April 8, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 8, 1965 |
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8, 1965
Club Concert Members
r On To near Woodwind
Iging p.i.|et Wednesday
equim wa, As this season's climax the Ma-
le April 1 son County Community Concert
Canal Garden Association will present for its
arrange- members the Danzi Woodwind
how they are Quintet of Amsterdam in the Blue
Ox Theater at 8:15 next Wednes-
Union, was day.
at 12:30 p.m. In its brief concert career the
Will assist the quintet, whose members comprise
m making the first-desk men of Amsterdam's
the Forest FesLi- Concertgebouw Orchestra, h a s
nlbers will be achieved immediate success in
clntyre, tester European capitals and recently in
]d and D. H. Israel. Since this is their first
will head American tour, Shelton is forLnn-
ee a~d Mrs. ale to be included in their itiner-
of officers Playing unusual chamber mu-
sic, the Danzis bring to light a
new field of unknown compost-
the All New tions. Little known and "new"
works of Rossini, Mozart, Haydn
St/IUj~I~.21"~.__ and Beethoven vie in wit and
charm wiLL those of the moderns,
Starmaster Schoenberg and Hindemith. There
tea's finest tires
a Nation.Wide
are no technical difficulties for
the Danzis.
The quintet is named for a
composer, F r a n z Danzi, the
Mannheim musician (1763-1826),
teacher of Weber.
European critics, as well as
those in Israel, have lavished
praises on this interesting ensem-
ble, calling it "the finest wind-
group in the world".
The Vicki Lee Orthopedic Aux-
iliary will meet at 8 p.m. next
Monday in the home of Mrs. Bill
JacksLadt with Mrs. Garry Mork
as co-hostess.
Hwy, No, Winners of tile halnper benefit
,.,,. were Mr and Mrs Roy Johnson
..... _'_2__ " " '
the n =! ...............
,, Shellon H.L. ,
°illill¢, . • ,- 4.
s s msme' in the best tradition 1
anquet fa "" 4
oihtms for large and small groups.
b ne.._ _ I
LngjamFriday & Saturday Nights
3-6 p.m. Saturday i
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in 'CChristmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Amaranth Court
Matron, Patron
Host Officers
Royal Matron Myra CollieY and
Royal Patron Claude Danielsou
were host and hostess to a get-
together party for their officers
and choir memhers of Laurel
Com'L No. 26 Order of Amaranth
April 31 in the home of Dr. and
Mrs. B. N. Collier.
RM Myra and RP Claude were
each presented a large rlmdo-
dendron bush from the members of
Laurel Court.
Entertainment for the evening
included cards, prize awards and
music. Several musical airs were
rendered by a trio with Assoc•
Matron Bee Larscm at the organ,
Laurel Court musician Beth Johu-
son at the piano and Dr. Collier
with his violin. Members joined
in with them for a sing along.
Past Grand Royal Matron Pearl
Hoover and Past Royal Patron AI
Hoover of Bremerton court, and
Mildred Forbes of Bellevue court
were guests.
Refreshments were served.
The Happy Dolphins will spon-
sol" an Italian Spaghetti luncheon
next Wednesday in the Masonic
temple. There will be continuous
serving from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Donation will be $1.25 with all
proceeds to be used for the Rogers
school swim program.
Washington SLate Nurses Asso- : ~,~
p.m. next Tuesday in the home of
Linda Anderson. "There will be
election of officers.
There will be a noon potluck
meeting in the Memorial hall for
the mcmbers of the Golden Age
Club today.
(31 .....
Laurel Court Order of Amar-
anth Social Club will meet at 8
p.m. next Tuesday in the home of
Mrs. Mabel Aitken.
Helping American families ex-
plore and enjoy their own country
is the aetivity of Miss Carol Lane,
women's travel director of Shell
Oil Company. Miss Lane travels
60,000 miles a year. She will visit
Shelton as the guest speaker at
the Shelton-Bayshorc Golf Club
Women's Division annual Lea to be
held at 1 p.m. April 27 in the club-
Miss Lane's topic will be "The
Pleasure of Your Country" and
will include hints on unique vaca-
tion trips, travel budgeting, short
tom'ette vacations, how to travel
with children and family camping
ideas. She will also suggest unus-
ual places to visit and additional
ways to enjoy the pleasures of an
automobile trip to the World's
Fair in 1965.
