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April 7, 2011 |
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Washington State Patrol
hosts Kiwanis youth law
enforcement career camp
Washington State high school It offers exposure to problems en-
juniors and seniors with an inter- countered by law enforcement of-
est in law enforcement as a career ricers on a dally basis and shows
will have an opportunity to spend how to handle these situations in
a week this summer learning a professionalmanner.
about the roles and job opportuni- The Washington State Patrol
ties within law enforcement, and other police departments
Applications are currently be- provide officers as staff members
ing accepted for the 34th Annual to instruct and serve as counsel-
Washington State Patrol Kiwanis ors. Guest speakers from vari-
Youth Law Enforcement Career ous agencies provide first hand
Camp to be held at the Washing- information to the students• This
ton State Patrol Academy in Shel- gives the students a variety of
ton from July 24 through July 30. experiences and exposure to fed-
Applications can be downloaded eral, state, county and local law
from the state patrol's home page, enforcement as a possible career
wsp.wa.gov, under outreach. The path. Many students, who attend
application deadline is May 13, this weeklong camp, go on to have
2011. careers in the criminal justice
The purpose of the camp is to field.
provide selected high school ju- This academy is sponsored and
niors and seniors the opportunity paid for by Washington Kiwanis
to explore various job opportuni- clubs statewide and their sup-
ties in the law enforcement field, porters.
Timberland Regional Library
will host six free workshops dur-
ing Money Smart Week, April
23 - 30 in Thurston, Mason and
Lewis Counties at the Timber-
land libraries.
Money Smart Week is a
multi-state public awareness
campaign designed to help con-
sumers better manage their per-
sonal finances through access to
help, free educational seminars
and activities. The Federal Re-
serve Bank of Chicago and the
Money Smart Advisory Council
began the initiative in 2002 to
equip consumers with informa-
tion to become more financially
literate and in turn make more
informed, smarter financial de-
cisions. Washington became the
first west coast state to join in
2010. The TRL workshops in-
Credit Repair and Bud- Lacey Timberland Library, 500
geting with Lyn Peters of the College Street SE, Lacey.
Washington State Department
of Financial Institutions at 5:30 Credit Reporting 101
with Kelly Wells of Credit Res-
p.m. on Tuesday, April 26 at teration of Washington at 6 p.m.
Centralia Timberland, Library
110 S. Silver St., Centralia. on Thursday, April 28 at Shelton
Timberland Library, 710 W. A1-
Solving the Credit Report der St., Shelton.
Mystery with Katie Hopkins of
Kitsap Credit Union at 6 pm. on Credit: Buy Now, Pay Lat-
er with Marylin Ball-Brown,
Tuesday, April 26 at North Ma- ......... ~ .. ..
___ ~_~.__1^ a T.'L------,~o,~ol rreslcteng/~Jlsu or uenerauons
N E State Route ~ B "~ " • ^' " brem~ umon a~ --:~v p,m. on va~-
• . a, etzmr, e~ar~ urday; April 30 at Olympia Tim-
Up 101. berland Library, 313 8th Ave.
Market Research Strate- S.E.~Olympia.
gies with Tiffany Scrogga of . .... , .
the Thurston County Economic ,_Mon , Sin.art Week ma ,.coor-
Develo ment Council " ~ .... dinatea etlort oi orgamgations
p at I p.m., ~ . . . .
......... that include fmancml mstitu-
~nurbSear~d~P~ra,f,~50~~C~llecoy riot; schools, libraries, not-for-
...... . ~J,, s~ profits and government agencies.
v~ree~ ~5, -acey, Formore information see money-
Identity Theft: with the WAsmartweek.org. For more details
State Employees Credit Union at on Timberland library programs,
5:30 P.m-, Thursday, April 28 at visit TRL.org.
Maxine Ann
Clow ",
Ann Clow, 90,
died Tuesday, March 29,
i~2011 in Shelton. She was a
resident of Shelton for 30
She was born October 5,
1920 to David A. and Emily
M. (TaWes) Balch in Aber-
She graduated from Ab-
erdeen High School in 1938.
