April 8, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 8, 1965 |
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HELTON---MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAT5- Published in "Ch , tma, town, U.g.A.", Shelton, Wauhingtort
FOR SWIM PROGRAM -- Bernie Lang, chairman of the Jay-
cee Benefit Basketball project, presents a check to City Clerk
Alma Catto for $247.5B for the city's Summer Recreation Pro-
Arlene Smith Named
1965.66 Presideni Of
Local VFW Auxiliary
Queen Patsy Tells
Elecfion of officers for the com-
ing year was held at last Friday's
meeting of the VFW Auxiliary.
New officers are: President, Ar-
lene Smith; st. vice president,
Phyllis Moore; jr. vice president,
Helen Bloomfield; chaplain, Merle
Vender Wal; treasurer, Florence
Hamilton; conductress, Barbara
Schmidt; guard, Vi Brumbaugh;
trustee No. 3, Fee Robinson..Oth-
er officers trod committee chair-
rnen will be announced latci'.
Co()l(books are being sold by lhe
mlxiliarY.buy one aLAny°nethe nexLinterestedmeeting, can
Three 1low O1 e m b e r s, Helen
Kunkle, Marlene Pierce and Paul-
ine Ferrier, were initiated.
The next meeting will be held
Means To Me
use. Of ore' three prineipal renew-
ablc natlll%l ]'CS()tlI'CCS s()i]~ wal('l'
and timber only timber can be
replenished in a reasonably short
AS our non-ronev~,al)le resolll'ces
:decline, we are going It) (Icpend
nlore on oHr renewable l'eSOlil'ce,
i timber, the basic essential for clip
, way of life.
As you know, forestry is the
backbone of Mm:;on County, espec-
ially of Shelton, for it c|'cates jobs
and incmne so that the average
citizen has the leisure and moncy
to spend on recreation.
Forests are of value Lo man in
many ways. They are beauty spots
where man may go to relax when
he is weary of city life. They are
shelters for wild animals, and
they protect ore" water supplies.
Accepting an offer which ha.s
gram. The funds were raised by the Jaycecs through the basket-
ball game between the Washington Corrections Center Inmate
team and the City League All-Star team.
April 16 at which time the foreign
exchange student will show pic-
tures and tell about her native
One Large
Ready io Eat
Possible! Yes, after 19 years of dependable service to
thousands of satisfied cuslomers, we now can pul a
freezer in your home for a realistic price.
By Patsy Blxemnann
Webster says forest means vast
tracks of wooded land, while festi-
val means a celebration. Putting
the two definitions of Webster's
together, the Forest Festival is a
celebration of Mason County's
613,000 acres, which is still 95
per cent in tree production after
100 years of logging. Forest Festi-
val means to me exactly that plus
a great many more things.
It is the gathering of the var-
ious people who make UP the vast
logging industry and interested
people who display the products of
the woods; displaying the skills of
the various woodsmen; introduc-
ing new methods, ideas, and new
machinery in the interests of har-
vesting our forests and at the
same time joining in a joyful an-
niversary celebration.
This Forest Festival is the main
way in which the people of Mason
County, especially Shelton (the
Christmas tree capital of the
world) build morale, fortify faith
and unite people in a common
cause -- the recognition and cele-
bration of forestry and the var-
ious elements connected with for-
Also, to me the Forest Festival
is kind of a recognition, a "Thank
You", to all the people connected
with Mason County's forestry and
the many wonderful things they
have done to improve this county's
forest. The Forest Festival is the
event to let the people associated
with forestry "take a bow" and
feel proud that they are helping
in the harvesting and conservation
of our forests.
THE PURPOSE OF forestry is
to insure a continuous supply of
lumber, wood pulp, and other for-
est products needed by both the
present and future generations.
The strength of a nation depends
upon how well its natural resourc-
es have been developed for man's
Thus if foresters do ]tot "Keep
Mason Green", Mason County
would not be a leader in the forest
In conclusion, you can see why
I say, the Forest Festival means
to me the building of morale, forti-
fying faith and uniting the people
in a common cause--the recog-
nition and celebration of forestry
and the ideas and methods con-
nected with forestry.
40 & 8'ers EXHORTED TO
Voyageurs of 40 & 8 VoiLure
135 of Mason County were ex-
horted, at their April promenade
last Thursday evening, to write
to every'member of Congress from
Washington protesting the closure
of many veterans services
throughout the nation and the ap-
parent impending phase-out of the
entire Veterans Administration.
A resolution was passed sug-
gesting this individual action on
the part of all Forty-and-EighLers
after several voyageurs expressed
strong concern over the erosion
i of Veterans Administration ser-
vices through the scheduled or ac-
complished discontinuance of 31
different VA offices, hospitals
and domiciliaries throughout the
United States.