A highlight for many previous
audiences has been a short bag
packing demonstration d u r i n g
which a 16-inch suitcase was
packed with a complete :two-week
Miss Lane tra)els ten month:
out of each year to test and de-
velop new vacation ideas..In addi-
tion to her appearances before
women's groups, she has written
nunlerous booklets on travel, has
appeared on hundred,; of tclevi-
sion programs and is often de-
scribed by club women as "Amer-
ica's First Lady ol Touring".
Especially When You Can Get Anything From
At Such Economical Prices and Expert Workmanship
Host For Spring
The Spring Conference of Dist-
rict No. 5, Business and Profes-
sional Women's Clubs was hosted
by tile Shelton BI'~V last Sunday
in the banquet room of the Sllclton
Shclton Garden Club
Sets Luncheon Date
Rescrvatious fdr the a n n u a 1
Conservation luncheon which is
sponsored by the Shelton Garden
Club should be made by April 16
with Mrs. J. C. Bridger at 426-
2218 or Miss Dora Fredson at
Today, Thnrs., April 8
Shelton Yacht Club rummage
sale, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., PUD audi-
Girl Scout leaders meeting, 9:30
a.m., little house.
Golden Age Club potluck, noon,
Memorial hall.
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers restam'ant.
Shetton-Mason County Chamber
of Commerce April meeting, dinner
7 p.m., program 8 p.m., Shelton
Friday, April 9
Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m.,
IOOF hall.
Shelton Yacht Club rmnmagc
sale, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., PUD audi-
Satnrday, April 10
FOE card party, 8 p.m., airport
Drivers license examiner,10
a.m. - 5 p.m., police station.
Sunday, April 11
Shelton churches invite you to
attend the church of your choice.
Monday, April 12
PUD No. 3 commission meeting,
i p.m., PUD commission room.
County commission meeting, 10
a.m., courthouse.
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m.,
PUD auditorium.
Coin Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD build-
Higll school track, ShelLon vs.
Hoquiam, 3:30 p.m., Loop Field.
Tuesday, April 13
r Amaranth Laurel Court No. 26
Social Club, 8 p.m., home of Mrs.
Mabel Aitken.
Dirt Dobbers meeting, 10 a.m.,
PUD auditorium.
WSNA meeting, 8 l~.nl., home Of
Linda Anderson.
Orthopedic Group
• Sp
onsor Movie
Tile Olympia Area Council of
the Tacoma Orthopedic, Associa-
tion will sponsor a movie at the.
Capital Theater iu Olympia this
Friday through next Tuesday.
The technicolor doable feature
will include "A Boy Ten Feet
Tall" and "Dear Bridgette". A
contintmus sl)owing will start :at.
12:45 p.m.
A portion of each advance tick-
ct sold will go to Mary Bridge
hospital. Tickets may be bought
from orthopedic, guild members or
phone Mrs. Dale Nye 426-6574 er
Mrs. LaVernc Hanscn, 426-8098.
Duplicate Bridge
Club Winners
ShelLon Duplicate Bridge Club
winners for the north-south ill
Monday night's play were Pat
Byrne and Bob Qu~lby, Yas ILo
and Ron Zeidaks,. Mr. and Mrs.
William Batchelor. The east-west
winners were Mr and Mrs. Gordon
Bennett, Bill Lucke and Bob El-
lot, Victor King and Norman ,"Tal-
The Shelton Bridge Club meets
at 7:30 p.m. every Monday in the
PUD auditorium. All bridge play-
ers ape welcome~
Annual junior high spring band
and choral concert, 8 p.m., Shel-
ton gymnasium.
Kiwanis Clnb luncheon, noon,
Memorial hall•
School Board meeting, 8 p.m.,
Evergreen school.
4-H leaders council meeting, 8
p.m., extension office.
