April 7, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 7, 2011 |
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Courtesy photo
The Mason General Hospital Auxiliary: Betty Kiefer, left
ront, Diane Deason, left back, Arlene Davidson, right
back and Sue Glenn, Auxiliary President front left.
Mason General Hospital
Auxiliary Fundraiser
Mason General Hospital Aux- by calling Kay Smith for bridge
iliary is sponsoring a Fun Game at 482-2226, pinochle, call Marge
Day Fundraiser from 11 a.m. to 4 Busack at 426-2049, Mahjong call
p.m. on Saturday, April 16 at the Pauline Nichols at 426-5476 and
United Methodist Church, locat- Canoga call Arlene Davidson at
ed at 1900 King Street. Your $10 426-6903. If you would like to come
donation will include a salad bar, for lunch and prizes only, please
rolls, dessert buffet and beverages, contact Betty Kiefer at 426-1982.
All proceeds will go to Mason Gen- The Hospital Auxiliary was or-
eral hospital for the purchase of an ganized in 1950 and welcomes new
electronic fetal monitor for infants, members. Monthly luncheons are
Games of choice are bridge, held the second Monday of each
pinochle, Mahjong and Canoga. month at the Hospital, excluding
Prizes and drawings will be held June, &fly and August. For more
throughout the afternoon. Reser- information call Sue Glenn at 427-
vations are a must. Please reserve 7606.
Mason County Literacy is look- or underwrite another group look- ture fundraising event for Mason
ing for businesses, organizations ing for a sponsor. Participants County Literacy. Proceed~ help
and community members to par- must be adults or of high school fund their programs in both Ma-
ticipate in its 18th annual spring age - the Shelton High School Key son and Thurston Counties which
Spell-E-Bration featuring a spon- Club already has their team orga- provide free education for adults
sored spelling bee, silent and live nized. For those who don't want to in GED preparation; math, read-
auctions, appetizer and dessert spell or fund a team, there are oth- ing and writing improvement; and
buffet and raffle, er opportunities to support Mason English as a Second Language.
Organizers are currently lining County Literacy's programs. The In 2009-2010, with the support
up financial sponsors and teams sponsorships range from Major of professional staff, 185 Mason
of three spellers each that will sponsor to Bee Booster, items and County Literacy volunteers pro-
compote for the first prize trophy services are needed for the auc- vided 290 students with 13,000
captured last year by the SPSCC tion and buffet and raffle tickets hours of instruction. Interested
Spellcats. Businesses and organi- are currently for sale with a cash persons can get entry forms and
zations willing to sponsor a team prize of $500. more information by calling 426-
may contribute their own spellers Spell-E-Bration is the signa- 9733.
Unless otherwise noted, all events
take place at the Mason County
Senior Activities Center at 826 W.
Railroad Ave. The Shelton senior
center hours are from 8 a.m. to 4
p.m. Monday through Thursday
and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Fri-
day. The center's telephone desk
(426-7374) is closed for lunch from
neon till 12:30 p.m.
8:05 a.m., gentle, restorative yoga.
9 - ii a.m., intermediate/ad- Monday
vanced line dancing. 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi. Wednesday
9 - 11 a.m., EZ Cra_Pmrs. 9 a.m., creative beading two, class 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
10:30 - 11:30 a.m., blood pressure
11 a.m. legislative update and 9 a.m., beginning line dance.9 a.m., beginning line dancing.
how it affects seniors - Dennis 10 - 11 a.m., intermediate]ad- 10 a.m., intermediate]advanced
Mahar, LMT AAA vanced line dancing, line dancing.
11 a.m., bridge - signup the day 12 p.m., lunch: tuna sandwich11 a.m., music: "Buttons & Bows"
before. 12:30 p.m., game day. 12 p.m., lunch: chicken cacciatore
i p.m., pinochle, i p.m., game day.
