April 8, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 8, 1971 |
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Haunted by the spectre of rising unemployment rolls in
the state caused by Big Brother taking away what Big Brother
had given, the Washington State Senate made a valiant
attempt Monday to snatch disaster from the jaws of defeat.
It was an hysteric occasion as that august body, by a
34-15 vote, passed a proposed constitutional amendment that
would allow the state to lend its credit to a corporation.
The proposal, if passed by the House and approved by
the people, would make it possible for the state to guarantee
loans by private lenders to business ventures so shakey they
can't get loans from those private lenders.
"We're not bankers," said Senator R. R. Greive, who
rammed the measure past his confused brethren. "We would
only back loans that banks say are good."
A statement closer to the truth would be: "We would
only back loans that banks say are no good unless the state
guarantees them."
Senator Jack Metcalf gave a stirring denunciation of Big
Brother messing in economic matters - "Political solutions
always cause more problems in the long run than they solve
in the short run" - and then voted for the measure, to
redress what he termed % crisis in public confidence."
In other words, he compromised his principles to vote for
the measure in order to restcre the public's confidence in his
Senator Francis Holman told his colleagues: "We have the
opportunity to take a positive step toward pulling ourselves
up by the bootstraps."
Those bootstraps are about twenty fathoms under water
at the moment. But here is the way the proposal will work if
it is put into operation:
The State of Washington, affectionately known among
loan-seekers as Little Brother, holds its breath, bends over
and takes a firm grip on its bootstraps. Utilizing all the
strength acquired from a four million dollar loan to a
campaign contributor's brother-in-law for a try at
manufacturing confetti out of salmon scales, Little Brother
gives a mighty tug.
The boots move upward an inch as 110 newly-employed
workers merrily gild salmon scales and stuff them into plastic
bags. Six weeks later, after total sales of $134.98, the world
demand for salmon scale confetti has been satisfied, the
workers are sent back to the welfare office and the
brother-in-law entrepreneur is in Acapulco with a tidy bank
balance and ten bags of confetti for New Year's Eve.
Little Brother pays off Sea-Third National Bank and the
president of that institution issues a subdued statement to
the press.
After weeks of seeming
lethargy, the 42nd Legislature has
picked up momentum•
Bills which had been reposing
quietly in committees, some of
them virtually forgotten, have
started to move; many of them
from one house to the other.
This is especially true in the
"Although our loan officers felt that this particular
enterprise did not fit our lending pattern, we are, frankly, at
a loss to explain the fa tre_gf..a husjaes5 hich show d__ s tk.H0use..°f,Re•presentatives, where
the state and nation just six short weeks ago. But numerous measurers h'ave'~em'el'~ge~d
must look beyond this temporary setback and
" oncentrate on what is ahead. Reports from the site at
Washtucna tell us that the modern plant for turning out cedar
bark potholders - which we financed with a $13 million
state-guaranteed loan - is about ready to roll. We must
remember it's a long lane that has no silver lining just before
the dawn."
But the credit lending scheme does make things start to
move up in the state. Dividends go up at Sea-Third, Poople's,
and National Bank of Commons and the taxes on cigarettes
and booze are raised to cover Little Brother's losses.
Senator Greive expressed horror at the thought the plan
might lead to industrial log-rolling and what he termed
"wide-open politics." We agree, and suggest that an
amendment be offered in the House that would prevent such
a catastrophe.
To keep the credit lending plan clean as a hound's tooth,
the amendment would prohibit members of any group which
has actively lobbied in Olympia from taking part in the
It's a short list, but it would include lawyers, doctors,
dentists, accountants, bankers, newspapermen, industrialists,
businessmen, welfare recipients, teachers, veterinarians,
policemen, firemen, city and county officials, restaurateurs,
barbers, beauticians, labor unionists, pilots, farmers,
saloonkeepers, hunters, fishermen...
It's obvious that list is too unwieldy. It might be best to
name those who could apply for the loans.
Let's see, there are prison inmates, the insane, children
under eight years of age...
Newspapers and radio and television stations are still
reporting the reaction of Americans to the conviction of
Lieutenant William Cailey for the murder of 22 Vietnamese
Res@onse to a poll conducted by a radio station in
Virginia revealed only three of the 688 callers thought Calley
was guilty.
A woman in Chicago wired the military jurors who
rendered the decision: "The whole world is behind him."
Her statement intrigued us, and we decided the Journal
should conduct a poll in a foreign nation to determine
whether or not her assumption was correct.
from various committees to Rules
Committee one day and moved
onto the ltouse calendar on the
very next.
In many instances, rules are
suspended, measures are passed
and sent on their way to the
Senate less than two days after
coming out of their original
about this except that normally,
the first impasse of this occurs by
the third or fourth week. This one
didn't develop until the 75th day.
Tax Bills In Limbo
Gov. Dan Evans' two tax bills,
increasing the tax rates on liquor
and cigarettes, hung on the House
calendar for some two weeks
Whether this is good or bad
depends upon your point of view.
