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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 7, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 7, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Courtesy photo Crosspoint Academy lends helping hands to Habitat for Humanity Eager students from Crosspoint Acad- Walker, Secondary Science class teacher. emy m Bremerton gave a helping hand to "They did an awesome job! We are very Habitat for Humanity of Mason County grateful for their help" says Michele Pal- by helping build a shed at the construc- omino, volunteer coordinator for Habitat tion site for Habitat• House 19 on March for Humanity. "Habitat is eager to pro- 22 and 23. vide student volunteers the opportunity The secondary students learned theto learn about our mission while giving skills to build a shed for the new Habi- back to the community. These students tat home and helped clean and organize are our future volunteers and community the site. Crosspoint Academy Secondary leaders who are learning the importance students are required to participate in a of improving poverty housing, which im- weeklong interim school where they ex- proves their community." perience outings that are educational, For more information on how your outreach and service related, group or team can volunteer or support "The week focuses on service and Habitat for Humanity of Mason County leadership to put in path what they are call the office at 426-8134 or visit the taught throughout the year," says Bekka website at Fogo's family would like to re- thank everyone for such nice words. prayers, cards, food and gifts. The overwhelming support you have given us has helped in ways we are unable to express. Thank you! ;t.i -- John Fogo Sr. and Family rE. Celebrate Earth Day on Oakland Bay The Second Annual 2 - 3 p.m., Native Plants vendors will be on hand. Earth Day on Oakland Bay (Capitol Land Trust) Free shellfishsnacks, event is scheduled from 11 3 - 4 p.m., Bird walkmusic and more. a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, (Black Hills Audubon) April 30. This family friend- Activities will include:Directions: From Shel- ly event features local re- ton follow Route 3 North to- source agencies and volun- Hands-on family friendlywards Belfair for 3.3 miles. teers working to protect and activities related to natural The site will be on your sustain the use of natural resources, right, watch for signs. From resources found in Mason Belfair: Follow State Route County such as clean water, Restoration 3 South for 19 and a half shellfish, native plants and opportunities: miles and the site will be on more. Get information from lo-your left. For more informa- Workshops Schedule: cal resource agencies and tion about the event, contact volunteer groups. Stel~hani6 Bishop at 427, 12 - 1 p.m., Beach walk Puget Sound Starts Here 9436, ext. 22 or Stephanie@ (South Sound Estuary As- posters, stickers and infer- For more in- sociation) mation on how you can help formation on Oakland Bay 1 - 2 p.m., Clam Digging Puget Sound. please visit 101 (Taylor Shellfish) Shelton Farmer's Market oakland_bay. Earth Day Wastewater tour offered The City of Shelton is of- ress. Representatives from on Monday, April 18. feting an opportunity to tour D.C. funding partner USDA- Contact Dennis McDon- the Wastewater Treatment RD is planning the aflernoon aid, MA-ABS, PMP, Re- Plant upgrade and expansion to tour the area. gional Project Manager, under construction on Fri- City is making arrange-City of Shelton:at 432+5167 day afternoon, April 22. The ment for transportation, so or e-mail dennis@ci.shelton. construction is 67 percent Please RSVP by April 13. In- if you have any ques- complete so you ~ have a vite your friends that have tions or comment~. Thank chance to wear boots and a never seen a WWTP. A de- you and look forward to shar- hard hat to view the prog- tailed agenda will be sent out ing the City's progress. Mason County Community Services Group to meet United Way of Mason County is holding a series of meetings of the Community Services Group of Ma- son County on Tuesday., April 12. The Large Group Topic, Access Disparities for Non-English Speakers will be held at 2 p.m. Volunteer coordinators will hold a meeting at 1 p.m. There will be another meeting held at 3 p.m. on the subject of homeless counts and volun- teer legal services with Patti Sells and Bruce'Conklir/,"speaking reSpectiVely. The fiieetings ~ill be held at the Pub- lie W~ks Building, at 100 W Public Works Dr. in Shelton. Everyone is welcome to attend. Bring along friends and family to share the valuable information about finances and asset building. Please also remember to keep voices down in the main lobby area of the public works building. For more information, please contact United Way by, by calling 426-4999, or by visiting the web- site, Ques- tions or comments may also be e- mailed to • • The Sixth Annual Shelton Arts Commis- sion Empty Bowls event culminates with a delicious meal and viewing of very creative bowls. From 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 13 everyone is invited to attend at the Shelton Civic Center. How does it work? Come to the Shelton Civic Center, make a donation of ten dollars, choose a bowl to keep and have soup and bread i~m one of the participa~ restaurants: Ste-, ven's Fine Dining, Xinh s Clam and. Oyster" House and'Olympic Bakery and Dell The Empty Bowls project is a creative ef- fort to fight hunger. Participants create ce- ramic bowls, building one night and glazing • two weeks later. When the bowls are finished, participants gather to choose a bowl to keep for exchange of a $10 donation. Participants will then be treated to a delicious bowl of soup and bread served by one of the five paxticipat- ing restaurants. All proceeds go to the Saint's Pantry Food Bank. Questions about Empty Bowls may be directed to Shelten Arts Commission staff representative Mark Ziegler at 432-5194 or Mt. Olive .......... +0,. Lutheran Church Christian t21ucation ................. 9:45 am Mi~mn Synl~d Traditional Worship ............... I1:00 a,m. 206 East Wyandotte Avenue EA$1~ffiR WEEK.SERVICES Ol~ce 426-6353 , ~'mu~ ~Thurs. 4/21,7,'00 p.m. Christ Lutheran Church New co .um'ty Church of Union 3701 NE Northshore Road. Belfair, WA 98528-9434 324 ~v C~dar St., Shelton ~ Sunday Gatherin~ (360) 275-3354 .... WORSHI~ SERVICES Worship SeMce: 10:00 a.m. Services mo m:3o