12 p.m., lunch: chicken enchiladas 2 p.m., treats from Capital Place 1 p.m., pinochle
1 p.m., bingo.
1 p.m., treats from Fir Lane Tuesday
Foot care by appointment
Friday 8:05 a.m., gentle, restorative yoga.
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi. 9 - 11 a.m., intermediate/ad-
9 - 11 a.m., open line dance, vanced line dancing.
9 a.m.-1 p.m., sewing circle. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., sewing circle.
11 a.m., music: Vern Morgus and 10:30 a.m., senior information
Lucille Lawson and assistance, Merridee Ander-
12 p.m., lunch sponsored by MC- son LMT AAA
SAA: baked potato bar 11 a.m., social security workshop
1 - 3 p.m., oil painting with Paul 12 p.m., lunch: turkey w/gravy
Kucharik 12:30 p.m., bridge, signup day
7 - p.m., Washington Old Time before.
Fiddlers 1:15 - 3:45 p.m., chronic disease
your autographed copy.
5 pJn., The sons of the
American legion will be hold-
Thursday ing a spring dinner and auc-
tion at 40 ET 8 Club located
11aJn., Hoed Canal Sams at 113W, Cota St., Shelton.
chapteroftheGoodSamsRV Dinner tickets are $12. All
Clubis ha vh~g their monthly proceeds from this event go
luncheon at the Lucky Dog directly to support local Boy
Casino in the banquet room. and Cub Scout activities.
Remember to bring paper
products for the food bank. Sunday
Come hear about our April
campout at the Midway RV 2 p~m., Sheiton Spiritual
Park. Cinema will screen the docu-
6"~0 - 6:45 p.m., Shelton mentary "Black Whole". This
Timberland Library pres-
ents PageTurners book dis-
cussion, for adults. Read or
listen to this month's selec-
can stop by the fire depart-
ment for a tour of that facil-
ity at 2 p.m. A mural of the
Shelton fire of 1907, by Hazel
Beckwith and Velma Graves
will be included in the tour.
The historical walk is
open to the public without
charge. For further informa-
tion call the museum week-
day afternoons at 426-1020.
11 G0 adn., Tramper
Sams, a Good Sam RV club,
film features the work of will hold their luncheon at
Nassim Haramein, a savant, Smokin' Mo's Kitchen locat-
who has developed a Unified ed in the Alderbrook Coun-
Field Theory based on Al- try Club. Those interested
tion, "One Hundred Years of bert Einstein's work. "Black in learning more about our
Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Whole" will be shown at the club, call 426-9217 for more
M~rquez and join in a con- PUD No. 3 auditorium, 307 information.
versation. Everyone is wel- W. Cota Street in She]ton. 11"~0 am., Mason Coun-
come tojoin any or al] discus- All donations go to SOCK ty Multiple Sclerosis Sup-
sions. For more information youth programs, pert Group monthly meet-
call 426-1362. 2 pJm., Home blessing of ing at Route 66 Grill, 506 W.
6"~0 p.m., Hood Canal Habitat for Humanity house Railroad Ave., She]ton. The
meeting is open to those that additional information con- Noon, The Mason County
are interested. To obtain ad- tact Rebecca at 426-6197. Pioneer group will meet for
ditional information please 4 p.m., the Mason Countylunch at the Shelton Elks
call Debby Zillmer at 877- Transportation AuthorityLodge, 741 S. E. Craig Road.
6959. Board meeting is scheduled Ann Barger Anderson will
1- 4 pJn., The Commu- to he held at the Mason present the program.
nity Services Group's meet- Transit's Business Office lo- 5 - 7 p.m., Empty Bowls,
ing, the purpose of this group cated at 790 E. Johns Prairie soup and bread at the Shel,
is to collaborate with other Rd., Shelton. ton Civic Center, 525 W. Cota
health and human service St. Donate $10 to the Saint's
providers actively working Wednesday Pantry, choose a bowl to keep
in Mason County. Anyone is 9 - 11 a.m., Shelton Tim- and enjoy a bowl of delicious
welcome. The meeting is at
the Public Works Building in berland Library presents gourmet soup and bread.
