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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 7, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 7, 2011
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Fiddlers Continued from page B-1 "It's a terrible weekend to have it," she said. "I think the economy plays a role. too." While attendance was particularly low last year, with an overall attendance of only 542 people, this year attendance is up, SOCK Sec- retary Bob Bottman said. "Attendance is up - the Friday night performance is typically the lowest, but this year it was up to 157." Sheldon said that the fid- dle festival is an extremely important fundraiser for SOCK, and will help fund programs and staff in the coming year. "This is very important, this is the biggest fundraiser we've got all year," she said. "It's important to us to do for others - service to others is what we're all about." Cookin' Continued from page B-1 After the library, McLin went to Ma- son County Literacy, where she took classes for a year and a half before pass- ing an English language test with a high percentage, she said. "I go at daytime, I go in the evening time, I take my daughters there after- school," she said. "I learned how to an- swer the phone, how to find job, how to interview for a job." McLin said that learning English and adapting to life in America was not easy. Her two daughters begged to go back home to Thailand, she said. "I said, no we can not go back home ... we need to study, I don't know [English] either. Finding a decent job without English skills was impossible McLin said, and the desire to have a good job and a com- fortable life motivated her to study day and night to learn English and pass an exam to get a license to practice mas- sage. "It was a hard time. I was thinking, what kind of work am I going to do? I could work in the back yard, I could chop wood, I could clean somebody's house," she said. In 2007, McLin started studying mas- sage, and was presented with an even more difficult challenge - reading and understanding complicated medical texts in a language she had only been speaking for a couple of years. "When I go to school, I needed to study the books, and the treatments and all the medical words, all the names of the muscles and the names of the bones," she said. "I sleep just about four or five hours a night and studied, studied, studied." Through it all, McLin said she held on to a paper from Mason County Literacy, a sort of "cheat-sheet" to help her get through her studying. After several attempts, McLin passed an international massage test that al- lows her to practice massage wherever she lives. She said that every night she continues to study English to improve her skills. "I try to ready every night a little bit," she said. "Now I'm so thankful, I can talk with you and have a conversation." Today, McLin beams at the mere men- tion of either of her two daughters, of- fers to show off her skills on guitar, and gushes about an upcoming trip to Thai- land to check on her orphanage and help the people in her village. "I love helping the children," she said. Though she owes much of her suc- cess to her own considerable work ethic, McLin also expressed gratitude to Ma- son County Literacy, and the people of Shelton, for helping her learn English. "If you don't know English... people like to take advantage of me a lot in my life," McLin said. On top of her many other responsibili- ties, McLin plans to start a Thai cooking class soon. To get involved in the class, contact Chris Brickert at 426-5242, or McLin at 427-4521. She shared this recipe for vegetarian fried rice. Vegetarian fried rice 3 cups riee 114 eup boiled corn kernels : eupd/ced pineapple kidney beans i tbsl l ht soy sauce I/2 salt 1/4 tsp Heat oil in awok, and when hot, fry garlic until fragrant. beans, rice and corn and stir-fry until the rice dries tothe degree desired. Then add tomato and pineapple. to with soy sauce and salt and pepper and stir Plate serve with spring onions, sliced: and: vegetables. Journal photos l~y Natalie Johnson Susan Wilson, top, Gil and Betty Pamer, middle, bottom picture is of Tyler Hagood, left, and Will Farr. All performed last Saturday at the Old Time Fiddlers Fest. Diego Dragon Shrek Heokules Monny Dr. Hook 360-426-7167 -=..