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Jessica Eileen Gullett and
David Lee Brissett
Jessica Eileen Gullett and Da-
vid Lee Brissett were married on
March 19, 20111 at a home on
Lake Limerick.
She is the daughter of Idonna
and Edward Gullett and he is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. David Brissett.
Reverend Robert Levesque of-
ficiated the double ring ceremony.
Jessica's sister, Talitha Gullett was
Maid of Honor and friends Devony
Maestas and Jessica Norton were
bridesmaids. David's brother Sam-
uel acted as best man and brother,
Andrew and Jameson Knight were
David's other attendants.
Both Jessica and David graduat-
ed from C.H.O.I.C.E. High School.
Jessica is currently employed
at Alpine Way Retirement Apart-
ments. David is going into the
Army as has not been assigned a
base yet.
Gary Cunningham March
2011 student of the month
Seventeen year-old
Gary Cunningham of
the Shelton C.H.O,I.C.E.
High School was se-
lected as Student of the
Month for March 2011.
He was recognized for
the accomplishments
in his school and was
honored by the Shelten
Lions Club at their regu-
lar meeting on Tuesday,
March 15. He is the son
of Ian and Alicia Cun-
ningham. His father is a
computer technician and
is a homemaker.
Cunningham is a member of a
rugby team and also plays in the
C.H.O.I.C.E. high school band.
He is a member of Boy Scout Troop
126 and is working on attaining his
Eagle Badge. He recently received the
Skookum Rotary Academic Achieve-
ment Award.
He recently accompanied his par-
Gary Cunningham
his mother
ents and grandparents
on a family outing to
Disney World, something
that he had always want-
edto do.
Cunningham is plan-
ning to join the Army
after graduation with
the military as possible
career but is also consid-
ering other fields such as
movie directing, mechan-
ic and the medical field.
The collective efforts
of the staff and faculty of
the Shelton C.H.O.I.C.E. High School
chose Cunningham for his communi-
ty dedication and exceptionally high
achievements within the high school.
The Student of the Month is a pro-
gram sponsored by the Shelton Lions
Club designed to recognize students
that possess qualities of outstanding
community involvement and/or aca-
demic achievements while attending
the Shelton C.H.O.I.C.E. High School.
Shelton student earns scholarship
Alyssa Mauvais of Shelten, Wash- GPA of 3.8+ or a SAT score of 1250+.
ington has been awarded $2,500 Alyssa is set to graduate from Shel-
through the Presidents Scholarship for ten High School in 2011. She plans to
the 2011-12 academic year at Eastern attend EWU in the fall where she will
Washington University. This schol- be majoring in dental hygiene. She is
arship is awarded to high school stu- the daughter of Kim Burling of Shel-
dents with a cumulative high school ten and Greg Mauvais of Hoodsport.
Local student Alyssa R. Wainwright
graduates from basic training
Army Private Alyssa R. Wainwright and ceremony, marching, rifle marks-
graduated from basic combat training manship, armed and unarmed com-
at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C.bat, map reading; field tactics, military
During the nine weeks of train-courtesy, militaryjtmtice system, basic
ing, the soldier studied the Army first aid, foot marches, and field train-
mission, history, tradition and core ingexercises.
values, physical fitness and received She is the daughter of Pam Durfey
instruction and practice in basic corn- of Harrison Ave., Port Orchard and
bat skills, mih'tary.weapons, chemical Scott Wainwright.of Pedersen Drive,
warfare and bayonet training, drill Belfair.
Kelli LeAnn McEachern and
George David Alexander
Kelli LeAnn McEachern and George
David Alexander of Shelton are getting
married at May 21, 2011 280 SE Mill
Creek Road in Shelten.
She is the daughter of Colin and Dar-
leen Robinson of Shelton and he is the son
of Cathy and Earl NeEd of Shelton and
Charlie and Sherry Alexander of Elma.
Kelli has twin 13-year-old daughters
Skylynn and Shyanna McEachern and
George has a 20-year-old son Dustin Alex-
ander of Grand Mound.
Both Kelli and George graduated from
Shelton High School.
DexOne employs her as a marketing
consultant and he is a union carpenter.
The Mason County Chap-
ter of the Washington State
Music Teacher's Association
held its annual Adjudica-
tions on March 25 and 26. The
play-offs were held at Kath-
ryn McLin's Music Studio on
Friday with Adjudications on
Saturday at the Shelton Pres-
byterian Church.
The adjudicator was Dr.
Deborah Rambo-Sinn, from
the Olympic Music School in
Sequim. The adjudications is
a project that is designed to
provide an educational experi-
ence for piano students which
encourages goal setting, per-
sistence and creativity. It also
provides a performance oppor-
tunity for students where an
objective evaluation of each
student's skill and musician-
ship is made by an impartial,
competent adjudicator. Stu-
dents are required to memo-
rize two songs in order to par-
ticipate in adjudications.
Students of upper level may
participate in the WSMTA
State recital competition play-
off that is held prior to adju-
dications. The winner of the
chapter educational associa-
tion competition will perform
at the WSMTA State recital
in Pasco, the week of June 26
to 30. Jimmy Ye, a student of
Kathryn McLin, will repre-
sent Mason County chapter at
the State conference in Pasco.
Our alternate representative
is Ashley Dahlstrom also a
Courtesy photo
Kathryn McLin students Ashley Dahlstrom -Alter-
nate, left, and Jimmy Ye - Winner.
student of Kathryn McLin. Chappell, Joshua Dohring,
In addition, both Jimmy and Sarah Dohring, Carisa
Ashley will perform at 2:30 Kunlde, Carley Kunlde, Kris
p.m. on May 1 for the district Woods, Sarah Woods, Loryn
recital, which will be held at Ziegler; Students of Kathryn
the Corbet Theater in Centra- McLin: Ben Chapman, Frank
lia. Chapman, Ashley Dahlstrom,
Honorable Mention was Liz Spurling, Taylor Toney,
given to Sydney Crichten a MollyYe, Jimmy Ye; Students
student of Jacqueline Eaten. of Jacqueline Eaton: Sydney
Students participating in Ad- Crichton, Madeline Cook,
judications were; Students Carrington Waylett, Colton
of Alice Johansson: Camden Matson, Christiana Waylett,
Amundson, Claire Arbaugh, Courtney Burke; Student of
Caleb Bautista-Brown, Hana Sarah Woods: Anna Li!jas.
Shelton Color Guard division champions
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Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 7, 2011
Photo tak~ by Brian Monroe
The Shelton High School NJROTC Color Guard be-came the Columbia River Division
Champions at the Northwest JROTC Drill and Rifle Conference held at Prairie High
School on March 19. Shad Johnson, Amanda Thomson, Robert Larribas and Max
CraSh make up this team. This dedicated team of students meets at 6 a-re. each week-
day to practice for these competitions. Their Color Guard as well as the Armed Drill
Team from Shelton High School will move on to the regional competition to be held
at Washington High School in Tacoma on April 16. Pictured: Robert Larribas, left,
Shad Johnson, Amanda Thomson and Max Crain.
April 17 - Palm Sunday
April 22"d - Stations of the Cross
at the church property, available for
walkingthrough from 12-5pm
April 24th "Easter Sunday
7am Sunrise Service under the tent on the
church property and 8:30am
& 10:30am Services at the Fire Hall
New Commnity
of Union
151 i D*iW' Ikl, Co¢m¢ of D*lby it Udhmvy, Union * 360491-7855