The promenade was attended
by four voyageurs from Thurston
County Voiture 151---Chef de Gare
Ralph Thomas, Chef de Gate Passe
Russ Harris and Don MacDonald
and Grand Cheminot I~'asse Bill
Palms who extended an invita-
tion to Voiture 135 voyageurs to
attend the annual Voiture 151 crab
feed in Olympia April 21.
been standing for several years,
Marden Sl:]'()ud has joined Bill
Hay, Inc., a realty broker firm
specializing in the sale of motels
throughout the northwest and
generally acknowledged as the
leading concern in that field in
the region.
Stroud will be an associate bro-
ker for the Hay firm and rep-
resent it in western Washington
after a short period in the main
office in Portland acquainting him-
self with company policies.
He and his family will continue
for the time being Lo live at Bay-
shore, where Stroud has main-
tained headquarters for Water-
front Realty, a real estate firm
he founded about 10 years ago.
Waterfront Realty will no longer
be active in the Mason County
real estate field,
:1: =1: *
Another indication of Shelton's
growth comes this week with the!
opening this Saturday of an arch-
itectural office by William E.
Conldin, who has lived here for
15 years but commuted to Olym-
pia and Tacoma to conduct his
Conklin's office will be located
in Suite 5 in the Govey building.
His home is at 241 Island Lake
Drive, where he lives with his
wife, Mildred, and their two chil-
Conklin is a 1957 graduate of
the University of Washington's
college of architecture and urban
planning, and is a registered arch-
itect in Washington state. He has
worked for Wohleb & Wohleb in
Olympia, Don Burr & Associates
in -Lakewood, and Bennett &
Johnson in Olympia since his grad-
uation, during which time he has
worked on many schools, churches.
homes, professional and medical
building plans in western Wash-
Graves de
A private
baby t)cl'ck R.
]kqarch 29 iu
Park. He was i)orll
died the }{;lille daY,:
He is survived
Mr. anti Mrs,
Shtql oH ; ()lie
tile family home;
cnts, Mr. and Mrs.
tim!, Shellolt,
,Jess T. ;:~arneS,
:: A\'ailnhh. 1,, y,nl
II/'(,~('ril)I i(dl,
II1,~1 I'V |l~l('k.
|'HI lllld Ih't, ( ll~0F*
:lll(l i:4 .~add Oil th
sa|isri,,d for any
llw p:wkag(! to
yOIll' rIlll 1110110y
AS a c()nal.lrl'ent action with askt.d. Odrinex is
all|(!(~ ])y:
Stroud's move to Hay, inc., Dick EVI,]IIGllI,iI'IN
Knanf, sales representative for 3tl!; llaih'oad AIc.
Waterfront Realty for the past 14
months, joined the staff of Him-
lie Realty Company this week,
owner Vince Himlie announced.
Knauf has been a resident of
this community for the past 15
years, coming here froln his na-
tive Tacoma, where he had lived
all his prior life. He lives on Route
2 with his wife and four children
(3 boys and a girl) aged from
four to 14 years. Knauf has re-
cently become an active member
of the Shelton-Mason County
Chamber of Commerce.
Baplists To Hold Two
Too Lale
F()I:~ SALIg
battery. $125.
LOST -- Seven
initial "G"
Menus for She
Schools and
Week of Apr
Morning Services Me.day .....
As of last Sunday, April 4, emn, cabbage
the First Baptist ~hurch has been salad, 'frniL and
and will hold two intoning worship
services, 8:15 and 11 a.m.
This Sunday, April 11, Rev.
Knautz will be speaking on the
topic "How To Itan4t'c Trouble"
at both morning services.
The evening service beginning
at 7 p.m. will feature a special
Commissioning Service for mis-
sionary Miss Edith Johnson. She
will soon be returning to South
America for her third term and
will be working among the native
people in the many small moun-
tain villages.
Also during the c~ening scrvice
there will be a Baby Dedication.
Rev. Eugene Knautz will speak
on the topic "Hiding or Helping"
at the evening service.
Receipts from the Harstine Is-
land Ferry for the week ending
April 3, were $236, the Cmmty
Engineer's office reported.
Tuesday .....
egg salud
hot cinnamon
buttered bun,
etable wedgeS:
whipped cream
ed g~ een
cr cake and
Friday --
diet with
132 RR.
There is a belier way .--
show your
All This Food Delivered Free
This is delivered to your home in 3 egual deliveries.
Substitutions may be made.
U.S.D.A. Grade A Fancy
Unconditionally Guaranteed Food
Delivered Weight To Your
Home For Only
Plus Tax and
Service Charge
Itl [ U.S,D,A, [ E
Tiea -deslgn gives more , Any size 5.20 x 13 6.00 x 13 I TUBE-TYPE
II , [ t Eastern Grain-Fed traction, more stability, listed] 5.6 x13 5.15x15 ]6.70xZ5
• TUBELESS 590x13 560x15 i775x15
l urer cornering for rata .... ' ' " ,' _
Net Weight -- Cut To Your Satisfaction *drY' "weather dnwng" " , gnysize '6.50x13 5.90x15 6.85x15 ......
