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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 8, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 8, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Hear Rai Truman Kirkvold, area director for Burlington Northern Railroad Inc., Tacoma, will be the speaker at the Shelton Chamber of Commerce membership meeting tonight. The meeting starts with dinner at Heinie's Broiler at 7 p.m. followed by the program at 8p.m. Kirkvold was born in Iowa and grew up in Southeastern Minnesota. He began his railroad career with the engineering department of the former Northern Pacific Railway Co. and later transfered to the traffic department. He served with the railroad in St. Paul, Minn.; Kansas City, Mo.; Minneapolis, Minn.; Bismark, N.D. ; Miles City, Mont.; Spokane, Billings, Mont.; Duluth, Minn. and has been in Tacoma since the merger which created the Burlington Northern in 1970. Todd Scoles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bern Scoles of Shelton, met Gov. Daniel J. Evans when he worked in Olympia as a Senate page for a week. Todd is an 8th grader at Shelton Jr. High. Shown in the Governor's office are (left to right) Todd, Kathy Raymond of Yakima, Mary Jenne of Seattle, and Governor Evans. Swartos To Permit Head Jaycees J erry Swartos was elected president of the Shelton Jaycees for the coming year at a dinner meeting of the group Tuesday night. Other officers elected are Bob Strachilla, internal vice-president; Kirk Criner, external vice-president; Vern St. Louis, state director; Chuck Ruhl, secretary-treasurer and Lonney Kennedy and Bruce Yost, directors. BE Day About 25 Chamber of Commerce members attended the Education-Business Day program last week. The group met at Mt. View School where they looked over the new addition to Mr. View School. They also toured the new handicapped school building Simpson Bridge which is under construction. -Project Told They heard a review of the $ ~ f~ new ~elton HitCh 7 l~chool and concluded th'e program with lunch at the school. Lutherans Set Service Faith and Mt. Olive Lutheran Churches will hold a joint Easter Service at 8 a.m. Sunday at the Mt. Olive Church. The choirs of both churches will join in singing the Hallelujah Chorus. Choir directors are Herbert Vonhof and Phil Stoehr and organists are Sue Johnson and Mildred Putvin. Rev. Kenneth Robinson and Rev. Roland Huber will conduct the liturgy and carry through the theme "The Resurrection and Our Life". Coffee and rolls will be served in the church parlors following the service. Regular worship services will be conducted at each of the churches later in the day. The Faith Lutheran service is at 11 a.m. and the Mr. Olive service at 10:30 a.m. Application has been received by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Seattle office from Frank W. Crichton, Potlatch, for Department of the Army permit for certain work in Hood Canal near Potlatch. The proposed work includes drive piling and installation .of a float system and private boat moorage. Interested parties are requested to submit, in writing, any comments or objections they may have to the proposed work. The decision as to whether a permit will be issued will be based on an evaluation of the impact of the proposed work on the public interest. Factors affecting the public interest include, but are not limited to, navigation, fish and wildlife, water quality, economics, conservation, aesthetics, recreation, water supply, flood damage prevention, ecosystems, and, in general, the Simpson Timber Company il replacing three utility bridges on the Shelton waterfront. The first changeover is nearing completion, Robert ttoit, chief engineer, special projects said. The new utility bridge spans Goldsborough Creek and carries an array of steam and power lines and pipes conveying chips, hog fuel and sawdust to Shelton plants and distribution units. All three of the original overhead bridges date back to 1946 and total cost of the replacement project will be approximately $100,000 'said Holt. WORTH OVER $35.00 WHEN YOU BUY A NEW MOTOR SHOP 1306 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-4602 Engineers needs and welfare of the people. Comments on these factors will be accepted and made part of the record and will be considered in determining whether it would be in the best public interest to grant a permit. Replies to. this notice should be mailed to reach the Corps Seattle office not later than April 26 to insure consideration. Methodists Set Services The United Methodist Church will observe Maundy Thursday with a traditional commemoration of the Last Supper. The service will begin in Cen tral Hall and participants gather in groups of twelve around tables. Symbolic foods will represent the foods eaten in the days of Jesus. There will be the symbolic washing ceremony. At 8 p.m. the groups will move to the Sanctuary where the Wesley Hi a!~d~,,~roJ~ Chdait~il~, p~sent~ tdae c~tntat'a, "Song Of Easter". 'The service will close with the breaking of bread at the altar. This service is open to everyone. The United Methodist Youth will again serve Easter Breakfast from 7:30 to 11 a.m. in Central Hall of the Methodist Church. Easter Services will be held at the regular hours of 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. with the Chancel Choir presenting the Easter portions of Handel's Messiah. Everyone is invited to participate in both the breakfast and the Easter Services. Church School through the Junior High level will be held at 9:30 a.m. ..... -...-,-.-;-:.;.:.:.:-:.:.:.;-.,........ ..,:.:.:.:.:.:.:+:.:.:.:.7.:.7.:.:.7.7.:.7.7.7.:.:.:-:.:,:.;.... • ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ...... .....7.;.:,:,:.:,2.:... .... .......... .... 