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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 8, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 8, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8, 1965 8 rELTON--MA$01 COUNTY 3OURI AL--Published la #Oh stmastow , U,S.A.n, Shelton, Washington PAGE 7 LAYOFF DID BAG BOPS eI l GOOD: RESULT 614 STRONG RECOV£RY NIEN'S (X)MMERCIAI, MEN'~ CITY I,FL,XGI)I,: W I. W L Wilson Company ................. 34 18 440 & 8 Voiture 135 . .2S J I By Miek V¢agener By MICK WAGENER Gott Oil ............................... 32 20 Shaub-Ellison ............. 1.2(; 113 in ~aASC)N CC)UNT~ Nearly-ptnt'cet relief pitching by When Shelton and O13mtpia fin- Ritner's Highballcrs .......... 29 23 Prepp's Rexall Store ... 21],~, 17~,~ senior southpaw Tim Rose corn- ished their prep bali game on Zieglers Camera Shop .... 27 25 Be(.kwith Jewelry ....... 20" 19 chilled, wind-blown Loop Field Wingard Sport Shop .......... 25 27 Wilson Company/ ........ 17 22 "" i i billed with senior outfielder Ed Monday afternoo]l, both had some- B&R Oil ................................ 23 29 STRONG OPENERS TWILIGHT LEAGUE Simps(m Til~lber . ........ 1,q':, 2~t~ SEEK Martin and Charlene Lizakowski Dawson's perfect day at the plate thing they had [lot possessed g'0- Verle's Sporting Goods ...... 21 31 Frisken Oil ................. :A4 '- 25' i / , ohmnU(~:bena~:~:h;y~!S:oq~e~!i!. , ~ steered the Fiighelimbers to a tight ing into the game. Motel Timbers .................... 17 35 GET MAC A @29 MEETS W] iDNESD~ Dairy Queen ................... 14 25 s 4-3 baseball victory over the Elma The visiting Beat's had their High games Harry Peterson Hig'h games---Joe Rank 253, Bill nl Eagles at Elma last Wednesday in first victory of the season, after 244, Jim Sneddon 220. MEN'S TRIO I~EAGUE Plans for the 1965 Mason Coun- Fredson 225, Ed l:~ac 221 and 220, ~ofhavecompetitionSUrvived ] gerousJeri Albrecht,other s~)ortsPr°Vedcatlh°Wbedan'by cesstheir onthirdtheStraightdiamond.Warm'up She-[five straight losses, the Highclimb. High series--Harry Petcrson .... W L ty Twilight baseball league willAde Kopperman 220 a State diving lJomneying to the mountains for ere their first defeat, after three 614. • • • ~. w. ~moJ!ms .................. 32 12 be shaped at a meeting of all in-High series~--Ed ~-h~c 613. • [some skiing and snapping an Dawson gathered exactly half ~f successes. The count was a tight • Ziegmr's Big 3 ................ 28 16 terested parents, boys and team divided into two I ankle. , E . Shell.on's six-hit offense with three 3-1 in a game marked by excellentVacation must have been right Nault's SetTice ......... : ...... 2S~,.~ !7~,~ managers called by "league presi., Coming back strong after a 172 ar or senior die- I ..... sharp :dngles through the box plays.pitching and some fine defensive fOrbowiedHarrYsincePeterson.DecemberHebut hadn'tile Te- Olson's ~ &' J NtartBarber .................... Shop ..... .18242026 Wedncsdaydent WallYnight.Anderson for ne::tstart, Eddie Bac fiuishcd with two the team to rep-[MANY SALMON REPORTED which drove ,in half tile Climber strong gamcs at 221 :.rod 220 to in the national ]FEW ANGLFRS AFTER 'EM runs. Rose came On to relieve star- The Climbers had a golden op-sumed last week with a smashingCook's Plant Farm ........ 17 27 The planning session will be shape a 613 scrics in the men's 215-155-244 series, his 614 leading Corrections Center + ....... 