April 8, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 8, 1965 |
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proved It*. Maybe you find tbtz
hard to believe. If so, your Ford Dealer
has a susgestion: Look Ford over. Try
it. Compare It. You won't find Ford
offerlug Rolls-Roycek rare luxuries,
But you will find it has an uncommonly
quiet ride. And quiet means qmdlW.
Test-drive Ford, you'll discover it offem
features, conveniences, models un-
matched in the popular-pfleed field. ,.
New Quality i 100% new body--
strongest ever on a Ford. Frame tunes
out irritating road vibration -, New
501 Railraad Ave. ,
'tm ension puts a big ultrasoR cog ,,, ......... -":
spring at each wheel , Lea41a oml=et
• .-
New Luxury LTD's i Decorator m- L i toi )
tefiogs, thick nylon wall-to-wa!l car- ~m mul am~ ~
~l~Ug • Walnutlike vinyl inserts on qe~et ~ s aew R01~-Rbyee. Te~
doors and instrument panel • ] ar. ee tlaed,by the U.S. &ato Club.
eat center arm vests, five ashtrays : ' ' ............ '"
(*door hardtops) Dglve Pa¢l BItalw
New Power • Big, 289-cu. in. V-$ Best year yet te go Ford!
standard in XL's and LTD's • New
BIG SIX--biggest Six in any car, std.
on other Galaxie and Custom models
Visit your Ford Dealer and take a
, t4 t ,drive soonl
1965 Ford Galax O0]XL 2.Dcor Hm ltop
Shelton, Wash.
tried to spend as much time as
possible with the child while she
has been undergoing the long ser-
ies of treatments, iimluding surg-
ery, that is necessary for severe
burns. Visits are limited too, and
to avoid infection, the little pa-
tient may only look at, not touch,
the many cards she has received•
The Addlemans have two other
children, Dwight, seven, and Cher-
yl, a year-and-a~haff.
Spearheaded hy Dora O'Nefl,
Hoodsport Journal columnist, an
"Easter Basket ~or Terry" cam-
pagila has been started by some
individual members Of the Tiny
Tim Orthopedic Guild, of which
Mar'4 Addleman is ~ mem!~er.
Frie~zds felt that ~zontributions to
: aid |n the heavy financial crisis ts
wisel, than sending 'gifts the ltttl~
Girl cannot use.
Lflliwaup f~ends who wish to
con~ibute may do :so at the L41.
liwaUp Community Club meeting
Friday n~[ght 'or at the Lilliwaup
OPt~OS~t~N ~m the proposed
:use of propez~y on the north side
~f IMtltv~aup ~ay fgr a logging
dump to be operated by Manke
and fiions of Shelton, has been ex-
pressed by some community resi-
dents. Some have written to the
U.S. Army District Corps of En-
gineers in Seattle and also a peti-
t, lvn v~as vep~'tt-d to be ~trculated
for signatures.
Fear of oyster pollution and
Spo~ng the acetic aapects of the
bay ~egi~l~ ~or tourists to this
recreatio~ area, were two objec-
tion~ t0 ~tl~n o~f the dump.
Jk ]pleasant ~mvprise for ~r,
and Mrs. Arthur ~adly last Fri-
day was :it Vtslt 1~m friends made
during a four-~n~nth winter cruise
Their shipboard friends, Mr. and
Mrs. ~"~ecii ~v~ x)f Vl~oria, B.C.,
stopped to ,see the Paulys as they
:were ~ni~ou~e to Portland, Ore.
to ~It l~Ratlv~s.
Mr. and Mrs. 3ohn Lenz arrived
home Monday after a trip to E1-
]ensburg to greet a new great-
granddaughter. Kerri Katherine is
the newly arrived daughter of Mr.
and il~vs. ~rte Hubbard and the
mother is NIr.'Lenz, granddaugh-
ter. The Lenzes also went to Othel-
lo, Where they had a visit at the
home of his sen-in-law and daugh-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mar-
"2~11[E SWALLOWS are back!"
we are told by those inveterate
btrdwatchers, Mr. and Mrs. tester
L. Ager. They are eager to be
landlords to some of them and
keep their eyes open for prospec-
tive tenants for their new swallow
apartment house, named "Capis-
trazlo", There are six units in the
house atop their shed roof.
Honking over the Canal last
week heralded the arrival of a
flock of Black ~rants, wild geese
who spend considerable time in
this area. The Brant .is a small
goose, about 25 inches, is dark
above, with a black breast and
white patch on the neck. They use
the Pacific "fl~a,a,~" the coastal
route used by waterfowl and other
migrating birds between northern
Letha Pollock, before returning
to Brookings for a visit enroute
Other relatives were visited o~,
the return trip to Lilliwaup, in-
cluding NeWs cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Grabele in Grants
Pass; his brother, Cecil Rose and
wife in Yreka. Calif.; Mrs. Vance's
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Kee, in M~edford, Ore.,
and the Allan Aldrich family in
Portland. The Aldriche's brougi~t
the travelers to Lilliwaup Satur-i
day and spent the,weekend her~
with their three childFn, return-
ing N[onday to Portland,
a day when you buy famous Blue
Lustre Shampoo.
Save big with %hls easy-to-use
t~do-it-yourself" equipment. You'll
]0e amazed at; the sew look of 3ou
126 S. 2nd it!
HEAT COST TOO MUCH : "Our house has 1262
electric heat was so expensive we had to keep some of the room
Just keeping warm was costing a fortune...so we decided to
gas was out of the quest:ion. Gur ]asl, house had ga,¢ and it blew up.
to try off heat and since then our bi] !s have been at least 36 %
lower...even during the r.ecent cold ;t's bet, t er heat-
ing." 0rval Lee, 591 Old Belfair Higir ,vay, F;:'emerton, Wash.