For those opposed to some bill
which suddenly starts moving in
this fashion, it can be a headacht
which fights aspirin five ways.
This sudden splurge ot
activity doesn't necessarily mean
that adjournment finally is in
It m erely means that the
law-makers have reached the
point where it isn't so easy to put
the bottom of the calendar.
Then one day both bills
disappeared from the calendar;
sent back to committee.
But they are far from dead. It
was decided to put off
consideration of any revenue bills
until the final budget takes shape,
and it is known how much new
money is needed.
The concensus is that revenue
"in addition to that from higher
We chose South Vietnam, since that country is our ally
and its citizens should have a first-hand knowledge of the
case. Scanning a map, we selected a town at random.
without receiving action.
~- Each day they were placed at
It was a hamlet named My Lai 4. Through the services of
Pacific Southeast Bell, we placed a hundred calls. To our
amazement, not one was answered.
Apparently there wasn't a man, woman or child at home
last Tuesday in My Lai 4.
With the SST grounded for good, Seattle is tightening its
grip solidly on an extremely valuable resource that is almost
nationally unique.
It's a shame the Boeings, Carlsons and other business
moguls of the community haven't yet realized the real
potential of this resource.
The depression-level unemployment to which the city is
becoming endeared may, in fact, be the key to its economic
recovery - if the city will follow a simple plan.
off from day to day the Remember thosedayswhenSeattlewasfatandsassylike
unpleasant tasks of the session;' the rest of the country, and all the old men - sitting on the
the tough bills, the measures on davenport, drinking beer, watching the color TV set - could
think about was how soft the kids are; how they didn't have
it hard like he did; how they didn't know the value of a
Remember him moaning - only half in jest - that what
this country needed most was another good depression to
teach these brats the value of a buck?
Well, the whole country hasn't gotten what a nation's
fathers wished for, but Seattle has. And that's the resource.
The DAILY suggests that the Chamber of Commerce
start an advertising campaign:
Show your kid the value of a buck!
Start right out of the history books!
Over 13 per cent unemployed - going up daily!
Soup kitchens! Unemployment lines! Unique in the nation!
Tourism - nostalgic dads and morns from parts of the
country not as bad off as Seattle - would pour So would
money. There'd be jobs. Boeing would have to build more
jets to, sate the overloaded airlines.
We wonder why the Chamber of Commerce hasn't done
it yet.
from the University of Washington Daily
Founded 1886 by Grant C. Angle
Mailing Address: Box 430, Shelton, Wa. 98584 Phone 426-4412
Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington,
weekly, except two issues during week of Thanksgiving.
Entered as Second-Class Matter at tl3e Post Office, Shelton, Wa.
Member of National Editorial Association
Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers, Association
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $5.00 per year in Mason County,
in advance -- Outside Mason County $6.00
EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ...................... Henry G. Gay
which it is hard to vote either
But hearings for the most part
have been concluded.
Consideration in executive
sessions has been exhausted.
There is little left to do but to
start~ moving.
Still to be worked out are
budget and redistricting, in
addition to many major pieces of
legislation which have passed
from one house to the other, only
to become bogged down again•
Long Overdue
' An indication of how far this
Legislature is behind schedule can
be found in an incident which
occurred behind closed doors a
week earlier.
The ttouse had adopted
cutoff dates, ostensibly cutting
off consideration of its own bills
as of last Friday. It had in mind,
also, a cutoff date for considering
general legislation that came over
from the Senate.
The !-t'-v,~e majority
leadership proceeded to notify
the Senate leadership of its
J'he Senate majority is
Democratic; the House majority,
Republican, but by a narrow
The Senate leaders blew their
collective tops, informed the
House leaders that in that case,
they would stop consideration of
all executive request bills, and any
other measures which had
Republicans as prime sponsors.
That led to negotiations
toward an amicable settlement,
and a partial casing of the cutoff
date for llousc bills as well.
There is nothing unusual
Page 4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 8, 1971
Editor, The Journal: The facts
It is with absolute disgust that Calley murdered
I feel this letter should be printed included
in your paper concerning your and children.
April Ist editorial. Mr. Johnson
In this editorial you equate into Southeast
Charles Manson with 1st Lt. how many old r~
William Calley, which I feel is children?
unjust, unfair, and unreal. The President Nix0nS
facts stand that Mr. Manson and into Cambodia
Lt. Calley did undoubtedly protect American
murder numerous civilians, but also assigned
for two different reasons. Mr. of civilians. WhY
Manson was not sent by his being tried for maSS
country and government to Mr. Truman
murder. Calley was. H-bomb on two J~
The army went to great pains killing tens of
teaching, training, and civilians; but why
brainwashing Mr. Calley into one tried?
major fact. You must kill to win a I am not
war! They gave him a gun and Calley should be
told him how to use it. He was free, but if we,
trained to be the master of his people, sentence
gun and kill to protect himself that many more
and his men. including the
Finally he was taught to obey mentioned above.
orders and to command his men Maybe the ¢
to fulfill these orders• Calley did States should be
his job, in view of what he had civilian killings in
been taught by army people of than individuals
the United States• wars.