She later graduated from
Western Washington Uni-
versity in Bellingham and
the University of Oregon in
Salem, Ore. with a Master
She served in the United
States Coast Guard during
in 1950.
When she was about
eight years of age, her fam-
ily moved to Newburg, Ore.
Her father had asthma and
could not
the damp
weather so
he moved
the family
back to the
This trip
took about
two years;
the last
leg, from
Montana to South Dakota,
was made in a covered wag-
on. The family ultimately
settled near Mission, S.D.,
She married James R.F. wh, er~ She taught at a Na-
C10~ 0n'Octo~ !g, ~947 ~ tire American school irL.th~
Portland, Ore. ~~ Mission area and attended
She taught school in Pe El Spearfish College near the
and then was a principal of Black Hills during the sum-
Aloha Grade School in Bea- mer breaks.
verton, Ore. for 20 years. In 1935, she married
She enjoyed reading, gar- Rudolph Joseph Flakus. In
dening, knitting and fishing. 1938, the family escaped
She was a member of Del-the Dust Bowl that had en-
ta Gamma Society Intorna- gulfed much of the Midwest
tional Alpha Sigma State of and moved to Randle.
Washington Lota Chapter. Both she and her hus-
She is survived by her band worked at the Kai-
brother William C. ser shipyard during World islature. She regularly at-
Balch of Kent and sister War II. She was a true life tended St. Edward's Catho-
Shirley M. Walker of Olym- "Rosy the.Riveter," working lic Church and later Prince
pia and four nephews, as a welder/burner building of Peace Church in Belfair,
Her parents, David and ships to aid the war effort, where she taught Sunday
Emily Balch, husband After the war, the faro-school for several years.
James R.F. Clow, two sis- ily moved to Bellingham,She is survived by her
tersBettyJeanSchoenbach where she resumed her three sons, Merlyn Flakus
and Jacqueline Ann Berg academic career at West-(Ruth), Rodney Flakus and
and niece Ann Berg preced- ern Washington University. Richard Flakus (Carol);
ed her in death. The family moved to Mason grandchildren, Michael
No service is planed at County in 1951, where she Flakus (Susan), Susan L.
this time. taught elementary schoolFlakus and Kathy Hardy
Memorial donations may for more than twenty years; (Judd); two great-grandchil-
be sent to charity of your she first taught at the dren, Joshua Flakus and
choice. Skokomish Valley School Sarah Flakus.
McComb Funeral Home for three years, then at Ev- She was preceded in
is handling the arrange- ergreen and Mountain View death by her parents and
ments, schools in Shelten until her husband.
Online condolences may retirement in 1972. After A mass for her will be at
be sent to the family at me- her retirement, she moved 10 a.m. on Saturday, May
eombih.com. " to a home on Hood Canal 14 at the Prince of Peace
that her husband built. She Catholic Church in Belfair.
enjoyed teaching, but was A Celebration of Life will
G I dy especially fond of her time be held at 12 to 3 p.m. on
a s Flakus at the Skokomish Valley May 14 at the Robin Hood
Gladys Flakus, 100, diedSchool. Restaurant in Union.
Saturday, March 26, 2011Flakus was active in theMcComb Funeral Home
at Alpine Way Assisted Liv- League of Women Voters, in Shelton is handling the
ing in Shelton. She was a Mason County Historical arrangements.
resident of Mason CountySociety, Retired Teachers, A scholarship in her name
for 60 years, and American Association of has been set up at Hoed Ca-
She was born May 15, University Women. She was nal School, 111 North State
1910 in Neillsville, Wis. To active in lobbying for teach- Route 106, Shelton WA
Philetus and Eva (Shum- ers issues when the Leg-98584. If you would like to
way) McKinney. islature was in session in donate, the check should
She graduated from Olympia. She once confided be made out to Hood Canal
Todd County High School that one of the reasons she School with Glady's name in
in Mission, S.D. in 1928. took a job in Mason County the memo line.
