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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 8, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 8, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8, 1965 or Your hey ~rcise, laxatives, 80-Cti] le(| rcdtlt'- cookies or iS ~i illl~' 'I~tb- • Wh n you [ enjoy yollr YOU like, but urge for ex- NEx depres- your IllllS[ yollr owu doc- eal less, excess fat Just re- and CEN'rEig led SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in ¢¢Christmastown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington Kami!ehe Minister Ard Wile Are Pa by Norms Taylor M'rs, Ix?shard Cole joined them for Smith as Sentinal and Mrs. Nor- man, Mrs. Gladys Nelson and I(AMILCIIiq Cm~;'~atulati(m,: tim ,lay ,m '~unday. ma Taylor as Adah. Mrs. Carrie Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morkert. Io Rev. and Mrs. }(::q'l Br:Mlc:/ ,m Mr. :m(I Mrs. Wayne Clary look Conover and Mrs. Ollie SchooleySATURDAY, ~Ir. and Mrs. the birth of a real sweet lilile thtir children, Mike, Jerry, Janet were guests of Mrs. Florence Tay- Dan Wood had as their dinner girl, Dianne M'u'ie Bradley, born and Pan] to Seattle last week tolor at the installation, guests, Pete Benson of Des Moines Sun(lay aL ShelLon General Hospi-see Shindig. The owners of the real smartand Bob Wiles of Seattle. tal. There will be a Potluck Dinner looking new blue automobile at! YOUR CHOICE OF 6 GIANT-SIZE TOY RABBITS! \¥edncsday, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Wiles made a business trip io Seattle, and in the evening, ('n- joyed a delicious dinner of Cifinese cuisine with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wiles. Spending the weekend in their trailers at Riwn'side Park aL Co- palls Beach were, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Miller of Carlyon Beach. Mr. and They're cute, cuddly, come ill gay colors---for children of all ages! If you've been thinking of a new refrigerator, washer or whatever~wait no more. Get your Frigidaire Big Spring Buy right now--and we'll include your "Rabbit" absolutely FREE! Mr. and Mrs. Owes Miller of Taylor Towne, are Mr. and Mrs. Carlyon Beach, and Mr. and Mrs. Norris Sheffler, the operators of h'a Stansbury were guests Men- Taylor Towne Restaurant. day evening at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nelson and Mrs. Harry Simmons. nmde a trip to Delphi Sunday to visit Mr. Nelson s sister, ~frs. Sunday, a family dimmr was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Adams. Jerome Burke with guests; Mr. 117 attended the dance Satur- and Mrs. Darhl Avery and chil- day night at Progress Grange dren, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Avery Hall. Working on the dance corn-and son, Mr. and Mrs. James Col- mittee were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon lins and. children, Mr. and Mrs. Todd, Mr. and Mrs. John Bariek- James Avery and three boys, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Avery and f:mily all of Olympia. sad Do~ Avery of Yakima, and Mr. mad at Progress Grange Irriday night. After lhe dinncr, members will at:- tend tim Irriendshil) Meeting at Agate (]range. Saturday night, our community was well "~'epresenled at tlie 71st. installs,Lion of Welcome Chapter No. 40, Order of the Eastern Star. mrs. Evelyn Ellison was installed as Wortl@ Matron; Mrs. Mildred Blackwe!d'er as chaplain, Mrs. Flo- rence. Taylor as treasurer, Ale>: CO|lnty" New FRIGIDAIRE Dishmobile with Super-Surge Washing Action! And we'll tradel • Big 14 place setting capacity (NEMA) for once-a-day dishwashing! • Gets dishes much cleaner, more sanitary than hand dishwashing. • Easy front-loading-- rolls away for storagel Mrs. William Schulke of Bremer- ton. In the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Burke and Mrs. Leon Avery drove to Sea-Tar with Leon Averse, who was returning to his base in California.. At the Kamilche Community Church there is a Teachers and Workers Training Course every night this week at 7 p.m. Enjoying a weekend of horse- back riding at the Wayne Clarys was Kathy Wiley of Bremerton. SUNDAY, MISS Nellie Moore of Olympia, was honored at a birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pendergraft. Dinner guests at the Martin Sties' Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Taylor were guests in the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mobbs Sunday. Thursday, the Progress Grange Hall dining room received a fresh coat of paint. Working on the pro- ject were .Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Of She,on a ,rune 426-4393 Nelson, Mr .and Mrs. Harry Sim- mons, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Rich- ards, Mrs. Dorothy Todd, Mrs. Hazel Raines and Curtis Cam- mack. With the recent installation of ceiling tile and upholstered benches, the dining room has ac- quired a very cozy, comfortable at- mosphere. Mrs. Cordelia Putman of Span- way, and Mrs. Ca~Tie Durand of Shelton, were dinner guests of Mrs. Florence Taylor Friday. Sunday evening guests at the home of the Bob Wiles' were Mr. and Mrs. Bill McAferty and chil- dren of Olympia. Mark Craddick left for Plati- num, Alaska this week. He works there during the summer months. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Ellison, Mrs. Frances Simmons, Miss Christine Ellison, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Whitener attended church services at the Evange- listic Tabernacle to hear Marshall Ellison in the Choir of the North- west Bible College. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Otto visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Huskey and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Griggs of Olympia Saturday, The Ira Stansburys and the Ce- cil Blackwelders were Thursday evening callers at the Ed Taylors for a few games of pinochle. Dinner guests Wednesday even- ing at the Harry Simmons' were Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Johnson of Olympia. Rev. C. E. Stubbs, missionary throughout South America and re- cently from Mexico, will be the guest speaker Sunday athc the Kamilche Community Chur . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bloomfield were Saturday evening callers at the Bob Wiles' residence. Sunday, Mrs. Eugene Taylor and Mrs. Emma McDonald were dinner guests at the lmme of Mrs. Carrie Durand in Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ponder- graft spent the day Tuesday in Tacoma. --d TUESDAY EVENING the N- win Taylors dropped in on the Cecil Blackwelders. During the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith Jr. stopped by to report some cat- tle on the road. Luckily, this even- ing the Blackwelders were able to continue a relaxing evening at home, the cattle belonged to an- other cattleman in the. area. The Blackwelders cattle are neighbor- ly and do visit at times. It keeps Cecil in training. -~-1 Pupils of the Kamilche ,~cnou are bus la In out a ractice field in YprepYraatgion for t2e~ com- ing Mason County Track and Field Meet to be held in Shelton May 11. This meet not only pro- vides competition for boys, ac- cording .to age and size; but also gives the girls an opportunity to compete in a limited number o~ field events. While this date con- flicts With the program for giving the second polio vaccine; it ap- pears that these arc minor, and satisfactory dales will be worked out. Over the weekend many pupils attended the open house on the naval carrier, Constellation. After an inspection of this great air- plane carrier; they visited the newly completed Darigold plant at Bremerton. They reported see- ing one of the most modern plants of it's kind in the west. Mrs. Page's room is busy lnak- ing Easter Lilies with all the trimnflngs. Their school party will hc given in the afternoon of Good Friday, April 16. Pupils have certainly bern on their good behavior for the past several weeks, guess why? Their report cards are coming out Fri- day. As one pupil asked tlm teacher, "What besides getting om mlbjects real good, can we do to raise our grades." Ken Knowlton, Dircctor of Ma- son-Thurston County Audio-Vis- ual Department, visited the school today. He brought thc Walt Dis- ncy picture "Beaver Valley" and "Life of a Fish". Pupils have been reading "Paddletail the Bea- ver", so they may better under- stand the pictures. Plans are in full swing for the coming P.T.O. Carnival at school April 30. A full assortment of ac- tivities are planned for all ages. The new flaming red Mustang is making Mr. Whitener a pop- ular teacher these days; and makes an attractive addition in the parking lot at Kamilche School. PAGE 15 By Anitat Dagger thteir hmch. When Davey saw Sunny Sunday, April 4th, was them he hollered "Daddy, I)addy", a day for taking to the hills and for what young man of'two years that is just what many people will admit among other men, that did. A club of jeeps, truck loads he misses his Mamma? of backpackers and Hondas by I don't believe I've known a time the dozen rewed up their motot~ when thrum wasn't at least two as they spun up the hill leading campers at Brown's Creek and to Camp Govey and the Olympic later in the spring and summer National forest, one will have to go many miles Our son Pat and his friends beyond just to find a place to and relation, Jammer Lawsons, park. The Dept; of Forestry main- Frank Lees, Norman Rogers and tains this camp ground in a won- their children and friends unload- derful way with a pump for water, clean, sanitaa'y toilets and gar- ed their Hondas and took off lear- bage disposal facilities. We need ing little Davey Dugger with us. Davey wouldn't stop crying so many, many more of these camp grand:ha and grandpa, had" to takegrounds. to the hills in the cat" mid "find WE DROVE UP to