April 8, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 8, 1971 |
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_Marriage Lic nses
, .. Applying for marriage licenses
Carla Handley, a l/ year old,in the Mason County auditor s
blue-eyed blond from Sequim will office this week were:
reign as Queen of the annual 76th Rodney Newby, 23,'Shelton,
Irrigation Festival to be held in and Jaimie Green, 18, Scotia, Cal.
COUNTY Richard Rust, residence, $14,500; Officers found the bag contained Sequim from May 1 - 9. Donald Weeks, 23, Mesa, and
] COURT Larry Skillman, four-room an assortment of pills, marijuana, The annual Irrigation Festival, Sandra Strandwold, 16, Shelton.
on the docket inaddition, $3,000; Vagn Sorenson, marijuana seeds, pipes and other celebrated during the first week Raymond Reid III, Houston,
ty Justice Courtremodel, $3,000. items, of May, is the oldest celebration Tex., and Tonya Larson, 16,
ege Glenn Co,red durin Aubrey Clark reported three of its kind in the State of Shelton.
Week were: g SHELTON POLICE pails taken and vandalism to a Washington. Robert Largen, 44, Tacoma,
Mrs. George Cooke reported a house and a boat. Sequim's unique climate, and Suzanne Victor, 29, Tacoma.
~hington State Patrolbicycle left at the 20th Centuary Mrs. George Lewis reported a which averages only 161/2 inches Larris Ulach, 23, Napavine,
rd Adams, St. Rt. 1
', Shelton, driving while Thriftway store, mail box, taken and dumped on a yearly rainfall, requires the and Diane Cook, 20, Cheha!isL
spended, $65 fine, 10Vehicles driven by Ramona neighbor s property Olympic Peninsula town locatedMartin Leeberg, iv, ~nelton,
Rickards and John Silcox collided Mrs Don O"Donnoghue between Port Townsend and Portand Starlene Deyette, 1 8,
Jail, SUspended Alf at SeventhandRailroad. reported a break-in in which a Angeles, to irrigate for Shelton.
t. 2, Box 848, Shelton,Martha Rose turned in a television set ..... t~ken, agrlcultura!.purposes. ..... Al!red Bornhoeft, 47,
Yield right of way, $15 an estimated 8,Ouu peopte t~remerton, and Olhe Hunnel, 34,
1salhd O'Leary, 224 S. wallet she found.
Charles Smith reported a SUPEDivorces URTRIOR CO yea wul eel wlllraga.mfvisit Sequim which this Bremerton.
wallet taken, y ture an old fashioned
1..., -. ot intoxicantsR.L. Schwab reported a Divorce decrees were granted Country ttoedown Dance, a
,rue Intoxicated, $175 window broken out of a car. to: c a r n i v a 1, F e s t iv a I P a r a d e. -------------------------'--------~----
SUSpended, five days in Victor Wright from Irene Demolition Derby and a military ~,l n~,,,
~ed, heense revoked 30 Charlotte Hill reported money Wright. . marching band from McChord Air | ~ ll~W
taken from a purse.
l~lff,,O'Leary, 224 S Deweyert Harvey reported a Nancy Shaw from James Force Base. a
~LtOn, rain - - " Shaw Jr - -
or ~n boat and oars taken.
~,.of and consumin~ " Arrivals
1~e; Margaret EllioL Mrs. Leonard Speece reported Do nal New Cases ,,, , ---------------------------------.A~v
a boy throwing rocks into her u weeks ann >anara ......
. ~z, Seaside, Ore.,yard.
$15 forfeit; KirtleyLinda Kriebs reported her Stranwold, marriage waiver. I~1~~ Mason benerai hospital
Raymond Reid III and Ronya iiH~l Mr. and Mrs. Troy E. Keen,
', 4720 Virginia Avevehicle was hit by another whose Larson, marriage waiver Jr., Rt. 1 Box 63, a boy, March
Len° m o t o r cy cle driver did not stop and identify Mr. and Mrs. William Besch - z ....... - ......... 31.
t,~'~o on person $15himself, against" Stanley Barker, Stua,~-* These tides are for the UnionMr. and Mrs.. Kirk .Criner' Rt.
