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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 8, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 8, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE,12 SI4ELTON-- i[ASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chr stmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washing£on Thursday: : ; .... vs y.r:!' [,,;osna r, andwich aL the 4-H Dcmons',:'aLicn Day l r~M~ " ~: ' ~ " (;:' ~!] "~he (':m'~':'i~;t:~t] ~::~;~i.IOt ai'L'. :AerrLbers presented 9o~ • .~ dem- ,.,...,o Their emonsirah0ns Ma.~on County 4-H members who participated in the 4-H Dem- onstration Contest in Grant Angle School .]~Iarch.'27 received blue, b', ~’ li ~td or white ribbons for their of- forts. There were 233 demonstrations presented before seven judges dur- Auto. Glass • Er~..~llatlon JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th &, Waliroa~ Ph, 426-8231 Furniture Repair Repairing and Refinishing On All Types of Furniture SMITH FURNITURE REPAIR ing the all-day sessions. Following are the results of Ma- son County 4-H Demonstration Contest: Senior DAm: Barney Lambert (Civil Defense), Steve Anderson, Judy Smith, Artie Tozier, David Rose, Toni Cole, hirley Sykora, Georgia Magnett, Mary Beth Mag- nett. Caxolyn Brewer, Ronnie Ric- kards, Aleca Ruddell (dog), Tent Olson, Lea Snyder, Gerry Arm- strong; Gary Miltenberger, Barney Lam- bert (rocks), Ruth Ann Trotzer, "," 124 So. 2nd St, 426-8577 Paula Woods, Linda Rains, Patty Mell, Aleca Ruddell (Cookery Cru- ise), Aleca Ruddell (Child Care), Auto Repairing , Heating , AlbertaEvers, Bette Cowan, [ . Majdr.'0 drhauls I I . Safety check Lynne Dillon, Diane Gregory, Ka- m . Brak~ '&.Ignition m m . Clean-up thi Bolender, Jo Ann Cole, Toni | . Welding.&' Tune-ups m I . Minor & major repairs Olson (Sports Outfit); I • Special W'.interizing | | STARKEY'S HEATING Sharlene Mikkelsen (Home Im- m E-D'S SERVICE | | Sales & Service provement), Carolyn Auseth (Spe- ll2 W. Cots 426-3926 I 514 Elllnor 426-4673 ctal Occasions), Curt Snyder, I "'i' I • Ralph Sollock, Joe Brown, Ronnie Bakery ,a Fresh Baked Bread - Cakes - Doughnuts - Rolls - Buns - Custom Baked Cakes HI'S BAKERY Oly. H.Wy. No. (Mt. View) 426-3179 Beauty • Complete Hair Care • Wigs - Wiglets - Switches • Merle Norman Cosmetics • Free Demonstrations ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON 6th & Laurel 426-4582 Chiropractor • Office Now Open 323 Franklin Street • Phone 426-8060 J. L. DEBBAN, D.C. 9-noon 2-6 closed Thurs. Cleaning Service • Janitor Service • Wall To. Wall Carpet • House &'Upholstery • Complete Line Of Supplies DON'S JA'NJTOR SERVICE 2103 E'4th ,~Olympla 352-1367 Landscaping • Lawns, rockeries, trees shrubs • Top soil, tilling, leveling • Free estimates SUNSET LANDSCAPING Herbert Baze 426-4718 l iii [, ervice Almost Anything Anywhere Bulldozers - I,onders - Pumps Folding Banquet T~0)les & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. LEW RENTS 2216 E. 4th Olympia 357-7731 Restaurant We Feature ITALIAN FOODS Hours: 3-10 p.m. Week days 3-12 p.m. Fri. & Sat. THE PIZZA