April 8, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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SHELTON--MA )N JOURNAL -- Pub! hed tn "ChHstme own U,S.A," S elt0n
• ked Wha|'s
lng C°°kln'?
o,o th n 20 i ;;;
of beautiful
Woods. Also
line of fir
ille roof-
windows, nails,
d°era, crystal
and many
ore building
of good
..... at low prices.
the Snlart
Buy. You
it! At the
by Vern
DONYA SANFORD, shown in the above Journal photo with sons
Todd and Troy, shares her recipe for Raisin Bars with the readers
this week. Donya has been elected pre-school PTA president for
next year.
Modern methods of mixing and
baking have taken a lot of work
out of making cookies withouL
taking anything away from the
flavor. Donya Sanford's recipe for
Raisin Bars is quick and easy to
prepare and one she and husband
Ron like especially well.
Passenger and Express
Service Between
Shelton, Olympia and all
Intermediate Points
Only one way
~*"'~ ............ CUT THIS OUT ......................
Shelton-01ympia Bus Schedule
A.M. P.M.
8:00 Iv. Shelton ............ ar. 7:50 5:05
8:40 at. Olympia ........ Iv. 7:15 4:30
Daily except Sat., Sun. and Holidays
For Further Information Call:
Ilremerlon.Tacoma Stages, inc.
)ot Shelton Depot
Depot Shelton Hotel
The Sanfords have lived in Shel-
ton about a year. Ron works at
the Batstone Funeral Home and
Donya stays home and takes car(,.
of Todd, who is nearly four years
old, and Troy, who just turned
over his first year.
She is active in the Shel-Toa
Orthopedic Guild and St. David'S
Episcopal clmrch and was recent-
ly elected president of pre-school
PTA for next year.
Donya likes to sew and knit and
she and Ron are both skiing en-
1 cup seedless raisins
1 cup water
½ cup salad oil
1 slightly beaten egg
1~ Cup sifted flour
¼ tsp. salt
1 tsp. soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. allspice
% tsp. cloves
'/~ cup nuts
Combine raisins and w at e r.
Bring to boiling. Remove from
heat and stir in salad oil. Cool to
lukewarm. Stir in sugar and egg.
Sift together dry ingredients and
beat into raisin mixture. Add nuts.
Pour into greased 13 x 9 x 2 pan.
Bake at 375 degrees 20 minutes.
When cool cut in bars and dust
with confectioners sugar.
Moose Lodge Slates
Dance This Saturday
A social evening with dancing to
live music is planned for this Sat-
urday evening by the Shelton
Moose Lodge. All lodge members
and candidates for membership
are invited to attend and enjoy
themselves in the newly decorated
Dancing will begin at 9:30 p.m.
and last until 1:30 a.m. For in-
formation call G o v e r n o r Earl
Owen at 426-6406.
now ,. Who ever heard of an economy tiger?
'"Y? Plc~ s.!and~:'r~ called the --,- ' ~ ...... thrives on reg-
~ the )=~ equiDm~, Pv.tac T= ~ot A ~ppy six that ......... n- TheWIde.Track
~tO~lS= -~Uhp V~8~t reel more tig~ish and still want regul~ u~ it PantlacTigcrs
'~LJNTRv' =gine The price? A trifle as tigers go Luu. -,
233 OUth First St. 8helton, Wash.
Oloquallum Oouple
Honored On 40th
Wedding Anniversary
More than 130 relatives and
friends attended a reception March
21 in the Cloquallum, Grange hall:
to honor MY. and Mrs. Albert Le-
Gault Sr. on their 40th wedding
A family dinner was held in the
home of a daughter, Mrs. Arthur
Hliboki after the reception.
Mr. and Mrs. LeGault were
married March 17, 1925 in Van-
couver. They came to M a s o n
county 37 years ago and have
lived here ever since., A life-long
truck driver, Mr. L6Gault now
drives a logging truck for George
Five of the couple's children at-
tended the reception. They are
Mrs. Lea (Helen) Anderson, Clo-
qualhlum; Mrs. O~wille (Doro-
thea) Waller, Grayland; Mrs/ Ar-
thur (Marjorie) Httboki, Cloqual.
lum; Mrs. Alvin (Alberta) Nagle,
Shelton; and Albert L6Gault Jr.,
Guests from Aberdeen, Shelton,
Elma, Malone, Buckley, Olympia
and TacOma attended.
Mrs. Walt (Mary) Chapple, a
granddaughter of the couple, pre-
sided at the coffee urn and Albert
LeGault Jr. was at the punch
bowl. A decorated cake, topped
With a 40th wedding anniversary
emblem, was s e rye d by Mrs.
Verle (Patricia) York, another
In charge of the guest book was
another granddaughter, Miss Mar-
jorle Lou Hltbokt. ]~Irs. Waller
and Mrs. Michael (Betty) O'Leary,
a granddaughter of the ~nniver-
sary couple, were in charge of
gifts, and others assisting were
Michael and Danny O'Leary.
