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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 8, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 8, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY 50URNAL--Publishe(t in UChr sfmastown U.S.A." PAGE 9 'I Model M 939 A ufler. re power, 00 with the new G-E Synchrol!te "82" featuring'the exclusive "410' perma- for quick, convenient tuning netry featuring matched wood veneers cried design. Color Chassis featuring system- ASK US ABOUT FREE HOME TRIAL! i • All Channel" • Front Control • Front Somld • Width Control • Solid State Rectifiers FREE -- MATCH BASE 1965 23" G.E. TV Wood Cabinet --- Front Controls CayZ,:;ht ~:ue :-icture Tube All 83 Charmels Automatic Contrast W/T G.E, Famous I1" TV 12 Pound Portable Nothing Can C, ompare Complete Line of We Buy in Car Load Lots -- BETTER SAVING TO YOU! at mm i t HIGH QUALITY GENERAL ELECTRIC' Picture-Window AUTOMATIC .RANGE ONLY - $| WITH TRADE • Automatic oven timer, clock, minute timer • Full-length surface light • King-size lighted oven • Big storage drawer LOW COST ONLY 'WITH TRADE ITH RADE J299 Fast, flameless pushbutton cook- ing for less than you'd think possi- ble. Big 30-in. range with spa- dous oven, clea easy featttres. drawer~ • Oven timer, ' clock, minut$ ttmer i Full-length lamp flood- lights cook-top Removable overt doer * Three roomy storage draweil J425 iI_@lT---~i.~r ' - It'll | i~ iililii i * ili/*l'lltit,, ONE STOP General Electric ® ...Designed for Dependability Washables launder truly clean. Filter action effectively traps lint fuzz. W/T GENERAL ELECTRIC Automatic Tempera- ture Control main- tams long fabric life. GUALiIY AUTOMAT G,E, 3 Heal Dryer Lint Trap in Front ~i Easy to Empty 6.E, "Mini Wash" Washer 2 Speed 3 Water Levels & Temperature Filter Fie--- Large Capacity W/T Small Appliance Gill Headquarlers il $11.95 -- G.E. STEAM & DRY IRON $9.88 RECORD PLAYER ...... ...............$15,95 __ - ......... $14.88 -- G.E. iHAIRDI .Y ................ $9.95 RECHARGABLE TooTHBItU t ................... $16.95 RECHARGABLE CAI VING KNIFE ............... $34.95 & KNIFE SHARPENER ............................... $17.95 See Miller's Appliance New "Feature of the Week" Display in the Appliance Department Every Week Appliances Will Be Featured At SPECIAL SURPRISE DISCOUNT PRICES. These Prices Will Not Be Advertised. Drop Ih And Have Pete Melin ShoW You The "FEATURE OF THE WEEK." aysShopM ~Y At Home APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT FREE DELIVERY BY CAN'T BE BEAT! LOOKING OVER DIKE---RalpI~ Brewer, Ken Frank and James Hunter look over a dike on the Elmer Beard place which the local Agriculture Stabilization and Conservati,on office is helping to re- pair. The dike was damaged by the seismic wave action from the Alaska Earthquake, Repairs were started last year and will be completed this year. The three are members of the board of super- visors of the County ASCS office which directs the work done with about $14,000 which has been brought into the county through the ACP cost sharing programs with local farmers for soil and water conservation projects. Ig by Betty Criss BELFAIR---An Art Show will feature the meeting tonight of the North Mason Elementary PTA, The show, open to children and adults, will be on review begin- ning at 7:30 p.m. in the gym at the Chalet building. On the pro- gram for the evening will be tumb- ling exercises demonstrated by sixth grade girls in Mrs. Nelson's PE classes. During the business meeting, elections for next year's officers will be held. The slate to be presented includes presi- dent, Bea Sande; vice president, William Vetters and Pat. Medeiros; secretary, Gloria Lincoln and Nancy Reid; treasurer, Sharon Mc- Knight and Carole Bensen. Addi- tional nomination~ may be madc~ from the floor. May 21-23 are the dates an- nounced for the annual Mason County Forest Festival Arts and crafts show sponsored by the Masori County PTA Council. This show is open to all children and adults in Mason County. For in- formation, call Mrs. Gloria Kron- quest at CR 5-2104. The Belfair Kiwanis Club is making plans for Youth Baseball for boys in the fifth through eighth grades. Fourth graders will be included in the program if enough coaching help can be ob- tained. Turnouts will be two nights a week after supper. Boys inter- ested in this program may sign up at school. More dads are need- ed to help coach the boys. This is a good opportunity for the clads to keep in shape and get acquaint- ed with their sons m~d their, friends. Call Bob Larson if youi can help. I LAST WEEKEND was another I busy one on the North Mason Ath- i letic field, Fencing was completed °n the tempts courts and a good start was made on geLLing a run- ning track encircling the football field. Good weather and enthumum brought out lot.n of men and equipment and progress is quite evident. Dedication of the tennis courts will be at 6:30 p.m. Friday with an invitation to the Comnmnity to attend. Tim Wing, student body president, is in charge of the pro- gram which wilt feature the North Mason Band. Belfair Barracks No. 2778, W~VI Veterans and Auxiliary met last Sunday at the Masonic Temple with a potluck luncheon preceding their meeting. The Anmial Crusade of the American Carl~O el" Society opened April I. Mrs. Carm Shackleford is chairman in the NM District. One of your friends or neighbors will call on you this month to distribute literature and receive your contribution for this Cru- sade. We would like to welcome Eve- lyn and Tex Stirling back to the ~outh Shore after their winter so- journ down south. They ~'rived April 1 and have been treated to some pretty nice weather. An important date to remember is April 13. Two school propo- sitions will be voted upon that day and it is hoped that all North Mason voters will take time t~o vote. Polling places will be the Chalet Gym and the Altyn school, and polls are open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. If transportati.n i;l Your i problem, call the school (fffit:e af, CR 5-6100. A Transportation Com mittee is being formed. On ih*. ballot will be a $193,000 ten-year bond ismm for construction of a high school classroom building, plus a $21,000 one-year levy for a school bus. laeW... -, Straw Hat 65 Delectable sunkissed peach to sweeten lips and fingertips Oval Lipstick Extraordinaire in daisy'd red enamel case 2. 0 ,/ Refill 1.75 Straw Hat Fingertips 1.S0 sparkling Nail Glacd to match, : with sift sample Frosted Ceramic Glaze ) 3rd & Railroad "Always Shop Miller's in Shelton First"