15~/, 28½ held in the courthouse at 7:30 p.m city bowling league Monday night portunity to tie or win it in the Wilson .Company to a 3-1 win over Clark's Logging Co ......... 15 29 All interestcd boys of nine through nl MOnterey, Calif. I Fish are plentiful but fishermen ter Rich Burfiend, Junior lefthaad- last inning.when sophomore Jon +s, the division in I few according to reports from at Shelton Rec. I and Mason are [ those who should know this week. er, in the third inning and gave ArmsWong's' laaxioff walk and tiny Verle's Sj~)rting Goods (Bob High games--Clyde Zlegler 234, 15 years and their parents are The effort rockct(d Shaub-Elli- "ophies only for the ] Action did ick u a httle in the up only one hit the rest of theRob Mills' blistering double to the Cleveland 517). + L.L. Mvlnelly 225,'222; Glen aces- invited, son to a 3-0 victory over Prepp's )n a P P while shutting out the Eagles. nd Mason are ] Simpson salmon derby with Bay- pole vault pit in deep rightcenter In other actionGott Oil (Del eel 222. , The season will begin durtng the Rexall Store (Bill~ Fredson 567- position to come [ shine Gloce~y apparentl gettinBURFIEND WAS nicked 'for put the •winning run at the plate Hartwel1501) blankec} Motel Tim- High series---L. L. McInelly 629• first part of June. 225). Joe Rank had a 253 start rophv ' ' + ' Y g * * ~; ........ • ~ g . , 98 _ "• ithe lions share of the weigh-ins, two runs in the first and another with o~e out, but neither Tom bets (Doug Wicken 490), Zieg- toward somethina bigand a 1 Wnaeet, Bill placed ]Owner Eldred Bee reports regis- In the second as the Eagles jumped Fredaon nor Tim Rose, a pair ofler's (Lloyd Clark 568) beat Bit- I Hefted 222 and 225 openers car- ~* ~-~~'V~I~ ~-~avr~Ltv~t~La~~g~t ~t~ m~ follow-up, but misscd Ins 600 by lefthanded swinging seniors, could her's (Bob Turner 538) by 3-1, te L.L. McInelly to a 629 series ~T Ar~r~ O~TxT~r~a~, tWO pins with a 1,t5 finale as Wil- ~as. ' beached" by [ tering two blackmouth caught by off to a 3-1 lead on three htts and produce the clutch blow. and B&R Oil (Glen Roessel and and his Ziegler's Big 3 to a shut- ~a.~x~£~i.~ ~t)l~l~/qkI son Company oddKame4 Beckwith haS his day in the ]Augusta Okonek at 8-3 and 3-1 two Climber errors. Rose took over ~.~e placed third [and four by Russ Goodburn (onin the third and stopped the Eag- MILLS' BLOW, .the best hit of Bill Beech, each 521) d~ew without succcss against CorrectionsOne of the big.thrill compett- Jewelry (Bill Wilson 535). the game, was only the third the Wingm~i's (Jim Sneddon 547). Center (Carl Downing 490) in the teens of motorcycling, a scram-Fred Snelgrove had a shot at rV.tP.'. Both must ]four separate dates) at 6-8, 8-6, les cold except for one single as Climbers mustered off Bear right- men'strio league Friday. bles, is scheduled at the Mason L.^~gl~ Placings in |6-1, and 7-9. Goodburn took over ~ 600 with his 212-186-187 sucees- =~ts to earn tro-/sccond place with his 8-6 regis- he stz~ck out six. ' handcrRayBetts. The others were SIMPSON WO% L NauI' ~ ,.,,.,+ ~. ,.. "~ro., ~,~.~ County fairgrounds next Sunday also w~s aesiC3~ou'(e~,;nne~:~' over ~nde~'. auspices of the S-~helton seen (585) and led ~ront-running 40 & 8 to a shutout bYer Simpson _ | tration and Augusta third with The Climbers got away in front Ed Dawson's well-spanked single ge number of fern ]her 8-3 entry. First place is still with a first inning ~n when Robin the first, .his fourth consecutive Lumber .................................. 