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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 7, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 7, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Po t of All S districtn By ARLA SHEPHARD Following a 2-to-1 vote by the Port of Allyn Board of Commissioners to move forward with re-districting on Monday, Commissioner Jean Farmer announced that she would not seek re-election this fall. Farmer has publicly come out against re-districting, which will move the Bel- fair 5 voting precinct from Farmer's com- missioner district 2 to Commissioner Randy Neatherlin's district 3. "My decisions are based on the direc- tion of the port," said Farmer, who will ~ finish out her term this year. "We've had many disagreements up here in the past year. Mainly they consist over profes- sional services or money ... all the way i down to this re-districting that's recently happening." Belfair 5 encompasses the core of downtown Belfair, and Neatherlin and Port Executive Director Bonnie Knight have spoken of the need to balance the population across the three commission- er districts -- using figures based on reg- istered voters, Farmer's district had al- most 900 voters more than Neatherlin's. According to the latest census, howev- er, when Belfair 5 moves, the population gap between the districts shrinks only slightly: Before re-districting, Farmer's district includes 37 percent of the popu- percent.lati°n and Neatherlin holds onto 28.5 After moving Belfair 5, though, Farm- er's district will decrease to 29.7 percent and Neatherlin's will bump up to 35.8 percent. Commission Chair Judy Scott's dis- trict 1 would be untouched at 34.5 per- cent of the population. I • Moving Belfair 5 does ensure that one commissioner would always come from the voting precincts Allyn, Lakeland or Victor, which are the remaining three Water District instead of Mason County precincts under Farmer's district. Public Utility District 1. "I need to make sure that they have The filing dates for the November 8 somebody at the table," Neatherlin said. election are June 6 through 11. For more Farmer said she also took issue with information on how to file for candidacy, the management of the Port's water sys- call the Mason County Auditor's Office at tern, including work done with Belfair 427-9670. Journal photo by Natalie Johnson Two adults were seriously injured following a eollission near Johns Prairie and Batstone : Cutoff roads On Wednesday. A sheriff's office spokesman said that the eollism'on occurred after a failed passing attempt by the vehicle, above, which led to a collission with a parked van that sent the car head- on into a tree Little other information was available at press time, but a fall report will appear in next week'S Journa4. Mason County group walks for MS By NATALIE JOHNSON Efleen Bailey was diag- nosed with Multiple Sclero- sis (MS), a little understood and devastating neurologi- cal disease, in 2002. Her first step, after the initial shock, she said, was to contact the National MS Society. "I didn't know what to do so I called the MS Society," she said. "They helped me find a doctor, get counseling and get prescriptions and get a nurse to help with the medication.~ After all the MS society has done for her, Bailey said that she feels the need to give back, and started participa~dng in MS walks with her husband, Tim, and Journal photo by Natalie Johnson Efleen Bailey, right, has participated in MS walks since 2003. daughter, Kr~styn, in 2003. ~I was dia~o~bsed in 2002, and at least 200 are diag- 2003 was my ~rst walk,~ she nosed with some form of the said. "In 2004 we started disease every week. getting more friends and MS is a neurological dis- family, this year we have 32 ease that attacks myelin, registered team members - a protective coating of the 20 are here today.~ nerves, the society's web- According to the MS Soci- site says. There is no known ety, about 400,000 people in cure for the disease. the United States have MS On Saturday, Bailey's team, Kristyn's Hrulsers, sponsored by family busi- ness E.I. Kristyn and Son Construction, gathbred at an elementary se~ool in Lacey to participa~ in a four-mile MS walk, part of the national "Wblk MS~ campaign. Kristyn'S Kruis- ers raised $6,248 l~st year, through sales of ps~er MS society feet at local stores, and fundraisers. "And that was ~a hard year,~ Bailey said. All money raised from the walk benefits the MS Soci- ety, Bailey said, andigoes to- wards things like research and resources for patients with MS "They can help with pre- scriptions,~ she said. "My prescription, if I was pay- ing out of pocket would be $i,200 per month." By her side through the whole thing is Bailey's nine- year-old daughter, Kristyn, the namesake of thegroup. ~Fne reason I started with it was Kristyn @as only 6 months old when I was di- aguosed ... the MS society really helped." 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