Moose Lodge, 8 p.m.,alrporL hall.
Degree of Honor Protective As-
sociation, 8 p.m., Mem~)rial hall.
Lions Club Board of Directors
meeting, 7:30 p.m., 2217 Calanan
Wednesday, April 14
Happy Dolphins spaglmtti hmch-
eon, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Masonic
Drivers license examiner,16
a.m. - 5 p.m., police station•
Olympic League baseball, Shel-
ton vs. Port Angeles, 4 p,m., Loop
Thursdtty, April 15
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Care.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers restaurant.
Port commission meeting, 8 p.
nl., courthouse.
Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p.nl.,
Memorial Hall.
Hood Canal Wommfs Club, ll
a.m., Potlatch clubhouse.
7umitur¢ 'a/k
By Rod Olsen
often referred
to in decorat-
ing columns
and maga-
ing the es-
sential furni-
ture you
shonld buy
first if you
are on a
budget, and to
which you should give the ma-
jor share of your budget.
But you might well ask just
what are these basic pieces?
How little can you start with?
Which are the most important
pieces ?
Start with the living room
since your needs are more
clearly de-
fined ill bed-
room alld
dining area.
The average
living roon~
nceds a sofa,
a good-sized
l'fia n~s lounge
chair and
one or two smaller occasional
chairs. Add a good coffee table,
lamp tables and good lighting,
and you have your basic fur-
Of these, if budget demands,
you can eliminate the larger.
hnmge chair iu the beginnitig,
perhaps use inexpensive floor
cushions for extra seating. If
you choose a longer sectional
sofa -- often a wise selection
--- you gain extra seating with
fewer chairs, often at a saving.
We'll be glad to help you se-
lect basic pieces for any room
HOODSPORT The meeting, conducted by dis-
tricL director Mrs. 'Dorothy Hoog-
"---- -- eveen of Hoquiam, convened at 10
i a.m. preceded by a coffee hour.
A smorgasbord lm]cheon ~as
sin:red to 33 delegates, alternates
and members of the nine clubs in
New district officers for 1965-66
elected and installed wcre Mrs.
Frances Elerding of Aberdeen, dis-
trier director; Mrs. Betty Chris-
Lien of Hoquiam, assistant dis-
S L THE SERVICES WE | trict director; and Mrs.Genlldine
-- . De Wees of Hoquiam, secretary-
The BPW state convention will
be held May 13-16 in the Olympic
Hotel in Seattle.
In or Out of Your Car --- With Complete
Black & Decker Valve Grinding Equipment
l IOdcrn Equipment for All Types of Diagnosing
rt, Washingtou
Phone 877-5284
Marriage Licenses
Applying for marriage licenses
in the Mason County Auditor's
office this past week were:
Augustine Roderignmz, 20, Bre-
merton, and Leslie Jean Emery,
17, Bremerton.
Edward Pipkin, 50, Chico, Calif.,
and Ruth Nelson, 40, Chico, Calif.
Ray G. Raines, 24, Montesano,
and Jerry Susan McCowan, 19,
Andrew Gardner, 59, Bremerton,
and Freida Gunkcl, 52, Bremcr-
Fred Isaeson, 21, Olympia, and
Glenda Hurn, 20, Olympia.
John A. Phelps, 31, Issaquah,
and Margaret Turner, 20, Issa-
Shelton General Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jaeot,
Route 2 Box 109, a boy, April 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Willimn Ivcrson,
Lilliwaup. a girl, April 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Aaron, 1112
Ht~'vard, a boy, April 6.
A baby girl, Pamela Sue, was
born Mare.h 20 to Mr. and Mrs.
James Frye, kn Wurzburg, Ger-
many. Mrs. Frye is the former
Nita P0tter, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W, A. "Jug" Potter of Shel-
l, on. Frye is stationed with the
U. S. Army in Germany.
Miller's of Shelton will sponsor
a style show featuring Easter
fashions from I - 2 p.m. this Fri-
day in the Shelton Hotel dining
The hmchcon will be held April
19.aL 12:30 p.m: in the Shclton
• xo~el. Guests are welcome.