35 13 Clark's Logging (Lloyd Clark 'rram)lazers Motorcycle Club. Timber (Keith Simpsdfl. 499). Tail- ~cofrOm the diving [held by Ruth Chanfbers with her Mills, pint-sized catcher who safe blow, and Tom Marshall's so- Olympic Plywood ................ 30 18529). Cook's Plant Farm (Claude Sanctioned by the American Me- end Dairy Quecn ~(Ade Wright lid one=baser thlxmgh the leftside Accounting .......................... 28 20 Cook 571) and L. C.'s Smokies torcycle Association the compe- 531) positioned itst+lf for a lift ,~ ruing clear that ] 8-0 entry, transferred here from Portlar~d, hole in the sixth. Insulating Board ............... 24 24 (Glen Roessel 579l were 3-1 vic- tition will be open to both local from the cellar with a 2-1 doci- le .has become a ] Mike Zlttel of Johnson Point rapped a single to right, stole sec- None of the hits figured in Shel- Loggers ................................ 23 25 tors respectively over B&J Martand out-of-to.wn, ridm;s and to both seen over Frisken Oil "( Dave Knut- o~% In the past |Marin:~ repoz~s fishing very good end, advanced to third on Tom ton'~ 'run, wht~¢~h D~w~on scored Researcl~ ................................ 19 29 (Jack Stewart 517) and Olson's]big and little bikes, zen 543). n'"Oers of the Seals [last weekend with over 30 salmon Marshall's sacrifice bunt, and scot, in the fourth (the game's first Purchasing .......................... 18 30 Barber Shop (Bob Cleon 523), in I A practice session starting at LA~I~VE F_.m waters near|weighed in ranging from 3 to 15ed on Denny Bailey's perfectly ex- tally) when he made threeb~ses Engineering ........................... 15 33 the other pairings. ]~noon will be followed by the ,Lair, Harper and |lbs. One boat had a weight total • Iscrambles competition itself. Re- W L ~eet~y". [of 50 lbs. on five fish, all by local ecuted squeeze. 9n his dropped skier to rightfteld High game--Joan Sowers 200. GRANGE LEAGUE [freshments ~ill be available for B&J Mart .............................. 33 15 ,- to be Noreen [fishermen but none as derby en,Mills }cored sgain~ as did Ms, r- and the 0ther lap on wild pitch. High series--Joan $oweffs 547. Harstine ............................ 35½16V~ [spectators, admitted for $1 with Rex Floor Covering .......... 29 19 ---~--------_ The Bears jumped ahead in the , * * ~atlocR ............ ' ................ 31 21 ]ehildPen under 12 free if accom- KMAS Radio ...................... 26 22 X'- ~ [tries. local anglers wellshall,was safein theon thirdan to tiebothUP ad.th0 top of the fifth on Rich Rucker's Lumber 4 (Joan Sowers 547), Agate ................................ 28 24 /panied by a parent. Cottage Cafe .. . 23 25 ] Leon Baker at RestWhile Park game. Mills walked and Marshall dauble, Marshall's wild peg on Plywood 0 (Mildred I:)~niels 464); Pomona .............................. 27 25 / .............. Mamie's Drivc-In .......... i_.1122 26 THEATRE reports doing error, Dan VazlMeighem'~ btmt which Aceotmting 3 .(den Tratnick 478), Patrons .............................. 24 28 ] . BANTAM LEAGUE ~aturday [with catches in the 4 to 5 lb, area. 7ajlc|~g on Bailey's fly to the out- let Rucker score and Dan to get IBP 1 ( Johansen 44+4); Log- Skok0mish ........................ 24 28 i W L Bamboo Shop ...................... 21 27 Show :-Ie added that a run of ~ea bass .qeld, Dawson's single over second to ~econd, from where he marched gers 3 (Norene Stevens 474), Pur- came in last week but no fisher- trove both home. ' home.on Jim Douglas~ single, chasing 1 (l~hyl Collins 443); Re- Southside . ......................... 