Homan flats Mamma." where there is a lot of nice tim- The roads are good and not: ber growing and the second dusty yet, still some snow on the growth is getting tall where it was shady side of the mountains and logged off 25 years ago. Many piled along the roads in gxx)tesque years ago, old-timers lived in these statumT. Timid green leaves of hills but the only evidence of their piggy-back plants, fern and other homes now are rusty bed springs, green things peep from beneath stoves and burnt timbers. The their blanket of snow, pressed CCC camps are gone too, but the fern and leaves but no flowers roads they built are maintained. that I could see. We watched those Jeeps go WE STOPPED to talk to four through the creeks and up the Honda riders who were watching hillsides like billy goats. We rode seven deer. The deer are so used behind the itondas in our car, to the noise bf trucks and dozers through the timber where the sun that they are not alarmed. We are flecked through the trees and it surprised to find that quite a few was as pretty a sight as you or deer did survive the unusually I will ever see. Near the ~)ad cold and snowy winter: The Hen- that goes to Cushman dam we da riders told us we would find saw a club of back-packers strung our party at Brown's Creek Camp- along the road for a mile. Most ground and sure enough, there of them were old women. were the 12 Hondas parked in a row like 11 red fillys and a yellow stallion. The folks were eating State Facts Pamphlet Gone, No More Slated The "Facts To Help You Know Washington State" leaflet pub- lished by the Tourist Promotion Division of the Department of Commerce and Economic Develop- ment is now out of print and is not scheduled to be reprinted. Ted R. Knightlinger, manager of the Tourist Promotion Division, said budgetary limitations would not permit reprinting at this time. "The decision as to whether the Facts leaflet will be reprinted in the future will be announced lat- er," Knightlinger said. Knightlinger said the last print- ing of the Facts leaflet, 400,000~ in 1963, had cost the division ap- proximately $7,000. "While there is a strong demand for this leaflet by Washington school children, this Facts leaflet is not in itself a tourist promotion piece and our limited budget at :this time has forced us to discon- tinue publication," Knightlinger said, KEEP R S H in GTO I1 ~-~;----~:3 FROM HEROIN This illegal narcotic was first preparc:l in 1898 and was given the German trade name "hero- in" to conceal its relationship to morphine. It is said that this name was chosen because the drug im- parts a sc'nse of grandeur and makes the taker feel like a "hero." , Masonic Official Visits Mt. Moriah Saturday Mt. Moriah Masonic Temple will receive the official visit of Donald M. Workman, deputy to the Grand ; Master in District 17, during the lodge'S stated communication for April next Satusday night, accord- ing to notices sent members by lodge secre~ary Arnold L. Cheney this week. Balloting on two candidates for affiliation will also be conducted at Satin-day's communication. Tonight at a called communica- tion a third degree will be con- ferred. Both communications will be held in the Masonic Temple at Third and Cedar Streets. APPRECIATION EXPRESSED • The Hood Canal Lions- Club wishes to express its thanks to the residents of the Lilliwaup, Hoo~ls- port, Potlatch, and Union .area for their help in making the I~ irst An- nual Broom sale a sweeping sue- cess. Public reception was so good that all sales teams sold their en- tire broom supply before can- vassing all areas. Davey rode on the Honda with Pat for a while, then we brought him home and the rest of the party went to the Dam. Next Sun- day ~e are going to see the Dry Bed Lakes and some of this coun- try that lies above our farm. It sure is a big country. Fifth & Franklin St. 426-3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays .-- 9:30 - 6:30 You'll find him here--ln all shapes and s|zess hopping happily on Hallmark cards, gift wraps and party sets. In one convenient stop you can sdect F_~ter cards ~or everyone you want to remember~ cards for children to send" and receive, decorations for home or Sunday School, Easter gifts and lovdy papers to wrap them in. Plus all the matching party' accessories you need for easy ,Easter entertaining. , Hop rigl down-- for the best d fioa ia towal EVERGREEN SQUARE w/t DURINO OUR Say "goodbye forever" to messy, dd fask. MODEL. RB340 ioncd oven cleaningl Oven walls slide out smoothly- can bc sponge-cleaned at the range or washed at the sink. Coated with Du Pont'a miracle, non-stlck finish. No scouring. Baked. on grease washes off easily. Other ddux~ Eells & Valley Appliance Oenter featuresincludeanautomatictlmerandwide, 2nd & Cots 426-4663 family-size oven with window door. Sale- "Where you get the best deals, by George" ~ri¢l~d bdow many he,d-to-clean ranges,