-- 1.800-675-71 67 2911 E. Brockdale Road PIONEER COMMUNITY KIWANIS CLUB THANKS ALL OUR CONTRIBUTORS FOR OUR MARCH 19 HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL CRAB 'N CLAM DINNER AND AUCTION FIRST: all who came to enjoy our crab; clams, ~aghetti, and 3uction! SECOND: Pioneer School and staff for use of their facili~ and their help THIRD: our hard working members, their partners, Pioneer SchoOl Cub Scouts and other younger helpers, and especially our kitchen crew-~r~ and Kim I.awrenCe, Heather M~ick, Kevin Evetsz, ' Theresa GOrmani Mi~am Krona and R~ Avery. AND FOURTH: our many contributors of awide array of auction items! PIONEER KIWANIS 2011 CRAB 'N' DINNER AUC110S NORS LIST I.-IARSTINE I~D ~StGN SHELTON CHiROPRACTIc LASSkEY'S BOOKS ALDERBROOK RESORT AND SPA HACKNEY FAMtLY DENTISTRY MARNIE BOMINY SHELTON ATH~C CLUB WEST COAST BANK PUD #3 SAGE BOOK STORE KALEIDOSCOPE MASSAGE OUR COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION DENNYS AUTO SERVICE ORNAMENTAL STONE ANYTIME FITNESS PERT AND PR~ CURVES, SHELTON SHELTON DENTAL CENTER SQUAXIN ISLAND MUSEUM LES SCHWAB EL SARAPE III .RICHARD C DOWNING DDS PS SEE YOU AGAIN SHELTON VETERINARY HOSPITAL :LYNCH ;CREEK FLORAL ERNIE HARRELL PAT ~LEY PRO BUILD :~ OFTHE CORK, ALLYN BLONDIE ~ WOODS IRISH VERLE'S ~RT CENTER ,' WAKE UP EXPRESSO II MCD~ RA~ANCE HERBS AND MASSAGE GEORGE KeNN BEAR m A BOX. F SH CHAINSAW CA~jNG XINH'S SHELTON ON~S ~RON LETH SUNNY DAY ~ESSO UNDA RING ERiCKSON GROVE STRE~ BREWH~SE .... PAM MADISON HOODSPO~ ALLYN HEATHS AND ~ATHERS VIKING F~ORS LANCE-SAW-LOT CHAiNSAW ~NGS ALDERBROOK GOLF CLUB SPENCER LAKE BAR ANDGRILL M~N CO. SHERIFF ARTSAND FLOWERS NURSERY SHELTON KIWANIS DAVE'S AUTOMOTIVE NEXT YEAR, PIONEER SCHOOl., MARCH 17, 2012 :i!?i !~!ii ,i i:¸¸ il ! hands with Dr. Frederick J. Davis - a highly skilled, board-certified orthopedic surgeon who specializes in knee and hip replacement surgeries. ~i:~ ~ ~ m'~ll~ Where ca~gcounts. : reaa /e ce." F~lerick L :~. • "i~ , Davis, M,D. Board Certified, ~ii; ~!~ ...... American Board of Orthopedic (360) 427-0663 Surgery 939 Mountain View Dr., Ste. 130, Shelton, WA 98584 ! I ~',~ Z~ TO~E3"H£R" Make a Difference In Your Communltyl The City of Shelton Master Sho.reline Update Citizens Advisory Committee The City would like to establish an 11 member advisory committee to aid in drafting policies and regulations for its Shoreline regulations update that consists of a broad range of local stakeholders and interests that are able to meet once, and sometimes twice, a month and serve until June 30, 2013 (most work will occur between June 2011 and June 2012). To that end, the City will*be mailing invitation letters to a number of community organizations and shoreline property owners within the City to encourage them to designate a person/member to sit on the committee. The City expects to reserve two or three positions on the committee for "at large" citizen members. In order to required be considered for an "at large" citizen position on the committee a member is to live, own property, or maintain a business within the City of Shelton or its Urban Growth Area. Applicant's should send a short letter identifying their interest in the committee as well as any special qualifying merits (background, experience, technical expertise, etc) they could contribute to the committee, as well as the location of their home, business, and/or property (in order to establish eligibility). Please submit, mail, or e-mail letters of interest to: City of Shelton Attention: Jason Dose 525 West Cota Street Shelton, WA 98584 e-maih " " All letters of interest must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday April 18, 2011. Final appointments to the committee will be made by the Shelton City Commission. Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 7,2011 - Page B-5