21 31 Shelton Journal ......... t4 25 Jolm's Richfield ................ 19 29 ' 1~ men went after them. SHELTON'S WINNING ru~ MARt[HALL WAL~ responsible sem~ch 3 (Evadean Lord 443), En- Slielten Valley ................ 17,~ ,34½Willour Insuraxme .......... 43 26 Wingard's Sport Shop ...... 18 30 Hoodsport Marina reports local angler~ are getting limits running from 4 to 8 lbs. and Harstine Island waters yielded one beauty, an 18½-1b. King to Brank Burr Mong with a 5~-Ib• blackmouth Saturday. Action was light also on the steelhead front, where Marion Hel- ser reported twin 6-pounders from the Skokomish Tuesday and Gary Northness and Gary Johnson each hit in the same waters Saturday with 2~A and 5-pounders respec- tively. 'iRECREATION STICKERS ON . SALE AT NATIONAL pARKS ~]'rl'lH~u,~ Sale of the new $7 recreation- |lllhfl|iHl:l['~ conservation sticker Began this i.~_~l~ t~ week at Olympic and other na- ~m~l~i~ tional forest offices and ranger ~ ~ kN II ~ ~l • stations as well as the Forest Ser- ~~'~i::::_ vice regional office in Portland. .. --~ ~ . Later, the stickers will be on L][~hhP.. - ~.~.::4~ ~ sale at heavily visited recreation- ]~[~4~, | guard stations during the camping '" t! | ltllirm,|~i;:~,:~ season, and from other federal q|l|~[|~i.~ dgenctes that manage public rec ~'t~t '~:~I | the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, [~'~u-" ~ ] Valid until March 31, 1966, the ~ ~1~ | stickers will permit entry to most ~ " Fcderal recreation areas, tnclud- ~~ ing national parks and national ""-~-.._.___ ~. _ forest campgrounds. g°od news about home loans! I m ~eattl.. o++ °Usmg Administration policies, a, vroperh" ~-,~r mVorable FHA financing ta~ va.til mat previously would not uali , lean- g" Unde-. tandards to qualify for ataa] on hO ne • the new policy, FHA will approve .Uards ~_ + +..nat conform to the construction • raea,_ , p ty is located. ~'~s:~te;:~::,Sea_t.tle .First can now ma~. F~A /-~ t~c~t(e ill +t,_ "~ tills area -- loans th t we could + to XlStm re adv- .... g al-cstate contract. IIII e.,glad l ' 1&,financing? eome see us and "+'mrae at pia .m fl e etail . You'd:© mat uattlc-JFirst, for th~ final Bear t~,lly al~so al- gineering 1 (Glen Graffe 449) High games---Ina Kimbe1192, Timber Bowl .................... 39% 28'/s High game-.--Jean Hartwel1214. ~as scored in the sixth by soph- though it wa@ scored off Tim Rose, " Ralph Simpson 243 Ja Bird~ 3 ' ' Hi ~tl series J : , nor --- .... . ' • Y ............................. 6 33 g .... --- ean Hartw~ll .... 9more third sacker Jon Armstrong Who came in With t.l)e sacks jam- WOM~'S CITY LEAGUE .. ,H~gh series--In_a Ktmbo1483, Taylor To.wne Cafe ........ 33½35½ Split Dicks-Betty LaMent 3-10, who replaced starter Larry Poweli men ann ~one out when me ~eara W L I r~atpn ~impson 587. Lions Club ..... 32 37 Clara ~.rickson 5-~-1n ~n inning earlier. He looped a sandwiched a walk between two Shelton Hotel .. 88 19 . w. . • V.F.W. Auxiliary ....24 45 • ~ , ~ingle t0 le.fl, and stole second, sinffle~." . Morgan TPam~fer ................ 31 21] Harstine 4 (Ralph Simpson 58.7), Cook Plant Farm ............ 21 48 Mamie's 4 "Dot BI a.-,] ........ ~r0m where he scored easily as Armstrong tossed one runner Lumbermen's ................ 30 22 Pat~;ons0 (Joe Simpsono64); Sko- High games--Amla Hansen 157, Win~ald:s 0 ,n~,,_ ~ ,i ",~.'