
At 9:37 a.m. on April 3 a
caller from the 600 block of
East E St. reported a vehicle
At 9:54 p.m. on April 3 a
czller from the 300 block of
5th St. reported the theft of a
beige, 1996 four-door Honda
Daniel Paul Gaflke, 62, of
the 600 block of W Eaton St.
in Elma was booked at 7:22
p.m. for NVOL without ID.
March 26
Daniel Joseph Luse, 23,
of the 100 block of Barnacle
Blvd. was booked at 12:55
a.m. for DWI, possession of a
controlled substance, posses-
sion of < 40 grams of marijua-
na and drug paraphernalia
AnHruo Gaspar-Bernabs,
36, of the 300 block of 1st St..
was booked at 2:10 a.m for as-
sault 4th.
Antonio Mendoza Ramirez,
40, of the 800 block of Cota St.
was booked at 3:50 p.m. for
Ryan Grant Besch, 32, of
the 1500 block of Dickinson
Ave. was booked at 3:19 p.m.
for assault 3rd and malicious
mischief 3rd DV.
Cristian R. Cruize-Rayes,
24, of the 600 block of Ellinor
Ave. was booked at 7:26 p.m.
for NVOL without ID, hit-
and-run attended and DWI.
Rockey Lee Barley° 45, of
the 100 block of W Bushey
Road was booked at 8:01 p.m.
or assault 2nd.
March 27
Joseph Paul Lauden-
bach, 58, of the 2400 block of
Blevins Road was booked at
9:16 a.m. for DWLS 3rd, pos-
session < 40 grams of mari-
juana and possession of drug
Jessup Michael Arm-
strong, 22, of the 100 block of
Peyton Place was booked at
10:21 p.m. for possession of
< 40 grams of marijuana and
possession of a stolen vehicle.
March 28
Keehn Allen Brown, 23, of
the 200 block of Balbriggan
Road was booked at 3 p.m. for
DWLS 3rd.
March 30
Walter Herbert Zweig, 42,
of the 700 block of Coulter
Creek Road was booked at
6:52 p.m. for malicious mis-
chief 2nd DV.
Darrell Denver Barker,
59, of the 5500 block of Agate
Road was booked at 7:04 p.m
for assault 4th DV and inter-
fering with reporting DV.
Brian Lerey Torsten-
son, 30, of the 1900 block of
Boundary St. was booked at
9:18 p.m or haru,ment Dr.
Damacio Calme Mendoza,
19, of the 2100 bI~k of Lau-
rel St. was bodI~ed at 1:31
a.m. for hit-and-run attended
and DWI.
April 1
Jonathan Charles Wil-
lis, 28, of the 1200 block of
Franklin St. was booked at
3:12 a.m. for driving with an
invalidated license and DWI.
Paul William Torgramsen,
54, of ShelHn, was booked at
6:08 p.m. for hit-and-run at-
tended and reckless driving.
April 2
Katelyn Anne Throw, 24,
of the 300 block of E Satsop
Road was booked at 1:12 a.m.
for obstructing law enforc-
Natalie Rene VanCleave,
25, of the 700 block of E
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Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 7, 2011
Wood Lane was booked at a.m. for DWI.
1:46 a.m. for driving with an Kimberly Pearl Barrett,
invalidated license, DWI and 43, of the 20200 of 10th St.
possession of drug parapher- in Lakebay was booked at
nalia. 10:50 a.m. for DWLS 3rd.
Joseph James Tindall, 26, Kaili Rachelle Lutes, 24,
ofthel00blockofWFriskenof the 100 block of Satko
Y Road in Elma was booked Glenn Road in Elma was
at 2:58 a.m. for possession of booked at 6:33 p.m. for iden-
a stolen vehicle, tity theft 2nd, three counts
Mallory L. Deegan, 25, of of forgery, criminal imper-
the 100 block of Island Lake sonation 1st and obstructing
Road was booked at 3:02law enforcment.