She graduated from West-was due to the close proxim- For your convenience
ern Washington University ity of Olympia and the Leg- online condolences may be
sent to the family at mc-
eyla Jane
Byla Jane Miller, 64, died
March 26, 2011 in Shelten.
She was a resident of Shel-
ton for six years.
She was born September
27, 1946 to Thomas Elkaney
and Wrella M. (Sherar)
Miller in Spokane.
She graduated from Bal-
lard High School in Seattle.
She was a self-employed
house cleaner on Harstine
Island for 25 years.
She enjoyed pets, ani-
mals, was an avid reader,
~oyal to her friends, family
and animals.
She is survived by her sis-
ter Jill Miller and her hus-
band Mike Boyd of Langley.
Her parents preceded her
in death.
A memorial service will
be held at a later time.
Memorial donation:s can
be made to Feline Friends
P.O. Box 27, Shelton, WA
McComb Funeral Home
is handling the rrange-
ments.Online condolences
may be sent to the family at
Send obituaryinformation to:
Deadine is 2pm the tuesday
before publication.
Reverend LaVern E. Tooley
November 3, 1918 to April 1,2011
The Reverend LaVcrn E.
Tooley was born on November 3,
1918 at Black Hawk, Wisconsin
to Edgar and Eleanor Tooley.
He passed away, surrounded by
loving family members, in his
Shelton home on April 1,2011.
During LaVern's childhood, his
patents'operated a dairy farm
in Black Hawk, Wisconsin until
moving to Portage, Wisconsin. In
1929 they resumed dairy farming
in Sumpter Township and Veto
andhis brother, Bob, attended
a one-room school at nearby
Otter Creek, WI. Vern attended high school in Prairie du Sac,
Wisconsin and upon graduating in 1937 enrolled at North Central
College in Naperville, Illinois. He completed his Seminary studies
at Garrett-Evangelical School of Theology in 1944.
He was united in marriage in 1941 to Esther Mason of
Pendleton, Oregon and in 1944 they moved to Leavenworth,
Washington, where they served the Methodist Church until 1949.
They were then transferred to Grangeville, Idaho to serve a
Community Methodist- Presbyterian Church until 1955. Their
next appointment was to serve the Methodist Church at Aberdeen,
Washington. While there Veto was hospitalized with spinal
meningitis, which nearly took his life. The Conference sent him to
regain his health while serving the church at Counell, Washington.
In 1960 the Tooley family moved to Tacoma, Washingion where
LaVem was appointed to Epworth Methodist Church. While there,
his wife, Esther, died leaving him with their four children to care
In 1965 hc married Ruth Beggs who was a Deaconess of the
Methodist Church, serving as Director of Christian Education
at Sandpoint Methodist Church in Seattle. During their years
together, Veto and Ruth served Methodist churches at Marysvillc,
Crown Hill, Chchalis, and Redmond, where he retired in 1984
after serving 42 years of ministry. They then moved to their
Mason Lake home near Shclton, which they had built themselves.
In 1999 Vern and Ruth moved from Mason Lake to a home they
purchased in Shelfon.
Survivors, in addition to his wife, Ruth, include two siblings:
Susan Tooley of Arizona and Norma Meisel of Wmconsin; 4
children: Patricia Constantino of Gig Harbor, Sharon and her
husband Neal McCarter of Sequim, son Michael Tooley and his
wife Magdalena of Shoreline, and Wendy and her husband Clay
Hulbort of Forks. Also rein "aming arc nine grandchildren and 7
great grandchildren.
A memorial celebration of life will be held on April 30th at I:00
pm at the Shclton United Methodist Church.
In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be made to:
Shclton United Methodist Church and designated for Ocean Park
UMC Church Camp, or, if you prefer, to a charity of your choice.
-- Paid Obituary Notice -- -
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Shelton-Mason County Journal -
Thursday, April
7,2011 - Page B-7