As Mr. and Mrs. LeGault cut
i their cake, Arthur Hlibokt played
"The Anniversary Waltz" on his
aocordioa. He was accompanied
by St. Citizen's group of Abet'
deen'~ E-~rgreen Club No. 2 who
also entertained the h o n'o r e d
guests and their friends and rela-
Uves wlth muB~c for dancing as
well as several vocal numbers.
Pioneer PT0 Sells
New Cookbook
Pioneer PTO has begun its sale
of the new cookbook, "Favorite
Recipes of the Great Northwest".
The book contains more than 800
favorite recipes which were sub-
mitted by various clubwomen of
the Pacific Northwest and is sold
only through clubs for fund rais-
A splendid gift for weadings,
showers, and other special occa-
sions, the book contains recipes
suitable and practical for every-
day meals as well as for special
"/ Copies of the.cookbook may be
• obtained from any member of the
Pioneer PTO Ways and Means
committee which is headed by
Mrs. Ella Studer.
EiSner Chapter No. 177, Order
of the Eastern Star at Union in-
Style Show Gives
Hotel Diners Feel
O,fCity Living , ,,
An air of being in the 'city
pervaded the beautiful new Shel-
ton Hotel dining room and coffee
shop last Thursday when a style,~
show presented by the Mode O'
Day dress shop entertained diners
from 12:30 - 2 p.m.
Background music by Johnnie
Halvorsen at the organ enhanced
the atmosphere while clothing for
all occasions was displayed by
models of varying sizes to give
everyone a chance to "pictnre"
themselves in the styles shown.
Julie Sagmiller entranced the
capacity audience with her pres-
entation of pre-school styles while
her sister, Anne, modeled the jun-
ior sizes. Misses clothing in fern'
sizes was modeled by Gall Ogg~
Mary Bailey, and BeSts and Cheryl
Cowan while Mima Oppelt dis-
played half sizes.
Fabrics oT many textures and
blends were utilized in the group
of summer clothing which includ-
ed • suits, coats, jackets, dresses
sweaters, uniforms, shifts, sports-
wear, bathing suits and accesso-
A sampling of opinions from
viewers gave the general impres-
sion that stylewise local women
prefer full length coats to shorty
coats, with white being the favor-
ed color. In the sweater line they
pick colors over white. Shifts are
the number one favorite in dresses
and the fabulous color choices in
the sportswear make Selection dif-
Rhododendron Seed
Bdlain To Be
Distributed Locally
Members of the Pacific Rhodo-
dendron Soctet¥ will have ~he
privilege of growing seeds from
on~ of Britain's most famous gar-
dens Brodick Castle on the West
Coast of Scotland.
The Castle garden is in one of
the world's most ~avored rhode-
dendron belts, climate wise, and
some of the world's finest plants
grow there. A generous Supply of
seeds from these plants have come
across the sea to be reproduced
for our own Pacific West gardens.
The gardens at Brodick Castle
were developed by the late Dutch-
ass of Montrose. Since most ,f
the great gardens of Britain were
developed by men it was most un~
usual for a woman to be among
the leaders. Rhododendron molly-
Inure, a giant of a tree with dark
pink flowers, was grown first on
Brodtck from seed sent over from
Tibet and was named for the
Dutch~ss whose name was Molly
The meeting will be held at 2
p.m. Sunday in the PUD auditori-
um. The public is invited. No
Mrs. Bell Hosts
WCTU Luncheon
Last Friday 22 women enjoyed
the hospitality of Mrs. Blanc[
Bell at the 1 p.m. luncheon of the
Woman's Christian Temperance
President Mrs. Mary Turner
conducted the business meeting
and M~.s. Nena Roberts had charge
stalled new officers for the coin-
ing year March 26 in the Union
Masonic Temple. of the program entitled "Philoso-
Installed were Evelyn Nichol- phy of the Narcotic EducatiOn
son, Hoodsport, worthy matron:
Fred Martin, Lilliwaup, worthy Bureau" by Helen M. Allen. Assist-
Patron; Mrs. James Reecler, assoc- ing Mrs. Roberts was Mrs. Gladys :
late matron; James Reader, asso- Rowe, Miss Marian Johnson, Mrs.
elate patron; Mrs. Betty Goodpos- Dorothy Roberts, Mrs. W. H.
ter, Secy.; Mrs. Frieda Smith,Snelgrove, Mrs. Marie Smith and
Mrs. Kathryn Eells.
treasurer, ss Mrs. Olive Quartier led the as-
Mrs. Marie Turner, conductre ;
Mrs, Catherine Wermer, associate votions using the 90th Psalm....
The May meeting will be hem
Appointive o f f i c e r s installed in the Methodist church with Mar-
tan Johnson and Mrs. Snelgrove as
The women of St. David's ~|s-
copal church will hold their an-
nual 'after EaSter" tea April 21
in the pariah hall from 2 - ~:30
p.m. With entertainment through-
out the afternoon. The public is
invited to attend.