s case
Lawyers for two citizens
of Belfair Water District think the
plan to litigate a public re-
cords case further, after the District
water district's lawyer re-
jected a settlement proposal fully
that would have covered the
courtcitizenS'costs.att°rney fees and a__rec.a~espp =~
On March 21, Greg
Overstreet, a lawyer from
the Olympia office of the
Allied Law Group repre- j p dy it
senting district cusHm- eo ar
ers Bonnie Pope and Greg : : ,
Waggett, sent a settlement
proposal in the amount of
$17,865.14 to the law of- ing he will receive his pay-
rice of Richard Finnigan, ment based on what the court
the water district's lawyer, could award him rather than
The proposal did not include getting paid per hour.
penalties for the district for District Manager Dave
each day it failed to provide Tipton said that the case
public records to Waggett is being handled entirely
and Pope, penalties that through the district's lawyer
could rsr e from $5 psr day and that W l tt and Pops
to $100 per day for the more are exploiting the public re-
than 950 total days that cords act.
Waggett and Pope claim ~l~e facts of this lawsuit
their requests for records [are] Bonnie Pope, Commis-
went unfulfilled, sioner Mike Pope's wife;-and
The district's lawyer disgruntled former einployee
made a counteroffer of Greg Waggett hired the most
$12,000 on March 28, which expensive lawyer they could
the plaintiffs' lawyers offi- find to sue the Belfair Wa-
cially rejected on Monday. ter District for a public re-
"I do not think the Dis- cord complaint," he wrote in
trict fully appreciates the an e-mail Tuesday. "This a
jeopardy it is in," Overstreet huge abuse of the antiquat-
wrote to Finnigan on April ed law that allows people to
4. "The District's counter- demand information for no
proposal is for $5,865.14 less specific reason and then sue
than the clients were willing if they do not get it. I would
to settle for. I think the Dis- encourage every voter to
trict will find that it eventu- contact their legislators to
ally spent far, far more than demand this law be changed
$5,865.14 to fully litigate now."
this case. Furthermore, the Commission Chair John
absolute minimum penal- Phillips called the plaintiffs
ties the District is facing are "neophyte publicity seek-
$4,860--penalties that the ers."
clients were willing to waive "Their conduct is highly
for an efficient settlement." inappropriate attempting
Any potential penalties to negotiate in public," Phil-
to the district would be at lips wrote in an e-mail. =For
the court's discretion if the Waggett's sake, he should
district chooses not to settle, hope this case never comes
Waggett said. to trial. A jury would not like
"Neither Bonnie or I are him. After all, Waggett was
happy for having to ask for found guilty of harassing a
penalties," he said. "To do young lady and a Protective
something detrimental to Order was issued against
the water district was not him. Let's leave this matter
our desire, our desire is to to the lawyers to resolve."
have the water district com- More than a year ago,
ply ... This is another exam- Tipton filed an anti-harass-
pie of what I consider an in- ment order against Waggett
ability to manage the district for intimidating water dis-
correctly." trict employees. The order
Wagget£s and Pope's case expired at the end of last
is a contingency case, mean- year.
HUGE PLANT sale. Saturday, 8 PAUUS ROCK Walls and Land-
a.m.-5 p.m., Alderbrook Country scaping, dedicated to your sat-
Store, Union. Shrubs, trees, an- isfaction. Experienced, honest,
nuals and perennials. Nursery dependable. Free estimates. U-
closeout - dirt cheap prices, censed, bonded, insured. PAUL-
M4/7 SRL954JO. 360-427-1011,360-
490-6670. P4/7tfn
white, comes to "Woofie." 101 MOVING SALE. Saturday, 9th,
near Eagle Creek. 360-877-9045 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 100 SE Wolden
or 360-878-6864. Reward. $4/7 Road. Chest freezer, tools, etc.
Sales to support Mt. Olive youth
group. $4/7
FREE BUNNIES. 4 adults. For
pets only. Appeared 3/25, they
must relocate soon. 360-427-
FOR SALE: 4 Centerline Mag
1011,360-490-6670. P4/7 truck wheels. 16" with used
~e.~uperior 285/75x16 tires, load range D,
view of Olympics. Secluded on $250 for the set. 2 new scissor
style trailer stabilizer jacks, $150
, :cul-de-sac, Arailem Rd:in Union. , for the sit: 360-89~."Call
et 98K, sell :for 75K. for viewing. J4/7-14
206-618-7937. T4/'/-28