GARDEN 114 2nd Ph. 426-8011 Sand, Gravel • Top Soil • Peat Soil • Custom Tractor Work Johns Creek Sand & Gravel 426-3552 Norm Anderson Rickards (Automotive), Tom Trot- zer, Barbar Brown (Automotive), Dorothy Gunter. Gary Miltenberg- er, Jim Stone, Larry Anderson, Chuck Sheppard, Barbara Brown (Food for the gang), Shariene Mikkelsen (school outfit), Darlene Holtorf (bedtime outfit) ; Sharlene Mikkelsen (food1, Shells Hickson (bedtime outfit), Sally Wolf {home improvement), Kathleen Trotzer. Clmryl Cham- bers and Toni Cole (luncheon). Senior Red: Alberta Evers {baking is fun), Toni Olson (food for the gang), Dixie LaFond (hm- cheon) Toni Cole (bedtime outfit), Peter Olsen {food for the gang), Carolyn Rhodes (bedtime outfit), Sally Einarsson, Beth Crumb, Dix- LaFond (child care), Alcoa Rud- dell (school outfit) ; Christine Flint, Barbara Brow'n {bedtime outfit) Jeanette Gunter, Barbara Cook, Carolyn Auseth (Jr. Leadership) Marvin Simpson, Shirley Sykora (rabbits), Carolyn Rhodes (beef), and David Coffey (woodworking). Senior White: Sally Seh,idge {food providers), Carolyn Rhodes (luncheons)and Christine Flint (luncheon). Junior Blue: Randy Bracy (Let's bake), Becky Chapman, Linda Trotzer, Patty Bourgault (picnics • i HI ii i • ' and parties), Kathi Dickinson £ (picnics and p'arties), Jamie Hick- Cleaning.Service Service Station =1 son (Lets cook), Laurie Lund, | Carpo :-.Wall to Wall ! I For Good Service I Kathi Dickinson (Food Providers), | Floors -,- Stripped, Polished Windows L Wails- Upholstery! I See Us! [ Mark Heinis, Ken Bare (Picnics ] "SHELTON'S oWN" I All Work Fully Guaranteed I and parties); Bob Ruddell (food for the gang), CLEAN~N'G ~ E R V I C E i I C?. ~ C & L Time Snrvice Station I V~derie Fischer, Hnrold Redman, y~ ~,'2';..~123 NKes 426-4:~7~ ~ 4:11 So. 1st 5~, (.~.-,,,line & L oycl ~ ]-',~!ly Bourgault lt'ood for the ?,'p+t!,," , Carol Evc'i'r-; fllIT1Cbcons), YT,:v:y Evers, VTe~,Ty Bolender : t ~c(',reation le..uler>;i]i~)), Shal'on ;:::.'~rs, l~.icky Ruddell (]:cod for the gu ng), Ricky Ruddell (goats) ; Carl WiIson, Curt Hunter, Linda okonek (garden) Evan Tozier, Beth Ann Robbins, Jamie Smith, Marlene Schmidt {horse), Jan{co Brown, Sharon Evers {Poultry), Patsy Miltenberg?r (beef), Carol Evers (dog) ; Bill Hunter, FranT~ Brown,'Shiela Holtorf (horse), Ken Bare {beef), Trudy Rodgers, Clifford Taylor, Wretha Rhodes (horse), Chuck Brown (beef),' Randy Bracy (beef), Carlene Neal; Linda Okonek (Let's bake), Dora Okonek (Let's cook), Wendy Bolender (SchodI outfit), Christine Rickards, Pauline Thomason, Bev- otzer B ,erly Tr ( aking Is fun), Lydia VanderVeer (let's cook), Janet Lockwood, Lydia Vander- Veer (let's sew), Patty Bourgault (Bedtime outfit), Lea~he Swayze (cotton outfit), Mike B0urgault (bachelor), Judy Leonard; Suzanne Raymond, Kathy Hick- son, Susy McDowell {school out- If you have an alteration i Signs and problem, oW,button holes to i be made/~,~comt to us [ Show Card Lettering Vernabelle Rice [ LITTLE & BIG SHOPPE [ Phone 426-6209 1122 Cots 426-4266 I Drngs ........ i,i.i/, . Tire Service I . He, . inste II . Tire. l rod.tics .,. ~',~ I [ . PrescriptiOns I [ . Recapping I Hypo-A~prgie Cosmetics I I . Used i NELL'S PHARMACY m m OK TIRE STORES I5th & ,,Franklin Ph. 426-3327, [ m Mt. View Ph. 426-483,2 Electrical , I .] Travel • Air - Rail - Steamship • Fa~rbanks Morse Pumps | • Bus - Hotels - Tours • Electric Heating [ • No Extra Charge For • Westinghouse Appliances | Our Service SHELTON ELECTRIC CO./ [ Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave. 426-8272 ,4,19 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 ~ _ 426-4134 Floor Coverings TV Service _ - • Radio . 'IV • Phonographs • CB 2-way radio , Linoleum • Tile e Carpeting Formica REX FL00R COVERING Mr. View Ph. 426-2292 LEROY'S TV SERVICE Mt. View Ph. 426.3172 I I II I Printing : i: - , TV Service ......... . a, :.. Quality Work ] Fast and Guaranteed I of All Kinds iI I [ TV and Radio Repairs ] Antenna and Parts Service , THE JOURNAL , |Armagost TV-Rad,o Serv,c, i I m 1919 King St, (Mr. View) 1,227 C?ta ..... P ho?e 426-441,A I 426-4342 II I II II I II I II IIII fit), Joan Auseth (bedtime outfit), Linda Auseth (school outfit), Wendy Bolender (food for the gang), Robin Bakke, Dan Bolen- der, Becky Ewing, Sally Godding, Steve Lyman, Sandra McCallum, Debbie Allen, Laura VanderVeer (cotton out- fit), Christine Sehuffenhauer,,-~ Ka- thi Dickinson (special occasions), Cynthia Hawk, Tracy DeMiero, Cindy Hovind, Curtis Blackstad, Susan Swayze, Becky Chapman, (garden), Kay Go{st, Carl Wilson (bachelor), Dana Guyer, Jimmy Chr)di . Science Tlln ~>lmil~cd Jr1 Lhi3 Sunda,y's Bible Less,m to be read at all Christian Science chur- ches. The subject is "Are Sin, Dis- ease, and Death Real?" The I,'.esponsive Reading for the ~i0.V, l)e~:),i~(s with a verse from Isaiah: "Behold I create new hear- ms and a new eat%h: and tile former 8hall not be remen~bered, nor come into mind." Related passaF,es will be pre- ;ented from the Christian Science textbook, ineluding these line,~: n:;Lead ()f God ser::in;=; ;,::~',:nc~,.~ :rod death, He destroys them, and )ring:~ to light immortality . . . When Ch:ist changes a belief of ;in or of sickness into a better belief, then belief melts into spir- itual understanding, and sin, dis- ease, and death disappear" (Sci- mice and Health with Key to the ~-',eriptm'es by Mary Baker Eddy, pp. 206.442). :: .... :;~ !11:!:2: THE Friday & A| Eke --- Fraok Jim (~ot here) FOR 4-H PROGRAM---A group'of Mason County 4-H Leaders gathered recently at the Fair Grounds to make blackboards and flannelboards for each of the clubs in the county. The materials for the boards were provided by the Sears Foundation. The boards are now completed and clubs can pick them up at tl~e Extension Office. Assisting with the project, left to right, were Veta Holtorf, Helen Bakke, Jean Brown, Larue Evers, Tulla Kimbel and Cora Drake. Also assisting, but, not in the picture were Catherine Bracy and Doyle Howard. VanderVeer; Cliff Rickards (electric), Rob- ert Jackson, Kerry Harvey, Joan Auseth (luncheon), Pam Morris, Carlene Neal (let's bake), Shar- on Evers (Cotton outfit), Nancy Evers (let's sew), Laura Yonder- Veer (outdoor