ill King Size Pkgs. @Tuf tubbeg.;fwextra ' Iistedl 7.00x13 6.00x15
~i] VEGETABLES Assorted .mile-a~l'~:, ........... rTUBELES$..._...__.__ __ ~ ~
or 330 Standard Packages FRUIT JUICE =,r r on ..... =qm':°-zorex== ..... .,'Anysize 650x14 7 50x14 640xlJ"7.35x15
Mixed Vegetables --- French Fries --- Peas --- ----NGE ,_. ......... $trengthr ..... : listed] .7.00x14 7.75X14 6.50x15 7.75X15
GRAPE UHP, I- H,,,. ru,~,n
Hash Brown P,otatoes -- Brussels Sprouts -- "- "-- '( 't~ "* , TUBELESS 7.35x 14 6.70x 15
Cut Corn -- Diced Carrots--,Peas and Car- LEMONADE ..... " ......... " " ~--'--'------"--------~'------'~
' 0. Take turnpike speeds, " '- An" "--
rots --- Cut Beans --- French Beans -- Broc- - -' I ':~ilA~.,p 0]ld ~0 {~t~r (~'lYlll~" f l$,, 7 al/.Ui " TUBE-TYPE 6
colt Spears -- Cauliflower. ' .' "" ' ~ listed. 8.00x14 7.10 x1517.60 x15 6.50xl
~1 ~ , =~A Assorted e'bs" Lunch Meat--39 Ibs. Pork Chopsor Roasts--.39 Ibs. i .TUBELESS 8.25x14 8.lbX1518.45X15
il ]KII IK_K ...... Smoked Ham -- 48 Ibs. Cut-Up Grade A Fryers --- 24 Ibs. Needbiackwalls?Taks$30fftheseprices! "' ' '~'*£ ,Plusiaxandoldtlre
t~VV imB~Vm IYlJ~/']k'JL'i~ Wiehers (all meat) -- 18 Ibs. Sliced Bacon (James Henry). ~4 _. . I II -
II I "F". ] ,., ,_ ,,, , " .~"
"'" "" ,WH~ ~I~AbLPAIRS!
If you already own a freezer, tel This size is sufficient for a ram- SPRING B ' .......
Rie.h Plan nut lhi-,= wand rl.l ily 0f 5 to 6, 01her models are , l OutBrand :No westPrlced Tire
........ " .......... -" ', -, - -- " """" t and | wlthTufsyn Rubber
and S-T Nylon Cord
. -. -,-----,..-.... • ava.aum at our new Low, : ALIGNMENT l ..... Jau.weaiber,, _,,/"
loou In your nome nuw. II 0Ut /nw n,:,,ne flamklnei-'nne
of lown call us colieot or mad • FOR
che.s, ts and refrigeralors also eHECK°vP
i MMER DRIVING-- m / ,i[la'~k',~k _--x. :1 ~IZI~ ~'~Pe ~VH~- i;i!
_P' ............ . evadable. ,T SAVES MO E ;• ! .... , ;'"-, ¢;t;;
C0H On,
~, plus I|X '
~,.,,~.~,, I ~ f0r aE~J" .,,,. ~,,
rDe' 7 Sh.s. " ............ ........ ...... IGIANT 559-POUND UPRIGHT i i .... :'
[ We are in'terested in hearing more regarding the [ ' I s.7ox~s ub0I = '~7 ~A,
, . MONEY DOWNI FREE ,UNT~_~.~-~G! ~r~=~ ~[~J~F_~~ i ~'°°xz~'e 00 x z~ ~u~oii~s~0,~u~,ess ~ ,,°"
NO . :MO . IN. t " , .....
] money-saving benefits. |
,,NoL]mit'Guarantee|, ::: Nk•V,!UV ~iiliV i~FiiaWr~ I II]m~ ~
[ 7208 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, Wash., GR 4-0654 | mOODYIt~R NATION.'.W!.e¢.."NO eUAII£N I¢ _ _ _ _ r,~e puncture . IF A GOODYEAR TIRE FAILS'UNDER THIS GUARANTEE a,y of 111°5
INo Ilmlt on monms • no !|rn|t on relies • No limit as to road=-; No IimlCa~-~ speed~ (than 80,000 Goodyear dealers in the United States and Canada will make sllowan.Ce ~
j N l~Fcr ths entire life of the tread • ALL NEW GOODYEAR AUTO TIRES ARE GUARANTEED la new tire based on original tread depth remaining and Goodyear's printed ,,Excnq.~
eg= nit defects m worKmen=nip end ~,~gij .a~_~.p~rm~l !o~l h={ird=, e~c~ept rel~lro~ Lprl(;e'~ ;urr0nt el; the timq of Cdlu=tm0nt, not on the higher "tqo Trade.in Pri~o.'~
Address .......................................................................... |
[ c,t, ............................................................................... [ N0
[ Phone ............................................................................... DOWN
There are ................... Persons in the Family. [ We Finance
Up To. 30 Months
i , Spe.d ............................. Per Week re; ¢rangemenls Ava|lable
..| ~,,~ •
HOUSTON "- '=:18