- ' Ron Landis, lanky seni0rfirst ~ae- out at home on an attempted Every, teen' D~u~"C'ent'er ...... 29 23 k0mish 4 (Dutch Stanley 534), Len Pea~,y 170. ~; ' , tr~Ln t~Ft ,vn 6~J); ker lined a double to left for Shet- squeeze, then Rose uncorked a wild Sun'am Bread .... 25 27 Pomona 0 (Henry Cook Jr. 562) ; High sm~es--Anna Hansen 278, KMAS t (Sol)bEe Bamford 442), L~O~I ~,l.~+oac h 'ro ~best hit of theLarrYhis 18-matlWeir daY.used~quad,15 prov-play" !/tt !hrliCh~:~t~°~ncthk:h ~°ehPiiih ~M~°~'~!nlh~'~il'M'"'"'"cGee::i!fi2 +i l ~ii!e~°3altVtli!~i~:Y ~~!!i ~+°:i:~'¢3:(7~e n~Pe:at~y.~7 xxr+, son" ) '2+'9")"" ~il 1 1 ( ii!i'~ I!i~l£1 ii:i:) • " g -- " ''5 " ' • " ; • " " " ~" "" :) !ng his confidence in his shx)ng Marshall gave up only four hits High series=--Vi McGee 551 ]50,). Jay Birds 3 (Bobby Turner 299) Rex ') IVir,~i-~- r~ ..... ;. A~5, ' zithout'~lm°stbench, Whiehat weakeningWillcanwithbethb firstinter'changedteam.Stzingers ind c~u~ th$~ h t ~idpb~ a°~s rt bh~s ~ne:!ri~ ~ [ 8B-S0~I tsBt SeattPi eka~q e:'Eesdo~h. ~ .5, ,H:E~ih~gh I W:tneR(:n~BO NI E,..+.RESEA3RCH20. !i~ ~i, ~i?~iili(?r2 )2~ ~vbFC_ a~fCeCla ~i~!i~. !t~ f tW ~ ~!~ii!p ill!i!)! s~i!i~ ~ ~i(i+ i~ iiii~~ Today the Climbers open their poYokliht~firs~ph3m°~ vrairgshl:ya::e~ll0' AIv'da Gr+eenly 2-7. IFou~f0w~rse..::::::::::::::::::::3~4 221 Hl~'tg;.~el~ll "538)5'), L~:;::;Sbe2 ~oR(~tltd~' day , 7 ~ . ~ -- -~7:=_:_ [ OV~ 72 ") I { J Hartley (2) and Osgood. lefthanded senior now in his third ~Pi'mb'er~I)t~ck's~., ,.., ~ .................. ................ 28 24 ]1. (Bud Ristine. 472) Ixayoncttes,. ~ , ...... |~ ~ | ~ [ ~ ] varsity season, is slated for Coach w~¢,~ ~,.¢ 25 27 |3 (Marg Bacon 466), l~owlers 1 [Hard, are 4 (Larry Lyle 543)[| I~l~lt~i~---~t-~----~~ | Larry" Weir's starting call ~.';~ff-~" ........................ 24 2~ |(Shar Franklin 439) ; Birds 2 (A1 |Antlers 0 (Earl Owen 533)' I~i-' || ~ ~ m J m~, ~ ~ | pREP BASEBALL SCORES " ' ' " * ....................................... " .... R H E ~+.:...... ~.a 29 /Johnston 523), Curlers 2 (Sylvia|warns 3 (Laumc Cnlson 517~ [| ~[b [ |] ~-~ ~ [ Olympia 000 020 1--3 6 3 Knock Outs 20 32 |Fonzo 468), lLions 1 (Walt Wolden 598); Eag-l!- -" ", i I Shelt, on 4, Elma 3 ] ~'~z+'Pvers .............................. ' ..... Hoquiam 8, Montesano 0 ]Shelton 0001D00---133 Hi h games"~'"e'n~"''~'mith 197, /-. /lee 3 (Hen Wolden 536), Fuller Aberdeen 7, Elma 2 I Batteries---Betts and Douglas;j, .... t ~_~aM ]... TEACHERS LEAGUE [t (Don Johnson 552~; Rotary 2][ ~~i~~ ] M nd Richards - - [~teu]n 63 33[(Azn ~ox 518 Bulls 2 ~ l]] ..... arshall, Rose (7) a • ~ ...... '~' e Witcraft .................................. " ~ • , ), ." (Char ie . . I Bainbridgesouth 15, Vashon 34' East3 II 51 l+ ck % g me&merle :: ........................ +%+ +++,+.Savage 5 8). ... roVE JAMES RICHARD , Stadium 4, South 2 I W L Bust ITardies" ................................ 45 ' 51 " [BLAZERS RAINED OUT l i Md}UEE GAR ER AIIEN OROU I North Thurston 5, Sumner 4Wilson 5, Olympia 2 - " liT:~i~H;ii::Ac?p2C +iS il ~M~~!~iiii7)i I~i~!iiLg !O ~e ~8~, l!~i~!~~ii~ !j ~:m: c~:~(~n ~ I + I+ ] +I~I+ I " " "'" Jowelr ................ 18t/- ""~ Y --" + -- 4]" High series-+Jcan Temple 420, Leo l~]~ld It d n " + 4 I ~ecKwKn y 7s ~o l 5 • Twisters " • p ~'=' ha ot been r~- ~-.' "4 ............ (C nude Cook 44), Larr L 1 ' , Tumwater 2, DuPont 0 ]Eaglds Aerie ~079 ........ 15 33 ~L o T, .....543~ Outs 0 (Bill ]1Y .y ¢ 532. datedat this writing. The Blaz- Chehalis 2, Centralia 1. I High game~--Son~a Ahlqt~ist Timm a.