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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 8, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 8, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 14 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in ¢¢Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thl i II1' I Hrs BAKERY ea HAMBURGER or WIENER This Week's Feature -- BANANA NUT CAKE LESLIE 26 oz. BOX Festival Queen Strawberry 40 oz. Shop-Rite Creamy or Crunchy 18 oz. Jar CENTENNIAL 25 lb. bag $1.69 POUND SACK Facial Tissues . . Wow! What A Buy! ° 39 Pack DELICIA -- Y2 GALLON e Darigold Quality Slices, Kraft, Amer., Pimiento, Swiss. CHEESE 3 $1 .............................. Pkgs. Surf Mist Broken 4~/2 oz. Tin ........................ MJB RICE Long Grain Personal Size ....................... Bars Liquid Detergent ~IL 22 oz. Bottle ............................ JOY LIQUID = oz. Bott,e ............ 49 or Cheer ............................ Giant Box TOP JOB ,,e .................... 39 HI, flEmGHBOR A SHOP-RITE FAVORITE RglS \ Ranch Fresh AA Large EGGS DOZ. WESCO FANCY WOW! HERE IT IS AGAIN--YOU ASKED FOR IT! 8 OUNCE TIN 400's .... + $1 ....Norwich ASPIRIN 100 Tablets Reg. 49¢ TALL TINS ... SALVE M S ROP-RITE! Brownie FAP ( Y SL R[$T RAVELS,,, FL LL OF $V +-ET ,, LEMONS Fancy -- Full Of Vitamin "C" l, as New By Mrs. SOUTHSIDE 109 met at the Herrick March 23 ed. Jo Ann leader and Joyce assistant leader. the ~rownie Hoff. Brownies voted on pins they Cindy Hutchins l [ Brownie Troo ]home of their 1, • rielc'~ March 30 PARAfiU$F+"+ '~°''~°~ °'° 15 Young And Tender POUND PIRK GR:APEIFi UIT THIN-SKINNED DELUXE FLORIDA PINKS A WONDERFUL BREAKFAST TREAT... SERVE FRESH GRAPEFRUIT OFTEN U.S. Choice Beef Full Flavored, Economical POUND Young Tender USDA Inspected Oven-Ready "Roast Rite" Turkeys . . . 18-20 Pound Sizes Today's Best Meat Buy . . . Buy Now For Easter! U.S. Choice Beef Lean Arm Cuts. POUND VNF CHUCK ROUND BONE POUND h(~ld outside. Lmmie Christensen bers of the Cool was a visitor. Brownies in ed pieces of pulp and played gamee brought the The Rock Candy was held consisted of 40 the riders eight minutes to make vet' Stars that Magnett, Tibbets and others from this were Margaret McGarvie, Kathy Bishop and Bob John. Al~ had a accidents and the by all. VISITING G. L. Lord and last weekend, Lord, who is versity of Meeting at the Asche of Arcadia were the past of the Eagles ing were WestcotL, Herzog, Clara Opal Lancaster Skookum the home of April 8. Guests of MrS. Wednesday for Virgil Morgan, and two children man. Mrs. Richard week in eastern ing Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Richard from Eastern Miss Helen E. ~Mrs. Lowell who stayed for Mr. and Mrs. they all went day at Oyehut and Larry Noll guests+ of the VISITORS Walter Kratcha, ~.aLm'(lay were ley Butcher Cleary, My. Michael of cha of Siletz, Kimball, Mac Cleary, John ITlerton, Mr. anct family Kratcha. Guests of M)' Stuck last were Mr. and and son of Stuck and Mrs, son and dau Sunday WalLet- Kratcha, were Mr. Jimmy of Doug Perrine erdeen, Mr. land of Glen Kratcha Kratcha, VISITORS of Kratcha Mrs. Glen Siletz, Ore. Mr. Montgorne movies at the Friday at 8 the Southside refreshmentS. Southside party April Nadine to be chairman. Nabisco Big Bag ................ Spec. Tree Top Quarts Vets Reg. Or Liver No. 1 Tins M.D. Quality . . . Always A Top Value 4-Roll Pkgs. Duchess 303 Tins Washtcx Liquid,.. Compare The Price-- Compare Thc Quality i/~ GALLON Campbell's Vegetable Varieties (Non-Meat) No. 1 Tins Maxwell House Pound Tin INSTANT MAXWEll. HOUSE ...... .............................................................. ,o oz. $1°g FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS . . . Rhodes Frozen White ..... ....... Loaf Pkg. Minute Maid Orange Defile ................ 6 oz. Shrimp Booth Breaded l-Lb. Pkg, ! Milwaukee Plump, Tender, Juicy POUND GROUND CHUCK ,-,,G,-, ,N QOAL,T¥ LOW IN CALORIES ................................. POUND SMOKED BEEF M,LWAOKEE c.,PpED 4 OZ, PKG. 35¢ .............................................. 3 PKGS. Feliowshi By The Hood its regular Local Lions net' meeting the Hood 9, house. Special ning was Governor of was son, acting OCEAN PERCH FRESH FILLETS, FREE RECIPE HERE FOR 33 FISH STEAK A LA MARINADE ........................ LB. MEAT MARIHADE ADOLP.'S , INSTANT ............................................ 4/5 OZ. PKG. Zone C. Powells' subject of Melvin Jones progress of th the years up ing in 129 Special gue~ HASH BROWN POTATOES GOLD LAB -L ep..aul lb. Pack3/=1 member of the .................................... Tiny Paige, We Guarantee Everything -- Even Our Smile. PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 8-9-10. LIMIT RIGHTS. New Hours 9 - 9 Mon. thru Sat. -- Sun. 10 - 7 er from Olyr~ Everett Lions Club; dent of the Dave ChapP~ Lions Club; Iverson of th~ Ike Sig'm'se]~, ; bo Lions Club; the DowntoWl~ John Pill Canal also a gtle; During new the acting menlbers George carl ky, Burt Smith.