The Rachel Knott Ort opedic /
Guild will meet at the home oz~
Mrs. Oe~,~ge Cropper &pr~! 1~..fori
a 12:20 p.m. luncheon meeung.[
~t~. George Grisdale will be co-]
noste.._=. ,
.... ' l
were Hazel Dammon, chaplain;
Frances Moake, marshal; Zona
Senn, organist; Maybelle Willson,
Adah; Billy Astley, Ruth; Erna
Martin, Esther; Pearl Schmidt,
Martha; Mamie Kaare, Elects;
Gordon Stolze, warder and Tom
Turner as sentinel.
The hall was beautifully decor~
ated in pink and white, the colors
of the new matron. Helping inr
stall th~ officers were installing
matron Zona Senn, jr. past ma*
tron, and Tom Turner, jr. past pa-
tron of Elinor chapter assisted .b~
PM E eo,la ~rcKempson, Hattie
Pierce, Welcome Chapter as Chap:
lain; Bca Larson as organist and i
soloist. •
A reception followed tn the din-i
ing room with Mrs. Susan Cheat-
ham and Mrs. Doris ~rdea ~t:
the punch bowl; gift table, l~ktna
Haines; program covers by the
~randdaughter of worthy patron
Fred Martin; guest book, Juc~y
Nicholson, past honored queen of
Bethel No. 37.
Woffthy matron Evelyn's theme
is "Stairway to the
l~tars", her
watchwords, f a I t h, love and
frlend~hio. She extends her thanks
to all who helped make the eve-
ing a successful one.
Navy Mothers Attend
Bremerton Luncheon
Seven members of the local
Navy Mothers Club attended a
luncheon at the home of Mrs. H.
Ireland, commander of Bremer-
ton's Navy Mothers Club March
10. Several members of the Brem-
erton club were there also.
The SheltOn club presented the
Bremerton Club with six baby lay-
ettes to be given to wives of
Navy men who are in need of
them. The local group donates
from 15 - 20 of these layettes a
First place wimmr for the men
at the March 27 card party spon-
sored by the Eagle Auxiliary
went to Jack Smith; second place
to Roy Moore. M~'tle Swearingen
won first place for women with
Edna Kneeland coming in second.
The next card party will be
held at 8 p.m. this Saturday in tht
airport h~ti. The public tle invited.
hold tight in
They seal
A strip of special petroleum resin
on the underside of each shingle
seals it down. Come in for a
MOUNTAIN CLIMBING and skiing are favorite hobbies of Janet Where the Smart People
Maranville who Is a member of the Top Ten in the 1965 gradu-
ating ©laml frorrv ~heltoll H=igl~ =onooI this spring. Janet plans to be buy their building materials
a literature teaoheP. L o f all kind. You guessed
, , = , it! The Sound MJllwork Co.--
This week's feat~ senior, ~dx years old. She has two sisters,V2-mile so. of Shelton on
Janet Maranville, is one of the Dabble, 15, and Nancy, 11. the Olymplo.. HlwaY.l* ' '
Top Ten students in her graduat- A 5 3" blue-eyed brunette, Jan-
....... ^ ~- - Let lists her tWo favorite hobbies
lng class ot about Z~U. :~l'e plans __ _,.p__ ._.,.s: ..... " .... '
• ^ ..a~or i~ En~,i.~ ...~_= , _. tus ~ ut~, wzucrt She has ~lao The
w ,,, j ,, g, m~ w,,m~ m,c a~- 0 rtunlt to d a
tends college and wants to be a~r ~Y" o lot of this
• , na mountain climbing
literature teacher. She has not ....... •
made a final decision as to which :mac amo enjoys reamng.
college abe will attertd. • ' "
Music has played an ,in~po~t~tl
Price plu. tea
We don't call it a watch. All the parts
that make a watch fast or slow have
been left out. The balance wheel,
springs, staff and screws. Accutron
does not use these parts. Instead, a
tiny tuning fork keeps time through
vibrations that are battery powered.
Accutron time is so precise that we
guarantee~average monthly accuracy
within 60 seconds, which averages
OUt to about 2 seconds a day. And
we know owners who have not gained
or lost this in a year. Accutron by
Bulova. From $125.00.
II __
part in Jailer's life. During her
Sophomore and junior years she
played the flute in the Seattle
Youth Symphony, the only young
person from Shelton ever to par-
ticipate tn this program. She gave
it up this year because of the de-
mands it made on her time.
Janet plays the flute in the
high school band and is secretary
of that group. She is a member
of Honor Society and turus out
?or tennis in the spring. Her ac-
tivities outside of school include
participation in the Candy Striper
program at the hospital and tLe
Bible study group of the Metho-
dist church.
Band, French, physics, composi-
tion and civics are subjectS on
Janet's schedule this semester.
Ahnost a Christmas baby, Janet
was born Dec. 24, 1946 in Chica-
go, Ill. She moved to Shelton with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Maranville, when she was abo'ut
The S a 1 t y Sashayers Square
Dance Club has cancelled its reg-
ular dance this Saturday night as
the Council dahce in the Tacoma
armo~T is the same night.
~Guaranteed for overage dally accurocy within 2 seconds. Your Accut,on jeweler,
LW]II adjusl time to fh;s tolerance, i[ necessary. Guoranfee ;s for one full year.
ii i i i i t i i i ii ii
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Your engine warmS up quickly, gives You peak
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