~.~ / ...... 5~ ........ |ers are scheduled against Jeffer-]/ ~~/,~ ~ I Morris 5, Olympia 3. [181, Del Hartwol1199. - ...... [ ' ADUITIONAL SPORTS ]son in Olympia this Friday aftcr- l| ,.~~/ ~ ~J! [ Aberdeen 1, Hoquiam 0 (11 in). ] High serape---peg Bloomfield MR. aN~ ~S LEAGUE [ ON PAGE 16 TODAY | noon. L__~+~ -- M [ Central Kitsap 4-6, Sequim 1-9]481, Chuck"Thompson 573, ' Griffev Const*'rueti+'*'o~ .... 70 38 h ,-7 ...... • ,- .............. " "7.-+ " Elma 5, Montesano 2. [ _. . * * _*. ' ..,,,St0ck;~ Grapeview ........ 69½38~ [] ......... :' Tne ~ut (Chuck Tnom]~flon V'IOl, i)le~, o~. ..... r~+ .....54½535~ II Port Angeles 5, Coopeville 3. [ ' " " S ,~ ,m,~,r.~ ~ ~.. .... Meres 0 (Dave Clark 444); Jo-Eacret* r.,,,~bor 51 57 [] West 4, South 1 I s .................. lin 4 (Frank Hughes 459), Eagle. JS.j .q .... ;~. 49 59 [[ im East 0-2, Bellarmine 4-1 /0 (Jim Richards 126), Hembroff bonn'~a~ R~it~ .......... 481/~ 59½ II 01Hoqulamy~pia 3,2.2,Shelt0~t~t.. Mutt1 ins 1-1 "[13 (SonJa(Bfll ToblerAhlqttist511),474) . Beckwith ThAllVnurston~ ................. .~h~{ ~Co.gerviC~s&L ............ ........ 4346~ 661½~,~5 H [] " " High ga~es--Fae Robinson ~vo, Don P'ogreba ~10. .^, ' High series---Fee Robinson ouu, USED APPLIANOES roll Sta t 554, All Sold With Written Warranty A" COMPLETELY RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS and for Cabins for Homes and up @ LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT Washers $ al d Dryers up RANGES -- push-buttons, double ovens, etc. All guaranteed. @ FREEZER8 __ 1 repossession. Assume payments of $11.77 per month, • DISHWASHERS _. and many more Varieties of USED AP LIANCF_ both commercial and domestic. SHoP AND SAVE M0 EY ON A USED APPLIANCE THAT iS SOLD WITH A WARRANTY AT • at Cota Phone 426-2445 Stock'e 4 (Joe Engen 521), , Tht~rston S&L 0 (Fred 1~upe 450) ; Eac~tt 4 (~tdon Todd 542), AI y~ 0 (JUby HiCks 413); D!ggerS,i~ (Fae Roblnson 509), Mal+n - t,,,, Staudt 554); Gril~ey 3 (Del stor- mo 547), J&J 1 (Frank Marler 516). RE~ftEATION LEAGUE Shelton Recreation ........ 37~ 6 Olsen Fumiturs ............ 28½ 15~ rainier Beer .................. le Ritner's Pink Ladies ...... ~ 16 Lemke's Service. ........... 16~ 27~ ~"_~Z t+ger .................... 1~ ~s Nurcnwest Evergreen .... 11½ ~2% Boysen Construction ...... ~.v_ , ~_,. High game---Sharon I-lu~a-~- 184I-ilgh series--Sharon Huisingh 5oo. Split picks--~ett Yo~t~g. 4,7-9, Ruth Boysen 5-7, Mary lle!en ~" derson 3.7. • • • Ritner's 4 (Bobble Barnett 480), Boysen's 0 (Jan Hoff 412); Rain- ler 3 (Mere Smith 482), Lucky 1 (Sh,~tx)n Huistngh 500); Shel Rec. tuonn& Coleman 464), Evergreen ~ (l~ae Dunbar 41~); ,Olscn 3 (Je~ Perry 481), Lemke s 1 (Al- ice Hildebrandt 492)_+.______.___._____ MERCHANTS LEAGUE Olympic Plywood .: ............ 32 ~2 Pt~pp s Rexall Store ........ 27 I'~ Ralph's Serve-U ................ 25 19 Fuller's Constl~ction ........ 24 ~0 Stewart S Foodli.n, er ........ 20 24 IrA/label & Whiteys ............ 19 2~ Miller's .................................. 16 2 state Farm Insurance .... 13 31 High game--Jerry Christy 208. High series--Dave Harris 547. State Farm 4 (Don BroWn 535), K&W 0 (Bill Staudt 510); Ralph's 4 (Don Jo~phson 539), Miller's 0 (Bob Rlffey 526); Fuller's3 (L'~t~k White ~32), Plywood 1 (Dave Harris 547), Stewart's 1 (Ray Brown and A1 Johnston, each 520). A' THE (Sponsored by Shetton Junior Chamber of Commerce)