eating), Ruth Stout and Sandy Mell. Junior Red: James Dickinson, Dan Bolender (bachelor), Peggy Viger, Chris Frank, Kathy Jones, Diane Bourgault, Clark Chambers, Carrie Blackwell, Brian Chambers, Debbie Allen (Let's cook), Nancy Sehuffenhauer (baking is fun), Marlene Schmidt (baking is fun); Kathy Blanton, Susy McDowell (food for the gang), Sandy Bas- rkin, Susy McDowell (picmcs and leon.), Dens Straeky, Janet Lock- parties), Denise Guyer, Eric Kim-Iwood (luncheon), David Lund; ball, Susan Rains, Linda Bevis, i Patty Bourgault (home ira- Christine Bey{s, Suzmme Dodge, provement), Laura VanderVeer Cheryl Stone, Patsy Miltenberger (photography), Laura VanderVeer (child care); {home grounds), Susy McDowell Elizabeth Hickson (cotton out- (home improvement), Susan Bu- r{t), Jamie Hickson (sewing is sack, Elsie Griffin, Barbara Wolf, easy), Debby Williams, Carol Ev- Bob Ruddell (Poultry), Jill Brooks ers (cotton outfit), Renee Simp- son, Susan Paulson, Randy How- ard, Benny Williams, Rocky How- ard, Karl Johnson, Mike Larson, Scott Larson; Mark Larson, Barbara DeMiero (photography), Ricky Ruddell (garden), Lon Simpson (rabbits), Jim Einarsson, Linda Auseth {coo- and Susan Swayze (picnics and parties). Junior %Vhlte: Toni Auseth (let's cook), Ken Selvidge (beef), Mary Ann Hoosier, Shelly Lloyd, Dan- ny Bourgault (rabbits), Shirley Brown, Bobby Lynch, Teresa Mur- ray, Kerry Kimmerly, Shannon Christianson, Janeaee Welch and kery cruise), Gall Bailey (lunch- Vicki Stracky. ~) DATSUN This power-packed beauty delivers with ture comfort at hundreds of dollars below cars in its class. Here's a few heater, WSW tires, console, tonneau cover shield washer,r 4-speed stick, clock, roll-up GIVE IT A SPIN AT YOUR DEALER RAY'S RAMBLER "" Sales & Service 616 Legion Way Olympia '=Since 1935" IIURPRlSE SPORTS CAR THE ~ i:Έ i::ii~i;iiiii.::F:::),.:i;: ii.:'~::~i'i~i? :":::YL'/~ .. :,.'::~ .... : " :'%.'"::.: i ::. "i" .... • :!::ii.:.~ ".::>ii!;~}!.!~;i~fi!.~i;i Y! ~:i:i;i} DRAW YOUR DREAM HOUSE AND SEND IN! Your chances of winning? Excellent! Contestl is op en only to Northwest remdents" 18 years of age or older. Easy to enter! Nothing to buy! Those plans you've been doodhng of your future home could be wet{Areal money now. Send for contes~ rules and entry forms toda C y. ( ontest doses April 30.) BuiIding Dream Houses;•. That's Our Business/ We'll gIadIy esthmate the cos of building your own design on your lot. OR, choose from our selection of more han two dozen plans (each offering unlimited variations). If you wish, we'll even make all of the necessary financial arrangements. In many cases, your lot is the only down payment needed. division of CHICO LUMBER & HARDWARE, INC., 8105 Highwa~ 21, 6~emertor~ Waah, ES=ex 3.5001. mm | mmo | n mm mm U n u | mm | n n | nm TO : Cascade Homes D/vMon Chico Lumber 8’ Hsrdwsre~ [11’, 8105 Highway 21 II Bremerton, Washington I I ! ! I I I [] Please send DRAW YOUR DREAM HOME and entry, [3 I have, or will have, clear deed to a lot, and wol 42-page booklet of sample house pl NAME ADDRESS CITY... mm mm mm mm mm mm m mm m mm mm m mm mm mm J ’ DI /