Shelton. Computer Classes: Email 7~0 p.m., Elks Lodge
101, for adults. Sign up for a meeting every Wednesday
1.'15 - 3".30 p.m., Chronic free internet e-mail account with dinner before. Dances
disease and pain self-man- and learn how to check, send will be on the second and
agement program. The costand reply to messages. The fourth Saturdays and pot-
is $30 for the six-week pro- Computer Comfort class is luck on the other Saturdays.
gram being held at the senior strongly recommended be-Dances and potluck are open
center, 826 W. Railroad Ave., fore taking this class if you to all.
2 - 4 pJm., every second are new to computers. This
program begins before the Come See Our 1st-Run
Tuesday, a Parkinson's sup-
port group meeting will be at library is open. Those regis- tered will be admitted to the
the Timberland Library in
Shelton. Caregivers, family, library for the class. For more
information call 426-1362.
Lions Club regular meeting 19 located at 71 E. Wood support people welcome. For www.$HELTONClNEMAS.com
with a buffet dinner at Union Lane, Shelton in Shorecrest. r~.~dm&~.~n
Fire Hall, 4th St., Union. For more information call
205-3250 from Belfair or 426- ~ HANNA I
Saturday 8134 from Shelton. i Dally 4:35, 7:00pm !
2 pan., Mike Fredson will I Ad#monalShows I
11 am. I 2 p.m., Sage do a walking tour of down- / Frl-Sun 2:20pm l
BookStore is presenting tewnShelton. Alsoincluded ~rl-sat9:10pm
Mason County resident Lt. in the walk will be a tour of
Cmdr D.R. Davis, MSC, the new fire hall located at ~ !
USN (Rot) who has written a First and Franklin Streets. NiCd*NiMH',L.ion ~ Dally4:30, S:45pm •
reality-based novel about the The walk will leave the m u- Sony* ~r~sonic I Additional Shows l
first US Navy SEAL team in seum at 5th and Railroad and so4. Canon • JVC i Frl-Sun 2:30pm
Vietnam. Besuretostopby willlastaboutanhour. If ~arpaMore i["~dmSat8:45pm I
to meet the author and get you do not wish to walk, you m ~ i --NOW OPEN-- I
l SerdaOall~,ni¢, Mr blde esprem d#n~ l
partm( nts ,.
is accepting wait Fi [ ~ I ~IE .~:.:~.,~ _=. |
list applications for
seniors ages 62 and
better. HUD subsidized,
controlled access,
garden setting, minutes
from downtown
shopping. Non-Smoking
Property. 23 1-Br. and
one 2-Br. 303 S 7th St.,
(306) 426-3903
15634 IF/h,=JT,,
% S ert/
April 8, .):30 n,eet.lana ----~ 6:3o
Kids Community Concert, Tickets $5
To Print your Ticket Order Form
Go to: www.sheltonvaucychristian.com
To Pick up or Drop Off your Ticket Order Form
to: Shelton Valley Christian Child Development Center
200 West Shelton Valley Road
O~stions? Call 360-426-2776
It is that time of year again for the
42"d annual Fine Art Show and the
33'd annual Photography Show.
Held at the Ocean Shores Convention Center
in downtown Ocean Shores Washington
120 W (:hmm:e A La k Ave. • Ocean Shores, Washington 98569
Come join this event
Friday, April 8~ -- Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 9~ -- 10:00 a.m. to S:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 10~ -- 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Fine Arts Show includes a Juried Show and an Open Show
• Artists in Action ..........................
• Musi
• Workshops ~~
• 3 Photo workshops
2 on Saturday and I on Sunday
For more i.form=tio., call-- (360) 580-3092
FR|, 4~8 - SUN. 4~|0
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 7, 2011 - Page B-3