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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 8, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 8, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Snow ' ~tbel Kidd ouL my early Tnesday snowflakes as drift to the all sizes and more than dollar than two inches Still Others look coming grass. is Usually but evidently must have got- crossed. Never- enjoy the bean- and just be see it. bf a roaring D6 of dyalamite he ile Road were past Week. John Bar- !1r- all Will wish to l~r. Bariek- crew for this bad stump road and COUple of acci- a Year which I Fallln he Dayten Mary Harvey and Lud Rossmaier low went to Rachel Valley and Ron Moore, traveling pinochde to Bob Dawson and Joe Kirk. The next meeting will be in the Dawson home with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Val- ley hosting April 24. Weekend guests of Mrs. Lemke were Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Woldcn and children of Northgate. Kathleen Hiekson of Lake Nah- watzel spent saturday with cous- ins, Jamie. Elizabeth and Sheila as well as others will rejoice to have gone. This special onc seemed to waltz right out in front of cars and just dare them to hit it. Some have taken the dare 1)ut ahvays came out second best. Thanks again, Mr. Bariekman. On March 29, the home of Mrs. A. E. Lemke was thc scene of a shower honoring baby Teresa Ma- rie and mother, Pal; Matthewa. Hostess was Donna Anderson. The S ay ng ]Mrs. Tom Baze is working lm.rd in the Journal contest to win himself a bike. Mrs. John Anderson accomp- anied her sister, Mrs. Start Dyson to Bremerton Saturday moiling where they picked up Mrs. Dyson's son, Bruce, from the Consellation to spend lhe weekend at home. Friday, Dave Rayson motored Lo Renton to tlm home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bailey where he visited his father and to 'racoma to see Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Combs re- tin'ned from California Saturday bringing with them their daugh- ter-in-law, Betty, Mrs. G a r y Combs. The Sl~elton Valley Clovers are sponsoring a sale of candies and home baked foods at Safeway Sat- urday. ThirLy-two children belonging to the Pathfinder Chlb of the Seventh Day Adventist Church motored to the ocean near Moclips Sunday for an outing. Among those enjoying the day were Ramona and Rosalie Riekards and David, Shcri and Becky Pearson. gift table was decorated with pink and blue candles and artificial flowers. Enjoying the doings of the evening and refreshments of ice cream, cake and coffee were Myrtle XV i 11 i a m s, Ads HursL, Georgie Hellman, Maggie McKay, Sadie Adams, Mabel Hall, Elsie McPherson, Ellen E v a n s, Ila Chase, Hazel Chase, Peggy Roush and Bessie Steenson of Shclton, Marguerite Lemke, Sue Ruther- ford, Lois Tibbits, Rose Dongherty and Rea Brown of Dayton. Unable to attend but sending gifts were Ardys Jensen, Hazel Williams and Jane Cuzick. THE TI~AVELING PINOCHLE Club met Saturday evening in the Matlock home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dawson. High prize winners were To H01d I ,I night will Hall Fair Har- e Will be Will meeL .he school. ub met last aUnds. The mUch time annual Play rounds dur- d. The dale 22. Bell Riders ride Sun- Mountain and Mar- Kathy Plan- ces no Tsw: g and the ride 40 miles. Club at noon heon and Picker- Neal Allen Walker, 15-month- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walker of Bayshore, was in the hospital last week with a virus infection. He is now home and much more like his normal self, his mother reports. The sports minded students at Pioneer School have signed up for the annual county track meet. Both boys and girls may partici- pate. Sponsored by the ShelLon Kiwanis Club, the meet is sched- uled for a date in May. Gerald Knutson, seventh grade teacher, is in charge of the boys' events, and Mrs. Thomas second grade teach- er, is handling the girls'. A WEDDI NG reception was held recently for Mr. and Mrs. Louis "Biondie" Svtsma at the Agate Grange Hali. Approximately 70 friends and relatives attended. Those serving were Mrs. Gall egg who cut the cake, IVrrs. Noel Gal- langer, Bayview, sister of the bride, who served the tea. Mrs. Joyce Blackwood, sister of the bride, poured coffee. Miss Jean Danielson served at Lhe punch bowl and Mrs. R. C. Mercer had terged corn- with the of demol- tell the town of of One hotel of the river, been shear- Iown and' Ever- ELLy of Be, ~ charge of the guest book. Also as- he- ~ "~:~'isisting with the reception were rtt.~ oaugn- ] Mrs Ronald Barnes, another sis- .e Iormer ' • i'-- . [ter of the bride, and Mrs. Don "so,. 23reals,~,l Knudsen. ~eof'g th:I The bride wore a beige fur- • lasL . * .' alon~ th. I trimmed suiL with olive green ac- no{{hernl eessories Her corsage was made up of white carnations and yellow iris. Mother of the bride, Mrs. jRu~y Danielson, wore a one-piece spr~ng dress, lVrrs. Elmer Sytsma, mother of the groom, wore a blue two-piece dress. Both mothers wore corsages of white carnations wiLh pink rosebuds. The newlyweds were married in March. Earl Gillmer returned Saturday, PeLerson, nicely tanned, from a month's mov- vacation in Arizona. He attended has 17 baseball games while there and that city.met all of the members of the Tacoma Giants baseball temn. Next week is Let's All Play Ball Week. In the light of the above activities of Earl Gillmcr, and who is 84 years old, it would seem appropriate to designate him as Sheros "Mr. Baseball". and saw Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hart of Kelly Olympia, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles aaad IMYs.NeLh of Shelton, helped Jack oins threeShero celebrate his birthday at his and Gary. home Friday night. Hiekson and attended the 4-H project meeting with thm in the home of Mrs. John MaeRae. OLimrs from here were Judy Leonard and Becky Ewing. Michael Baze, son of Mr. and his mother in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barton. MR. AND MRS. DON RUTH- EI{|eORI) mid children v i s i t e d Monday evening in Agate with Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Rowe. The Merlin Rickards' home was the scene of a birthday party April 1 honoring Duane on his seventh birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lmad who brought a white iced, lemon filled circus cake U.S.D.A. CHOICE for the event. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Todd of Port Orchard and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Todd, Shelton. Dropping in were Mrs. Lowell I.lardie and children. Motm'ing lo Yakima for the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lund and Ddrlene and Linda Kel- ley. They stayed with file Dale Boiling family. Sunday callers in the Merlin Riekards home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Selchert and girls of Che- halls. Frank and Merlin hadn't seen each other for 30 years since they worked in a C.C.C. camp in Keystone, S.D. in the Black Hills. Several hours were happily spent recalling former friends and inci- dents. 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