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TO THE 1 st. ::::::::::.:':':': :.:,:.:.;,:.:.7,:. :::::::::::::::::: .:.:.:.:.:,:.:.:.: ili;iiiiiiii::i i::! :.:.:.1.:,:-:.:-: ,,,-,...,.,,..,,.. • ,:.:,:.:,:.:,:,:. :.:.:.:,:,:-:.:.: :::::::::::::::::; ...,,,,..,,,,..... :.:.:,:.?:.:.:,:, :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :i:i:i:?:?:!:~:i:~ 426 -8211 !!iii!~!iiii!ii!~! i!!!!iiiiiiiiiii!i "Drugs messed me up completely," admitted three teenagers to about 1 00 Olympians, meeting last night at City Hall to learn what they could do about drug abuse, as individuals. Ranging in age from 9 to 70, the audience heard three young people tell how they lied,, cheated and stole to get drugs, "...because it was.., you know... I mean.., cool, man." They turned-off parents, teachers, brothers and sisters, and turned-on with drugs - "anything to get a high." All three youngsters have abandoned their doper associates and, with the aide of TEEDRUNAR, a teenage drug and narcotic rehabilitation program, are happy to be back on the "straight" life. "Many times, parents don't even know their children are on drugs," said Albert Harness of the Creative Life Foundation, Inc., Seattle, founders of the TEEDRUNAR approach to drug rehabilitation. Harness said there is a communication gap between parent and teenager, rather than a generation gap. "Kids' talk from the feeling level, the gut level, the only way they know how to communicate - because they don't have the education or experience to talk from any other level. "Adults have feelings too, but Second Lieutenant John D. Hembroff, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. tlembroff, Shelton, Wash., has graduated at Keesler AFB, Miss., from the technical training course for U.S. Air Force air traffic control officers. Lieutenant Hembroff, who learned to direct air traffic control and communications operations, is being assigned to Vandenberg AFB, Calif., for duty in a unit of the Air Force Communications Service. A 1965 graduate of Shelton High School, the lieutenant received his B.A. degree in 1969 from the University of Washington. His wife, Linda, is the daughter of Mrs. Virginia Barring,on, Shelton. Pioneer Board The Pioneer School Board will hold its regular April meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the school library. they filter them through the education and experiences of a lifetime. Adults talk from the intellectual level. "When parent and child do not meet on common ground, the child drifts off with his peer .... group, where he is understood, and the parent becomes hostile with frustration." Harness said it is up to the !, ...... .,. parent to re-discover the ability to communicate at the feeling level. A course in Peer Group Effective Communication, beginning in Olympia on April 12, has been designed by the Creative Life Foundation to help parents. David Clark Is Promoted David Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark, Shelton, has been promoted to Specialist 4. tte is serving in the Army at t]unter Liggett near Ft. Ord., Calif. and has been in the Army 10 months. His address is: Spec. 4 David L. Clark, E Troop, 9th Cav., Ft. Ord, Calif. STEVEN BOSTROM, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bostrom, Shelton, graduated from basic training at Lacktand Air Force Base this week. He is a 1970 graduate of Shelton High School. He has been assigned to Keesler Air Force Base, Miss. His address will be Amn. Steven R. Bostrom; 3391 Student Squadron ATC; Keesler AFB, Miss. 39534. Charles Ross On Honor Roll Charles Ross, Jr. of Shelton was among 908 named to the honor roll at North Texas State University last fall by Dr. J. J. Spurlock, Vice-President of Academic Affairs. Some 163 students earned all "A's" to make the 4.0 honor list during the fall semester, and 745 achieved the 3.5 listing, which includes those students whose grade average is midway between an "A" and a "B." Ross, son of Mrs. Betty .Is,n, 142 Lake Blvd., was named to the 3.5 honor roll. The Mason County Park Board, at a meeting last week, voted to hire William LaDrew to draw up a park plan for the county. The plan is needed in order for the county to be eligible for state and federal money for acquisition and development of parks. LaDrew, a graduate planner from the University of Washington, is employed by a consulting firm. He is a former Shelton resident• Members of the Park Board are J.W. Goodpaster, chairman; Louise Ewart, secretary; William McGee, Nat Stairs, Gary Plews, Evalyn Stirling and Irvin McArthur. Moose Lod No. 1684 at Mt. View School grou.nd's:L ...... r ~ -¢;, ill FOR ALL CHILDREN AGES 1 THROUGH 12 \ Fun... Enjoy Y Reserve now for an Easter feast from our festive board. It's a relaxing treat for Morn, fun for the kids, a great time for all the family. Traditional Easter dinners feature succulent ham or turkey and all the trimmings. Or, choose any main COUrse from our varied menU. 1st & Railroad 426-1 671 FOR if f-FULL LB. TIN REGULARLY $1.29 NOW 1-FULL LB. TUB $2.75 VALUE NOW 7-BU. CAPACITY, 10 TO CARTON, REG. $f .98 NOW ( PLUS FREE SEED TAPE, 49¢ VALUE) WALGREEN ROSE CARNATION & NORWEGIAN I -QUART REGULARLY $1.29 NOW McKesson Vitamin 250 M.G. REGULARLY $2.49 NOW SELECT YOUR Hallmark Easter & Party Goods Society Bag For filling your Easter Baskets PURPLE FOIL EASTER BASKET II NEW KIT • KODAK INSTAMATIC~x'l wrist strap.., the flash pictures without • CX126-12 KODACOLOfl tridge • Attractive camera SMILE Album • 3 SYLVANIA Magic~ pictures GET ALL THIS AT A SPECIAL SAVINGS! IT'S NEW! IT'S FUN.; IT'S $24.95 VALUE ,89 BUYN' LIMITED TIME NOW re~rl Evergreen Square Page 2 - Shetton-Mason County Journal - Thursday. April 8, 1971