"~r:~a~tvheJ061 Mason Vehicles driven by Loretta Barker and Burke Barker quietarea. For Shelton and Oakland10 Box 500, ag~rl, April 1.
~, , speeding,Tamburello and Donald Brown title ' Bay, add one hour and ahalfand Mr and Mrs Lynn R.
~Uane Ward, towin~ collided at Fifth and Alder. Twanoh Falls Beach club 2.4 feet. McQuilken, P.O. Box 692, a girl,
in,,.b°at trailer, $15 An undetermined amount of against Theodore Halady, Lonnie Thursday, April 8 April 1.
.*13-'~y" K]pley,forfeit;McClearY,Mack tires were reported taken in a Houghton, Audan Odegard High ........... 3'36 ,~- .... m l 1 ~ ,t. ’" M r. and Mrs. Meredith
-q12 L burglary at Merv's Tire Cap. Rudolph Okert, Loren Selby andLow . .,, ~ .~ ’,Bloedel321 East ISt., a girl
. . aurel, Shelton, ...... 9:54 ,, ........ ,t. '
ur)vmg, driving while A billfold found in front of William Sparring, foreclosure of High 4"00 p m 9 9 ft April 2.
'vended, $35 ~ the J.C. Penney store was turned assessments. Low .......9149 -'m' 3"7 ’'"Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.
Ul," SUspended,'me 10 in to the Police Department. . ......... p ....tt. Landis, 1016 Ellinor St., a girl,
Melsin Kathy Jackson reported a drill CITY BUILDING PERMITS Friday, April 9 April April 4.
630 NE 23rd. .
"~Xpired Vehicle license', and twopaint brushes taken from Building permits approved by High ....... 3:54 a.m. I 1.0 ft. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard G.
Operator,s license on a garage, the city of Shelton during theLow ......10:18 a.m.2.3 ft. Hunter, P.O. Box 651, a boy,
30 forfeit; Frederick Windows were reported past week were to Gary Kunnaz,1gin ....... 4:42 p.m. 10.3 ft.April 6.
... Box 321, Belfmr, broken in the Health Department storage shed, $504; Dennis Low ......10:18 p.m.4.3 ft. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Knight,
~u~p~en!, $30 forfeit; building. . Calvin, fence, $260; D.L. Saturday Anril 10 Rt. 1 Box 26, a girl, April 6.
~'. 'J ISland Lake Dr.A wallet found on the LostAdolfson, fence, $150' Tony H;,.~. ~, v ......... Mr. and Mrs. H. Chris Stevens,
;.plred Vehicle license, Lake Road was turned in. Junker, fence, $110; Allen Lo~w~ ....... 10!48:'mm" 'y'4rfrt2317 Laurel St., a girl, Apri16.
~',.KO.bert Kirkendoll, McGee, fence, $240. Hi-h ......"'~- " " "~'" .... " A son, Gregory Scott, was
.... o born March 25 at Good Samaratin
s~c intoxication, 10 SHERIFF'S OFFICE g . .. ~'z~ p m lu./ it
Mrs. Harold Cain reported a FIRE DEPARTMENT Low ...... 10:54 p.m. 5.0 tt. Hospital in Puyallup to Mr and
storage shed broken into. April 1, 10:50 p.m., Seventh Sunday, April 11 Mrs. Jerry Manley, Tacoma." Mrs.
zipal Department A fence was reported torn and Anglemde, fire m a car driven High ....... 4:30 a.m. 10.9 ft.Manley is the former Darlene
oil, 1332 Ridze Rd,down at Paradise Estates. wo by Rod Erwin. Low 1[ 1"I 2 a m 0 7 ft Bloomfield, daughter of Mr. and
Unk in public "i0 dSteve Nyman reported t April" 2, 10:37 am. . Henry High ...... 6'00 n'm' 11"0 ft"Mrs. Pete Bloomfield of Shelton.
ended; Br-- '- ays
St -- )'an Hayden, outboard motors and three gasGingrich residence, 809 N Third " ..... "~ ,'~,~ [ "-'~ ~-"She was Mason Count-" Fores*
...... ..,. :._,,,, 'Low ..... L J:.,u p In3OIt y t
', Shelton drivi cans taken, ed :bluo oamage to ou]tumg, ~b~+oo to ..... ~--o,..-, ,-, ..............