Mr. Callcy was taught to do a Maybe any
deed, but now he is sentenced to wars should be
life imprisonment, by the same support the killers. ,
people who taught him to kill; The latter I fed!
because he did what he was complete charge.
Editor, The Journal:
Thank you for your clear,
sane editorial. 1 was beginning to
think there must be something
wrong with me because i seemed
to be the only one in the country
who felt that Calley wasn't a
poor, dear boy who deserved a
medal instead of a prisoner's cell
for the rest of his life.
Of course; it was just a bunch.
of gooks he killed and everyone
knows they don'!
If the
and a Viet Cong
up an American
helpless, unarmed
lying in a ditch,
boards would re
telegrams wo
demanding HIS
many F
crocodile tears over
liquor and cigarette taxes will be
The amount needed will have
a major bearing on the tax
selected to raise it.
The concensus also is that the
votes aren't there for any general
increase in the sales tax, nor for
any type of income tax.
Possibilities are extension of
the sales tax to personal services,
other than health care, amd-~'~ax
on fntahgibleg. ~ ~ .... ~' .....
Double lmpaet
While debating conflicting
estimates on the economic impact
of the SST debacle, the
law-makers are considering its
effect on the budget as well as the
revenue loss.
The Governor's Office of
Program Planning and Fiscal
Management is standing on its
original estimate that it will mean
a revenue loss of $8.1 million.
But the nongovernmental
Washington State Research
Council estimates the revenue loss
at $15 to $30 million.
Overlooked in this dispute is
the fact that numerous legislators
are taking a second look at the
budget for higher education.
They are trying to compute
the drop in projected enrollment
at state universities and colleges as
a result of 14,000 additional
Boeing employees being laid off
by the end of this year.
The layoff figures influde
7,000 to be let out immediately.
The dispute over the total
economic impact revolves around
how many jobs will be affected in
unrelated industries.
Budget Dilemma
One point on which virtually
everybody agrees is that the
budget must be cut.
Nobody wants to vote any
new taxes at this time.
But they can't agree on where
the cuts should be made.
Everybody has his own ideas on
Americans have never learned how to
cowboys and Indians, and this is an im
U.S. intervention in Southeast Asia,
Swisher, Idaho journalist, educator and former
Swisher told a Washington State
recently that he has little doubt why the U.
of Viet Nam. Going back to former
Jackson, Swisher said it would be im
"hunting down, defeating and even c
people," primarily because such practices
mystique of this country.
Swisher, an adviser to Indian students at
University, said one of the longest, most
this country seems to be coming to a close,
150-year-old "war" against Native AmericanS"
time attention is paid to what has permi
survive despite pressures to be assimilated
melting pot.
Swisher said Indians have no problem of
knows who he is, he identifies with his
not have to be taught his relationship to
living and growing things. These values of
to overcome society's pressures to
The only escape the Indian has flora
extermination of his race, seems to be
non-Indian, Swisher said. If the label of
implies is applied often enough, Swisher said,
develop feelings of inferiority, "and this is
Swisher said the Indian way is not
way to live, "but there are certain parts of the
that should be a part of our society."
feeling of family, whereby members are not
on the basis of non-productivity, he said.
What we'd like to see in this state is a
majority make the decisions, one that
that subject, instead of the people who stay home.
This leads to compromises As it is now, the minority rules.
here; yielding there, until an Last week's school elections in Seattle
agreement is reached which can works.
be sold toa majority in each ~ ~f
house. , Sixty-three per cent of those who tool . . b A
But thenet result probably vote expressed their support for a scla° nc Y.'-Ia
will be a budget that is higher presidential election, that would have beetle%t-- ' b,c 0! a,
additionalthan anybodYtaxes inevitableWants' making landslide.
s Were I~t .~oa,
But the majority lost. Their vote 'fru"
After NeWsomeTaetiesll weeks of because of the other citizens who stayed aWaY Itiell
Maybe the validation rule made sense in ,,-
frustration, Governor Evans is
beginning to see things moving his must have been designed to prevent unPO A h %t h
way in the Legislature
He had pretty well had his
way w!th the Legislature on most
major ISSUes
every session since he
took office, until this session
The current rebellion among
the Republicans finally had been
molhfied, thou
' gh it hasn t been
subdued completely But new
tactics are involved, encouraged people not to participate in
He has found that to get what
he wants, he now must give a
little. This has led to much vote
How well he does could
depend upon how long he can go
before he runs out of trading
couldn't do much better than the system
The validation rule gives the
non-,voter. The 60 per cent requirement
the minority.
Between them, these two archaic
electoral process in our state. We ought to