Dirt Dobbers Will
Meet Next Tuesday
The Dirt Dobbci's will meet at
10 a.m. sharp next Tuesday in the
PUD auditorium for a regular
meeting and election of officers.
There will• 'be an Easter hat
show nmde from kitchen utensils.
Members are reminded to bring
a sack lunch and everyone is urg-
ed to attend.
Several Mason County students
were on the honor roll at Wash-
ington State University for the
fall semester. They included David
• Jubb, Margaret Jo Prme, .Joe
L. Snyder and Molly Murdey, all
of Shelton, Jean M. "Campbel'i and
Melinda J. Mcrrill, Belfair, aria
Rrosemary Crumb and Douglas
Underwood, HoodsporL. Miss Mur-
dy was named to the president's
list and she, Snyder and Under°
wood were named on the freshman
honor roll.
or for your eutire home, keep-
ing yot~r taste aud your budg-
et in mind . . . and creating the
most livability and beauty for
your home!
-~'~ 4th and Cota
Here are the facts. Compare Dodge Dart with other cars in its price range!
DODGE DART 101 196 4'v Torsion.Bar Unitized $2074**
CHEW 95 183.3"
¢ORVAIR Coil Unitized $20~6
FORD FALCON 105 181.6" 114.3 sq. in. Coil Unitized
manufacturer's suRgested letail prices for 2 door sedans, 6 cyL, and
rstsil prevision for deMer naw ~,er preparation aud E. H. and 0. State
if an)', dpstination chargsS and optional equipment ate nol included.
**And that's where the Dodp Be.ys ~ to dlmll
1st & Railroad
Shelton, Wash.
Local Jeweler Features
and it isn't a girdle. It's Speldels
all new watch bands--shock and
pull proof. We call 'era Twist-a-
Flex. They start at $4.88. We put
'cm on at once!
Another g(~od buy--if you can
find one--is a good waterproof,
shockproof watch for work. What
to look for is an all stainless steel
oase, m a d e out of high-grade
Swedish ,original steel. Not made
In Japan or Hong Kong but in the
good old U.S.A. Stay clear of al-
uminum, brass or chrome plated
The movement should be shock-
proof, 17 jewels of course and it
should also be a g,ood looking,
smartly s t y I e d easy to model.
You'll find such a watch, for men,
called "Woodsman" right here in
Shelton at your local jeweler.
Made by one of the oldest watch
companies in the world.
It's not cheap tho' it c,osts $50.
We sell these for $5.00 down and
$5.00 per month. When you buy a
grandmother's charm bracelet, a
cigarette lighter, a silver tray and
a diamond bracelet, it's kind of
nice to personalize these items by
I~aving them engraved, F re e of
Charge. It brings us a lot of extra
business so we plan to keep on do-
ing it for Free. We also reset dia-
monds, size rings, repair watches.
We're not just a jewelry store,
we're jewelers.
I know I'm not the best writer
but I do know I've got a lot of
good values in Jewelry -- lug-
gage --- diamonds -- watches --
Shavers --- Melmac -- pens ---
bride and groom gifts --- radios--
clocks and many more things, not
to mention the red carpet service
(we have a red carpet) we always
try to givo.
Anyway, stop in and see me
(I'm the boss) at our storc---Lc-
Roy's Jewelers down at 125 Rail-
road Ave. I'm Toni Hall and I'll
help you get badly in debt.
For the younger crowd -- To
open a young adult credit account,
see my side kick, Miss Rita Carte,
a real cute gal. Of course you have
to look quick to sec her because
she works just after school eaci~
day to 6:00 p.m:, and all day Sat-
Welt--I've got to stop for now.
I see Ralph coming in. Hc too
b,o u g h t i)imself a "Woodsman',
watch. Funny thing tho, he paid
cash when everyone knows you
can open an account. Even "Le.
Roy" has an account, I see that
he pays it too---after all I'm tl~e
boss here at LeRoy's Jewelers at
125 Railroad Avenue in Shelton.
Sincerely, "Toni Hall".