leated ~..._ , ng Monda A ril 12 ,~uva, ,zueen m ~voz. t~otn sne
1 ,. , ~tz5 fine, $50 'A stop sign was report contents from fire started by Y' P and her husband are teachers in
iice seo days In jail, down. youngsters playing with matches. High ....... 4:54 a.m. 10.8 ft.the Franklin Pierce School
s ~:~,~ SUspended 30 It was reported $40 in cash April 2, 3:09 p.m. Hazel Low ......11:42 a.m.-0.7 ft.District. Paternal grandparents are
"-uer, St. Rt. 1, and a tape recorder were taken Nelson residence, 1018 Ellinor, High ....... 6:42 p.m. 11.2 ft.Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Manley of
funk in public f
il; Ha , ire from Mary M. Knight School. car f!re.. ........... Tuesday, April 13 Tacoma.
- rvey Robinson A grader at the Hoodsport Apru ~ t l'~o p m nre m olo
' "~ " "v'c nthouse Low 12"06am 63ft .....
Reservation, drunk in Ranger Station was reported mattress and sma m a a ........... .
days in jail; Paul S. High 5" 18 a m 10 7 ftI I
broken into. at 106 N Sixth . " ........... m
" Low ......12:18 p.m.-1.1 ft. [ IROPI(AI I:IiN I
I~OX93, Union, drunk Lester Johnson reported High" ....... 7:_30 p.m.l l.2 ft. ] ......... ""'" i
za forfeit; Ceitan vandalism to a mail box. ,
' "303"S 6"" ----'---'-'----'----'---'-"-----"--------"" Wednesday, Aprill4 J Large Variety1 J
tie St., The County Engineer s Office
ru:k~,an Public, $25 reported 26 signs uprooted. III _m Low ......12:48 a.m. (~ it) ft. l" I
~dp~liigi~ll~ ...... High.. ..... 5:42a:m. 10.6I-t. / " : . i
Fancy Guppms C own Barbs
Joe Slate, reported a case of ’g~mlJ~m Low .......l:00p.m. -l.2ft.r ' ' i
~UILDING PERMITS beer taken from the back of a
its approved by delivery truck. " High ....... 8:18 p.m. 11.2 ft. Tetras, Etc. |
u nty Planner s P a c i f i c N o r t h w e s t B e 11 "---~-------'------'------------------- Thursday, April 15 J u at J
Telephone Co. reported an High Low Precip.
Aprill 53 31 - Low .......l:30a.m. 7.set. ! I~i~RNON S
Past Week wereantenna taken from a building. April 2 59 36 .25 .lgn - ...... 6:12 a .... m l0 4 ft AQU A R = u s iJ
Vacation home, A break-in at a residence ~,~ril 3 ’'~ ~3 ~ow .......1 42 p.m -1 2 ft m
mderson,$6,000; Robertadd to owned by Ed Braz was reported. ,~,VApril 4 .... 61 32 _- High .... ...... 9:18 p.m. 11.1 ft. ,, 1221 W. Birch" 4266148-
r cabin, $2',500-A house owned by Dr. Jerome April 5 67 36 - fill
ceabm, $2,5001Stine was reported broken into. April 6 73 45 04 Iff ~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
oarn, $1,000. The Hoodsport Ranger April 7 53 36 112 ~ Ik_ m el --=
its apProved by StatiOnMrs.reportedvandalism.Robert Whitener The extended outlook is for ~ JJJi~II t~a~ n IIII' FV -
Unty Planner'sreported a tire and wheel taken, showers on Friday, and both ~ IIFDI _-=
Past Week were
rs,E~garage and Mrs. Don Olli reported her Saturday and Sunday will be ~ =
daughter's ring taken, partly cloudy. High temperatures ~ From -
will range from 45 to 55 degrees, ,~ ~ - "e
flows between 35 and 45 -~ Z egler's $tudmo & Camera
)_0£ Harold Cottages reported finding a plastic witheteh
ce, $10,000; bag containing several items, deg . .~
124 N. 2nd Shelton ----
Come To Our
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Of Shelton
"Building Mason County"
KODAK INSTAMATIC. X-15 with handy
wrist strap.., the camera that takes
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Thursday, April 8, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Paqe 3